Saturday, February 28, 2015

Wake up Call: St. Germain, February 27, 2015 by Nancy Tate + Wake up Call: St. Germain, Feb 26, 2015 by Nancy Tate

Nancy: St. Germain, I have had several responses to your message yesterday asking what it is you were referring to about the information in pertaining to the funds. Would you please give us more on that subject?
St Germain: I am glad that you asked, dear ones for this is a subject that has been spread worldwide in various groups and to various individuals. It represents the ways in which the funds will be distributed and utilized for the clearing of the widespread needs for the planet in so many ways. This has been being in the pathway for some years now, and because of the persistence of the people involved to stick with it and practice their expressions of believing in the procedures that are necessary in the reconstruction of the earth is so many ways, there will be funds distributed in the first steps to those who have been involved for so long. They have been living their life's purpose in the expression of being involved with this process, and now they are on the threshold of being able to take the next steps in their missions.
This is not to say that there won't be an additional distribution of the funds. It is a matter of the barricades that have been in place being removed as I speak in a procession of behind the scenes events that will one day be brought forward and told to the people as part of the disclosure of not only the truth of the universe but of what has been taking place on earth that has not been made public. The time is coming dear ones, for the truth to come forth. It will be for some of you a joyous gratitude you will feel for the truth to finally be set free. For others it will be a process of believing what they have will have been told, as compared to what they have been led to believe through this lifetime, and so many other lifetimes. Even the idea of multiple lifetimes will be something they will be considering whether to be truth, or more of the fiction that they have felt they are being told.
So, dear ones, when you hear of something that you're not sure of to be truth, just look around you and see how others are responding, how they have been living and how it is speaking itself in their lives. Then more importantly look within yourselves and ask for the inner guidance that resonates for you, and go forward with that. Trust in your own inner voice and then move forward in the power of that and the Love that you feel for all of mankind.
I believe in you. We all believe in you. It is time for all of you to believe in yourselves and walk forward in your truth in a way that can change not only your world, but also the rest of the world as One.
Thank you so much dear St. Germain. I'm sure that will help many people to understand.
Much Love, Nancy Tate


Wake up Call: St. Germain, Feb 26, 2015
by Nancy Tate

I am here today to tell you of a new change that is taking place as I speak. I am St Germain, and I bring you this news because it is part of what you have been dealing with in the money matters around your globe. This is a time for you all to demonstrate your patience and offer your good will to those who are in the vestiges of distributing the funds to all of those who have submitted their information.
It is a time in which the currencies are in the distribution process and that means that as this progresses there will be more events that will slow it down. Despite this it will not stop them. It will prove to be a better and clearer distribution that will freely come to the ones who are in place and ready to move forward with their projects. I bring this information to you in order to appease the issues that you have been facing. It is a common occurrence that has been plaguing this planet since its beginning of being populated, in whatever way the energy has built throughout the habitation evolvement.
I tell you now that no matter how it seems, it is moving forward in a way that will be evident to you after the results are underway. There is coming a period in which we will all see the changes that are moving forward in this moment. It will then show you how the movements work, and how your energies of patience and Love can build a powerful clearing and smooth flow of the abundance that is coming for all of you.
Give yourself a moment to think about what has been taking place. See the opportunity that you have been giving yourselves, through your cooperation with all of the facets of the evolvement of the ways that life is experienced here on this beautiful planet. It is a heaven on earth that is in the making. As it comes to be you will see the creation that is being seeded now from the issuance of the funds as a small part of the eventual outcome. Yes, I say eventual, for you have agreed to the experience of learning how you can create in the moment in any aspect of life that you bring forth.
I look and I see some of you all in a frenzy, some in a calmness, and in the joy of seeing beyond what your expectations have been. I see a wonderful growth in so many of you. That tells me that you are creating in a way that will be obvious to you in the soon to come events. As the harmony comes into the easy flowingness of expressions that will create the heaven on earth, not only on the surface of this planet but from within it as well, you will realize fully how you helped it to happen. From that you will begin to see what you can do to assist in the flowing forth of the new way of living on and within the planet and beyond. Yes, you will be exploring the universe and seeing what the potential is in the creativity that you have within your fields. It is far more than you had been able to do before you began this duality experience that you have been in.
So, my dear ones, I see that you will be gaining new insight and completing so many tasks that will lead to a whole new way of living on this world that you are bringing to a new expression. You have the power to bring about that which you see to be the way of life that generates the abundance of Love and creation that is in the moment and full of the regenerative energy of life in the Heavens that you are creating as I speak.
Yes, you are in the percentage that began the process of bringing it all to a new way of being. It is a matter of living the moment and enjoying it in any way that you are inspired to. This is what you are bringing to the rest of the universe. You are the creators of your world. Now you are soaring forth to the expression that you will be bringing to the universe and beyond, to all expression that you have created through your dedication to your truth of being the creators in the Oneness that you are. I walk with you in the peace, joy and Love that is all of us.
Thank you dear St. Germain,
Much Love, Nancy Tate

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