An Akashic Perspective on Free Will
by Jen Eramith | Akashic Transfromations
Dec. 4, 2014
Can people really deviate from their divine plan or their life plan?
Yes, people deviate from their life plan often because a life plan is just that – a plan. People change their plans all the time! As soon as a person deviates from their life plan, the plan rearranges itself according to the choices they have made, so that once you actually go through the act of deviating you are no longer deviating -- you are just following the new course you have chosen. This always with the direction, agreement and oversight of your higher self and all the Spirit Guardians, Masters, and Teachers of the universe who are a part of your life plan.
The nature of free will is this -- free will begins the moment that a spirit or a soul decides to become a part of this world. Since this world is what you would call a “free will zone,” you cannot arrive in this world either as a spirit or in physical form without making the choice to come here freely by your own design. No spirit or soul can possibly be manipulated, tricked or forced into becoming a part of this world, so the initiation of free will in this world begins with your initial choice to be here in the first place.
When you choose to become part of this world, whether you choose to come here as a spirit or in physical form, your soul immediately creates a plan, a direction or, at the very least, an intention for being here. Written in that intention is a series of possibilities. Depending upon what you are planning on or what you wish to have happen, some of these possibilities are more probable than others so that every life -- whether it is the life of a spirit or an angel, or the life of a human, animal or plant -- every life has some direction laid out for it and that is what you call your life plan. That life plan is set in motion by you through your own free will. Almost always, a soul or spirit lays out their life plan in accordance with what some of you call the “will of God.” Others of you call it the “council of your Spirit Guides,” or your own divine free will. But always, your higher self, which is you, always make your plans with an understanding of context -- of how your life plan will interact with the life directions of others, how your life plan will create change in the world or hold things in place in the world, and how you will respond as all these things change.
There is always a vast understanding of context by your higher self and by what you might call God or the council of Spirit Guides who help direct you -- all of the masters, teachers and wisdom holders who dedicate themselves to being part of your life in one way or another. While you are free in every moment to make any choice you want to, your Spirit Guides assure that your attention is never drawn to those kinds of experiences that are completely outside of the possibilities or probabilities based on your life plan. This is where you come up with the terms “destiny” and “fate.” Destiny and fate are not plans written in stone, they are simply the sense of purpose and the sense of direction that reflect your attunement with your own life plan. This life plan includes the intentions that you set forth and the possibilities and probabilities that span out from that original intention. This means that as you go along in every free moment, your free will enables you to change your direction and to reorient yourselves to a new version of the plan.
In fact, every choice you make changes the direction slightly. It is rare to find a lifetime that has a single track that is your life plan, in which every choice outside of that leads you off the plan. Instead a far more accurate image to describe your life plan, and the way it interacts with free will, is that a life plan is very similar to a series of doorways. In every moment the choices that you make open a doorway to a new set of possibilities. Those possibilities give you a set of choices. When you make a choice it is as if you step through a doorway and open to a new series of possibilities. This is true in regard to your big life choices such as whether you become a parent or not, or whether you decide to take a certain job or go to school. This is equally true for the tiny little choices that you make, such as what to eat for breakfast or whether to go for a walk in the morning. What you call smaller or insignificant choices open a doorway just as much as those larger experiences or choices open a doorway. Your life plan unfolds according to your choices in every moment. Free will must be an action in order for any life plan to unfold.
Again the answer is, you are free to make any choice whether it is currently a part of your life plan or currently something that you did not see coming. The instant a new choice becomes a possibility, and then the instant that the choice is made and the deviation occurs, it is woven into your life plan. It is woven into the overall structure and plan for you so that once you actually make the choice it is no longer a deviation, it is simply another possibility or probability that you follow.
The law of free will actually is not just about making choices on an everyday basis, the law of free will in this world means that you are, in every moment, the architect of your life. Your higher self and your human mind are constantly reworking the plan together -- constantly deciding what to do, what new experiences to encounter, and how they will unfold. You are simply following through on a new set of possibilities and learning to make choices based on a sense of true inner alignment rather than an externalized definition of right or wrong.
Does free will truly exist in the third dimension? Do third-dimensional human beings really have free will?
Yes and yes, though sometimes you do not feel like you do. The question about third-dimensional beings is really a question of perspective. As a third-dimensional being, whether you are a human, plant, animal or a rock (though rocks typically do not have a single soul, but they do have a life force more like a collection of many, many souls or individuals might infuse themselves through the energy of a rock, where a plant, animal or human being often will have an individualized soul or spirit, but we digress...) -- when you decide to live a third-dimensional lifetime, part of the agreement is that you, in some ways, forget or lose track of the perspective of your higher self...
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