RISE OF THE LIGHTWORKERS - This is a time where lightworkers (those who want to bring more light and love to the planet) will rise and stabilize their energy. Some of the points below are a part of that journey.
EXTREME EMOTION SET TO BECOME SUBTLE EMOTION - The extreme fear-based energies of recent months (division, loneliness, anxiety, depression, separation) are slowing down. We will now move into a period where SUBTLE rather than extreme EMOTION becomes the new level of experience for most.
RIDING THE 'LOWER-STATE' WAVES - Lightworkers are still going through a fast propulsion of energy clearings - dense, heavy emotional or physical states that arrive, but also LEAVE quickly and faster than before. This could look like difficult emotions, sudden tiredness, going from highly functional to suddenly becoming non-functional. These waves are part of the new ascension energies on the planet, which won’t go away, but their intensity (and specifically their presence in the heart energy field) will be less than recent months in the coming 4-6 weeks.
ARRIVAL OF HIGHER-MIND - A rise in HIGHER MIND ENERGIES at this time can mean on the shadow side, manipulation and calculated actions from some (as exemplified by some on the world-stage) or it can be felt inside yourself as an opportunity to let it go. On the higher side, the HIGHER-MIND energy can induce an elevation of identity, thought and divinely inspired action in your life. This rise is occurring for everybody. SO innovators, healers, creators and PIONEERS of new-energy and community-focused ways of being will benefit from this period of time greatly.
FORWARD MOMENTUM FOR PIONEERS - Late February and into March will see a new-energy wave of forward momentum, so making beneficial connections with others, and receiving DOWNLOADS of DIVINELY INSPIRED ACTIONS will come faster in these coming weeks, greatly supported by the HIGHER MIND energy.
LEARN TO BALANCE YOURSELF - If (and when) you are struggling, recognize that your lower states are not to be rejected or separated from in your mind. If it’s difficult for you, agree to learn to love yourself through this healing time for you and GET THE HELP YOU NEED. Ask the Universe for help with any struggles, write an intention about this and TAKE ACTION TO SUPPORT THAT through trying new and known activities that help you feel higher and more balanced.
SELF-CARE AND SELF-AWARENESS are vital in these times of high-stimulation so IDENTIFY YOUR STRESSORS and take action to limit those. It may be certain people, news headlines, types of entertainment. Trust what you need and TRUST WHAT YOU DON’T!
HOT TIP THIS MONTH: MEDITATE TO RECEIVE DIVINE INSIGHT - This is a VERY powerful period of time to meditate through. Higher consciousness energy wants to spark ideas in you and wake up parts of you that have been asleep or waiting to arrive. SO learn to meditate not just for clarity and peace of mind, but to access this new higher-mind consciousness, even if that means just taking some minutes of silence a few times a day.
Big love Everyone
My tags:Assistance, Balan ce, Co-Creation, Community, Connection, Downloads, Forward Movement, Higher Mind, Identify Your Stressors, Insight, Lee Harris Energy, Meditate, Rise, Lightworkers, Self-Awareness, Self-Care, Stillness, Trust. Energy Updates
Energy Mastery Events - Toronto LA Norway 2017