Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Soulstice Rising ~ Ascension Notes: Eclipse Energy - 30-Sep-2015 by Kara Schallock

Soulstice Rising ~ Ascension Notes: Eclipse Energy
30-Sep-2015 by Kara Schallock

Did you have expectations about life after this series of eclipses and the Equinox occurred? Did you think and assume that all is now set in the New; our Happy-Ever-After; just to discover that life hasn’t changed all that much? It has changed, yet it takes you to see it as such. Remember, life doesn’t happen to you; we are all sovereign beings. That means that it is up to you to use New Eyes and behaviors and have new attitudes. If you are disappointed, look again and see through a new perspective. Life has changed; only if you choose to not look through your old 3D eyes. In fact, you may feel rather agitated. You see, if there is still more you need to release, then that is up for you to do. This isn’t a magic show, where you suddenly find yourself in a completely new place; yet there are those who do find themselves in a new place. They have done their work; they have let go of the old dualistic way of viewing things. They experience the Truth of the New; that of Unity Consciousness and that of a Flow in which there is no struggle or the meaningless mind chatter that holds one back in the old as if the separate ego is saying, “See? It’s not true; life is still the same old thing it always has been.”

We are in a state of flux; one day you feel as though all is flowing and the next day, Wham!...the old presents itself. Why? Because this powerful time did do a lot to help us shift more, yet if one still is acting as if nothing has shifted, that is what they will experience…that nothing has shifted. If you feel the flux, just know that that is all a part of Ascension and flow with it, attending to what still needs to be transformed. Remember that your perception is key. What you are within is what you will see in the world. It doesn’t mean you haven’t shifted; for the shifts are almost imperceptible. What is required of you is to make a decision; a decision to grow; a decision to let anything go that is not serving you or is not joyous or a decision to do and be something completely different from what you may have chosen in the past.

If you are still thinking you need more instruction; more input; more information; you are holding yourself back. Step into your Power of Knowing; you just don’t need anything more to prove to yourself that you’re enough. You are enough; you have everything you need to stand in your own Power without thinking you need just one more workshop, one more activation or one more reading to prove you are enough. What this eclipse cycle has done is to help you see yourself for who you are, which is much grander than you thought. It is up to each one of us to recognize this gift and then act on it.

If you are attached to a particular time and date of an event like an eclipse, remember that we are timeless. Therefore, the energy of the eclipses and Equinox continues. Energy is patient; it will wait for you to act on it. You can’t be left behind, even if it takes you an entire lifetime to recognize your Divinity.

As a reminder, the last eclipse was the sacred marriage of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within you. This means that you intuit a life change and then act on it. When you recognize this inner marriage, you will then be moving quickly along your path. You see, we’re now in another new phase of Ascension. You will notice new colors, scents and your senses will make you be acutely aware of your surroundings. This is all a part of your continual awakening. Each experience you have has a deeper message within it. You are not just hearing better; your hearing is being upgraded so that you hear beyond the 3rd Dimension and you actually hear your guidance physically. During the first eclipse of a few weeks ago, I lost my hearing entirely as part of my hearing upgrade. Afterward I could hear actual voices, although I couldn’t quite understand what they were saying (which will come in time). The noise in my ears sometimes is intensely loud and at other times soft and sometimes not there at all. I just notice without assigning to it a reason. I encourage you to do the same; just observe, for in this way you heighten your experience without the mind chatter.

You may notice old doors closing and new ones opening; or you may notice old doors closing without new ones opening. However it occurs is just for you. You can’t compare your experience with anyone else’s; comparisons, like analyzing, is of the old. Flow with it all without having to know what it is or why it is occurring. This is what flowing means. If it feels unrecognizable, it’s because it is. Flow with any discomfort you have. Meditation, Sun Gazing and Earthing help as does deep pranic breathing.

We are in the greatest turning point this planet has ever seen. We have taken a great leap forward into the New. Some recognize that their consciousness has shifted higher, which means their lives have shifted higher (consciousness creates life). Some will experience a huge event in their life, while others experience this more subtly. Creativity is really important now. If that is making art or living in a different way, it is all a larger Creativity. From the word create is creator. We are here to create what it is we choose. If you feel you aren’t creative; this is a judgment call, for we each have Creativity within us. Creativity is living life in a new way. You can empower it by creating whatever you are drawn to…writing, painting, making collages, arranging flowers, making music or whatever; it awakens a powerful Soul connection in you. Creativity awakens dormant parts of you that want expression. If you already are tapped into your Creativity, expect a leap forward in whatever you are creating. Whatever is born is a blending of your inner Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. It is uniquely you.

Some believe that for there to be Light, there must be dark. This is of the old when we had to have a “bad” experience in order to have a “good” one. In the higher dimensions, there is none of that, for that is the duality we have experienced for eons and the only way we have known how to live. Because we have risen in consciousness and have received the high dimensional Light and codes, it simply isn’t true anymore. This is why I’ve suggested to keep your vibration high, avoid the chaos of drama and stay positive, for as you do, you empower the Light more, including your consciousness, and step more out of duality and into Love. As each being lets go of needing proof that something is happening out there and realizes that real change happens within, they help the world out there be created anew. This definitely dos not happen in one moment; it is gradual, so as you continue to focus on your own evolution, it is broadcast out in the world and this is how we create the New World.

We continue to expand in energy and consciousness for the rest of the year and into next Spring. Walk your talk and be in your Power. Do not worry about others; simply be who you are. And trust that this isn’t happening to us; we are a hologram of Source. We are doing it. We are Source; we awaken from the inside out. The Angels and Ascended Masters and other Light Beings are our cheerleaders; we are doing this. We are not separate from Soul or Source. We continue to build on this. And along with this knowing, lack consciousness, victim consciousness and duality may certainly arise within you so that you can release it. After all, if we are Source, we are not victims nor are we lacking anything and Source is not steeped in the duality of good/bad, right/wrong, love/hate, war/peace, etc. Source is neutral and as we embrace Neutrality, we see that this is the way of the New. You could even ask, “What would Source do?” This then is the marriage of our Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine; is it not?

Remember, this all occurs gradually; it does not happen in a minute, although all time collapses into Now. Be patient; stay focused and aware and take one step at a time. If you’re not feeling it, you will; be patient. Continue to walk your talk and be who you are authentically. When it is time to leap forward, do it. If you already have, then you will continue to be presented with more leaps of pure Faith. I suppose one could say that Ascension is a series of leaps forward into the unknown.

During this time of Integration, you may also feel a tension between the old and New ways of being. In other words, if in the past you gave your Power away by letting others choose for you and the New way of being in your Power is choosing for yourself, let it be fine for now; just notice. And then when you’re ready to make the change from the old way to the New, here is another way…If an old way of being was indecisiveness and the New way is to be completely in charge of what you want, take some time to see how you want to be and take a step in that direction, regardless of what others want you to do or be. This may feel a little uncomfortable at first, and as you honor how you’ve been while taking a step into the New way, the New will become more comfortable as you continue to honor who you now are.

Honor who you are becoming without reacting against the old. Love who you are in this moment. All is in perfect Divine Order for you.

~ ~ ~

I post small inspirations on my Facebook Page between writing the Ascension Notes, if you’re so inclined...Ascension: Soulstice Rising.

A note about my Facebook page: Facebook is now charging us to have our posts go out to all who “like” the page. So, now only a small percentage have my posts end up in their feed. So, be sure to go to my page often, as I post every day.

If so guided, your continued tithes are graciously and gratefully accepted. And thank you to those of you who consistently tithe to support this body of work. Tithing is giving from the Heart; creating a consciousness of Prosperity. I am blessed and grateful for each of you!

THE ORACLE REPORT: Wednesday, September 30, 2015


GAIAPORTAL: Stereoscopes have illumined the Fields of View 30 Sep

GAIAPORTAL: Stereoscopes have illumined the Fields of View

Stereoscopes have illumined the Fields of View.

Partners of contrastings keep faith-centers.

Heaviness of the Land Lords passes inspection no more.

Harbingers of the Hue-Light come to the fore.

Celebrations are viewed in the distance.

“The distance” is here.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

THE ORACLE REPORT: Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Monday, September 28, 2015

Sarah Varcus: 27th/28th September 2015: Total Lunar Eclipse and Super Moon in Aries: A Cosmic Humdinger

Lunar Eclipse in Aries September 2015, Mercury retrograde in Libra, conscious relationships, self-awareness, self-acceptance, deep truth, healthy ego development, trust, conscious evolution, present moment living, embracing the unknown, working with the shadow, embracing fear

27th/28th September 2015:
Total Lunar Eclipse and Super Moon in Aries:
A Cosmic Humdinger
by Sarah Varcus

The eclipse occurs in totality at 2:48 a.m. UT on 28th September 2015, in the 5th degree of Aries. This is a particularly powerful eclipse, set to unleash a whirlwind of change. Subjectivity may be rife and opinions abound, blinding us to alternative perspectives equally true. On the other hand truth may bop us over the head in ways not previously experienced, causing the burden of old beliefs to simply drop away. A Super Moon is always highly energised and influential, but its positioning close to the earth mitigates against objectivity and can leave us blinkered by – but blind to – our own limitations. Coinciding with an eclipse, this Moon indicates a time of deep insight when we can perceive with greater clarity just how constrained we are and how unconscious reactivity keeps us confined.

This lunar eclipse highlights the power struggles that can readily occur in the course of everyday life. Relationships may be up in the air at this time, challenging us to greater clarity of communication and more penetrating honesty. Difficult issues and disagreements previously side-stepped become impossible to avoid as the heavens pile on the pressure to deal with the proverbial elephant in the room. Whilst this may augur a stressful time, difficult conversations had now will pay dividends in the long run when greater understanding flourishes from what may at first be a deep divide.

An on-going aspect between Chiron and Uranus reminds us that most people come with wounds that complicate everyday life. Old pain can cloud the air between us, creating a gulf that separates what we intend from how our words and deeds are received. Unwittingly or otherwise, we may dig at each other’s sensitivities, making effective communication especially difficult. Emotions triggered now can be all consuming and powerfully influential, refusing to let us go until we’ve looked at them directly no matter how uncomfortable doing so may be. This eclipse demands searing honesty within an emotional maelstrom and few people are equipped enough to deal with such interpersonal challenges without a few ups and downs!

The trouble is, if two people under such powerful internal influences come up against each other, a monumental battle of wills may ensue. Taking some time out to reflect, step back and calm down can make the difference between deepened conflict which creates irreconcilable differences, and healing space which allows all parties to say their piece, acknowledge the other and find a way to move forward in a state of mutual accord not entrenched division. We may be at risk, now, of rapid-fire responses made in the blink of an eye which, once the eclipse energies have subsided, fail to stand up to scrutiny. Decisions made on the back of emotional reactivity are best avoided no matter how pressing things may seem. Give it a few days, let everyone calm down and then revisit current issues from a calmer perspective.

With Mercury still retrograde in Libra, we can rest assured that a willingness to question our own motivations as much as we question those of others will proffer insight and self-understanding. No matter how compelling it can be to find fault in those with whom we disagree, we, too, are held to account by the karmic forces of creation and change. If we crusade for others to pay their dues we may miss a few payments of our own, having to make them, with interest, further down the line when it’s increasingly inconvenient to do so! Acknowledging the flaws in our own thinking and the mistakes they’ve caused us to make, will release clear and focused energy to support necessary amends and effect healing closure for all concerned.

Both personally and collectively this eclipse will put the cat among the proverbial pigeons. Nothing is as clear cut as it first appears, despite our desire for clarity. It affirms there is no such thing as incontrovertible truth in the midst of such commanding forces of deep, expansive change. No one knows what will come of current evolutionary shifts. It’s a step-by-step process whose outcomes are revealed only as we display the courage to walk into the unknown.

The cosmos reminds us certainty is a luxury no longer at our disposal. The next step of the journey takes us more deeply than ever before into the great mystery of becoming. Whilst it may feel unsettling, there is no need for fear.
Sometimes everything must be thrown up in the air to re-pattern the very fabric of our being. Now is just such a time. The more people who can respond to such intensity by reaching out to others, not withdrawing into an armoured shell; by considering those in greater need, not dwelling on their own lack; by supporting those around them to effect change rather than struggling to maintain a stifling status quo; the greater the upwelling of unity, mutuality and support in the collective energy field. This upwelling will then be foundational in the coming months, an underpinning support for all our efforts, individual and otherwise.

There’s nothing to be gained from mincing words: this eclipse is a humdinger, there’s no denying it. But nothing says ‘we’re ready for deep and abiding change’ better than people standing firm for the common good, knowing that it’s sometimes best served by the recalibration of individual lives, to bring each more deeply into alignment with the sacred and eternal One

For information about where this eclipse can be seen go here:

For more information about astrological events as they happen
throughout the month, become an Awakenings Subscriber to
receive regular astrology updates & support

Sarah Varcas

Cobra: September Monthly Update by Cobra | The Portal

September Monthly Update by Cobra | The Portal

You might want to listen to September monthly update Cobra interview by Rob Potter here:

The transcript is available at the same link.

The Youtube version will be posted here as soon as it is available.  


You can send your questions to and many of them will be answered in the next monthly update interview. 

As you can see, the world did not end in September, and things will appear to be business a usual until the final breakthrough. The supermoon eclipse was beautiful though and I took some pictures of the partial umbral phase:

Of the first contact moment of totality:

And of the total eclipse itself:


THE ORACLE REPORT: Monday, September 28, 2015

  From a wise owl in New England
From a wise owl in New England

Full Moon Phase: illumination, realization, experience
Moon in Aries: 
Goddess of Wisdom: All (led by Shodashi, Goddess of Beauty/Goddess Who Fulfills Our Highest and Best and Matangi, The Administrator)
God of Will: Kathe
Skill: Clear the Field
Catalysts for Change:
True Alignments:
Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: "a girls basketball team" (unifying)
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the music of the spheres"

Technical problems persist, though understand that it is nothing that can be fixed electronically. Keep your defenses up and remain as the Wise Owl in a tree.

Listen to Laura Walker's Interview with Phoenix on Truth Frequncy Radio last Wednesday:

Thank you for supporting The Oracle Report!

Here are your Angel Messages for September 28 - October 4 from Doreen Virtue

Here are your Angel Messages for September 28 - October 4
from Doreen Virtue

Published on Sep 27, 2015
Heavy weights are lifted from you this week, including debts paid off financially and with karma balanced. The full moon and lunar eclipse -- combined with your dedication to your spiritual path and working on your self -- has moved you forward in amazing (near miraculous) new ways!

Now it's time to focus upon what's next for you. Do some research, including following your natural curiosity about what topic you'd like to explore and focus upon next. You've become a master manifestor, so you know you can create and attract support for diving into your natural talents and passions in a way that brings blessings to the world.

Keep up the good work! It's working!

Notes: Doreen is working with the Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle Cards, which are available at bookstores and app stores worldwide, including at:

Doreen's free assertiveness videos are released today at: The first video is about reclaiming your power and setting healthy boundaries in relationships.

Lynda Hill: An Ascension In Consciousness: September's Total Lunar Eclipse And The Super Galactic Center

An Ascension In Consciousness: September's Total Lunar Eclipse And The Super Galactic Center | Lynda Hill's Sabian Symbols


You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.
-Mark Twain
Love and desire are the spirit’s wings to great deeds. -Goethe

I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor. Henry -David Thoreau

Scully: Another Bermuda Triangle?Mulder: It’s more like a wrinkle in time...The X-Files

He who has imagination without learning has wings but no feet. -Horace

You see things as they are and ask ‘Why’? I dream things as they never were and ask ‘Why not’? -George Bernard Shaw

And I said, oh that I had wings like a dove! For then would I fly away, and be at rest. -The Bible—Psalm 55:6

September's full Moon is a total lunar eclipse and is the last in a series of tetrads - four eclipses in a row. Other eclipses in the tetrad are those of April 15, 2014October 8, 2014, and April 4, 2015. The moon will appear to be larger than normal as the moon will be just 59 minutes past its closest approach to Earth in 2015 at mid-eclipse. It's a big one and it will be visible over Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and the Americas. Europe and the Middle East are certainly feeling it, as, no doubt are Africa and the Americas. More here on this eclipse: click here.

Further to the eclipse, we have the Moon's north node, Lilith, Juno, the Sun, and soon, again, Mercury, going over the Super Galactic Center (SGC). This is a very powerful time, the Symbols of which speak about an ascension in consciousness. Many have talked about September 2015 being a time of ascension, and I have been listening. When I saw the Sabian Symbols for this period, it really made me sit up and listen :) Here's a link to more information on Mercury's sojourn forwards, backwards and then forwards again over the SGC. Click here to learn more about the SGC and the planetary movements across it that we are experiencing. 

What an enormous time we are observing and experiencing, truly momentous and this total eclipse looks set to be adding to the story. Eclipses release energies that are with us for months. Some say nine months, and I know there is truth in that, however, it is clear that whatever grows out of this period is often felt for far longer than that. Events that happen now are seeds for the future, and, well, that can stretch into eternity... ! You can find out more information click here.

The full Moon each month marks a time of heightened energies and events. It often marks the culmination of the energies released at the new Moon. Emotions can be supercharged as the Sun and Moon are on opposite sides of the zodiac and illumination is increased - it's like we can see in the dark - and we can be hyper-aware as well as being hyper-awake. The effects of a full Moon can be major or minor, depending on how they interact with your own chart. Sometimes, realisations or events that are unleashed, or unlocked, can stretch their meaning months into the future. A lot can be learned at the time of the full Moon and whether it's lunacy or illumination, or a combination of both, there's magic unleashed with every full Moon.

This energy is even more super-charged at the time of a total lunar eclipse.

This lunar eclipse has some wonderful energies, supercharged, in fact. Adding to the mix are Lilith and Juno, both conjunct the Sun in Libra at this eclipse. This is something along the lines of

the 'wild woman' meets the idea of the inner marriage
(for one example), both bringing to light issues to do with the feminine. It speaks of the rise of the feminine and the need to not only acknowledge its power, but also to give it its rightful place in society. Both being on the SGC and conjunct the Sun and the Moon's node on this eclipse, we can feel a sense of a rebalancing of the scales.
Lilith is at Libra 4: A GROUP OF YOUNG PEOPLE SIT IN SPIRITUAL COMMUNION AROUND A CAMPFIRE - click here to learn more about Lilith.
Juno is conjunct the Sun on Libra 5: A PERSON TEACHING THE TRUE INNER KNOWLEDGE OF THE NEW WORLD TO THEIR STUDENTS - click here to learn more about Juno.
Adding to the idea of the feminine is Venus and Uranus in a trine. This can be a very freeing aspect and it can bring big realisations around issues to do with freedom, beauty, relationships, etc.

However, there is the Mars/Saturn square, bringing up some very strong male energies. This could result in frustrating reunions and religion, or the Church, or conservative values may be strained or forced. Political and religious situations are unfolding, especially in Europe, and some may not like the 'reunions'. Some, especially, I imagine, the refugees, will be separate from each other. Mars on Virgo 2: The Large White Cross squaring Saturn on Sagittarius 1: An Army Reunion, is likely to bring up hostilities. Hopefully, it will bring some events to a head for resolution. This feels very much a representation of the 'old guard'. There is likely to be some bumping of heads.

Mars and Saturn square can bring realisations where on is perhaps banging their head against a brick wall and solutions are now to be sought. This is made especially strong as Saturn is sextiling the Moon's north node and trining the south node. In other words, an alignment of energies can bring about solutions to even long standing problems, especially around relationships.

Further, Mercury and Pluto are in square aspect to each other. This can have people bumping heads, too. It can bring up obsessions and desires. On a very positive front, it can show us where we may need to be more passionate about our lives, or, we may feel a longing to connect deeply. We want, perhaps need, to have something that sets us alight with purpose and depth. Shallow responses and measures as not what this eclipse is about....."

Sabian Symbols and more in Lynda Hill's full report

FROM THE ANDROMEDAN GALAXY: LOVE UNITES ALL RACES AND CULTURES by Ute Posegga-Rudel | Messages from the Realms of Light

Monday, September 28, 2015

VIDEO (recommended)


Dear Humanity!

 It is our joy to be with you and to observe your progress of awakening! Many of you opened their spiritual eyes recently, awakening to their infinite Divine Nature with the desire to let go of old and limiting programmings.

With this we'd like to remind you that everything  in the conditional realms is frequency. This concept is helpful especially because it allows you to experience your programs as mere frequencies.

When you are able to understand that the vehicle of your body-mind is a mixture of frequencies, you are also capable to recognize your environment and others by their frequencies.

Physical appearance or words do not change this. You like or dislike a person by their frequency. You like or dislike a message by its frequency. That's how you recognize who is who and what is what. Because every frequency carries information.

We suggest that you, if you haven't done it yet, step up and train your perception on the frequency level, to be able to use discrimination in this era of disinformation and deceit.

This is an important part of the ascension process that allows you to go beyond the Matrix! Because the Matrix is frequency.

What we  also would like to bring to your attention is this: it is important to understand the term "unity". It is not an idea or goal, but a frequency which does not need to be "created", but which already exists since the beginning of time.  Mankind perceived itself as divided by apparent different races and cultures, yes, - but mainly because Love in all its Divine dimensions and glory  was not yet integrated in the human consciousness. And so humanity fell, challenged by adverse forces, easily  into separating difference and calculated aggressiveness.

However Love is THE uniting force of the galaxy that has been introduced to your universe to reverse a further course of decline, weakening and destruction of humanity. That is why your spiritual guides always refer to love, as it is the spiritual force that easily unites all races and cultures. Love has no structure, no dimension, no believe and no judgement. It is the foundation for Unity-Consciousness.

Now there is hardly anyone who did not experience the power of love, even if only for a moment in the case of a very unhappy life. Attraction between genders has been enriched in due course with true love that involves your higher being, as more and more of you evolved and opened their sacred heart.

However today we ask you to not overstress and confine the experience of love to your personal relationships. This is only a beginning where you are called to cultivate this energy and are able to experience bliss and unity with one another.

Humanity is now ready to step outside this merely intimate space between two or a few people, willing to expand love beyond the familiar. Beyond family bonds and the bonds with friends and even nations. Humanity must expand love to all beings and creatures, in order to overcome the  challenges of a divided world-population and destructive forces, and to create as soon as possible peace on earth, refusing to kill, to intentionally hurt and abandon your human brothers and sisters, because you are perhaps being told so.

We ask you to tune into your heart when you read or listen to this. We remind you that you all are capable of the language and higher vibration of the heart, if you intend to release fear and hatred and the idea of separation from the rest of your human family.

In the past times many of you convinced themselves that survival was dependent on the idea of separation and alienation. Now you are to understand that your survival as a Divine race is dependent on the frequency of love and unity. As the light and energy on your planet is rising, so your own energy can rise when you tune into the frequency of love. It is the vehicle for you to receive what is coming now from highly evolved and Divine cosmic sources. It is the vessel that allows your own holographic structure to participate in the higher mind that is invincible by negative and deceiving forces. It is indeed the very force that allows you to ascend and to evolve as a race.

Many of you, humanity, are  still lingering in pockets of darkness and spiritual inertia, which is merely due to the programs of low frequencies you are attached to. You are able to rise your frequency simply by clearing your heart space. We say "space" and not chacra, because as your scientists already found out, the space around the human heart is much larger and much more powerful than just the chacra, and refers to the truly Divine human nature and is therefore Sacred.   

Clearing your heart space might be challenging though, as you encounter unpleasant emotions, that are trapped in illusions, that can hurt. Be aware that you lived with them anyway in the past -  but merely suppressed the feeling of it.

To allow the full feeling-awareness of them is all there is required. It enables you to release the low frequency programs and  to open up to unconditional love, while you are willing to keep your heart space open and expanded at all times to receive the new waves of enlightening information. What you once have messed up with can be healed and balanced now.

Your future is your responsibility. It is you who is creating your personal experience and  the experience on your planet. To create peace and happiness you must first release the low frequency-programs in yourself that do not vibrate as truth, peace and happiness. It is that simple. To release low frequencies  allows the frequency of unconditional love be present not only in your heart space but all over your human hologram and beyond, by filling your consciousness with stillness. And so you are becoming it. You can do this now. And so in every moment.

The incoming higher light and consciousness is supporting your process to transcend the Matrix. This is your moment to take advantage of this glorious opportunity. We highly  recommend not to miss a jota of this Divine Gift. We want to see planet earth and this universe in peace, happiness and unity. We want to share with all of you what we are, and you to share with us what you yourself truly are, or can become again soon.

We trust this auspicious process to show greater and greater signs in your societies, as you accept the joy of it and as you progress in your process of releasing un-love and un-happiness, deeper than ever before.

We are the the Light-Beings from the Andromeda Galaxy!

Message conveyed by Ute


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