Monday, February 20, 2017
Third Quarter Moon Phase: revise, realign
Moon in Sagittarius/Capricorn (2:08 am ET/7:08 am UT)
Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): all ten Wisdom Goddesses
Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Seth, God of the North
Skill: be like the eagle - take a high viewpoint
True Alignments: guidance on the path, comforting, acceptance, engaging willpower, creating, withstanding, taking a positive outlook, peace, rest, timeless
Catalysts for Change: rigid/inflexible, set in routines, feelings of being lost/alone (we are not, we have two guardian angels today - see below), emptiness (is this room for something new?), struggling, avoiding complexity, being too hard or self critical
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "a flag is seen turning into an eagle"
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the magic carpet ride of Oriental imagery"
Today kicks off a major astrological week in the skies, which means major things will develop in our world and in our lives. All of this is in service to the completion of the this lunar month's energetic of "a flag is seen turning into an eagle" and next lunar month's energetic of "the race begins: intent on outdistancing his rivals, a jockey spurs his horse to great speed."
Wise owls, for all intents and purposes, that race begins today...

Sunday, February 19, 2017
Third Quarter Moon Phase: revise, realign
Moon in Sagittarius
Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): all ten Wisdom Goddesses
Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will):Seth, God of the North
Skill: open to opportunities
True Alignments: identity,
originality, tactical or strategic, care/caution, integrity, able to
organize, signposts, synchronicity, aiming for peace, blessings,
messages from the animal kingdom (Ted Andrews' book Animal Speak is recommended for reference)
Catalysts for Change:
shooting the messenger, uncompromising, bullying, missing out,
potential for threats and aggression, shadow sides coming out (fears
projected onto others), isolated, overly self sacrificing, fears about
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "a flag is seen turning into an eagle"
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the magic carpet of Oriental imagery"
As the Third Quarter phase continues, heights of revision, reassessment, and realignment of things continues.
The energetics are fairly straightforward today:
1 - OPPORTUNITIES / MISSED OPPORTUNITIES - The Sun is discharging 02 Pisces, "a squirrel hiding from hunters."
This energetic tends to empower others or give "threatening" things or
bullies more power than they truly have. In response, the desire to
withdraw or hide can be quite intensive. This leads to missed
opportunities for growth, expression, and experience. However, when the
"squirrel" understands that it is ingenious, adaptive, prepared,
skilled, and acrobatic, it is hard to catch. Think about how many
contraptions we humans have engineered to keep squirrels out of
wisdom of 02 Pisces is that there is nothing to fear but fear itself.
Most likely, the places and spaces in which we find ourselves are
opportunities for expression. It does not have a chance to do so if it
is isolated or shut down...
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Third Quarter Moon Phase: revise, realignMoon in Scorpio/Sagittarius (1:53 pm ET/6:53 pm UT)
Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): all ten Wisdom Goddesses
Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Seth, God of the North
Skill: display or watch what is being displayed
True Alignments: making the best of what is around, clarity, getting something out there for others, needs met, loosening up, coming to terms, appreciation, like minded, reunions
Catalysts for Change: narcissism, revealing something too soon, denial, greedy, swindling, misinterpreting, ageism and reverse ageism, overly insulated for protection, faking, disapproval
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "a flag is seen turning into an eagle"
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the magic carpet of Oriental imagery"
The Sun has moved into Pisces, and we have moved into the Third Quarter phase of this lunar month.
Third Quarter phases are the time when we take responsibility, revise, and realign. It is a time of completion of what was "seeded" or "intended" back at the New Moon phase. Some things are carried forward for development; some things conclude.
Effectively, we are in "quadruple" Third Quarter energy because this is the second lunar month that is like a month-long Third Quarter phase (2 Third Quarter lunar months + 2 Third Quarter lunar phases = 4 times the amount of energy).
Essentially, things that began at the new solar-lunar year on April 7, 2016, with the New Moon in Aries, seek closure or seek new evolution. This is the time of completing.
In the natural cycles, of time, next month is the time for releasing and preparing (clearing) the field for the new (the new solar-lunar year begins March 27). Next month, the Pisces cycle which begins on February 27, is going to be an exceptionally active.
So the more headway we can make with anything now, the more we can revise and realign, the better.
Fortunately, we have Uranus discharging "the gate to the garden of all fulfilled desires." Uranus realigns us no matter what. Accepting and adjusting to changes, instead of struggling against them, is the best advice with Uranus. Uranus always makes things better, even though it may take some time to see that the changes actually were for the better. Basically, follow along with where Uranus is leading you; follow your heart's desires.
Continuing yesterday's discussion of Saturn discharging the degree of the Galactic Center, 27 Sagittarius and "the sculptor's vision is taking form," the last time Saturn was discharging this degree was in 1988: January 5-14; July 24 - August 21 (when Saturn was retrograde); and September 9 - October 6...
Mantra for the Second Renaissance and the Return of Wisdom
All roads lead to Liberty.
Sophia ke Thelete acousome. Wisdom and Will, let us attend.
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