Thursday, October 8, 2015

Shanta Gabriel: A Creative Solution for All Situations | Inspiration for the Week

Inspiration for the Week

Shanta Gabriel: A Creative Solution for All Situations | Inspiration for the Week

The Gabriel Messages
book and the companion cards continue to be basic tools for me that are powerfully relevant for the changing times in which we now live. We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of the week.

For this week’s issue, your message from Archangel Gabriel expands our consciousness into new possibilities.

The Gabriel Message card for this week

Trust in the Universal Flow of Good and know there is a Creative Solution for all situations.
We are really being challenged to trust these days. If we look outside ourselves to find goodness, it is often difficult to see. With so much change swirling in the world around us and within our lives, it is even challenging to trust that there is a benevolent outcome.

Archangel Gabriel sprung the idea of Creative Solutions on me in a meditation in 2006. At the time I wanted to find a new place to rent. I needed to leave the house where I was living in two weeks. I had discovered that there was such a shortage of rentals in the area I was looking that a walk-in closet was for rent and actually had a waiting list. I had a loose verbal agreement with a friend for her cottage, even though I knew it was only temporary and not the perfect place for me. I had enjoyed being in the sweet spirit of Hawaii for 20 years, loved the beauty and the culture, and had no intention of leaving the islands.

During my meditation that morning, Archangel Gabriel had impressed on me that no matter what the situation was, no matter how dire things appeared, Creative Solutions Abound! Those were the words, including the exclamation point. I was told that there is always a Creative Solution available within the Divine Mind. That sounded great, so I asked for a Creative Solution in my housing situation, and I gave thanks in advance, knowing it was so.

When I started my day, I decided to give my friend a call to see when I could get inside the cottage. She seemed surprised and very casually said, “Oh, I rented it to someone else.” I don’t remember any more of the conversation because I was going through a number of emotions very quickly. Panic was the first, anger was the second, but then humor was the third as I remembered my conversation with Gabriel that morning. Once again, I proclaimed Creative Solutions, blessed her and hung up the phone laughing.

In the week that followed I found no place to live that worked for me. It became obvious by the divine discontent within me that it was time to leave my beloved island home. Obviously that was the Creative Solution that I had never considered. I made plans to put my car on the ship to the mainland U.S., and every step I made from then on seemed blessed with amazing synchronicity and divine assistance. Seven years later I live in Mt. Shasta, a place I truly love with a soul community I had prayed for but never experienced. I have learned to trust that there is a universal flow of divine goodness, that we live in a benevolent Universe, and when I call forth a Creative Solution, one will be there.

It is obvious when we look at the world that solutions of Divine proportions are required if humanity and the Earth are to thrive in the future. We often cannot see clearly because we are still enmeshed in the problem. This is exactly the time to ask for Creative Solutions to be revealed and allow the miraculous outworking of the Divine to intervene. What I have discovered is that Trust is a divine attribute that needs to be applied to every area of my life, often moment to moment. Trust is an essential ingredient in my happiness.

Here is a prayer suggestion…

Divine Presence,

I invite more Trust into my mind and into my life. Help me to remember that there is an essential Goodness inside me and that Good is a divine attribute, always available in the field of all potential.
Impress clearly upon my being that no matter what it looks like, there is a Creative Solution in all situations. I want to embody this Truth deep within me, and know it beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Thank you for the Peace in my heart when I allow Trust to guide my way. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
October 4, 2015

The Gabriel Messages #40

Trust in the universal flow of good and know there is a Creative Solution for all situations.

Dear One,

The Divine Presence is an energy which is omnipotent, everywhere present and has infinite capacity for good. This energy flows through you and surrounds you at all times. There is never a time when you are not a part of this energy flow of God, which is Divine Love. In this you can place your trust. You can also be assured that regardless of where you are or what the situation is, all energies flow to the highest good for all concerned, at all times.


You can set an intention in your mind or on paper for what you want to see manifest in your life. This gives direction to the universal flow of energy. It’s like holding a vision of your target in your mind, and then taking aim with a bow and arrow. When you release the arrow, you trust it will go where you aim it. The power of God is the energy behind the release of the arrow, but you are the one who takes aim. When you clearly know what qualities you want in your life, this Universal energy will flow where you want it, following the direction of your intention.

The qualities we refer to are qualities of consciousness — like Peace, Love, Harmony, Joy, Divine Order, and Abundance. All these words have been used to describe qualities of the Higher Power and as they manifest through the universal flow of energy in your life, and create the perfect outworking of your soul’s expression in every situation.

God wants you to experience happiness, love and all that is good. You have a divine right to ask for these qualities to manifest. Regardless of your circumstance, begin now to be very clear about what qualities you want in your life. Write them down. Post them in a place where you will be reminded. You can set the course for your life in this way. Review your intentions often and remain aware of them when circumstances seem upsetting. It is in those moments of upset that you can clearly ask for Divine Order and Harmony to manifest. After that, you need to let go and trust. When you let go, turning the situation over to a Higher Power, it allows a Creative Solution to manifest that you would have never imagined.

The grace of God is available to all who ask and know what qualities they want to manifest in their lives. Remember your guidance for today:

Trust in the universal flow of good and know there is a Creative Solution for all situations.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel October 4, 2015

1 comment:

  1. New Dates for Seven Keys to Awakening Teleconference Series
