Sunday, January 28, 2018

Sedona Journal 2018 Predications :THE QUANTUM AWAKENING NEWSLETTER 11:11 issue #229 January 2018

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Created, Channeled, Written, Published and copyrighted with Love and dedication to the Light
This newsletter has been in circulation, hard copy and online, since 1986 and reaches a core group of millions of dedicated Planetary LightWorkers.  One to one, light to Light, it births itself into completion from that point forward, feel free to share this information.

Quantum Newsletters have been lovingly translated into ‘Spanish’
by Suzy Peralta from Argentina for many years.  Thank you dear Lady of Light

***Sedona Journal Predictions from Gillian
***Tucson Crystal Investors
***2018 Mercaba Alignment copper mercabas
*** ‘transmission sessions’ with Gillian
***Cosmic classified

Sedona Journal 2018 Predications
As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

2018 is the year of knowing, a pure undiluted unprovable invisible knowing. No more human excuses no more little girl antics, no more turning the other cheek to life and her demands; this is a ‘full frontal year’. For what births its self in 2018 has held a place in your biology for some time. It is like a blanket of healing that comforts a child. Just holding it gives one peace of mind, a place of safety, and imbues a visible hope. It matters not what brought forth the healing energies it only matters ones participation within the sequencing of events.  For in the year of 2018 it is not so much free standing will, as it is joining with fate while trying to learn the new steps of earth and self.  Square dancing in a circle will describe the learnings that humanity seeks. Life will be confusing the element of ‘free will’ wear colorful lights, Glitter-glam, fantasy creating a grand illusion!  A very large ‘look at me’ energy creates a lapse in time as the spatial upgrade pauses. Time has skipped a beat allowing a new rhythm and cadence to be circumvented and used in a new direction. Fairy tales and myths of old are very close to pure truth as they come dressed up in forms that reveal their exact purpose. The gates of the akashic library open wide for the new students of the universe. The past will not stay in the past and strongly demands to be set free in the now, via the body via the emotions via sadness’s that life and weather have created on earth.

Holding on to anything in this concourse of time shows that you have not learned the lessons clearly. The heaviness of the human heart, the human guilt, and the human emotions cannot be brought into the dimensional flux of 2018. Stay they must in their old Corridors of time. If one wishes to aspire and show their true light to the Gods a proclamation is requested, an appeal. This appeal negates vibrant results. There are no bystanders, or plundering tourists on earth in 2018 each human incarnation is warrior of nature with biological instructs to survive.

This will be a highly-charged spiritual year beyond prospect. What was once dormant finds new life in fresh fields of material. Magnets of great proportion from afar are recorded as Fly-bys of a speculative nature; all are true but are held within rusty iron curtains of discernment. There can no longer be a meridian of denial running south or north. The longitudes and latitudes of life have changed. Trying to disprove what has solidness, spends precious energy, time, and money.

 Brotherhoods of light and dark, above and below respectfully, expose themselves like one who’s caught in a trap with only a flashlight to show them the narrow escape. The choices were made as of the total eclipse in 2017. After this powerful event the dividing line in the sand was drawn, like skywriting it was so large it could have been a California fault line. Many chose to walk a path away from what their hearts once thought was right. They chose Not to take out the karmic trash or human responsibility for anything but themselves. Many chose to walk into a place of alleged safety which is splintered and sketchy of nature. Many are just afraid of the power within the choices that are gifted to them. All face their fears hope and earth.

 As a human you wear a polite human shield made of biochemical modules that will never be understood by science. You house more miracles within you than the entire city of Dallas. You are part of a Great Divine schematic. many from afar will look upon you with green-shielded eyes and a heart that does not beat like a human’s.

 You have incarnated to hold the heart space of Earth herself. She selected you as did the father light. You are unique you are incredible and you are potential Unlimited within a immeasurable panorama. The vastness within you has demanded more of you that you thought you had available. More sacrifice, more time, more attention to life and her many needs.

 The Earth spirit within each human is in discomfort as they go through a deep ancestral healing and release. Human senses increase in propulsion like going from 55 top the speed of light. All aspects of the five senses plus their cousins are vigorous to the point of misperception. As humanity comes into a multi-dimensional portal a point of assemblage they will have access to all avenues of dimensional circuitry creating ampleness in time and knowledge.

Within the Light of the sacred configuration 2018 lives the master vibration of 11:11
2018 will present itself as a 29/11 and a 38/11 Gateway of Knowledge. These commanding gateways ask you to come fully into your power. Blending the stars with humanity, blending the past with the future

 Being a 100% responsible for the good, bad and ugly and loving every minute of it. Riding the wild mustang without fear!


29/11 gateway:

Watching ones words is of a great importance in 2018; like one that has the secret magic words of life itself. One slip of the tongue and all hell can break lose. The power within the word and how one chooses to use it is very front and center this year. Speaking problems and solutions simultaneously in and out of life. Balancing positive thought with doubt and confusion, wanting so much to finish but afraid to start. The lungs the heart and the throat hold the vibrations of the 29/11 stresses and strains. The volcano holds its tongue until it is ready to birth in the fullness of time. Learning to hold ones power via the spoken word until it is ready to birth at a powerful teaching. Using your heart and head as the Creator would is powerful medicine to learn. Knowing all thoughts count is a priceless teaching.

38/11 Gateway

The holiness within the three and trinity moves into the never-ending formation of eternity, going beyond known space and time. The field of possibility expands into places and planes of existence yet to be seen by the eyes in the sky. The votes are in and counted. Who believes and who has replaced belief with a cloudy vision? Who still clings to the blood sweat tears and woes of being human. The scales of light tip as the populace believes and doubts simultaneously, shifting outcomes over and over again. 38/11 demands that the higher power that guides humanity be revealed and come out from behind the curtain. Creation demands acknowledgement every day until it becomes fully materialized. Gateways of the past and future are accessed within the hidden sequence of proof positive.

Eclipses Forecast for 2018

January 31, 2018- total lunar eclipse/ a Spiritual doorway opens allowing codes from the total eclipse of 2017 to be activated, insuring a deep insight into this year which houses a thick spiritual dividing line.

February 15, 2018 partial solar eclipse / this eclipse enters the heart after the fact. Allowing for an opening to circumvent what would be the normal choice allowing the divine choice of heart partner to enter via an old obsolete passageway,

July 13th 2018 partial solar eclipse/ this is another passage for 11:11 to enter pre-mercury transit on Nov. 11:11 2018

July 27 2018 total lunar eclipse/ this eclipse is the mirror image of the 2017 eclipse bringing us a deep penetrating closure, that rubs itself into our soul tissue helping us understand the events of the past year

August 11, 2018 Partial Solar Eclipse/ this eclipse is a signature eclipse and a promise of divine proportion. It is triad of nature and power and shows its true form like a rainbow after a storm.

2018 is the year of unforeseen miracles that seek to take form

Miracles will abound in unimagined forms and forums as the Earth enters this new cycle of learning and loving simultaneously. Earth Knows in her heart of heart, as every human should, that all is in divine order no matter how much one splashes about in their drama. Goodness like divinity is becoming a far-fetched commodity, top shelf only and not available for the common folk.  All of Humanity holds the power of Miracles within their heart, as a species it is theirs alone, a parting gift from the Creator. No other species in the universe holds what the heart of humanity holds. The inner Wellspring humanity has been drained in the last few years leaving people parched for the appearance of a few scattered miracles.

Miracles themselves will. Not fit the known platform of the Miracles of old. These miracles will be Mustangs of sorts; Mustangs that are strong of purpose and seek new places to graze. A miracle can change shape purpose and Mission in a fleeting moment. A miracle can take the form of a person or instant healing. . A miracle that no longer stays in the parameters created by the universe and demands more of itself as it seeks to leave a little of its light and unexplained power behind in every hopeless devastation. Love is a living value not imbued upon all species. Like a fire, it’s requires kindling and constant tending.   The vibration of love like all life wishes to expand and not stay stagnant or stuck or Bland of nature. It like all of God’s creations seeks to become more to love more to be more to experience more.

Like one in a very animated Airport, Humanity has changed their flight plan, shifting landing patterns causing time delays. Humanity so Wishes life was pure and simple like honey, but wishes are filled by natural and cosmic laws that always sign in invisible ink.. Expectations themselves reveal many under coatings etched beneath the surface of things to come. All of humanity wears a different directive of ciphers. Like a key encryption it allows them entrance into numerous levels of light. That key encryption is necessary for humanity to succeed away from their animal destructive nature. Animal instinct is part of the human domain; a dash of animal for preservation was given humans at all stages of development. Animals insulate the ability to survive to adapt. That specific indoctrination has run its course it is old programming.

Tastings within the mouth and sensory of the humanness will disguise themselves in cloaks of invisibility as new features are brought to the surface. Sometimes you will taste and smell the past. Like animal Blended with a human, nature comes to a point of embracing the animal aspect its selves without fear and with reverence. For Humanity has but tasted a small tiny morsel of what it is to survive, in the wild, in the unpredicted, and in the uncontrollable.
Time currents lift Humanity in and out of emotional debris past present and future displaying themselves like a peacock in mating season .Time lapses occur in and out of chronological order moving the biological human in an out of current events like a babe that is baptized over and over again. Within these words like Quatrains of old are hidden and exposed Clues to upcoming surmountable events.

In 2018 Earth will enter a new curvature of time. This curvature is fluid of nature and incorporates all dimensions, all past lives, all future lives and all life in between. It asks you to cement the love that lives in your heart like a galactic flagpole that waves through all extremes of celestial weather. The Matrix reveals what is not holographic of nature. Like an overlay on which one draws a picture of the future these energies are outlined in the geometries of need and mathematical precision.

Federation Of Light

Earth herself, as well as her inhabitants, have changed in assignment and Light denomination. They have changed in response to a galactic call that was issued from their cells. Like soldiers that awaken from an induced coma-like sleep, they will eventually come to Arms and Memory. Many will throw stones of interstellar proportion at the Earth, boo-hooing her with their outstretched elitism. Seeing her as a play thing, less than. Little do they know the power within Mother Earth, for when her wings are spread she is a force to be reckoned with.

As Earth exhumes her Prophecy from deep within her Flesh, humans also will come into a place of discreet knowing. They feel everything has shifted and all will continue to shift. Like one in an earthquake and hurricane simultaneously their animal instincts activate and they seek places of safety away from the wrath of life. All that was taken for granted now finds itself sitting on the dusty shelves of a store that has closed. Life demands more from its inhabitants as humanity is asked to take more responsibility for itself and its planetary brethren.

Many will seek to...

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Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
PO box 217
Dandridge, TN 37725

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