Gibbous Moon Phase: trust, believe
Moon in Aries/Taurus (Tuesday 2:07 am ET/6:07 am UT)
Goddess of Wisdom: Kali, Goddess of Endings and Beginnings
God of Desire/Will: Elias, God of the West
Skill: honor what you are experiencing as a great teaching
True Alignments: see below
Catalysts for Change: see below
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "a Jewish rabbi performing his duties"
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the music of the spheres"
is the eve of the Full Moon of the Libra lunar cycle, which brings the
most "light" all year by which to "see." It's reflection is bright and
covers a wide area. This makes it a Great Moon Mirror in the Sky, and
what is being shown to us is important to our futures, individually and
The energetics of the Full Moon will actually begin
to enter at 2:04 pm ET/6:04 pm UT today, when the Sun moves to the
degree of 04 Scorpio - "a youth holding a lighted candle in a devotional
ritual." This is the energy the Sun will be disseminating when the
Moon becomes directly opposite it and Full when it reaches 04 Taurus at
8:04 am ET/12:04 pm UT tomorrow.
The Sabian symbol for the Full
Moon at 4 Taurus is "the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow." This
is the degree of the Chiron Point - the degree in the sky where Chiron
was located when it was discovered. It is a compression of the themes
of Chiron: wounding, pain, grief, suffering, healing, discovery,
adventures, teachers and teachings, alternative healing, alchemy, the
hero's journey, mission and service, gathering information from many
sources, and innovation (especially treatment innovation).
Before the Moon becomes Full, the "rainbow" of experiences can follow these themes:
1) Feeding energy into situations that have gone cold.
2) Restoring life to what is true, simple, and innocent.
Entering into a match or contest or power/control struggle with self or
others. Clashes of opinion (especially about what is fair and just)
emerge. The need to defend oneself may come in to play. Words that
probably need to be spoken tend to come out before one is aware of it.
Given the Chiron energy in effect, things that are said and done during
this Full Moon phase can wound deeply. They can also heal and brings us
closer to the real truth of matters. Above all, Uranus is the primary
ruler of everything right now, and with Uranus we are saved by our
rejections. Staying true to honor and duty is the compass through this
particular wave of energy.
4) Volcanic eruptions of anger, but
also of love. Venus has moved to "a volcanic eruption" so this dynamic
clearly shows. This can occur in any type of relationship -
interpersonal, professional, romantic, etc. Paraphrasing Tom Petty,
watch what you say; watch what you do.
5) Stepping up or stepping
into your place. This involves expressing our will - our desire. "The
gate to the garden of all fulfilled desires" is open for a while. Take
advantage of opportunities that open up. State your intention.
6) Carrying great burdens and trying to keep it concealed from others.
Fresh air entering to clear out situations that have become stale or
worn out and also to clear the way for better ways, ideas, and plans.
This would be the "healing" and "teaching" aspect of the energy
entering. Imagination will facilitate this.
8) Double promises, double dealing, double timing, double trouble.
Revelations of the abundance that is present, despite dominant
conditions. Blessings are there, though they may be underneath a lot of
other things.
10) Adjustments. Adjusting is the name of the game right now. Wise owls do it naturally, as the wind changes.
attendants to wisdom, we hold space and maintain equilibrium
(structural integrity) under strong astrological influences. We know
that the Full Moon phase will bring a gift - a healing and teaching that
is like a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for such as us - the
soul's gold.
We turn to honor the teachings of the Great Moon Mirror.
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