Hathors – Vibrational Frequencies – How to stabilize your energies – Cosmic Update

Greeting everyone! Before I begin the channeling I would like to add a personal note, I have discussed this in my previous message to you, that we are currently going through a “safety corridor” and are nearly out of it, and so I have began to receiving many messages again from the etheric, this message comes from the Hathors and it is incredibly important! As it gives us even more insight into what is really happening behind the scenes, this message also tells us what to do in order to balance out our energies.
Hathors - Vibrational Frequencies -
How to stabilize your energies - Cosmic Update
Before I received this message in the last few days I was drawn to keep placing a citrine gemstone into my belly button, I didn’t understand quite the reason, but I find myself wanting to protect this energy gateway at all times. Now I understand why.
Once again for me it was the belie button and after I started holding a citrine there things have restored for me, I also place my goddess vortex there for the night for extra security, balancing and cleansing affect.
After this channeling I will talk in depth about the properties of each of the substances mentioned in the channeling. I would also like to remind you that on my blog Sacred Ascension Merkaba.com you can find various CLEARING and PROTECTION techniques that I talk about all the time.
And for those of you who have Natalya Ankh’s tools, please use the Goddess Vortex with, the Sephirot/Seraphim disc, and
AA Michael Disc at this time, as these are the most active ones right now. The rest of her tools work great too, but I feel drawn to these particular ones lately hence I’m mentioning them to you. Once again CITRINE is highly important right now, so if you have it, take it with you wherever you go, tape it to your body, use it in your bath to add the clearing frequency to the water, have it next to you when you work on a computer. Or use any of the stones mentioned in the channeling by the Hathors.
Now having said this here is the channeling I received from the Hathors:
“The purification of cosmic Atlantean energies have begun their final descend onto the planet. The purification of cosmic Atlantean energies are underway, which is resulting in the disruption of various daily activities, the connectedness to the ethers and the connectedness to the time continuum.So as promised I would like to talk about what each of the substances/gems that were mentioned in the channeling. I will discuss both the use of these stones as they are, as well as the elixirs that are made from them, which you can purchase at http://pegasusproductsshop.com or anywhere else that these type of elixirs are sold, providing that you feel the need to do so.
For the molecular structure of your earthly reality, and your planet and all living beings presently residing on your planet are undergoing a complete restructuring on the molecular level , in order to anchor in new energies coming forth from the benevolent star alliances as has been predisposed and predetermined eons past.
For the stars of yesteryear are aligning into position in order to shower your planet with ethereal energies yet again. Whereby the old energies are presently lifting off Gaia and are being transported into the ethers for healing and transmutation. The clashing of said energies is producing a time ripple effect which is sending waves of varying degrees affecting all who dwell on all timelines of your creation.
And hence, the stabilization of said energies is under way via the etheric cleansing techniques introduced into your ethers eons past. The cleansing techniques involving various gemstones, such as citrine, malachite, meteorite, black Cohosh (vibrational essence), shungite and emerald, these are the stones and essences for the coming of times, these are the stone that are to be utilized by many of you in order to restore your balance in the weeks to come. Place them upon your body wherever you feel a tingling sensation, wherever you feel misbalance occurring, these are the stones that shall prevent the ripple and waves of terror that may besiege you throughout the cleansing and purification phase that is underway. Stay in the light dearly beloveds, know that we are standing with you ready to land you a helping whenever you need us.
That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.

So to start with is Black Cohosh Flower Essence (Please note the discussion is about the flower essence not the actual tincture of this herb), according to http://www.Fessflowers.com
“The potential of Black Cohosh for soul healing was first brought to our attention by Matthew Wood in his book, Seven Herbs, Plants as Teachers. He indicated it for the magnetic personality who often attracted relationships of abuse and domination, leading to a protective holding back of fluids in the body, causing congestion and tension.
Our experience of other flowers in the Buttercup family has shown them to be associated with the way our soul handles psychic force. In the Black Cohosh we are dealing with a remarkable polarity between what is hidden under the earth and what is offer up to the light above. The congested, gnarled and dark root relates to the emotional and psychic congestion resulting from unconscious psychic power. The flower, by contrast is bursting with pure white, climbing on a vertical staff aligns what is below with what is above. It is the same power we experience in our “I”, standing tall and erect between Heaven and Earth.
Through the power of the Black Cohosh flower essence, our spiritual individuality can take hold of our emotional shadow and the dark energy it has attracted, confront and transform it into a positive, creative force.

Malachite: From the book “Individual Gem Elixirs by Gurudas” : “Diseases such as autism, dyslexia, epilepsy, neurological discharge problems, physical coordination disorders, and visual problems are treatable because of the impact malachite has on the right-left brain imbalances. It can be used to treat mental illness, radiation-induced illness, and over intoxification of the system. Malachite expels plutonium, which often lodges in the throat region, from the body. People living near nuclear power plants or nuclear storage facilities or who are constantly exposed to radiation from other causes should usually wear this stone, keep pieces in the house, and sometimes, ingest this as a gem elixir for increased protection. On the cellular level, malachite, promotes complete tissue regeneration. In the physical body, it strengthens the heart, pineal gland, pituitary gland and circulatory system and increases capillary action. The tubercular and heavy metal miasms are weakened, toxicity in the fatty tissue is removed, red corpuscles are invigorated, and neurological tissues are rejuvenated.
In the form of an elixir it stimulates healing properties within individuals by awakening the altruistic nature. This inspires healers to give more freely of themselves. Burned –out healers also benefit from this elixir. This property develops because malachite opens the heart chakra, stimulates the circulatory system, and aligns the etheric and emotional bodices. In addition, the third charka is balanced, self expression improves, and this is a good elixir to use during fasting.

Meteriorite From the book “Individual Gem Elixirs by Gurudas” Many mateorites are from Maldec. That planet formerly existed within the area now known by thy scientists as the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. That civilization reached a state of technological development more advanced than present earth conditions and similar to early Atlantis before that culture moved away from nuclear technology. Many meteorites on the earth come from Maldec; this is one of the reasons why there is a karmic connection between Maldec and earth.
As an elixir, this particular substance has the capacity to stimulate communication within the gene pool of extraterrestrial advancements made within the genetic structure of mankind. Each individual has points of stellar origins many times within the circumference of past lives. Meteorite helps one attune to past lives from other planets in a different constellations. It releases from within the self a sense of greater awareness and unity with extraterrestrial influences. Through this elixir, people can learn to telepathically communicate with individuals on UFO’s and with those who live on other planets in various constellations. As a thought amplifier, meteorite has the ability to increase awareness and telepathic communication with beings from other spheres of existence.

Shungite: Source: http://meanings.crystalsandjewelry.com/shungite/ Shungite has electric conductivity properties. This is said to be the reason for one of shungite’s most notable uses: shielding and protection from EMF electromagnetic radiation from things like TVs, computers, microwaves, cell phones, and other items. This shielding brings with it many healing energies.
Shungite is used by many for purification. This often takes the form of creating an elixir or purifying water for drinking or bathing the skin to bring about healing and energy. Springs near the source of Shungite have been used at least as far back as Czar Peter the Great for its healing properties.
Shungite is an excellent stone for magickal and mystical work. It grounds spiritual energy to bring it into the Earth plane existence. Shungite is also used to bring Light into the auric energy field, allowing positive energy only to reach within that field. This brings not only physical protection, but also psychic protection. It is said to be protection against the evil eye and negative energies.
Shungite is said to calm and relax anyone using or near it. This may be due to its protective energies and rejection of negative energy.
Shungite is used in crystal healing to heal immune system, hair growth, kin diseases and deformations, antioxidants, fight free radicals, cancer, rheumatic arthritis, osteoarthritis, musculo-skeletal disorders, liver disease, kidney disease, GI problems, headaches, insomnia, balancing blood pressure to ideal level, respiratory issues, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, pain relief, rapid healing and more. It is considered by many to be a miracle healing stone. Shungite is related to the root or base chakra.

Emerald From the book “Individual Gem Elixirs by Gurudas” stimulates a sense of movement and motion, aids the chlorophyll in the blood, is associated with tranquility. Eloquence develops, and a troubled mind is calmed. Some feel emerald is valuable in circulatory and neurological disorders.
As an elixir it strengthens the heart, kidneys, liver and pancreas. Parts of the vertebrae associated with the heart, and pancreas are enhanced. The heart is strengthened to deal with the extra toxins that flow into the system during a cleansing, particularly from a discharge of toxicity in the muscles,. This is why there may be a quickening of the pulse. The kidneys remove toxicity form the system and process hidden fears. Healing within the skin is stimulated, and there is some impact on the lymphatic system. Most heart and kidney diseases as well as the syphilitic and petrochemical miasms are eased.
Androgynous in its properties, emerald balances the heart charka, which is also the test point. The etheric, astral and emotional bodies are aligned. This stabilizes the personality and keener insights into dreams develop. It also stabilizes the astral body and generally increases psychic and clairvoyant faculties. Emerald balances the heart, especially in relation to the father. The heart and kidney meridians are strengthened.

And finally Citrine : From the book “Individual Gem Elixirs by Gurudas” Citrine has long been associated with activating the mental powers. Mental discipline, greater control over the emotions, and clearer thought forms develop.
Here we find an influence on the heart, kidneys, liver and muscles. On the cellular level, we find stimulation of general tissue regeneration. There can be complete regeneration in the circulatory system, particularly the red and white corpuscles, with a mild influence on the lymphatic and cell tissues of the fresh brain. This elixir notably removes toxemia from the body, such as with appendicitis, or when there is gangrene. Citrine may also be indicated for intestinal toxemia when the body has turned on itself and become toxic.
Citrine stimulates general healing within the body psychical, and mildly eases all the miasms. All forms of background radiation, especially toxic forms, such as radium, are treatable with citrine. Antitoxic nutrients such as vitamins A, C, E, selenium and zinc are better assimilated.
Self destructive tendencies, particularly of suicidal nature, are alleviated. As a thought amplifier, citrine should be used with meditation to rejuvenate the physical form and eliminate toxic thought forms. There is a rekindling of confidence in the self, the true inner self, through increased contact with the higher self. Increased alignment between the astral, emotional, mental, soul and spiritual bodies results, and the meridians and nadis are stimulated. The base, heart and throat charkas are also activated.
Citrine can be worn anywhere eon the body, but it is most effective when in direct contact with the skin, rather than encased within a metal.
Thank you for reading. I love you all. Goodbye for now =)

P.S. To help you on your journey I have written and published a book. It is now available for all of you in both hard copy and digital form. It is called “Mission To Earth – A Light workers guide to self mastery”. In it I explore topics such as: Why you are here and what you are doing on earth. How Starseeds get to earth to begin with. Why you feel the way you do. How to communicate with your guides. How to discover your life purpose. How to release everything and let it go. How to reprogram yourself in order to fully connect with your true essence. How to release old thinking patterns and institute a new reality into your life. How to change your life and make it what you want it to be, and most importantly how to find a link back HOME! There’s a lot more that I discuss in this book. I invite you to join me on this journey of self discovery as we explore together the “HOW”, the “WHY” and the “WHEN”. For more information please visit : https://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/books/
~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL–https://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/
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