Wednesday, October 7, 2015

What energy and experiences can we expect in October 2015? By Jen Eramith

October 2015 Message From the Akashic Records:
An Excerpt from the Message of October 2015
By Jen Eramith

Members: To access the full monthly message including all of the information the Keepers have to share about this month, please login above. If you're not a member, consider joining Akashic Transformations, and compare the benefits of membership to public access before joining!

What energy and experiences can we expect in October 2015?

The energy this month is that of a clear blue sky.  There is a feeling of openness, expansion, and optimism available this month.  If you were to imagine flying through a clear blue sky, there is also a feeling of being untethered or ungrounded.  

This can be a very productive month.  There is great possibility for goodwill, productive work, and positive experiences – and all this positive potential relies on you choosing to be grounded, to slow down, and to be practical.  Another way to accomplish the same effect is to keep your eyes wide open.  Be pragmatic this month.

That is not to say that you need to be serious or solemn.  It is instead to say that whatever you are doing, consider the potential outcomes before you take action.  As long as you will be practical and remember what grounds you, what keeps you stable in your life, and what you value most, then this month will be very enjoyable for many of you. 

Are there any activities that will help us best use this energy?

It will be beneficial to plan social activities this month.  Parties, meetings, and other gatherings will be especially fruitful this month.  Any social activity whether it be for work or play, is beneficial.  Rather than working alone, plan to have meetings and brainstorming sessions with your colleagues and coworkers.  This is a time to listen carefully and understand each other.  It will be easier than usual for people to see the best in each other.  You will find that diplomacy and negotiation will go well this month if all parties are willing to participate.

Social activity will be beneficial, and within your activities strive to create alignment among people.  Foster a culture of open-mindedness.  Encourage people to listen carefully to one another.  Make space for people to say what they are thinking even if they change their mind later.  Encourage a sense of open discussion.  This month it will be especially important to be forgiving and willing to let people change along the way.  If people feel like they are going to be judged or held too harshly to what they have said, then they will not share what they are thinking as easily.  This month, more than ever, it seems best for people to share what they are thinking.  Create a climate of openness this month as much as you can.  That goes for your families, your work groups, your friendships, and your neighborhoods.  Any social groups you may be a part of this month will need your help to hold openness and respect.

Another activity that may be beneficial is to work physically in nature in order to help you stay grounded.  Although this is not traditionally a time for gardening, if you have any gardening or yard work to do, engage in it with your full attention.  Engage in it as a spiritual practice.  Honor the time that you spend raking leaves or putting your garden to bed for the winter.  It will be useful for you to have your hands in the dirt, on the trees, or otherwise working in nature.  If you do not have a yard or a garden to tend, then spend time walking in natural settings.  Place your hands on the trees, lie down on the ground and feel the energy of Earth.  Let nature and your body help to keep you grounded and tethered amidst this expanding and fast-moving energy...

For additional information about this month, including specific information about what to avoid and watch out for this month, and a special message from the Keepers about the potent energy of this month, consider joining Akashic Transformations as a member. Compare the benefits of membership to public access before joining!
You can receive an excerpt from the Monthly Message, updated channelings, and additional insights from the Akashic Records by signing up for our free newsletter.

This Message was channeled from the Akashic Records by  Jen Eramith MA through Akashic Transformations.   

It may be shared with individuals provided that the content is complete; all credit is given to the author; and it is distributed for no financial or other compensation to anyone other than Jen Eramith and Akashic Transformations.  Please include this message with all redistribution.
For official distribution rights, please contact Jen.  

You can receive an excerpt of the Monthly Message by email each month by signing up for our free newsletter.
If you would like to consult the Records about your life or any other personal question, please schedule a Personal Consultation from Jen.

Welcome to a magical conversation with Spirit

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