February 23-March 1, 2015 ~Contributed by Hillory Skott
This week offers support for a serious approach to dreams and loving relationships. Stable Saturn is connecting with sometimes fickle Venus and brave bold mars. This brings up issues of commitment, responsibility and action. Magical Neptune is in a heart to heart hug with the bright beautiful sun- The boundaries between your dreams and your reality are dissolving. Philosophical big picture enthusiast Jupiter is opposed to Mercury- Creating communication opportunities. Let yourself shine, the right people will see the light. Tuesday PST Saturn is interested in getting a little closer to courageous Venus in Aries. A supportive Trine could indicate that you might meet
someone who has a wise role model kind of energy that could really help you out in a show you the way sort of way. New connections now have long-term positive influence. It may just be time to get a little more serious about your relationships. It is the little everyday acts of consideration and support that make a relationship string over the long haul. Now you can see how this works. With Saturn making the same connection to Madly rushing Mars in Aries on Wednesda y. You might just be able to madly rush yourself through something that has been stalled for a long time. An old project that keeps getting sidelined could be picked up and run with. You would be amazed how easy things can come together when you are poised and ready to act in the right moment. Now is right moment. That same day this heart to heart between the Sun and Neptune will be interesting to say the least. It could be interesting in an otherworldly kind of way you just can't quite explain. Or, the dreams you have been dreaming start to come into focus. Out of the misty images of your imagination wishes you've wished become real. Do yourself a favor and express yourself creatively today, in an attempt to explain the unexplainable. Capture the beauty in whatever way you can. Paint, write, draw, sing etc. By the end of the week Jupiter is connecting to Mercury. Mercury is finally freely moving through radical Aquarius. And, Jupiter is in brightly shining Leo. Let the real you out. Speak your mind, but most importantly speak your heart. Coming from the place the real you resides is the greatest gift you can give. It gives others permission to do the same. A magically productive week lies ahead. Most of the confusion has dissolved and all your faculties are ready for forward motion. When in doubt, don't mid week. Be open to receive direct guidance and act spontaneously. Enjoy the momentum. PS A great example of Neptunian, nothing is as it seems, it's all an illusion energy, occured for me a couple weeks ago with my seemingly dying dog. Nothing is as it seems in Pisces. I am thrilled to say she has fully recovered her former old girl vigor. It seemed she was circling the drain, but she bounced back. I guess I Just needed to Grieve. “Who Doesn’t?” asks Pisc es. Many thanks for all the well wishes and energetic assistance in those difficult days. ~Contributed by Hillory Skott
Enjoy a Fabulous Week and Create Amazement!
Karen & Salma
Be more...Love more...Live more and Never Settle for Less Go Beyond!
Unbounded Potential Empowerment Group Inc.
49 Canyon Blvd West
Lethbridge, AB
T1K 6X6
Hours Monday-Thursday 10AM-4PM Mountain
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