Sunday, February 22, 2015

Your Angel Messages for February 23 - March 1 from Doreen Virtue

Your Angel Messages for February 23 - March 1 from Doreen Virtue

Published on Feb 21, 2015

This week calls you to step up your faith and optimism, including healing any past emotional pain which led to you distrust yourself or others. Doreen guides you through a healing meditation for emotions in this video.

This inner work is important, because you are now at a point in your life where you'll make better choices for yourself. So, it IS safe now to trust your intuition.

Toward the end of the week, you'll be focused upon making positive changes to your home. Either you'll move, or you'll improve your home in some way that makes it more comfortable for you.

Notes: This video features Carob and Precious, the Pomeranians, and special guest appearances by Love the Golden Retriever and Bentley the Sheltie.

Doreen's dress is by Wunjo Crow Australia.


Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle Cards  relate to messages from our environment:

Mon.-Tues:  "Your Desire is Within Reach" ~ Have faith, everything is working out in your favor. Co-creating answers to your prayers regardless of current circumstance or money, etc.

Wed-Thurs:  "Emotional Healing" ~ Past hurts and betrayal need to heal.  Call upon Archangel Raphael to help you to heal the heart, and body to release fear, and trust your intuition and red flags

(Mother Mary visits for heart detox..the key is forgiveness, hanging on is too high a price to pay..Let it go, surrender and feel peace.)

Fri-Sat.-Sun.: "New Home: ~ A move to warmer climes, or an upgrade or big change in house that helps you to feel safer, or a move. Clearing out clutter, old energy, sage and clearing. Sleep better, feel more secure.

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