Wednesday, January 3, 2018

NorthPoint Journal:  Your guide to planetary energies for January 1 to 7, 2018 By Pam Younghans

NorthPoint Journal 

Your guide to planetary energies for January 1 to 7, 2018

Highlighted Aspects this Week

MON: Full Moon 6:24pm PST (2:24am GMT on Tuesday)
TUE: Sun sextile Neptune, Jupiter square Ceres, Uranus stations direct, Mars square Nodes 
WED: Venus sextile Neptune
THU: Saturn sesquiquadrate Ceres, Mars square Ceres
FRI: Mars semisquare Saturn
SAT: Mercury trine Uranus, Sun quincunx Ceres, Mars conjunct Jupiter, Mercury square Chiron
SUN: Venus quincunx Ceres

 The New Year begins in spectacular fashion with a bright and mystical Full Moon on Monday at 6:24 p.m. PST  (2:24 a.m. GMT on Tuesday). The Moon will be at perigee (closest proximity to the Earth), which means it will be a Supermoon. In addition to appearing larger in the sky, the magnetic effects of a Supermoon are heightened, increasing its emotional and physical effects. 

The lunation is also strengthened because it occurs in Cancer (11°37′), the sign where the Moon is at home and therefore most empowered. And, the natural emotional and psychic sensitivity that accompany a Cancer Full Moon are increased because the Moon will form a water grand trine with Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces.

LONG STORY SHORT: This Full Moon has the capacity to increase subtle awareness on many levels -- emotionally, but also intuitively, psychically, and spiritually. Certainly the dream state will be enhanced, and messages from our subconscious will come forward more readily than usual.

We will feel more vulnerable than usual with this Full Moon. It is important to honor that sensitivity by taking good care of ourselves and setting firm boundaries. Everything we see and hear, and the energy fields of the people in our space, will have a stronger emotional and psychic impact.

Remember that Cancer the Crab has a hard shell that protects its soft body. For us, we are not meant to make our shell a wall of defensiveness, but rather a boundary that defines what is ours emotionally versus what is another's. And yet, that shell may be very thin with this Full Moon -- so if you feel uneasy, check in and see if the emotions are yours, another person's, or even from mass consciousness. And know that it's OK to step off to the side to re-center yourself, and to re-engage when you feel your energy field and boundaries are more stabilized.

THE SABIAN SYMBOL for the Moon's degree of Cancer further reveals the profound potentials of this Full Moon:

"A Chinese woman nursing a baby whose aura reveals him to be the reincarnation of a great teacher: The revelation of latent worth in an experience once it is seen in its deeper meaning."

Astrologer Dane Rudhyar's interpretation of the symbol reads in part:

"This symbol demands that we look beyond common appearances and try to discover the 'occult' (hidden) character of every person and every experience. To discover this occult potential of being, one requires a deeper or higher 'vision,' a holistic perception. The keyword is REVELATION."

URANUS, often called "the Great Awakener," stations direct on Tuesday, just 12 hours after the Full Moon is exact. A planet's influence is increased as it comes to a standstill -- with Uranus stationary, the vibratory frequencies of the Full Moon are raised. As the planet of Higher Consciousness, Uranus expands our awareness of messages and insights from the higher realms during an already very psychically-open Full Moon.

Uranus has been retrograde (moving backward) since August 2, perhaps holding back some of the waves of awakening and change that are primed to occur. Once Uranus is again moving forward, energy that has been in restraint will be released.

Adding to the impact, when Uranus stations, it is aligned with the dwarf planet Eris, named for the goddess of discord, and the asteroid Pallas Athene, named for the goddess of wisdom and truth. These powerful feminine archetypes stand side-by-side with Uranus as it begins to move forward, advising and informing its journey.

ANOTHER HARBINGER of transformational change in this powerful first week of 2018 is the Mars-Jupiter alignment that perfects next Saturday. We've already seen some of the results of Jupiter's transit through Scorpio in the many revelations that have come forward, secrets that have been revealed, and the MeToo# movement.

As assertive Mars joins forces with expansive Jupiter, we can expect another layer of truth to surface, and emotional responses to be deepened. Reactivity is strong with this one -- passions are easily triggered and tactfulness is a foreign concept. We can use this influence in a positive way, to dive into an issue with courage and commitment, but we'll also want to be aware that all of our emotions are heightened -- much like having PMS!

JUPITER AND MARS will be in square aspect to the dwarf planet Ceres when they align. Ceres was the nurturer goddess who watched over all that is within our care: nature and the environment, the food supply, children and the elderly, animals and plants, and planet Earth herself. These themes will be highlighted this week, and may be a trigger for some of those strong emotional reactions.

We will likely feel these effects starting to build midweek. The exact alignment occurs at 17°55′ Scorpio, and will have special impact for those who have natal planets or points at that degree of any of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius).

WHEW. And that's just the first week of the New Year!

For a preview of what else is in store over the next six months, please join us for next Monday's teleclass! It's entitled "From Fire to Earth, From Inspiration to Form," and here's a quick link to register:

And here's the full description:

From Fire to Earth, From Inspiration to Form
Astrological guidance for January to June 2018

Airing live online and recorded for playback on Jan. 8 at 4 p.m. PST  /  7 p.m. EST  /  12 a.m. GMT

IN THE YEAR 2018, we will experience a significant shift in planetary energies. Two very influential planets are moving from fire signs to earth signs: Saturn from Sagittarius into Capricorn, and Uranus from Aries into Taurus. This represents a shift from the archetypal masculine traits of inspiration, independence, and movement, to the feminine qualities of interdependence, creation, and stability.

How will these changes play out – on the world stage and in our personal lives?

And what happens when Chiron, the Wounded Healer, moves into Aries? What can we expect from January’s Total Lunar Eclipse conjunct the fixed star Minchir? How do we prepare for the Mars-Saturn alignment in April -- and do we need to brace ourselves for the effects of the Mars-Uranus square in May?

And then there’s Jupiter in Scorpio, already digging dirt and throwing it right and left – what does it mean that expansive Jupiter is working in harmony with powerful Pluto and mystical Neptune throughout much of 2018?

PLEASE JOIN US for this preview of the astrological happenings of the first six months of 2018!

This 90-minute teleclass will guide you through the major planetary events that will occur and how they may affect us. We will also go through each month week-by-week to discover shorter-term trends. Before the air date, you will receive calendars for all six months, for taking notes during the class.

The class airs live at 4 p.m. PST on Monday, January 8, which is 7 p.m. EST and 12 midnight GMT. But don’t worry if you can't attend live – the class is recorded, and all registrants will have access to the recording and the pdf of the slideshow.

We hope you can join us! Here's the registration link:

After you register, you will receive an email from Eventbrite with instructions on how to join in on the class, either online or by phone.

Payment options and registration may be handled online or by check to Elsie Kerns, 2007 Rabbit Run Rd., Marlton, NJ 08053. If you have questions about registering or payment, please contact Elsie at or 856.988.7426.

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: Your emotional and spiritual awareness are increased this year -- an interesting development for practical Capricorn! Your drive to achieve is also increased, so be sure that what you put your energy into is worth your time and commitment, and that both the end and the means are justified. Insights may come unexpectedly, but you may not be able to confirm their truth immediately, compelling you to build faith in your knowing. If you can harness all of this energy and have faith in the value of your efforts, great accomplishment is possible.

A Blessed New Year to All!

Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2017. All rights reserved.

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