Monday, January 8, 2018

NorthPoint Journal: Your guide to planetary energies for January 8 to 14, 2018 By Pam Younghans

Highlighted Aspects this Week

MON: Sun sextile Jupiter, Venus sextile Jupiter, Mars sextile Pluto, Mercury trine Pallas Athene, Sun conjunct Venus
TUE: Venus conjunct Pluto, Sun conjunct Pluto, Venus sextile Mars, Sun sextile Mars 
WED: Mercury enters Capricorn, Mercury quintile Neptune
THU: Venus square Eris
FRI: Sun square Eris, Mercury conjunct Saturn
SAT: Venus square Uranus, Venus sextile Chiron, Mercury semisquare Jupiter
Sun square Uranus, Sun sextile Chiron

with some good support from the planets -- the very reason I chose Monday for the teleclass! With the Sun aligned with Venus in Capricorn, there's a strong focus on relationships, especially those that involve a commitment, such as marriage and business partnerships. Opportunities for new liaisons abound, and existing bonds can deepen and grow stronger.

The plot thickens on Tuesday, however. Perhaps there's something we hadn't seen at first that comes to the surface about another person or something else that we value. Or maybe we just find ourselves diving more deeply into issues. Either way, we see transformation in our relationships and in our connections with things we "love" on some level.

is that the Sun and Venus move into alignment with Pluto on Tuesday, and all three planets are in sextile aspect to Mars in Scorpio. With these aspects, we move powerfully forward in the direction of our goals, fueled by the passion of our convictions and a drive for success.

In essence, the Sun, Venus, and Mars are activating the upcoming Jupiter-Pluto sextile, which is exact for the first time on January 15. We will be working with the effects of this powerful Jupiter-Pluto aspect through September, but this is our first chance to see evidence of its effects.

I will discuss this more next week (and in the teleclass, of course), but there are life-changing potentials when Jupiter and Pluto work together. Their harmonious relationship allows Jupiter to magnify Pluto's work of deconstruction and reconstruction (death and rebirth), and enables Pluto to bring stronger focus to Jupiter in Scorpio's work of detoxification and purification through exposing secrets and corruption.

WE MIGHT START to feel that we're back in the "good old days" (or perhaps “bad old days”?) of the Uranus-Pluto square by the time we wrap up the week. Lest we forget, that aspect was the energy behind a great deal of the turmoil and upheaval that we experienced from 2012 and 2015, when the square was exact.

But now, Uranus and Pluto are closer to that square aspect than they've been for quite a while. They're still far from exact (about five degrees away), but near enough to re-engage that engine -- especially during a week like this when other planets add their fuel to the fire.

We'll want to watch events starting as early as Thursday, when Venus squares the dwarf planet Eris. The argumentative nature of that aspect may start the snowball rolling. The avalanche then starts to pick up speed when Sun squares Eris on Friday, then Venus squares Uranus on Saturday, and the Sun squares Uranus on Sunday.

CROSSING PATHS with these change-driven aspects, the third Mercury-Saturn alignment occurs on Friday. You may recall that Mercury and Saturn aligned first on November 27, and then again on December 6 (due to Mercury going retrograde).

Those two events happened when both planets were still in Sagittarius, so were focused on consolidating our world view, helping us get clear on our beliefs and opinions. Those first two passes were steps one and two in a process that is now reaching culmination.

The final Mercury-Saturn alignment is occurring in Capricorn, a very results-driven sign. While Sagittarius might be content to wander and explore, Capricorn wants concrete manifestation.

THIS ALIGNMENT ASKS: "What are you ready to bring into form in your life, that perhaps has been in the pondering phases since late November? What are you now willing to commit to and to work on?"

And yet, at the same time, the Sun-Venus-Uranus-Eris aspects are asking: "What needs to change in your life? Where have you had enough, and are no longer willing to follow the rules? What do you need to rebel against and what do you want to fight for?"

We somehow need to make sense of both callings this week, and find ways simultaneously to utilize the energies of consolidation and breakdown.

Complicated? No doubt. Enlivening and interesting? Definitely. 

From Fire to Earth, From Inspiration to Form
Astrological guidance for January to June 2018

Airing live online and recorded for playback on Jan. 8 at 4 p.m. PST  /  7 p.m. EST  /  12 a.m. GMT

IN THE YEAR 2018, we will experience a significant shift in planetary energies. Two very influential planets are moving from fire signs to earth signs: Saturn from Sagittarius into Capricorn, and Uranus from Aries into Taurus. This represents a shift from the archetypal masculine traits of inspiration, independence, and movement, to the feminine qualities of interdependence, creation, and stability.

How will these changes play out – on the world stage and in our personal lives?

And what happens when Chiron, the Wounded Healer, moves into Aries? What can we expect from January’s Total Lunar Eclipse conjunct the fixed star Minchir? How do we prepare for the Mars-Saturn alignment in April -- and do we need to brace ourselves for the effects of the Mars-Uranus square in May?

And then there’s Jupiter in Scorpio, already digging dirt and throwing it right and left – what does it mean that expansive Jupiter is working in harmony with powerful Pluto and mystical Neptune throughout much of 2018?

My teleclass on the first six months of 2018 will air live on Monday at 4 p.m. PST (7 p.m. EST) -- and will be recorded for replay for anyone who cannot attend at that time.

If you've already registered for the class, I look forward to sharing insights about what to expect as we journey through the first half of 2018! If you haven't yet registered for the class, here is the link:

I'm including the full class description at the end of today's Journal if you'd like more information.

I hope you can join us! As you no doubt can already tell, 2018 is giving us plenty to talk about.

PLEASE JOIN US for this preview of the astrological happenings of the first six months of 2018!

This 90-minute teleclass will guide you through the major planetary events that will occur and how they may affect us. We will also go through each month week-by-week to discover shorter-term trends. Before the air date, you will receive calendars for all six months, for taking notes during the class.

The class airs live at 4 p.m. PST on Monday, January 8, which is 7 p.m. EST and 12 midnight GMT. But don’t worry if you can't attend live – the class is recorded, and all registrants will have access to the recording and the pdf of the slideshow.

We hope you can join us! Here's the registration link:

Note that all emails regarding your registration will come from Eventbrite. If you don't receive a confirmation email, please check your spam folder.

Payment options and registration may be handled online or by check to Elsie Kerns, 2007 Rabbit Run Rd., Marlton, NJ 08053. If you have questions about registering or payment, please contact Elsie at or 856.988.7426.

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: You experience profound changes this year, both in your self-concept and in your relationships. It is time to know yourself better, and to live your most authentic life based on that deeper knowing of who you are, what you want, and what you are capable of. Serious decisions will require you to cut away distractions, so that you can focus the power of your presence on what is most important. Much will change, and you will emerge on the other side more empowered and freer to be your best self.

Blessings and peace,
Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2018. All rights reserved.

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