Monday, March 9, 2015

NorthPoint Astrology Journal March 9 to 15, 2015 by Pam Younghans

NorthPoint Astrology Journal
March 9 to 15, 2015 by Pam Younghans

Highlighted Aspects:
MON: Jupiter trine Mars; WED: Neptune semisquare Venus, Uranus conjunct Mars, Venus square Ceres, Pluto square Mars; THU: Mercury enters Pisces, Uranus semisquare Mercury; FRI: Pluto semisquare Mercury; SAT: Saturn stations retrograde 8:02am PDT, Mars semisquare Mercury

for the energy and courage to take a risk, break free from the past, or make a major change, this week may very well provide you with all that, and more.

Mars, the planet of desire and action, aligns with Uranus, the planet of change and liberation, on Wednesday. These two planets come into alignment every two years, and so this week's conjunction is not unique -- but what is outstanding about this particular alignment is that it occurs within a week of the final Pluto-Uranus square. In fact, after Mars aligns with Uranus, less than seven hours pass before it then squares Pluto.

In astrological terms, Mars is acting as a "trigger" for the effects of the Pluto-Uranus square. That means we can expect this week's events to act as the lever to pry us free from where we've been stuck, and to further dismantle old structures that no longer serve the greater good.

THE ENERGY is high as we begin the week, as Jupiter trines Mars on Monday. This planetary combination can help us feel that anything is possible. Mars is forthright and action-oriented, while Jupiter is optimistic and enthusiastic. The two working in harmony together provide plenty of inspiration and courage to apply to whatever opportunity or challenge is before us.

As Mars is also also conjunct Uranus, however, we may not be taking the time to consider possible outcomes before we take our leap of faith. There is a tendency to throw caution to the winds and worry about ramifications later. This, of course, can be helpful if we've been too tied to the status quo and need a good push to get us moving. But, especially with Pluto also involved, it will be wise to consider where we ultimately want to end up after we've leaped off the cliff.

OUR THINKING may also be more idealistic, somewhat confused, or at the very least less practical starting on Thursday, when Mercury moves into Pisces and immediately interacts with the Pluto-Uranus energy field.

Mercury will actually be at the midpoint between Pluto and Uranus on Thursday and Friday. A midpoint is a sensitive point that amplifies the energies of both of the planets involved.

With Mercury at that Pluto-Uranus midpoint, confusion or uncertainty are likely scenarios, as our brains try to come to terms with the changing reality that once was "life as usual."

THANKFULLY, Saturn's influence is also strong this week, since the ringed planet is moving very slowly now. Saturn will come to a standstill on Saturday and then change directions to begin its retrograde (backward-motion) phase.

Saturn's job is to help us slow down and be more practical and responsible, so having strong Saturn energies at this time may actually be a good counterbalance to the extremes represented by Pluto, Uranus and Mars. Yes, there are times when we can feel grateful for Saturn, who we usually blame when life seems to be moving too slowly, or when we have to delay gratification of a need.

IF THERE ARE WORDS of advice to help us navigate the energies of the coming week, they might include:

  • Remember to breathe - and breathe deeply into your lower lungs
  • Stay in your center as much as possible
  • Know your own higher intentions in every situation
  • Let go of expectations and become an observer of events
  • Try not to attach to situations that arise -- they may only be temporary, and giving your energy to them may make them larger than they need to be

And, most importantly, hold constant the vision of who you really are -- that wise being who embodies the qualities of peace, faith, and hope, a being who can transcend the dramas of life and emerge from all circumstances with a brighter light, and with a stronger vision of what is possible.

In peace,

Photo: Auroras over Yukon, Canada on March 2, 2015 (credit: Joseph Bradley, posted on

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