Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, February 17, 2017
17th February 2017. Mike Quinsey.
The overview we have of activities on Earth is different to yours because as we see it all is happening on many different time lines, making it difficult to accurately forecast the course of events. However, one thing is certain and it is that the elite of the dark Ones continue to lose their control over you, and are destined for complete failure. It is a shattering conclusion for a group who once believed themselves to be invincible, and able to dictate the future of Humanity. Now you are becoming free to decide your own destiny, although for a period of time it will seem chaotic until the path for you becomes clear. There will unavoidably be hardships and uncertainty, but in time all will become clear and your future assured as you begin to enjoy your new found freedom.
Times are beginning to change more quickly than you may have anticipated, and from many quarters will come the truth that has been withheld from you for eons of time. The whole history of the Human Race will have to re-written that will be quite different to what you have been taught. Your isolation from other Beings has however been intentional, to ensure that you could evolve without outside influence or interference. However, it will be necessary to sort the wheat from the chaff, as only souls that have reached a higher level will be able to ascend. It is a natural process and no one is choosing who is ready to ascend, as it is quite automatic based on your present vibrations. Be assured that every soul has been given the same opportunity to ascend, but many know that they are not ready at this particular time.
Bear in mind that all experience is of value, and that every lifetime gives you the opportunity to increase your level of vibration. Your Guides play a big part in guiding you along a path that meets your needs, and since they can see the overall picture of your evolution know what is best for you. You will normally discuss such things and you still have the freedom to choose how your life plan works out. No one is left without assistance although some souls are unaware of it, and their lives are often so much more of a challenge. Whatever stage you feel that you are at try to see what direction you are going in, and always make the best of any opportunities to evolve. Stay positive and avoid negative actions, as they may involve karma that will show the need for more experiences than you planned.
Understand that all of you with few exceptions are old souls with much experience, and you should be able to handle whatever challenges come your way. Your memory of past incarnations has been deliberately closed off from you, to allow you a full experience of life in the lower vibrations. There are enough distractions without them, and you do need your full attention on the progress of your life plan. Again it is worth mentioning that you agreed to it prior to incarnating. Every soul has an objective and these are set at different levels of achievement according to how far they have developed. You will never be given more than is reasonably expected of you, and as you know you have other souls working with you from higher dimensions. Through your life you will meet new people as and when it is necessary to help you reach a new level. Obviously some of your most important relationships are within your own family. You may question that where they appear to be unworkable, but that may be the very reason why that link has been made. The truth of all links will be explained to you once that particular life has finished.
One of the first things you do on passing over is to have a life review, and see where you have succeeded and nothing can or will be hidden. In this way you will also see where you have failed so that necessary steps can be taken in your next life to accept those challenges again. It is all about your evolution. As having dropped down into the lower vibrations you need guidance on how to make your way back to the Light that is your true home. Mother Earth is a sentient Being and has a lot to offer, and is a beautiful orb that has so much variety and so many wonders to experience. After Ascension you will see the Earth in the pinnacle of her beauty without trace of the damage and destruction caused by Man. Can you imagine being where you are able to communicate with all forms of life, because that time is not very far away.
You have a saying that is “never judge a book by its cover” and it is very much the same for Human Beings who are often judged by outer appearances. In your times Jesus has appeared on Earth on more than one occasion, and was not accepted by those he met and to whom he revealed his true identity. So you never know who you might meet in their disguise as a Human Being. Naturally some souls who are One with the Teachers will sometimes reveal their last life connections, but it is usually obvious when a highly evolved soul incarnates. All through your history it has happened when Humanity has needed to be uplifted, and this present time is no exception. Great souls have re-incarnated to help you get through the challenges confronting you, and they cannot fail. Look around you and you will be able to identify such souls amongst you.
It is known that many souls are awaiting re-valuation of the currencies, but like everything else it will only go ahead when the circumstances permit it. In the long term all currencies will be assessed and adjusted to ensure a fair rate compared with others. Naturally some countries have more natural assets than others and that will be reflected in the new rates of exchange. The immediate need is for parity amongst some of them that do not reflect their true value. This task has been the subject of many reviews that are more or less completed. You may be sure that before long the markets will be operating on an equal basis, where all have the same opportunity to carry out their business.
In spite of the apparent chaos around you there is an underlying plan that is going ahead, that will give you a set up that is going to bring the New Age into being. Many groups are at the ready to bring out their contributions to it, and for example will propel you into it so quickly that you may have difficulty in keeping up with it. However, that is necessary to make up for lost time because as you are aware, you should by now have been a lot further forward and beginning to enjoy the advantages of them. New inventions that will make life so much easier are ready to be introduced, and you will know that you are truly at the beginning of a New Age. All that you have been promised will be available and ready to launch you into it at all speed. As you have already been informed, free energy is at the top of the list that will immediately enhance your quality of life.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey
Please send any questions and/or comments to Mike at
michealquinsey@pobroadband.co. uk
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