ones, we wish to express our congratulations for the courage you hold
in the face of many issues appearing to be in opposition to the peace
and harmony you were expecting. Never doubt that what you are witnessing
is the necessary process of a world waking up. There remain those who
require powerful experiences in order to wake up or even move a little
beyond complacency. Many remain stuck in the glue of illusion.
true essence of every individual is Divine, regardless of how they may
act or what they believe themselves to be. Everyone living on earth has
chosen to experience a sense of separation in order to re-remember
Oneness. However, along the way of lifetimes, many got lost in the
experiences of separation and became hypnotized inadvertently creating a
collective consciousness of duality and separation--the third
dimensional belief system.
and give gratitude for everything, for you are bearing witness to the
awakening of the masses and the disintegration of the old. It is what
mankind has desired and brought into manifestation. Those living with
closed eyes are beginning to open them, and those with already open eyes
are seeing more clearly. However, be alert to any judgements you may
hold with regard to how the awakening process must appear.
is a powerful time to be living on earth dear ones, for the Light and
assistance coming from the other side has never been more intense or
available to the masses. Know that you chose to take advantage of these
times in order to personally evolve, and then assist others through your
work, words, or by simply holding the light.
is time to once again discuss power. All fear is based in the belief
that something has power over something else, be the body, germs, laws,
persons, circumstances of all kinds, or even a God of judgement looking
down on you from on high. Fear comes naturally to humans because having
lived lifetimes fully enmeshed in duality and separation, all have been
well educated by their experiences. Fears still held in cellular memory
will continue to express throughout lifetimes until cleared, manifesting
for no seeming reason and with no apparent cause.
are ready to realize and embrace the fact that the new times are
already here, not coming in the future. It is time to accept that false
concepts and beliefs no matter how familiar must be left behind if you
are to evolve further, much as a child leaves behind his toys when he
matures. You have evolved beyond the need to continue seeking and
searching, or depending upon tools for awakening-- you have arrived.
lifetimes of learning experiences, some good and some not so good, you
have finally arrived at the more evolved part of your journey which
involves the process of disengaging from a third dimensional belief
system and all its seeming powers if you are to reclaim and move into
your own power as a spiritual expressions.
there is is ONE and you can call that ONE anything you wish. Because
there is only one of IT, whatever it is. Thus this IT must be the only
law, reality, cause, source, and substance etc.--complete and whole in
and as ITSELF. In reality, there is no way anything could have power
over you because you already are the embodiment of the one and only
power there is. That is, unless you don't believe it...
means that anything external seeming to have power over you, must be
illusory. Illusions are mind formed, taking place within minds
conditioned by beliefs of good and evil, duality and separation. Because
there is only ONE, all see the same pictures.
of the third dimensional belief system reflect either fear or happiness
(duality). Know that good appearances are just as illusory as the bad
ones. This is how it works for everyone because there is only ONE, until
an individual chooses to come out from under the umbrella of the
collective illusion begin his journey into freedom.
ONE POWER is the absolute but to pretend to that state of consciousness
before it is attained is very human. Do not rush out into busy traffic
shouting; "God is the only power, nothing can kill me." because an
intellectual knowledge of truth doesn't make it true for you. Knowing an
absolute truth is the first step, followed by the practice and
integration of it until it becomes an attained state of consciousness
and can be lived easily without effort.
beat yourselves up or rigidly resist some fear that may still seem to
have power over you. Every human still carries (but is now clearing) old
cellular memory from fearful experiences of the past. Long buried fears
often manifest when clearing, so if this happens do not panic, claim it
back in as your personal fear, or see it as something to get rid of,
simply allow it to flow through and out.
when emotions of fear, anger, frustration, etc. arise, just allow them
while loving yourself and recognizing that they are guiding you toward a
deeper examination of your belief system--"What am I believing that is
making me feel this way? Is it true?".
to recognize and practice Oneness, knowing that if there is only ONE,
then nothing can exist outside of that ONE. In ONE Divine Consciousness,
there is only completeness, harmony, peace, joy, abundance because that
ONE is self-sustained and self-maintained with nothing to be in
opposition to IT-- unless you believe there is.
individuals disengage from giving power to the external, fear and other
negative emotions begin to simply fade away because the only thing
holding them in place was a belief in them. This does not mean the whole
world is going to be immediately free, but as you become free, your
Light in turn automatically adds more Light to the collective because
there is only--ONE.
is how higher frequencies are perceived with the eye but energy can be
felt on all levels. The lower and slower vibrations feel heavy and
dense, and are easily felt in certain places--places you usually want to
leave soon after entering even though others may not even notice. The
higher frequencies of unconditional love and truth appear as bright and
clear Light and are experienced as joy, peace, harmony. The more aware
you become of who and what you are the brighter and more refined your
energy field becomes.
is why angels and ascended beings are seen as Light, and is why saints
are always portrayed with halos which reflect the high vibrating energy
field of an evolved consciousness. We tell you this because more and
more of you are beginning or will soon begin to see and hear higher
dimensional energies and beings.
ones energy field becomes more refined, there gradually unfolds the
ability to align with like energies within the higher
dimensions--energies which up to now you have only been able to read
about, believing them to be separate and un-approachable which is the
case when you are unable to align with them.
ability to rest in truth despite circumstances is what dissolves
appearances. Everything you become aware of, is in reality a spiritual
idea within the One Divine Consciousness (remember IT is all there is,
and therefore there can be nothing separate from the ONE). How truth is
understood depends entirely upon the state of consciousness of the
individual which in the beginning simply reflects the collective belief
Reality never changes, held in place by Divine Law. IT just IS. How IT
is understood and lived depends upon how completely ones mind (an avenue
of awareness) is conditioned and programmed.
example, violence toward others is in reality a low resonating
interpretation of the constant flow of energy that takes place between
all within the ONE. When this energetic connectedness is interpreted
through a mind heavily programmed by a consciousness of separation, it
expresses outwardly as low resonating, distorted, and hypnotized forms
that the perpetrator unconsciously believes offers solutions.
individual, regardless of where they may be in their evolutionary
journey, seeks peace and love because peace and love is the true nature
of every soul. However, how each strives to achieve that peace and love
is individual. Even the murderer believes he is making things better in
some way.
desire for self empowerment has woken, but for most is still being
sought through three dimensional solutions. However this is as it needs
to be right now, for many are just beginners on the path toward self
empowerment. You are going to find yourselves very busy very soon for
the many now awakening are going to be drawn to your Light seeking to
know what you know. This is why so many of you have gone though so much
yourselves up to now, you have been preparing.
centered in each now moment, holding to truth in spite of what outer
appearances may be knocking at the door of your consciousness for
admittance. The Light of truth is held in place by Divine law, whereas
illusions are only held by the belief in them. Higher frequencies always
supersede and dissolve the lower which is how you are assisting the
world to evolve.
you have chosen to assist the world's awakening and are ahead of the
masses in awareness, it may seem at times as if you are alone, not being
listened to or even respected by those around you still convinced that
the three dimensional world is the only reality.
this happens to you resist the temptation to defend yourself and simply
smile, remembering that life on earth is not about overcoming one power
with another through words or actions but is instead a journey of
awakening into the realization of ONE POWER.
about death? You need to ponder this. Does or can anyone ever really
die? Everyone of you as well as everyone else on earth has done it
hundreds of times. There is no death-- period. This is true for animals
as well, they too evolve.
It is a new time, the old is finished but is refusing to go without a great deal of kicking and screaming.
is what is in spite of all appearances. Do whatever you are guided to
do, be it signing a petition, or marching, or simply quietly holding the
Light. Whatever you choose to do must carry the intention of helping
awaken others to their own innate power and not simply be a resistance
to some external power.
is a subtle but powerful energy that is involved with every action you
take from the smallest decisions to largest. Always ask yourself; "What
is my intention?" If your intention is to resist something you believe
to be a power over you, you are in old energy. If your intention is to
become more Self empowered or help others to also become that, then your
actions will be carried on high frequency of Light.
Intention sets the energy for all actions and words no matter how seemingly trivial.
may look the same to observers but will flow with an energetic
vibration capable of lifting anyone receptive if done from a
consciousness of truth and empowerment.
The awakened ones are the wayshowers and you are them.
We are the Arcturian Group 2/12/17
Image: Universal Love by Daniel B. Holeman
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