Posted: 24 Feb 2017 04:05 AM PST

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The world is a difficult place to live for many now.
And it appears to the superficial eye that it is not getting better.
The earth is shaking, waters are uncontrollable, hurricanes leave a trace of devastation behind them, a vast majority of humanity live in poverty and fear.
The earth is shaking, waters are uncontrollable, hurricanes leave a trace of devastation behind them, a vast majority of humanity live in poverty and fear.
is but the visible mirror of what is arising from the depth of the
human collective consciousness to be transformed into the light! All of
this is the result of frequencies that are changing the world: The full
spectrum of frequencies, some used as weapons against humanity by
non-intelligent beings and those frequencies of powerful light that
pours down on the planet for the sake of awakening of humanity, directed
by beings with Divine Intelligence and Love.
lightworkers are tested profoundly to overcome desperation, when facing
your worst nightmares now, that are triggered through increasing
artificially generated dense frequencies and toxic substances. It is
about karmas you haven't released yet for good. Those that are root
issues in your lives and which may pull you down into doubt and
depression, because you are not yet transparent enough to heavy
accepting that you are actually graced with having to face your deepest
attachments and unresolved issues, enables you to release them because
they have become conscious to you! With this immense force of Divine
Light which blesses humanity, also the opportunity to release what is
still binding you to the lower dimensions is given to you. The question
is always: where are you turning to!
If you honour your choice then in fact this battle is in reality working FOR you.
who are longing for wholeness and happiness, you are now learning a lot
about your power of creation. You are learning now to no longer
perpetuate a false reality which makes you suffer, but to discipline
your thoughts and consciously choose where you put your attention for
the sake of healing and self-love!
wisely! This is a very serious moment if you wish to live as an
autonomous being of light. You are now challenged not to give up but to
accept the challenge to be the warrior of light you agreed to be, before
you came here into this situation.
the challenge is considerable, it might require however all your
strength, all of your power reserves to stand tall in this battle for
freedom and to call in the Divine Powers of Love and Light! And you will
be victorious!
need to step out of the storm of life despising frequencies and perhaps
the storm of painful emotions into the eye of the storm itself, into
that place of stillness and equanimity, that is all over your body, if
you allow to sit down in your silent heart, feeling into infinity beyond
the turmoil, leaving the activities of your brain alone.
about what bothers you, find that stillness. With whatever means. In
this stillness there is no painful frequency whatsoever that can reach
you or disturb you! This stillness vibrates above any negativity and is
therefore no target that resonates with the lower dimensions.
is because you ARE by your true nature free, your spirit, soul, deeper
personality or higher self free! Always has been. Only the instrument of
your body can be a target if you make it so by allowing too much
density while holding on to old karmas - but which can be released now.
your body needs to be flooded with light throughout, the light of the
Divine Source, the God-Self, That is also your original State. Allow
this Divine Light to purify whatever your issues are that surface in
that challenge. Surrender to that Love-Light, let it do It's Sacred
Work, and what is dense und suffering dissolves in Unconditional Love.
This is: being a creator. A true creator! Allowing the Divine to create It's Own.
storm then!? In this Divine Domain there is no devastation, this
illusion transcended, your true purpose and identity revealed, the
battle won. Not by your ego, wanting a better and nicer illusionary 3D
world in the matrix, but by the Principle of your Own Native State of
Divinity. There no duality exists, but One Single Light of
Consciousness, beyond brainwaves. Your whole body transformed in It!
Contained in It!
is not about winning the battle AGAINST the "enemy". It is about
transcending the battle field within yourself! As you know, serious
problems can only be resolved on a higher dimensional level.
is a call to lightworkers, to release remaining illusions about making a
world of light and dark better, by "bettering" themselves within a
world of duality.
it is about to begin to understand that spiritual life at this critical
point needs to become a transcendental state of Divine Consciousness to
become full and true. To fulfil the destiny of the Divine Human Being,
to step out of the fields of turmoil forever.
aware that the challenges you are having to face presently, are but a
means to usher you forward to your true destiny. This kick looks like to
be the necessary Divine Grace to free you radically from what holds you
back to enjoy ultimately a happiness and fulfillment that can never
ever be destroyed.
this kick, how would most of you feel urged to move out of old unlucky
habits and tendencies that tie you to the past, the very past that you
need to transcend in order to become truly free from the illusions of
the matrix.
you are gifted with the opportunity to step up to what you ARE: Free
Beings, Divine Creator Gods, to experience an existence of pure joy and
do not regret, do not pity, do not give up your hopes, but understand
that there has never been true spiritual growth in this dense reality
without hardship and ultimate challenge to the separate ego. Who teaches
otherwise is misleading you!
humanity is blessed, although it might not look like it! Look at the
big picture, use the eagle's eye to see the wisdom that is testing the
spiritual strength of humanity. It is actually the ancient path of
discipleship on earth, now having become a global trial for all to
ascend to higher consciousness who came to here to realize it.
so many have forgotten their purpose, they are now reminded without the
chance of escape: Their loving destiny is calling them!
the joy, hidden behind all this, discover the immortal happiness in
your heart that arises like phoenix from the ashes of the dark illusion.
Because it understands that there is in Truth Only Love That is One
with Divine Light, undisturbed from the play of dense frequencies in
lower dimensions.
radiates in clarity and heart-satisfaction, in overwhelming beauty.
Wake up from that dream you have dreamed for so long, forgetful of your
Divine Heritage. Each roller coaster produces at the end the ignition of
higher light and ecstasy! But when you are bound within the floods of
up and down, you only see a moment of danger.
are coming and going, but your Heart is forever free, pristine,
sublime, your body contained in it. Because the Divine Self is of
unlimited Radiance. In this Radiance the world - as is - does not
matter, whatever its condition is.
Be Uplifted! Be Inspired! Be Happy!
Message conveyed by my Higher Self.
Much love,
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Ute Posegga-Rudel, http://RadiantlyHappy.
© 2017. All rights reserved.
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