11th FEBRUARY 2015
Channeled & Transcribed by Holly Hawkins Marwood
“Greetings Dear Ones. We are the High Council of Orion.
For those of you who listen to our messages regularly you know and are aware of our conversation around vibration and the energy that you carry. It’s the energy of who you are, the way you vibrate at this moment in time that influences, or effects or draws into your experiences. For that there is much to celebrate. Is there not? For you can look at many aspects of your life and think how wonderful and how great it is. You could look at significant people, perhaps your employment, where you live (whether it’s the home you live in or whether it’s the place in the world that you’re choosing to live). All of that is your evidence of vibrational stance, if you will, in the world. Yet if you are wanting to effect some change in your life, whether it’s large or small, no matter what it’s about: whether it’s about your body, your mind, your emotions, your job, your income level, your relationships, no matter what it is, when you want to begin to affect that change that you desire you put things in place to do that. Perhaps you go look for a new job, create a resume, put applications in. Perhaps you change and work with your body through more exercise, different types of exercise, what you’re drinking, what you’re eating or even how you’re thinking about your body. You could go through all the areas of your life that you’re working to effect change and see the action items, but all of those at their foundation are working with your inherent energy and your vibratory rate. As your actions and your thoughts change your vibrational rate, then your experience changes. You witness the change that you are desiring.
Understanding, at a very core level, that all of the actions, all of the things that you are desiring to change, are a result of changing at the very, very most basic level your vibrational rate. You can see that there are many ways to change your vibrational rate. Say, for example, we’ll just continue with the idea of changing your body, there’s something that you want to change about your body. Perhaps that change your body so it’s slimmer, stronger, maybe more flexible. Maybe you have a particular competition or goal in mind so you have a date of some event, whether it’s a marathon or a bodybuilding event or even events such as a celebration of some sort where it’s important for you to have your body be in a different way. As you think about those things that you would want to do for yourself to achieve your goal: maybe you’re going to change the types of food you eat, increase your exercise or change your exercise. No matter what it is as you eat those different foods, make different choices, work a little bit harder, drink a lot more water, whatever it might be, honor the vibratory change that you are affecting in your life. As you see any change that’s moving in the direction you want we ask you to celebrate your actions in the world and also celebrate the vibrational shift that is coming about because of the changes you are making!
Why are we making this big deal about vibrational changes and celebrating it? The reason is because that energy that represents who you are in the moment and then the shift in the energy that represents the change in the world that you’re experiencing is the foundation for all change and all striving and all experiences that you have. As you draw your awareness and even in celebration to the vibratory rate that you are emanating that allows you to have those certain experiences, it begins to help you become more attuned to and aware of the impact and the influence and the support that you have in the vibratory field around you. This is part of you living into that big energetic body that is and always has been here with you in this moment in time, yet within your culture and society there hasn’t been that constant awareness and reinforcement of working with those energies.
It’s a wonderful thing to begin working with your energetic body as well as the physical body; the physical body not just in terms of our previous example, but the physical body of all that you embody and all the ways that you vibrate in the world in your life at this time. You could apply our example of changing your body to any area of your life that you’re striving to improve in whether that area feels very challenging or whether it’s already great you and want to make it even better.
So enjoy celebrating your vibratory reality! We celebrate that along with you. Feel the expansion. Feel the joy and the ease with that. As you tap more and more into your energetic experience, in addition to your physical experience, your sense of creativity and empowerment can change because you are more actively engaged with the energetic field around you, bringing in more information that’s, in a sense, hovering right around you that you are beginning to access in a greater and greater way to your advantage, to your support. And as always have fun! Enjoy the adventure of the life that you chose to have.
Be Blessed.
We are the High Council of Orion.”
© 2015 Copyright Holly Hawkins Marwood
This channeled message may be reproduced in it’s entirety provided it is kept in its original form and not altered or changed in any way, with the author and a link to clearly displayed as shown below.
Channel: Holly Hawkins Marwood
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