Saturday, October 10, 2015

An Akashic Perspective on Tech & the Internet by Jen Eramith | Akashic Transformations


What is the meaning of the Internet at this time on Planet Earth?  Is it beneficial or detrimental to humanity?

The meaning of the Internet is that it provides a step in your evolution and, while it is something you created as humans, it already existed energetically.  The Internet is just a tangible but nonphysical representation of an energetic space or connection that already exists.

Overall when we look at the Internet is that it is important to consider that human beings were always connected.  Before the Internet came along, before telephones came along, before telegrams or any other form of communication came along, you were always connected.  It has always been possible for you to exchange information with each other telepathically.  In fact, you do this all of the time subconsciously.  You're constantly exchanging information with each other energetically and spiritually.  This is the way that you set up very interesting synchronicities.  When you run into an old friend at just the moment you were thinking of them or someone calls and you immediately know whom it is.  These kinds of things happen because you are already online with each other so to speak in the etheric realm like at a higher level of your existence.

The Internet simply arose out of that sense that you are all connected and it provides something like training wheels for you toward developing or reclaiming your ability to be telepathic with each other.

Telepathy is what happens when your conscious mind becomes aware of the etheric connections that your subconscious had already been involved in.  The Internet is just an invitation or a space, like a tool by which your conscious mind can explore what it is like to be in that kind of connection with any human at any time on any subject.  It is a tool that you have created as a step along the way toward reclaiming your ability to be telepathic.

Overall the Internet is profoundly beneficial to humanity.  It has accelerated individual empowerment, it has made space for individuals to have a voice, it has enabled all of you to be aware of your connections across the globe, to coordinate with one another for better or for worse, but the coordination itself is beneficial.  It has made you aware that you are profoundly connected and it has given you a tool by which you can work with that connection to make the world better.  This is beneficial.

While it is a beneficial technology overall, there are drawbacks or pitfalls and it is very vitally important that you understand and work around these.  The primary pitfall of the Internet is that using the Internet functionally disengages you from your body's experience.

The act of using the Internet engages small parts of your body like your fingers and your eyes to operate the computer, but when you spend a lot of time on the Internet, or any sort of screen technology, you are shutting your consciousness off from your body's experience and therefore you are shutting off a vast wealth of information from your intuition and instincts.  You are therefore disabling the very tool by which you would eventually develop telepathy.

The ultimate purpose of the Internet is to help you adjust to being profoundly connected to one another.  You are ultimately meant to become free of computers.  The dream of the Internet or the potential of the Internet is that it will eventually lead you to realize that you YOURSELVES are computers.  You are online with each other in every moment, and if you will just pay attention to that telepathic connection, you will finally reclaim your full connection to humanity.

This telepathic connection exists in your heart and the vibration of love that you feel in your body.  Reclaiming this will completely trump the Internet.  There will be no need for any of the computer technology that keeps the Internet in place or brings you access to the Internet.  You will come to realize that you are online all the time and that you have access all the time.  It is built into your system, in your mind, in your body and your spirit.

The actual connection or vibration by which telepathy occurs is a vibration of love.  When you are in love, when you are connected to someone in love, even if it is someone you have never met before, if you have compassion, then you are able to sense any information that is relevant between the two of you.  This is actually the way that you access the Akashic Records.  It is simply residing in such profound love that that love resonates into a tangible energy that can be translated into information.

The pitfall of the Internet is that if you spend too much time using the and you lose track of your body, you are actually halting your progress toward the eventual benefit of the Internet, which is developing telepathy or remembering that you are truly connected with one another, that you have access to one another all the time...

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