Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Soulstice Rising Ascension Notes: The Power of Cosmic Activity - 3/9/2015 by Kara Schallock

Every time there is activity in the cosmos, we rise a little higher in vibration and consciousness. As you know, consciousness is the knowing that you are Divine. To the extent this is Truth; or not Truth; for you is how your life goes. And yet, there is opportunity after opportunity to discover Who you are. This is the Soul’s wake-up call to you; sometimes the voice is loud and sometimes soft. It all depends on you. Are you listening or do you need a harsh wake-up call? This past weekend (3/7 & 3/8) we had a large solar explosion which resulted in some very powerful solar flares. Are these wake-up calls from Source? You might have noticed that there has been a massive amount of solar activities over the past few years. They are messages from your Source Soul; your Divinty; to wake up more. And yet the rather human way of looking at everything is to focus only on the surface event. Go beneath the surface and ask, “What is my message?”

With each event, whether it is a solar flare or a comet whizzing by or a Full Moon or an eclipse, we are given enlightening messages of Clarity and Truth…if one is open and still enough to receive them. Most busy their lives with distractions and so miss much. When you can simplify and slow down, you undoubtedly will receive the messages that help guide you along your Ascension Path. The steps may not have all the bells and whistles you desire and may be quite simple, yet each step brings you closer to your identity of being Divine. The stream of Light is constant. Do you feel it or are you too busy to notice? The Light is constantly speaking to you and through you and speaks in the Language of the Heart; not intellectually, but in how you feel. It is why for the past several years there has been a push to move out of your head and more into your Heart. You cannot ascend or even grow unless you reside in your Heart. This isn’t about being emotional, for e-motions remove you from the Flow of Now. It is in feeling; intuiting everything in life and then making a choice. It’s in acting on your guided intuition that moves you forward. Many receive messages and then do nothing about them. This does nothing for you and keeps you in the intellect. The separate ego then wants to distract by needing to know what it means and analyzing the details. It is when you can drop your addiction to “the need to know what, why, who, where or what” that life becomes much simpler and sweeter.

When you simplify your life, distractions fall away, you become more detached from life’s interruptions and live life as a walking miracle. Abundance flows to you in all ways. If you perceive that you are not abundant (or anything else), you create more ways to prove that perception to you. When you know you’re Divine, you also see that everything in life flows to you without effort. Then you are in a state of Being I AM. You realize you don’t need anything outside yourself to be better. You don’t need another class or another energy healing, activation or instruction. You have and are all you need. Now, if you choose to do certain things, that has an energy completely different from “need.” Need indicates you are not whole; choice is standing in your Power. Can you be still and just be? Are you comfortable being with you? Can you let everything go and just listen to your Heart and take that guided step? Meditate, for that strengthens your Intuition and your listening/receiving.

Guidance shows up everywhere. You have amazing synchronicities and Awarenesses. And even in your aloneness, you realize you are not alone, but are constantly receiving guidance. The messages are not only your own Intuition; they are in songs, movies, numbers, conversations, Nature and everywhere. While I don’t read anymore, I often will randomly open a book and see what message is given to me. Even if you don’t “get it,” the energy of the words goes deep within you to awaken sleeping parts of you. Right now I chose to do just this. Here is what I opened up to:

“To see with eyes freed from confusion…whatever problem you now face, face it in the Light of Christ Consciousness and do not allow thoughts of fear or misunderstanding to cramp and blind you…” (From The Way of the Sun by White Eagle.)

All you require to know is that you are constantly being upgraded and spoken to. Everything is there to support you…everything shows you the way. It leads you to choices based on your consciousness and leads you step by step in your transformation. Your destiny is to be a loving Light to shine on everything in your life. This Light is Love. And everything that blocks this Lovelight comes up for review and release so that more of your Light can shine. Yes, we are Lighthouses. We are destined to shine brightly and freely.

With this latest Solar activity we find ourselves in another new phase. With each phase comes more dross to be gently released, so that we are lifted into being more Light. In this phase you may find yourself in relationship issues. There may be a return of some you thought were completed, some that are new and others in which you face some deeper issues; issues based on your own beliefs. Whether these beliefs are helpful or not will depend on your perception of them. So observe and if there is some uncomfortable emotions, go deeper and see if you can locate the old energetic belief. Certainly, it could be either a completion of a contract or a complete transformation so that you can see the other and yourself with new eyes. Whatever you discover, know that it is there to lift you higher.
Release what there is to release and enjoy what there is to enjoy without expectations or looking at the other with old eyes (projecting the past onto the other). How you see another is more about how you see yourself. These relationships come in all forms: romantic, family, work, friendships or neighbors. And if you are unable to see the deeper pattern or belief, let it be what it is without taking any action. And be the person you are now; not the person you were.

New Awareness will be presented to you through your own life or through others. Remind yourself that every thought, word, feeling and action creates the next moments. So choose in the Moment what it is you wish to create; not in form, but how you want to feel. Form is created from feeling; it is not the other way around now. In the old, we would have a situation and an emotion would follow. In the New, we create the situation through feeling. How you feel radiates out to others and you, as well, receive the energies from others’ feeling-states. This is Oneness and because many others aren’t always in a positive state of being, you can be bombarded by negative thought-forms. Take time to see if the energy is yours…or not. (It is good practice to have boundaries and intend that you only receive the energies that raise you higher in Love; even if there is a tendency to judge that energy as “good” or “bad.”).

At this time, we are integrating more of the New…to walk our talk. We are to be in our Power; to be authentically us. This Authenticity is being the Divine Beings we are and this takes being impeccable, honest and open in our words, thoughts, actions and feelings. We continue to purify our beings so that we continue to rise in vibration in order for our Light to shine without resistance, and this creates the Future New.

If you do find yourself resisting any forward movement, your body will let you know. Watch for muscle tension, clenched teeth or fists or other things that indicate a holding back. You can ask your guidance if you are downloading and adjusting to more Light or if you are resisting something in your life. Be especially aware during the eclipse of March 20, which occurs in the morning before the Spring Equinox. The very fact that they occur on the same day suggests that this will be a very large jump ahead (the game, “Mother May I?” popped into my head. And I say, “Yes! Take one giant step forward!”). Interestingly, I will be with family during this time. I intend to do Ceremony to flow with the energies nevertheless and plan to be at the Ocean as well. Do whatever you are guided to do to bring into you these New energies that are on their way to en-lighten and empower you on your path.

As a result of this Vernal Equinox, empowered by the solar eclipse, expect things to speed up. This could bring some overwhelm with it, so it will be very essential to cut out as many distractions as you can, meditate and stay grounded and centered. Do one thing at a time and choose not to be overly busy. Breathe through the speed-up and remind yourself that you are newly wired for this. In others words, all the Light downloads you have been receiving have transformed your DNA and cells so that your development will occur faster and you will have quicker manifestations and more synchronicities. The vibrations of Earth will speed up even more than they are now and I know many of you are experiencing a timelessness. I hear so many say, “I can’t believe it’s March already!” “It’s 2015; really?!?” And if you find yourself physically heating up, know that it is the new energies you feel. You may also feel some heated passions about certain things in life. Go beneath the surface and find the core belief. Release it if it is not Love, Acceptance and Unity.

You are powerful and you are Love. You get to choose what kind of life to live. And you are loved and honored much more than you can currently comprehend.

~ ~ ~
I post small inspirations on my Facebook Page between writing the Ascension Notes, if you’re so inclined...Ascension: Soulstice Rising.
A note about my Facebook page: Facebook is now charging us to have our posts go out to all who “like” the page. So, now only a small percentage have my posts end up in their feed. So, be sure to go to my page often, as I post every day.
If so guided, your continued tithes are graciously and gratefully accepted. And thank you to those of you who consistently tithe to support this body of work. Tithing is giving from the Heart; creating a consciousness of Prosperity. I am blessed and grateful for each of you!
Important: if you sign up to receive the Ascension Notes from my website, please add kara@soulsticerising.com to your spam filters...as I receive notices of being undeliverable because it’s considered spam.
Soulstice Rising Ascension Notes: The Power of Cosmic Activity - 3/9/2015 by Kara Schallock

Every time there is activity in the cosmos, we rise a little higher in vibration and consciousness. As you know, consciousness is the knowing that you are Divine. To the extent this is Truth; or not Truth; for you is how your life goes. And yet, there is opportunity after opportunity to discover Who you are. This is the Soul’s wake-up call to you; sometimes the voice is loud and sometimes soft. It all depends on you. Are you listening or do you need a harsh wake-up call? This past weekend (3/7 & 3/8) we had a large solar explosion which resulted in some very powerful solar flares. Are these wake-up calls from Source? You might have noticed that there has been a massive amount of solar activities over the past few years. They are messages from your Source Soul; your Divinty; to wake up more. And yet the rather human way of looking at everything is to focus only on the surface event. Go beneath the surface and ask, “What is my message?”

With each event, whether it is a solar flare or a comet whizzing by or a Full Moon or an eclipse, we are given enlightening messages of Clarity and Truth…if one is open and still enough to receive them. Most busy their lives with distractions and so miss much. When you can simplify and slow down, you undoubtedly will receive the messages that help guide you along your Ascension Path. The steps may not have all the bells and whistles you desire and may be quite simple, yet each step brings you closer to your identity of being Divine. The stream of Light is constant. Do you feel it or are you too busy to notice? The Light is constantly speaking to you and through you and speaks in the Language of the Heart; not intellectually, but in how you feel. It is why for the past several years there has been a push to move out of your head and more into your Heart. You cannot ascend or even grow unless you reside in your Heart. This isn’t about being emotional, for e-motions remove you from the Flow of Now. It is in feeling; intuiting everything in life and then making a choice. It’s in acting on your guided intuition that moves you forward. Many receive messages and then do nothing about them. This does nothing for you and keeps you in the intellect. The separate ego then wants to distract by needing to know what it means and analyzing the details. It is when you can drop your addiction to “the need to know what, why, who, where or what” that life becomes much simpler and sweeter.

When you simplify your life, distractions fall away, you become more detached from life’s interruptions and live life as a walking miracle. Abundance flows to you in all ways. If you perceive that you are not abundant (or anything else), you create more ways to prove that perception to you. When you know you’re Divine, you also see that everything in life flows to you without effort. Then you are in a state of Being I AM. You realize you don’t need anything outside yourself to be better. You don’t need another class or another energy healing, activation or instruction. You have and are all you need. Now, if you choose to do certain things, that has an energy completely different from “need.” Need indicates you are not whole; choice is standing in your Power. Can you be still and just be? Are you comfortable being with you? Can you let everything go and just listen to your Heart and take that guided step? Meditate, for that strengthens your Intuition and your listening/receiving.

Guidance shows up everywhere. You have amazing synchronicities and Awarenesses. And even in your aloneness, you realize you are not alone, but are constantly receiving guidance. The messages are not only your own Intuition; they are in songs, movies, numbers, conversations, Nature and everywhere. While I don’t read anymore, I often will randomly open a book and see what message is given to me. Even if you don’t “get it,” the energy of the words goes deep within you to awaken sleeping parts of you. Right now I chose to do just this. Here is what I opened up to:

“To see with eyes freed from confusion…whatever problem you now face, face it in the Light of Christ Consciousness and do not allow thoughts of fear or misunderstanding to cramp and blind you…” (From The Way of the Sun by White Eagle.)

All you require to know is that you are constantly being upgraded and spoken to. Everything is there to support you…everything shows you the way. It leads you to choices based on your consciousness and leads you step by step in your transformation. Your destiny is to be a loving Light to shine on everything in your life. This Light is Love. And everything that blocks this Lovelight comes up for review and release so that more of your Light can shine. Yes, we are Lighthouses. We are destined to shine brightly and freely.

With this latest Solar activity we find ourselves in another new phase. With each phase comes more dross to be gently released, so that we are lifted into being more Light. In this phase you may find yourself in relationship issues. There may be a return of some you thought were completed, some that are new and others in which you face some deeper issues; issues based on your own beliefs. Whether these beliefs are helpful or not will depend on your perception of them. So observe and if there is some uncomfortable emotions, go deeper and see if you can locate the old energetic belief. Certainly, it could be either a completion of a contract or a complete transformation so that you can see the other and yourself with new eyes. Whatever you discover, know that it is there to lift you higher. Release what there is to release and enjoy what there is to enjoy without expectations or looking at the other with old eyes (projecting the past onto the other). How you see another is more about how you see yourself. These relationships come in all forms: romantic, family, work, friendships or neighbors. And if you are unable to see the deeper pattern or belief, let it be what it is without taking any action. And be the person you are now; not the person you were.

New Awareness will be presented to you through your own life or through others. Remind yourself that every thought, word, feeling and action creates the next moments. So choose in the Moment what it is you wish to create; not in form, but how you want to feel. Form is created from feeling; it is not the other way around now. In the old, we would have a situation and an emotion would follow. In the New, we create the situation through feeling. How you feel radiates out to others and you, as well, receive the energies from others’ feeling-states. This is Oneness and because many others aren’t always in a positive state of being, you can be bombarded by negative thought-forms. Take time to see if the energy is yours…or not. (It is good practice to have boundaries and intend that you only receive the energies that raise you higher in Love; even if there is a tendency to judge that energy as “good” or “bad.”)

At this time, we are integrating more of the New…to walk our talk. We are to be in our Power; to be authentically us. This Authenticity is being the Divine Beings we are and this takes being impeccable, honest and open in our words, thoughts, actions and feelings. We continue to purify our beings so that we continue to rise in vibration in order for our Light to shine without resistance, and this creates the Future New.

If you do find yourself resisting any forward movement, your body will let you know. Watch for muscle tension, clenched teeth or fists or other things that indicate a holding back. You can ask your guidance if you are downloading and adjusting  to more Light or if you are resisting something in your life. Be especially aware during the eclipse of March 20, which occurs in the morning before the Spring Equinox. The very fact that they occur on the same day suggests that this will be a very large jump ahead (the game, “Mother May I?” popped into my head. And I say, “Yes! Take one giant step forward!”). Interestingly, I will be with family during this time. I intend to do Ceremony to flow with the energies nevertheless and plan to be at the Ocean as well. Do whatever you are guided to do to bring into you these New energies that are on their way to en-lighten and empower you on your path.

As a result of this Vernal Equinox, empowered by the solar eclipse, expect things to speed up. This could bring some overwhelm with it, so it will be very essential to cut out as many distractions as you can, meditate and stay grounded and centered. Do one thing at a time and choose not to be overly busy. Breathe through the speed-up and remind yourself that you are newly wired for this. In others words, all the Light downloads you have been receiving have transformed your DNA and cells so that your development will occur faster and you will have quicker manifestations and more synchronicities. The vibrations of Earth will speed up even more than they are now and I know many of you are experiencing a timelessness. I hear so many say, “I can’t believe it’s March already!” “It’s 2015; really?!?” And if you find yourself physically heating up, know that it is the new energies you feel. You may also feel some heated passions about certain things in life. Go beneath the surface and find the core belief. Release it if it is not Love, Acceptance and Unity.

You are powerful and you are Love. You get to choose what kind of life to live. And you are loved and honored much more than you can currently comprehend.

~ ~ ~

I post small inspirations on my Facebook Page between writing the Ascension Notes, if you’re so inclined...Ascension: Soulstice Rising.

A note about my Facebook page: Facebook is now charging us to have our posts go out to all who “like” the page. So, now only a small percentage have my posts end up in their feed. So, be sure to go to my page often, as I post every day.

If so guided, your continued tithes are graciously and gratefully accepted. And thank you to those of you who consistently tithe to support this body of work. Tithing is giving from the Heart; creating a consciousness of Prosperity. I am blessed and grateful for each of you!


Important: if you sign up to receive the Ascension Notes from my website, please add kara@soulsticerising.com to your spam filters...as I receive notices of being undeliverable because it’s considered spam.

Soulstice Rising Ascension Notes: The Power of Cosmic Activity
- 3/9/2015 by Kara Schallock

Every time there is activity in the cosmos, we rise a little higher in vibration and consciousness. As you know, consciousness is the knowing that you are Divine. To the extent this is Truth; or not Truth; for you is how your life goes. And yet, there is opportunity after opportunity to discover Who you are. This is the Soul’s wake-up call to you; sometimes the voice is loud and sometimes soft. It all depends on you. Are you listening or do you need a harsh wake-up call? This past weekend (3/7 & 3/8) we had a large solar explosion which resulted in some very powerful solar flares. Are these wake-up calls from Source? You might have noticed that there has been a massive amount of solar activities over the past few years. They are messages from your Source Soul; your Divinty; to wake up more. And yet the rather human way of looking at everything is to focus only on the surface event. Go beneath the surface and ask, “What is my message?”
With each event, whether it is a solar flare or a comet whizzing by or a Full Moon or an eclipse, we are given enlightening messages of Clarity and Truth…if one is open and still enough to receive them. Most busy their lives with distractions and so miss much. When you can simplify and slow down, you undoubtedly will receive the messages that help guide you along your Ascension Path. The steps may not have all the bells and whistles you desire and may be quite simple, yet each step brings you closer to your identity of being Divine. The stream of Light is constant. Do you feel it or are you too busy to notice? The Light is constantly speaking to you and through you and speaks in the Language of the Heart; not intellectually, but in how you feel. It is why for the past several years there has been a push to move out of your head and more into your Heart. You cannot ascend or even grow unless you reside in your Heart. This isn’t about being emotional, for e-motions remove you from the Flow of Now. It is in feeling; intuiting everything in life and then making a choice. It’s in acting on your guided intuition that moves you forward. Many receive messages and then do nothing about them. This does nothing for you and keeps you in the intellect. The separate ego then wants to distract by needing to know what it means and analyzing the details. It is when you can drop your addiction to “the need to know what, why, who, where or what” that life becomes much simpler and sweeter.
When you simplify your life, distractions fall away, you become more detached from life’s interruptions and live life as a walking miracle. Abundance flows to you in all ways. If you perceive that you are not abundant (or anything else), you create more ways to prove that perception to you. When you know you’re Divine, you also see that everything in life flows to you without effort. Then you are in a state of Being I AM. You realize you don’t need anything outside yourself to be better. You don’t need another class or another energy healing, activation or instruction. You have and are all you need. Now, if you choose to do certain things, that has an energy completely different from “need.” Need indicates you are not whole; choice is standing in your Power. Can you be still and just be? Are you comfortable being with you? Can you let everything go and just listen to your Heart and take that guided step? Meditate, for that strengthens your Intuition and your listening/receiving.
Guidance shows up everywhere. You have amazing synchronicities and Awarenesses. And even in your aloneness, you realize you are not alone, but are constantly receiving guidance. The messages are not only your own Intuition; they are in songs, movies, numbers, conversations, Nature and everywhere. While I don’t read anymore, I often will randomly open a book and see what message is given to me. Even if you don’t “get it,” the energy of the words goes deep within you to awaken sleeping parts of you. Right now I chose to do just this. Here is what I opened up to:
“To see with eyes freed from confusion…whatever problem you now face, face it in the Light of Christ Consciousness and do not allow thoughts of fear or misunderstanding to cramp and blind you…” (From The Way of the Sun by White Eagle.)
All you require to know is that you are constantly being upgraded and spoken to. Everything is there to support you…everything shows you the way. It leads you to choices based on your consciousness and leads you step by step in your transformation. Your destiny is to be a loving Light to shine on everything in your life. This Light is Love. And everything that blocks this Lovelight comes up for review and release so that more of your Light can shine. Yes, we are Lighthouses. We are destined to shine brightly and freely.
With this latest Solar activity we find ourselves in another new phase. With each phase comes more dross to be gently released, so that we are lifted into being more Light. In this phase you may find yourself in relationship issues. There may be a return of some you thought were completed, some that are new and others in which you face some deeper issues; issues based on your own beliefs. Whether these beliefs are helpful or not will depend on your perception of them. So observe and if there is some uncomfortable emotions, go deeper and see if you can locate the old energetic belief. Certainly, it could be either a completion of a contract or a complete transformation so that you can see the other and yourself with new eyes. Whatever you discover, know that it is there to lift you higher. Release what there is to release and enjoy what there is to enjoy without expectations or looking at the other with old eyes (projecting the past onto the other). How you see another is more about how you see yourself. These relationships come in all forms: romantic, family, work, friendships or neighbors. And if you are unable to see the deeper pattern or belief, let it be what it is without taking any action. And be the person you are now; not the person you were.
New Awareness will be presented to you through your own life or through others. Remind yourself that every thought, word, feeling and action creates the next moments. So choose in the Moment what it is you wish to create; not in form, but how you want to feel. Form is created from feeling; it is not the other way around now. In the old, we would have a situation and an emotion would follow. In the New, we create the situation through feeling. How you feel radiates out to others and you, as well, receive the energies from others’ feeling-states. This is Oneness and because many others aren’t always in a positive state of being, you can be bombarded by negative thought-forms. Take time to see if the energy is yours…or not. (It is good practice to have boundaries and intend that you only receive the energies that raise you higher in Love; even if there is a tendency to judge that energy as “good” or “bad.”)
At this time, we are integrating more of the New…to walk our talk. We are to be in our Power; to be authentically us. This Authenticity is being the Divine Beings we are and this takes being impeccable, honest and open in our words, thoughts, actions and feelings. We continue to purify our beings so that we continue to rise in vibration in order for our Light to shine without resistance, and this creates the Future New.
If you do find yourself resisting any forward movement, your body will let you know. Watch for muscle tension, clenched teeth or fists or other things that indicate a holding back. You can ask your guidance if you are downloading and adjusting to more Light or if you are resisting something in your life. Be especially aware during the eclipse of March 20, which occurs in the morning before the Spring Equinox. The very fact that they occur on the same day suggests that this will be a very large jump ahead (the game, “Mother May I?” popped into my head. And I say, “Yes! Take one giant step forward!”). Interestingly, I will be with family during this time. I intend to do Ceremony to flow with the energies nevertheless and plan to be at the Ocean as well. Do whatever you are guided to do to bring into you these New energies that are on their way to en-lighten and empower you on your path.
As a result of this Vernal Equinox, empowered by the solar eclipse, expect things to speed up. This could bring some overwhelm with it, so it will be very essential to cut out as many distractions as you can, meditate and stay grounded and centered. Do one thing at a time and choose not to be overly busy. Breathe through the speed-up and remind yourself that you are newly wired for this. In others words, all the Light downloads you have been receiving have transformed your DNA and cells so that your development will occur faster and you will have quicker manifestations and more synchronicities. The vibrations of Earth will speed up even more than they are now and I know many of you are experiencing a timelessness. I hear so many say, “I can’t believe it’s March already!” “It’s 2015; really?!?” And if you find yourself physically heating up, know that it is the new energies you feel. You may also feel some heated passions about certain things in life. Go beneath the surface and find the core belief. Release it if it is not Love, Acceptance and Unity.
You are powerful and you are Love. You get to choose what kind of life to live. And you are loved and honored much more than you can currently comprehend.
~ ~ ~
I post small inspirations on my Facebook Page between writing the Ascension Notes, if you’re so inclined...Ascension: Soulstice Rising.
A note about my Facebook page: Facebook is now charging us to have our posts go out to all who “like” the page. So, now only a small percentage have my posts end up in their feed. So, be sure to go to my page often, as I post every day.
If so guided, your continued tithes are graciously and gratefully accepted. And thank you to those of you who consistently tithe to support this body of work. Tithing is giving from the Heart; creating a consciousness of Prosperity. I am blessed and grateful for each of you!
Important: if you sign up to receive the Ascension Notes from my website, please add kara@soulsticerising.com to your spam filters...as I receive notices of being undeliverable because it’s considered spam.
“The only remedy for disconnecting people from the natural world is connecting them to it again.” ~ Bill Benenson First of all, if you are not prepared to reconnect with your soul, or if you are afraid of rejoining with the infinite source of all things, then this article is definitely not for you (but I dare you to read it anyway) and you should probably stick with the following article instead: 7 Ways to Remain Unexceptionally Ordinary. If you feel like you are already connected and would like to take it to the next level, then read the following article after reading this one: 6 Signs Your Crown Chakra May be Godding. In today’s day and age it’s easy to experience a spiritual disconnect, especially in a culture that is itself spiritually disconnected. For signs you may be experiencing a spiritual awakening click here. But for the purpose of this article, we will be going into six ways (out of many, mind you) that you may be experiencing a spiritual disconnect. 1) You are Unhealthy (Mind, Body and Soul) “It is beautiful to feel in a body built for feeling, and exist intensely on a planet exuding intensity.” –Victoria Erickson davinci__s_yoga_ Your spiritual disconnect begins at the core of yourself, in the body, then grows up through the mind, and then branches out through the soul. If you cannot feel in a body built for feeling, then that is a clear sign that something is wrong. Whether it’s your diet, a lack of exercise, a lack of meditation, a lack of fresh air, nature deprivation, or all of the above, your health is paramount. It affects all order of things. Your mind will be confused and disoriented perceiving reality through a body that is unhealthy. In turn, your soul will fall flat against the cosmos, unable to penetrate her deep mysteries and unable to tap into her vast wisdom. The planet will keep exuding its intensity whether you can feel it or not. But feel it you should, because there is no joy more joyous than being healthy in mind, body and soul. Such joy sets the stage for a soul to become wide awake. 2) You are Overly Codependent “Cease being ignorant of what you are most assured, your glassy essence, and you will cease to be an angry ape playing such fantastic tricks before high heaven as make the angels weep” –Shakespeare CodependencyWhen an individual is locked into being codependent there is an artificial sense of self, but there is no authentic sense of self. An individual in a codependent state is set adrift upon spiritually unsustainable waters, too distracted by the flashy goings-on and the false-fire flamboyance of their preconditioning to realize that anything is wrong, or how precarious their position really is. It’s a catch-22 of monumental proportions. A codependent person is like a small-picture thinking horse with blinders on continually ramming its head into the back of a cart; only the blinders are mirrors mirroring “it’s just the way things are” back at them, and the cart contains “all the worries in the world.” If this is you, don’t feel bad. It’s the majority of people. Most people are stuck in codependent relationships, either with other people or with the overbearing nature of the State, and there seems like there’s no way out. You’re damned if we do and you’re damned if we don’t, spinning through a spoon-fed life based on an abstraction of an abstraction. You’re caught in the double-bind of survival (paying bills and putting food on your children’s plates) and peer pressure (just getting through the day without being harassed). You might have come to realize that in order to get healthy, in order to get to a place where you can breathe and take account of your life and become present and more spiritually connected with your reality, you’re going to have to become an individual who has the courage to flip the world on its head. The worst thing you can do is wait around for someone to “save” you (playing the victim). The best thing you can do is save yourself (become your own hero). 3) You are Overly Independent Be_Your_Own_Hero “This ceaseless change does not mean discontinuity as a person; rather change is itself the very basis of our continuity as a person. It is because I cannot see what you see that I can see at all.” ~ James P. Carse You may have broken away from the typical codependent mindset of your fellow man. You may even be fiercely independent, self-empowered and courageously innovative. You may have rescued yourself from reliance on, or control by others, and you are now finally able to be honest with yourself, having become personally responsible for your own power. But, there is actually no such thing as being independent. Independence is an illusion just like codependence was. It’s a great way to get some clarity in an unclear world. It’s a monumentally important step to take in order to get to a place where you can honestly assess your situation and finally breathe. It’s a courageous leap and an audacious climb out of the brambles of codependency, but the truth of the matter is that everything is phenomenally and noumenally connected in a vast web of interdependence. Like Erich Fromm said, “If the individual realizes his self by spontaneous activity and thus relates himself to the world, he ceases to be an isolated atom; he and the world become part of one structuralized whole; he has his rightful place, and thereby his doubt concerning himself and the meaning of life disappears.” Interdependence is freedom from the tyranny of freedom, an eco-psycho-social melting of sorts, where everything is allowed to be everything. Here, your independence becomes merely a shadow of your individuation. Your codependence becomes merely an abstraction of the super ego, a shadow on Plato’s Cave. By reconnecting with the cosmos, by embracing your interdependence, you not only free yourself from the burden of slavery, you also free yourself from the burden of freedom. The world suddenly goes from being a thing that needs to be conquered to a thing that needs to be surrendered to. Indeed, it is when you embrace your interdependence for the first time that you discover, as Alan Watts did, that you’re no longer a victim of the world, you are the world. And that’s a spiritual connection like no other. 4) Money has Become Greater Than Your Heart money_and_god “The Western worldview says, in essence, that technological progress is the highest value and that we were born to consume, to endlessly use and discard natural recourses, other species, gadgets, toys, and often, each other. The most highly prized freedom is the right to shop. It’s a world of commodities, not entities, and economic expansion is the primary measure of progress. Competition, taking, and hoarding are higher values than cooperation, sharing, and gifting. Profits are valued over people, money over meaning, entitlement over justice, “us” over “them.” This is the most dangerous addiction in the world, not only because of its impact on humanity but because it is rapidly undermining the natural systems that sustain the biosphere.” –Bill Plotkin If money is the opiate of the masses, then it is also a critical ingredient of the spiritually disconnected. This is because money is an abstraction of an abstraction. It purports value, but is based upon nothingness. If you are feeling spiritually disconnected, then putting your heart into making money, instead of making money as a side-effect of doing something you love, is probably a critical reason why. It can be one of the most soul-crippling prisons known to mankind. It tends to suck the joy out of passion by causing you to think you need it to survive. And the real kick in the spiritual pants is that you are probably living in a system of control that forces you to need it to survive. You are more than likely living in a State (plutocratic, democratic, or autocratic) that lords it over you in order to keep you controlled, and in order to keep it in power. You want to reconnect spiritually? Flip the tables on the tyranny of money. Use it as a tool instead of allowing yourself to be a tool to it. Keep doing what you love, whether you get paid to do it or not, because doing what you love is the most spiritually empowering thing you can do. Ignore all the status-quo kittens and comfort-junkie sheeple. Be a courageous lion with the unmitigated gall to trump the wolves. 5) Your Ego Rules Over Your Soul “I: a universe of atoms, an atom in the universe.” ~ Richard Feynman i_am_free They say, “A bad day for the ego is a good day for the soul,” How true it is. This is because the ego is addicted to itself as it is. It is afraid of changing. If your ego rules over your soul, then you are afraid of changing. When you’re afraid of changing, there can be no transformation. And transformation is the essence of spirituality. If you are experiencing a spiritual disconnect, it may be because you are stuck in the all-too-comfortable comfort zone of your ego, and you are afraid to stretch that comfort zone into soul. Maybe you haven’t experienced ego-death yet. If you haven’t, then you probably haven’t experienced the overwhelming, soul-quaking joy of spiritual rebirth. Kill the ego. Use its self-enriching guts as fertilizer for the seed of your soul to grow into the flower of itself. Break open your heart; let it break over and over again. Fill the cracks with Cosmos. Use your ego as an interdependent tool for spiritual cultivation, rather than as an independent tool for self-emulation. 6) You Don’t Question Authority “You must change in order to find your truest self. And keep changing. The false idol is any form that hangs around too long and gets fossilized. It’s worth considering that if your ideas of God don’t change, then your ideas are dead. God is not dead. He simply went elsewhere because you were too boring.” ~ Bradford Keeney think for yourselfYou fear God. You tremble in small-minded fear at the feet of the crucifix, refusing to think with courageous Big Mind, and refusing to open your heart and see/feel the big picture, because you believe that it’s “blasphemous” to do so. Oh ye of too-much faith! This is the granddaddy of all spiritual disconnects: the illusion of spiritual connection through religious indoctrination, the pseudo-power that has plagued the human condition for thousands of years. Dogma is the crutch that the spiritually disconnected ignorantly lean on, while clinging to their faith like they cling to a basket that carries all their “eggs”. But, as Ernest Becker said, “When you put all your eggs in one basket you must clutch that basket for dear life.” Do you want to reconnect spiritually? Do you want to discover authentic spiritual power that trumps religious pseudo-power? Then screw the damn basket! Rise up off the groveling-knees of your codependency and become independent enough to see that you are actually interdependent. Question authority; all authority (parental, political, governmental, religious). Especially question God. And especially-especially question any and all spoon-fed Gods. Question to the nth degree, and then watch as all the shattered pieces of your faith fall away and your soul, God itself (the truth of who you really are), is revealed. Your connection will be an awe-inspiring example for the disconnected and an existential boon for the already connected. Image source: Puzzle piece Da Vinci Yoga Codependency Be your own hero God money I am free Think for yourself Spiritual Disconnect Thank us with a share, not only does it help us grow, by sharing knowledge you help shift the planets consciousness. Thank you so much: 441 12 17 3 0 Codependency, Cosmos, Freedom, Health, Money Talks, Soul Profile photo of Gary Z McGee By Gary Z McGee Gary 'Z' McGee, a former Navy Intelligence Specialist turned philosopher, is the author of Birthday Suit of God and The Looking Glass Man. His works are inspired by the great philosophers of the ages and his wide awake view of the modern world.

Read more at: http://fractalenlightenment.com/34049/spirituality/six-signs-you-may-be-experiencing-a-spiritual-disconnect | FractalEnlightenment.com

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