Monday, April 6, 2015

NorthPoint Astrology Journal April 6 to 12, 2015 by Pam Younghans

Highlighted Aspects:MON: Jupiter trine Mercury, Uranus conjunct Sun, Saturn quincunx Mars; TUE: Pluto square Mercury; WED: Uranus conjunct Mercury, Jupiter stations direct; THU: Saturn sesquisquare, Saturn sesquisquare Mercury, Sun conjunct Mercury; SAT: Venus enters Gemini, Neptune semisquare Mercury, Pluto sesquisquare Venus; SUN: Neptune sextile Mars, Uranus semisquare Venus

that accompanied yesterday's Lunar Eclipse has not yet abated -- and that makes sense, since two of the strongest aspects in the eclipse chart are still very strong as we begin our new week. The Sun is exactly square Pluto today (Sunday, April 5) and then aligns exactly with Uranus tomorrow (Monday, April 6).

We've gotten pretty familiar with the energy signatures of Pluto and Uranus over the past three years. We know that Pluto in Capricorn awakens powerful drives within us, often directed toward fulfilling our life goals and purpose. Under this influence, many old patterns and existing life structures are dismantled so that greater fulfillment and empowerment may be achieved. We're also aware that when we're working with Pluto, we tend to feel more passionately and react more instinctively than our usual comfort zone might allow.

AND THEN there's Uranus, aptly known as "the god of chaos." Uranus in Aries provides the restlessness, the urge to be doing something -- perhaps anything -- new, and the courage, rebelliousness or foolhardiness that breaks us free from the confines of our life situations. When we're working with Uranus, others may judge us as selfish. In truth, we may be more self-oriented than usual, especially if we've been living our lives according to the needs or expectations of others.

With Uranus, we feel the urgent need to play the game by our own rules. We want to find our own unique form of self-expression, unfettered by the "shoulds" that others, or society, or even we ourselves have held up as requirements.

THESE THEMES continue to be strong over the first half of the coming week. After the Sun moves out of reach of the Pluto-Uranus energy field, Mercury steps in, squaring Pluto on Tuesday and aligning with Uranus on Wednesday.

It's likely to be a bit like a Mercury-retrograde experience, where we need to be flexible and "expect the unexpected." Do your best to let go of your preconceptions, and take life symbolically rather than literally whenever possible.

JUPITER stations direct on Wednesday, wrapping up its four-month retrograde phase. Since early December, Jupiter has been helping us turn inward to access our deeper wisdom, to rebuild our faith in ourselves, and to gain greater clarity about what we truly believe in.

As Jupiter begins its forward motion this week and gradually picks up speed in the weeks ahead, we may find it easier to manifest our hopes and dreams externally, especially those that are ruled by the house in our natal charts that contains 21 degrees Leo, where Jupiter is currently located.

Here's what astrologer Bil Tierney writes about Jupiter stationing direct, in his book Dynamics of Aspect Analysis:

"When Jupiter finally turns direct, we adopt fresh, new attitudes concerning how we can enrich and elevate our associations with others in our community. Our participation can become more purposeful and fulfilling, in which we gain greater social acceptance while still remaining true to the needs of our spirit."

THE REST of the week offers a wide variety of planetary energies. In general, Saturn rules the day on Thursday, requiring that we be very clear in our communications and be patient with differences of opinion.

In contrast to Saturn's effect, Neptune joins the game on Saturday and Sunday, softening our logical minds so that we might receive information more intuitively, and then helping us use what we have learned as we move forward.

And, relationships and values may go through changes over the weekend, as Venus enters Gemini and forms minor challenging aspects with both Pluto and Uranus. What we learn from others may alter our trajectory in positive ways, if we stay open-minded and allow the transformation to occur.

In peace,


Photo: The Lunar Eclipse on April 4, as seen from Bathurst Observatory, Australia (credit: Ray Pickard, posted on

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