Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Weekly Forecast: February 22 - 28, 2015 a message from Kelly M. Beard

Weekly Forecast: February 22 - 28, 2015

a message from Kelly M. Beard

Weekly Forecast:  February 22 - 28, 2015

2/22 ~ Venus (love & beauty) ~conjunct~ Mars (passion):

This is our primary feminine (Venus) and masculine (Mars) energies merging in a potent way, arousing a need to cultivate powerful relationship (whether physical/sexual or relating/socializing with others).  There is a strong need for approval (on one level) and affection (on another level) from others and if you are not interacting with human beings on some level, this energy can also activate your artist nature (Venus).  This a perfect time to create something (project or relationship) that is seeded by a deep, authentic love.

2/23 ~ Sun (core identity) ~square~ Saturn (responsibility):

With this energy, it is best to understand that you will have two distinct pulls within - duty versus self-gratification. It's not nearly as bad as it feels, however, it does bring up something we all struggle with to some degree or another - SELF & OTHERS. How much do you owe your Self and how much are you obligated to others? Balance and reciprocity come to mind as guides. One of the challenges of this influence is the tendency to make assumptions without checking whether they are true. Never assume! Some people may feel restricted, as if life is too demanding and there's never any time just for you. Others may find their lives falling apart because they have avoided responsibility for so long and now there's no more "wiggle room". Try to convert your impatience with seeming restriction to self-discipline - make a commitment to your Self and follow through. Physically and psychologically, your energies are low at this time. You may feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, but you don't expect help because you haven't asked for it. Remember, that is your choice. You may be reinforcing the very circumstances that make you feel lonely and isolated. What you must do is break out of the vicious cycle and take a good look around you, at your life and the people you allow in it. The events related to this transit tend to magnify the chinks in your ego structure. The purpose of discouragement is to reveal the weaknesses in your conception of your Self and to show where you must work to gain greater confidence in your Self.

2/24 ~ Venus (love & money) ~trine~ Saturn (stability):

This energy tends to make you very realistic about your relationships and is, therefore, a good time to talk about any recent challenges or future plans. Venus is the energy of love and money, so you will also be objective and somewhat conservative where both your relationships and finances are concerned. With this interaction with Saturn, I would suggest outlining a reasonable financial goals for the next 3 - 6 - 12 months. Relationships started under this influence should be fairly stable and more practical than passionate, but solid nonetheless.

2/25 ~ Mars (energy) ~trine~ Saturn (stamina):

This is a delicious combo!  Saturn brings the long term goals to the table and Mars' energy can fuel your efforts creating amazing results.  This energy enables you to focus longer, attend to the details, overcome obstacles, and get more tangible results of your actions.  Normally, these two get together and it is more the ‘tortoise and the hare' energy, which can be frustrating.  However, they are in a blessed position to each other and if there is any major project which needs your attention, now is the time you will likely be in the mood to tackle it and be completely supported.

2/25 ~ Sun (Self) ~conjunct~ Neptune (illusions):

This energy is known for producing two distinct effects, so watch for one or both to surface.  This transit tends to make you very sensitive (rational or not) to other people.  If you are one of those people who tends to put everyone else's needs before your own, watch out, because this makes that urge even stronger.  Be aware of two things: (1) most times people who focus so much on others, to the exclusion of their own needs, is because there is something about their own life they do not want to face; and (2) you could get lost in your so-called altruism to the point where you lose touch with reality.  This energy is best used alone to meditate and contemplate your own world unless you can be completely detached in your charity work.  I use this little motivation to decide - is your life so perfect and abundant that you can afford to spend so much time and energy on another's life?  If so, GREAT!  Go for it!  If not, however, then "charity begins at home" - work on YOU!

You are encouraged to share articles as long as copyright and contact info are always included.  Thanks for your courtesy. Kelly M Beard Kelly@KarmicTools.com ~ www.KarmicTools.com Published by GypsyChild Publishing Copyright © 2000-2014 Kelly M Beard All Rights  Reserved

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