Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Jennifer Hoffman: Completion and Closure | Enlightening Life


Any situation where we need to end things, whether it is a relationship, a life situation, a part of our life path, or a belief or mindset, we want closure and to be complete with it so we have no regrets, grief, sadness, or trauma. And yet that almost always happens. In spite of our best efforts and deepest desires to be finished with a situation, we struggle with being ‘done’ because a part of us wants to know if things could have been different. How can we move on? By understanding completion and closure and learning how to let go.

We can be complete with any situation when we remember that our participation is only half of the issue. Whoever or whatever is involved plays a part too and when that is a person, we must acknowledge their energetic potential, capacity for light, and their free will. While it is hard to accept that someone doesn’t want what we offer, it is not about us, it is about them and their ability to envision themselves at a particular frequency, light, and energy. Despite what we think about others’ potential, it is their ability and willingness to embrace that potential that decides the outcomes of our shared journeys.

So to be complete we must allow ourselves to know we did our best and so did the other person, but their best and our best didn’t match. Relationships now must be energetically matched or they cannot move forward. And being complete requires that we understand that completely and know that we are in someone’s life as a wayshower, and sometimes the way we show them is not the right path for them.

We can have closure after we finish our completion, after we accept someone’s choices, disentangle our expectations and desires from their potential and abilities, and refuse to engage in wishful thinking. Because that is what we do when we think that if we tried harder, did more, pushed harder, went an extra 100 miles, we could have changed the situation. And wishful thinking keeps us stuck in healing cycles that do not serve our ascension path. Think of these difficult situations as a final effort at completing our karma with others.

This karmic journey has taken us through many lifetimes of offering someone light, truth, an experience of a higher potential, which they have always rejected. If we want completion and closure we have to acknowledge their choice to stay in the darkness and density they believe is right for them, no matter how wrong we think that choice is.

The blessing of completion and closure is when we finally let go we make room for others to enter our energetic space who can be the friend, partner, and connection that uplifts, supports, and acknowledges us, that doesn’t need healing, doesn’t want trauma and drama, and who can give to us as well as receive from us.

This week’s newsletter is accompanied by a video that explains this, I hope it is a source of clarity for you as you get complete and have closure with your most challenging life situations so you can move on into better, brighter experiences.


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Copyright (c) 2018 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article, in its entirety, on free, non-donation based websites only, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited.
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THE QUANTUM AWAKENING excerpts from: Issue #230 February 2018 by Gillian MacBeth Louthan

A Website, a Global Electronic Newsletter,
A Thought, A Way of Life,
‘A Doorway to the Heart’
Issue #230
February 2018

This NEWSLETTER is Electronically sent out ‘FREE’ but you must Subscribe to receive it. Please go to and sign up for newsletter or click on link at bottom of this newsletter. To unsubscribe scroll to bottom and click unsubscribe

Created, Channeled, Written, Published and copyrighted with Love and dedication to the Light
This newsletter has been in circulation, hard copy and online, since 1986 and reaches a core group of millions of dedicated Planetary LightWorkers.  One to one, light to Light, it births itself into completion from that point forward, feel free to share this information.

Quantum Newsletters have been lovingly translated into ‘Spanish’
by Suzy Peralta from Argentina for many years.
Excerpts from:

*** Frozen in fear
*** Cosmic compensation
***Change your world by changing your words
*** Goddess of Atlantis:  Larimar
***Transmission sessions with Gillian
***Cosmic classified


Every living person on Earth holds a truth that lives deep in the fabric of their soul. A truth that is so interwoven that they cannot separate  themselves from it. A truth that is sharp like a sword but gentle and loving like a mother’s touch.  As we all expand the horizons of what we perceive to be truth in 2018, many layers of past truths are set free to become one with the all that seeks to become more Light.

Truth is a living entity always shapeshifting in form  aligning only with the evolution and elevation of the human soul. Truth is different for each species within Gods Universe.   Within the human DNA lives 144 strands of Galactic truth which whine themselves around our very souls. As we evolve into a place of seeing truth from a higher perspective and diverse angle we will be escorted into a passageway of time showing us all the colors of each human truth displayed and displaced.  The way we view these truths will shift in direct proportion to our ability to understand what seems foreign  to our senses.

Truth scampers by us as a fleeting shadow on a wall. Truth speaks to us from the molecules within the water that we drink. Truth has become a cruel mistress lately as she shifts and turns like a sharp Mountain Road taking us to the edge of what we know our self to be and the edge of what we will become in the future.

How do we as humans of honor and valor deal with the fact that truth molts around us, letting go of the feathers of Justice, letting go of the freedom that we once felt within that truth. Truth has been a good reliable  friend for many years. We were once comforted by our truths and now they leave us empty and void.

When we were children our parents often lied to us to keep us safe from danger, to keep us in a place of believing in Magic, and in them as parents. As we grow in future and stature we come to a place that shows us that many of our feathers of Truth and justice were plucked from a different bird.
As we come closer to the vibration of 2020 we will be given hindsight, future sight, insight and all access to that which is out of sight. Many of the truths slip away without being seen, some of the truths dance in front of us seductively lifting the seven veils of illusion, other truths wave at us from the sidelines.

Whether this world is real or an illusion or just a Collective dream-field under construction, does not matter, we must play within these earthly perimeters. Giving to her our all, giving earth our highest heart light. Whether this is our one and only time to live in this Earthly paradise or we spread our self throughout the Galaxy like honey on a scone does not matter. For we as a species are asked to give 100%, and to believe 100%.

At this place and  time  lives a great Deluge of truths that gathers like a tsunami seeking the far off shore.  We are asked to release what we once believed in order to make room for higher truths that serve this time and space. We once believed in a flat world, we once believed that the universe rotated around earth. None of these truths have survived and are only etched in books as a reminder of how truths change thru out history.

Like a child that releases the belief in the magic of Santa we are asked to set free what was once close to our hearts, and allow our human self to grow into a place of bottomless truths. Throughout time we have given a hundred percent of our heart, mind, body and soul to that which we believed to be cemented in the stone of truth. The feather of Truth have many layers and lacey strands that overlap one another; there are family truths, lovers truths,  historical truths,  neighborhood truths, Country truths, planetary truths and so on.

As the galactic human is rebirthed in 2020, a biological progression will occur that allows all that was perceived to be human and lesser than, to fill a place and a seat of Honor. Finally Humanity will reach a place of realizing knowing and remembering a purposeful existence.

Why this profound change you wonder? This code of consciousness was written into the schematics and the blueprint of humanity as a Fail-Safe code, just in case earth could not, did not or would not remember in the fullness of time the exquisiteness of the creation and the power that they hold.


As we all move thru the frozen restructurings of powerful earth changes, we come to a deep Abyss of ancient primordial fears. Fears run rampant like children on a sugar high at Halloween.  Fears that run so deep  a bottomless pit of despair is created. Fear of life and death, fear of no control over the weather, fear of the future.

So many unrealized Fears float to the surface, like an inner tube that refuses to sink. Why do these thoughts and fears rise to the surface now? What encoding do they hold that needs released for the greater good? What are we being forced to let go in our DNA in our lives and in our thoughts?
Everyday something is thrown our way energetically.  Whether it comes from a family member, deep space or out of the clouds every day we all Face mirror images of our expectations, our fears and often our past lives. All have become weary as they fight battle after battle like a sea-worn, waiting for some type of enemy to approach. Circumstance and situation steal our peace leaving our bodies restless and worn out. Adrenaline runs high as the loop of fear tightens around our very human necks.  We try hard to honor each and every day and circumstance but it is like drinking through a straw with a hole in it.

Fear steals our peace and often our prosperity. It lowers our immune system and leads us astray. Fear also gives us a strength we did not know we had available. The courage to move thru what life dishes out to us, and become more. The courage to examine all we believe, and when that fails, the courage to go deeper in our soul, diving deep like a pearl diver and retrieving the treasure, that lays deep amongst the fear. When a fear reaches out to you (whether real or imaginary) stand tall and face it. Thank it for its teaching and showing you its truth and then release that fear for its highest good elsewhere. Forgive it and yourself, for all fears are be cleared.

 Cosmic compensation

As the eclipses of 2018 throw their cosmic lassos around us, we are asked to enter the place of good fortune; fotunes that have been accrued thru all time. Accruing’s that have long ago been divided and multiplied. Fortuitous intersections in time created by kindnesses that were given freely to others without thought of self or limitation.

Gold doubloons dance in our world in the form of unexpected pennies from heaven. What belongs to you seeks you out for companionship. Great UN-EXPECTATIONS round the corner of the next shift as generous windfalls from the universes blow your way in the form of cosmic compensation.

Saying NO to any generosity will plug the flow of opulence.  In 2018 the very air is laced with the real possibility of miracles and serendipitous events. The energies meet themselves in a photo finish as perfect timing shows the true heart of the people. Millions of dollars ride the airwaves like an old cowboy on a bucking bronco.

Breathe in the million- air that those in power positions breathe out. Fill yourself energetically with the opulence that so many frivolously spend.  Everything is veiled as the planets shift and move in opposite direction.  The eclipses unfold the curtains to show the backdrop of a passion play that seeks an audience.  We feel that our choices are narrow on a dimly lit street of life. All we soon be seen in the true light of day.

What is yet ‘to’ be is still unformed and in embryo state. Riding the emotions of a world that is still at a point of choice will only serve to lower the immune system of many. Adrenaline spikes off the charts as the pulse of the world watches and worries with the choices of those in power. True faith needs to plant itself in the soil and soul of humanity. Do not allow yourself to be emotionally manipulated by the masses into giving up hope on a bright future.

The eclipses walk us back to a time of receiving  what has been rightfully earned, as the seeds of good fortune planted so long ago sprout and take route in the now.  The planets will be aligned in an energy  that creates a sacred geometry of trust. Who wears the pants in upcoming episodes of energetic shifts is yet to be seen as so many now wear 3-d glasses in a 5-d setting. Division of thought will be seen for many months to come.

As we get closer to the dawn of our new life, that which has been dormant now comes alive.  All that we have in hopes and dreams that have been starved by  life’s demands slowly surface within the rising waters of our world.  Healing occurs at a high level of joy as one begins the process of remembering unfounded dreams.  What has festered as unrequited happiness now shows up demanding your emotional and physical attention.  Looking back at your past gives you the fuel to burn the dross from your life.  What still sits in your heart as a ghostly memory now haunts your place of peace.  Preparing for past dreams to come true takes courage and conviction. As the unrequited dreams smile at you from the sidelines of your life wave your acknowledgement and jump for joy with acceptance.  Do what your heart needs to do in order to feel joy and love in your soul.

Change your world by changing your words

We prophesize the future by the words we speak in the now.  Our words are always a self-fulfilling prophecy. It’s better to say nothing than to say something negative.  Negative words cancel out God’s plan you’re cursing your future.  Don’t plant negative seeds – prophesize only good and the intention of good.  You cancel out the Universe’s best laid plans by your own negative words and musings.  Death and life are in the power of your words.  You will experience what you say.  Your words are going to give life to exactly what you’re saying.

You’re cursing your life with your every thought and words.  You can use your words to curse your life or you can use your words to bless your life.  Speak words of faith; declare God’s favor in your light and in your heart.  Change the atmosphere of everywhere you go with your words – call in good, call in light, call in love and call in divine help.

Don’t talk about problems, talk about solutions.  We are not reporters of our life but we are forecasters of our future.  Call to the invisible as if it were visible.  Call to that which you desire, call with faith filled words.  Change your world by changing your words.  Death and life are in the power of your tongue.  Are you birthing or are you abolishing?

Circumstances line up with every word you speak

You are the creator of your own circumstances.  What you have created by your words you can change.  When we act negatively to sudden changes and chaos in our life we are delaying the purpose of their creation.  If we accept chaos as an opportunity for spiritual elevation then the pain will disappear.  We alone determine the rate of which turmoil passes.  There are countless futures which exist at the same time.  Our own behavior determines which universe we enter in to.  Prophecy is seeing the future in our present actions.


Read the rest by visiting

Sandra Walter: Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Image result for sandra walter images
Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

When we activate our Solar Heart Center, our connection to the Solar presence becomes stronger. We witness the increasing pulses and flashing activity coming from the SUN, which has been occurring over the last year.

You may see this flashing activity when meditating with a Solar heart focus. It is very vibrant, unmistakable, and you don’t have to be gazing at the SUN in order to see it. It does come directly from the Solar Beingness, when you intentionally connect with the SUN. Please do not confuse it with flashing activity in your personal fields. This is Solar-connection-specific, and the flickering flashes grow brighter, stronger and more activating.

I AM grateful this kind of Solar activity does not appear on the linear charts – yet. Your heart consciousness is the 5D charts! Remember the pulses/flashing is information; FEEL the Love Light intelligence. It feels exquisite.

We entered the Sacred geometry which holds pure photonic resonance, the consciousness shifting frequencies, during the August eclipse last year. This is why Gatekeepers had visions of the SUN exploding in 2017, and why we continually see the SUN flickering and flashing in a new way. We are in the Galactic Hot Zone; the geometric container for consciousness-shifting, dimensional-shifting light.

The prophecy of a Solar flash is not a moment to wait for, the precursor events are already in progress.
The Galactics remind us often; Global consciousness–shifting Ascension events are a multidimensional co-creation. As we collectively operate from higher choices, Primary Christed timelines provide the bridge for planetary-wide energetic and dimensional shifts.
It is beautiful to witness Lightworkers waking up from the waiting games and realizing empowerment can only happen in the Now.

Into the Galactic Hot Zone: The Amplifications of March
Many of you have seen or feel what will occur in March and April. This is a series of activations which will transform how we experience Embodiment of our Christed Self. Solaris is aligning with a series of Cosmic Stargates which will upgrade and transform the way our Lightbody interprets information.

The SUN is changing how it interprets information; visibly seen in the physical as the surreal dimmer-yet-more-intense look that SUNlight has right now. Our Lightbodies are reflecting these changes. As above, so below. Our inner light feels more intense, our heart centers flutter, our Ascension columns flicker, and the physical feels mystical as it goes through deep transformation. We are shifting at this moment, preparing us for this next level of embodiment.
As the Hot Zone changes the Solar projector, the SUN crackles and flashes; the very same expansion activity within our heart centers. This has been increasingly palpable for many. Solar activity has long been associated with cardiovascular risks, and we see the near-heart-attacks, palpitations, and anxiety attacks in the collective.

Do you see how strongly your physical heart is connected to the SUN? Your etheric connection to the Solar aspect is clear.

Purer frequencies = Purification.
Higher Light is always accompanied by clearing, releasing, and the revelation of distortion. Understand that the consistent request of HUmanity to reveal the truth, disclosure, and distortions is answered by these frequencies. It is a symbiotic relationship; the frequencies are also what is creating the the desire for revelation.

The revelation of deep secrecy requires intense light. The demand for truth and disclosure is not something directed at a certain group. This is a global event reflected in everyone’s personal journey. Purification is an evolutionary step which continues to intensify and purge the co-created veils.

The New Round of Activations: Gateways Open to New Experiences
The latest round of Ascension activations have felt unlike anything before them.

Descriptions fall short of the actual experience. It is challenging to describe a multidimensional shift in beingness. I have heavily light-encoded this message if you choose to feel into what I AM experiencing.

This mystical, effervescent, expansive state of consciousness is overriding and overwriting our lower expressions. The merge sequences of Embodiment, when the Higher Self takes over the awareness, are changing the Lightbody. It can feel like preparation for phasing out of the lower realities completely.

These new activations are pushing us beyond the limits of previous possibilities; the new trajectories are fully engaged. In our Spiritual Maturity, we become comfortable with the unknown, the bizarre, the boundary-dissolving experiences.

Etheric First, Physical Second
The photonic light registers on the lightbody at the etheric level, and with your conscious direction, the form changes to reflect that light.

Much of the recent round of illness, change of trajectory, relocation, and exhaustion are reflections of the intensity of these cellular adjustments. Our Lightbodies are about to change in a dramatic way to an Ascended Lightbody template.
This year will reveal higher possibilities for the expression of HUmanity itself.  As always, our intention is to demonstrate to HUmanity what is possible with Ascension.
The bifurcation of experiences, which has been in progress since 2011, also penetrates the physical realities this year. This honoring of choices is nothing to worry about. You are infinite. We are all one. If this temporary division brings anxiety or concern, the light is showing you what you need to look at; receive the gift of personal revelation.

It is best to let go of any biblical or old paradigm belief systems about physical versus nonphysical, making it or not making it, etc. It is not one big judgmental division, it is an ongoing choice of experience. As it affects our physical realities, much is revealed about the nature of reality itself.

Ascended Lightbody
We are already in a band of light frequencies which are changing the Lightbody structure in a new way. Etheric first, Physical Second. The gap between cause and effect is also becoming simultaneous in our realities. These changes are happening very rapidly now.

Some are having intense and exhausting activations as these larger cosmic energies come into range. Use the days, hours or moments when you feel stabilized to clean, clear, simplify and make room for a brand-new way of beingness. Most of us have been emptying our lives if anything extraneous, making room for something new.

The frequencies will grow stronger beginning the week of March 11. They will step up again just before the  March Equinox, with an even stronger event after the Equinox.
We are collectively utilizing this amplification in the Now as a way to open the floodgates of positive Solar heart-shifting energies. In preparation, our Lightbodies are shifting to a more refined level.
Our torus fields begin to spin at an increased rate with these plasma pulses. Sometimes our fields may jump to a much faster rate for a moment or so, expanding the fields without warning. For some this causes a sudden phasing-out sensation. It can be startling as our activations intensify. The mental, emotional and physical adjustments demand your self-care.

This vibratory stimulation awakens crystalline DNA, the key to shifting dimensional expressions. It allows for embodiment of the Crystalline/Christed Self, which has an expanded Lightbody template, and allows you to feel and experience Unity consciousness in the cellular structure (your body.)

We become beacons, conduits of these pure pulses of light. Not just on behalf of the whole collective, but because we are the whole collective.

While the goal is to begin a domino effect of global activations, it will depend on how the collective consciousness can handle these frequencies. As always, we are the ones deciding how collective realities unfold. Remember that our Galactic teams handed over the keys to these unfoldments in December last year.

There are still many beings who do not appreciate this level of HUman empowerment, and the pushback is bothersome, however it is nothing to worry about. The Higher collective trajectories have been activated. Many are awakened, but they do not have the skill of mastering the realities in this moment. As Wayshowers, we must put all of our focus on co-creating positive, brilliant, beautiful realities for the collective.

The ancient codes and templates stored within Gaia will be open and available to us this year. That in itself is revelation and empowerment. This attunes our consciousness to access not what we were, but what our future selves planted here for our Ascension.

Unity Consciousness is your Safe Haven
Insecurities and anxieties surface during times of change. Remember: Change over habit. Take the time to meditate often, be at peace, visualize the New Earth as often as possible. Speak positive words, they create as strongly as your thoughts and emotions. Patience, gratitude, forgiveness. Resolve your unresolved. Let go of any judgment about leadership figures; current misinterpretations about who is good or bad are extremely distorted. Everything is being done to assist positive outcomes for HUmanity. Unity is your safe haven.

Experience and participate in New Earth Now.
SUNday Unity Meditations are open and available to all. Join us in the field of pure consciousness on SUNday at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Time. Meditate in your own way for 33 minutes on Peace, Divine Love and Ascension. Easy. Participate to feel, receive, and become the New Light. Details and guidance are available HERE.
SUNday, March 3, I will be speaking at the Conscious Media Festival in Austin, Texas. Attendees will be meditating live for the second session at 11:11 am PT, at the festival. Unify with us, since it is a very strong group connecting in the physical.

Gatekeepers, Gridworkers and Lightworkers: Unified field infusion for Highest trajectory amplification on Full Moon Thursday, March 1 at 4:52 pm PT.  Use the energies of this Full Moon for the highest Ascension experience for all willing hearts.
Blessings for a beautiful, peaceful week of activation.

Read the full article HERE.

In Love, Light and Service,
Sandra Walter

Lisa Transcendance Brown: Honoring + Supporting Your Multidimensional Body -Accelerated DNA Activations

Lisa Transcendence Brown

It's going to be more important than ever now to honor your physical body, with your Living Plasma Crystalline LightBody DNA Activating at an Accelerated Rate

Aloha Light Family,

With each activation and phase, our DNA awakens our physical body to come online more through Higher Consciousness, while making unconscious programs visible/audible/feelable so we can identify them for transcending from within.

What your body will "need", will be different all along the way. There are no more "have to's" or "should's", like there was in ego dominant realities. Here, there is what feels right, what resonates, what speaks to you, what you know inside and what your body/higher self/Universe shows you/tells you. Those "random" thoughts become Universal Messages (light encoded information) for you to pay attention to and "learn" how to utilize this information to enhance your own life.

AS ALL HOLD MORE LIGHT, the physical body and physical realities continue to transform and change.

NEW Earth REALities materialize all around us, as we are truly open and ready to experience this. The human mind tries to conceptualize and figure things out, and while this is important for expanding the mind beyond the previous perceptions and limits/conditioning/programming held within, the ACTUAL EXPERIENCE reflects/shows us all we need to know, our body speaks and our thoughts tell us what programs are/were anchored in our cellular storage, as well as what we are creating to experience here. The Physical Reality is a Vibrational DELIVERY System of REALities we believe(d) and support(ed) through our own energy (and things) before, and the vibration we were coming from that created them to be "what many call reality" to start with.

As more awaken from the heavy veils of amnesia, to come to understand and REMEMBER through their own hearts opening and re-connect with their own HUMANITY inside, the collective realities once having a hold, becomes no longer, because each realizes how their own belief energy is supporting that to be. This is where each takes their power back, to unify and FORM our NEW Earth HUmanity through truly caring about what is truly important. A thriving, just and supportive society that is created and contributed to by each one of us.

All of this starts within. The truly caring, the believing, the knowing and the "work" to make it happen. It takes everyone ready for NEW, ready for all to change and disclosing/sharing that which was hidden, bringing it all into Light, opening up to realize that the old systems do not work, have not worked and NEW ONES are necessary for where we are going now.

You are the systems, the ones who make a difference here. You are the NEW. You are the one that opens your heart to connect with each other. We all are. You are the one that holds all, that must choose and be ready to anchor a whole new reality through your own higher consciousness here. You are the one... that must release every one of those old beliefs by holding on, while embracing the wonder, the brilliance and the magic that's available when your heart is wide open and fully connected to your own SOUL from inside and everything around you that's beautiful and wondrous too.

You are the one that must respect, honor and love you, that must care about you enough. You are the one that matters and is more than enough, holds the KEY to the entire Universe, Galaxies and Gaia inside of you. You are the one that is CHANGE, the ONE that has the ability to CREATE, the ability to do anything you desire and can see with your heart. Getting your human on-board is your "job". Only you can.

All of your dreams and desires are available, when you re-unite with your purest you from within. All the magic and wonder, the beauty... is an essence, and energy that you re-connect with. All of the amazingness emanates from within you, when you are ready to shift your mindset from "less". When you decide that you are ready, truly ready, to be happy beyond your wildest dreams. You can.

The "circumstances" of awakening from a deeeeeeeep sleep (slumber), make you shake your head, rub your eyes and blow your human mind. The experience of being "shaken awake" or "shocked awake", of feeling discomfort, is all a part of the process of realizing what you could not see/was not fully visible before. The abruptness occurs when the vibration has raised high enough for your Higher Consciousness DNA to "turn on". Returning to Full Power within yourself means no longer accepting less that love in your own reality world, no longer accepting what does not support humanity, what divides, separates and forces one into submission through fear. This is the 3rd/4th Dimension, an illusion that each believed .... before...

The Grand Awakening is changing this, as all are faced with their own HUmanity and more. To transition from a society (Earth) that's divided, in chaos to awaken, shaking up realities to open hearts, presenting the opportUNITY for each to reclaim their own power through Unity as Love, the opportUNITY is always there. Each has to take it, accept it, choose it and make it their "new reality"/world.

Suffering is a mindset, it's the energy of your/the ego being experienced/played out. It represents attachment to an outcome, a need, a lack of power and love for self and each other too. It's a mentality, a old program/unconscious belief and energy that must be cleared from the cellular body.... how one experiences this is determined by many things. Mostly when each is ready not to suffer anymore and chooses a different experience, WHILE the ENERGY clears....

Bliss, magic, peace and love ... these are mindsets that create energy to be FELT and EXPERIENCED too. These too are a choice of raising our own vibration OUT OF THE OLD UNCONSCIOUS PROGRAMMING HELD and shifting all ourselves. This is each's ability and responsibility too. Others can assist, yet the ONE must be ready, or they hold themselves to EXPERIENCING less, because it's safe, habit or feeds a lack/need within where each prefers to put responsibility on others... this way is ending, the ability to not stand in your power dissolves with the veils of amnesia and all around you who become conscious too. :)

Those who are conscious, realize that each have a choice on HOW THEY EXPERIENCE all, that each reality is a response and also understand that THE EXPERIENCE is what TEACHES our HUMAN ASPECT and wakes us up. We don't intervene to save, impose or try to change the experience that each chose to wake themselves up/open their hearts. We honor their SOUL's choices, while BEING THE LIGHT, SHINING THE LIGHT and opening up OpportUNITY for each to go inward to re-connect with their own Light and self-love too.

As sleeping collectives awaken to EGO SEPARATION, it can get intense, because the ego aspect will do anything not to take responsibility, not to open their hearts, to impose, insists and keep things the same, out of fear.... which is no longer an option for anyone anymore.

Your ability is to recognize, when the ego is present, when the heart is closed, to see the patterns, the programs, the habits, the fears, the separation and dissolve it yourself as Love. Dissolving it by not participating, not supporting, not allowing it to continue... this is just one your higher consciousness responsibilities as LOVE for all of us here. To not re-enter the old realms of amnesia and go unconscious too.

YOU become the Guide, the one who shows the way, with your actions, your caring, your honor, your integrity, your respect, your kindness and your UNITY that you hold within. You are the one that is the center of Your Universe, the one that dictates which dimension you experience here. You are the one that created everything to experience, by what you held in your body, DNA and cells. As your body moves into RAPID ACCELERATION and release of all to raise it's vibration high enough to PHYSICALLY ASCEND FULLY, where NEW Earth is the reality that you experience every moment too, you will have to choose to honor your body, as it determines the Earth you walk on, the Vibrational Dimension you EXPERIENCE, the realities that present to you. As your Consciousness expands beyond your body, your body serves all new purposes and NEEDS you to listen to, love and respect it. Your body SPEAKS and tells you what it needs and what it's trying to do in order to evolve as a Multi-Dimensional Body for you.

NEW Earth is all United, working together as Love. It's all of US sharing, holding the Light and making a difference in small ways, in huge ways... in every way... by not going unconscious/asleep anymore. It's each sleeping enough to dissolve the heavy duty veils. It's each ready to embrace a MUCH HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS EXISTENCE and make it reality here.

Compassion is holding a SPACE for each to work through on their own, for each to transcend duality and struggle inside, it's providing an opportUNITY for each to step into their own power and return to loving themselves, so that they can love each other/all of humanity too. It's where each no longer accepts separation as a way of existing/living anymore. That was the way of the old.

You, me, us... we all experience exactly what is necessary to bring each one of us into a higher consciousness existence through opening our hearts, so our higher mind consciousness can come on-line too. It's each's higher heart-mind consciousness that makes the impact, because of the power and strength held by each as we do. This is where you stand in your power, this is where you say no, this is where you see what oblivion and ignorance/ignoring, not wanting to see/know/take responsibility, taking your power back creates as an experience for you/all.

NEW Earth is all around you, when you live NEW Earth and full Unity inside. When you re-connect with the beauty, the magnificence and you CHOOSE THIS as your life. NEW Earth is a VIBRATIONAL EXISTENCE that you FEEL and EXPERIENCE as old suppressed programs and emotions dissolve. The old vibrations in the body are being activated to awaken the body fully, so that you can FEEL your way back HOME too.

Open your heart to be completely ready for a whole new reality too. You will have to do the inner work, so that the outside can be realigned easier for/by you. ♥

Constant an continual Accelerated Harmonic Realignment, with your body, your reality and your consciousness... this is where we are now. All must completely be brought into Harmony through Love, Unity and Purity, as our Multi-Dimensional Earth/SOLar System RETURNS all to full consciousness again/now.

Thank you to all of you, who are dedicated to your own evolutionary and awakening journey/processes here, for all that you do as you open up to share and reconnect all through the Purity of Love too! Keep shining your light, embracing the awesomeness and recognizing your own separation/unconscious programs as they emerge within you and present in your physical reality for you to work through too.

With love and appreciation from Kauai,

~ Lisa ♥

Kauilapele: Yes, David Wilcock DID get married… to Elizabeth…

Yes, David Wilcock DID get married… to Elizabeth…

Okay, in the last post I mentioned that DW had got married. I have NO details on it, but here is a link I found about it (and clearly, in my view, they are “well matched”):

And the text of this announcement, from Elizabeth. ~KP

“One day your heart will take you to your lover. One day your soul will carry you to the Beloved.” – Rumi

Welcome to my page! I realize that some of you may not know me, or the story of how David and I met, so I will share the short version for those who are interested here.

David and I have known each other for five years and have been together for two. We were introduced to each other by a mutual friend. For the first three years we were just friends and had no idea we would be together. We only saw each other a couple times a year when we would randomly bump into each other at a gathering of friends or at an event. We always had nice conversations, although short, and I truly did not have David on my radar.

My father passed away two years ago in my arms. After he was on the other side, I asked if he could help me find my Beloved. A few days later, David texted me out of the blue, and invited me to Contact in the Desert. The rest is history.

It was a recognition, like a light coming on. We simply knew. David proposed to me a year later, and we married on October 14, 2017, four and a half years after getting to know each other. We decided to keep our relationship off of social media for two years to just enjoy it ourselves. Now we are making our first pubic announcements.

I had many mystical experiences since I was a child, and got on the spiritual path in my late teens when I needed to heal a life-threatening eating disorder. After a near-death experience and a miraculous healing, I quit college and dedicated myself to the spiritual path.

I then dedicated my life to learning from shamans, martial art masters and grandmasters, healers and mystics. I have traveled to the jungles of Peru, climbed the Andes, shaved my head and jumped into frozen lakes at 15,000 feet for initiations. I have five black belts, I owned five martial art and qigong schools and trained thousands of students. I have also been through many dark nights of the soul and spent years learning how to cope with living alone.

(If you want to read my full bio, you can do so here:

Currently, I share the initiations and wisdom that was given to me in all these experiences in The Priestess Path, at

Much love!

Steve Rother: The Beacons of Light Re-minders from Home February 2018 ~ Synchronicity ~

The Beacons of Light
Re-minders from Home

February 2018

~ Synchronicity ~ 

Beacons of Light  February 2018
Presented Live 1/27/2018

NOTICE: The following channels were given live on the VirtualLight Broadcast and can be heard as they were originally recorded. Below is an edited version of the same channel designed for print. These were edited with the groups oversight and approval. I hope you enjoy them.  Steve Rother

~ 22 Energy Waves in 2018 ~

NEW Audible Light in Steve’s voice

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Return to this page when the player opens and starts playing.
Greetings dear ones. I am the Scientist of the Heart.

I have joined you this day for a very special purpose; to tell you a little bit about what is happening to you, to your physical bodies, to your spirit, to the next connection. We have also placed our five words in time. Rejoice! It’s a new game, ready? Let us join you and share a little bit about what is taking place everywhere on planet Earth.

22 Waves of Energy

There has been a rise in energy recently and with it new opportunities. That is an energy wave that is happening on your planet right now. Last year we told you there were four waves that were coming through to set in motion major changes. Most of you felt those four waves. Well now we tell you it is going to be a little bit more than that. In fact, there are not four distinct waves, there is more like 22 waves and, they come one right after the other some of them will even be overlapping in many ways, so there is a lot of change taking place on your planet right now and that is exciting to us. That is exactly where you wanted to be and part of the reason that you incarnated on your planet at this moment in time. You are a last timer. So, let us tell you about some of the fun things that are taking place.

Moving Toward Unity

Most importantly, your physiology is changing. Your biology is starting to shift toward what we call more of a triology. Very simple. The biology is the spirit and the physical being combined. What we see happening is that you are incorporating much more of the overall connection to each other. And now that humans are in a fifth dimensional reality, the unity consciousness is here and can be experienced in a new way. Now there is a lot of resistance to that which is part of the reason you are in so much separation on your planet right now. People are feeling this and of course many are rebelling against it because it feels uncomfortable for many. Suddenly you realize you have no more secrets and that threatens many people. Many people enjoy having the individuality which was part of what the whole process of pretending to be separate. To allow you to find your individuality, your unique expression of spirit. So as the energy starts to unite, people feel like they are losing that and there is a huge reaction in many places on the planet to that right now. There are also many beings that are literally promoting and propagating that for their own personal purposes, so watch for it and know that unity is the process that you are moving toward even though your news may not seem to show that or reflect it in that way. There are so many things taking place dear ones. It is amazing.

Right now, on planet Earth humans are dealing with a flu virus which has gone through just about every country. Honor this for what it is, dear ones.  And even though it will be over very soon, we also tell you that that flu virus has literally cleared a level of resistance for many and it has actually helped many to take that next step up once it clears. Now it is going to take a while to finally release on planet Earth and this is one of the worst that you have had in many, many years in different parts of the world. It has propagated very rapidly. We also tell you it has served a purpose and that purpose is literally to clear a lot of the cobwebs away and to start looking at a new way of seeing yourself as a spirit pretending to be human. Celebrate those who have had to experience it and even died from its effects.

The keeper forgot to take off his watch. We will make sure that happens right now. (They dropped my watch to the floor without me touching it.)

Raising Your Point of Perception

Let us tell you about how this is going to affect you because what is taking place is humans are forming a new physiology. It can carry more light and that is part of what this virus has done that has circulated in so many ways and hit so many people so hard; it has opened the door to release those restrictions. This will facilitate a closer connection and people will start feeling much more than you have before. Now for many of you that are empathic, and declaring boundaries has never been a strong part of your being. It was difficult to know where you began and where someone else ended.

This may seem like it gets a little worse at first because you will start feeling other people in ways that you have not. Now this is also good for many who are of the lower vibration. We also tell you that the lower vibration beings are starting to see more.  The easiest way to look at this is as you raise your vibration almost as if you are raising your point of perception and when you get a very high point of perception you can see more. One can see more of what is taking place and what is behind events that are happening, one can now see how things are being manipulated and that is a good thing. Now there is a lot of change, a lot of things that are going to have to be uncovered and a lot of frustrations that many people experience as this takes place. But that is already happening. That is where the me too and the time’s up movements are coming from. Everybody is starting to see things the way they truly are instead of all the illusions that have been put into place.

The Sense of Time Space

Dear ones, you have many more senses than five senses. Several new senses are going to start evolving now that you have landed and are growing in the fifth dimensional reality. So, let us explain one of them in particular because it can be very confusing at first. One of them is simply your sense of space. We call it time/space because the two are part of each other. If you look at it as a spiral wave which we are talking about fifth dimensional time being a spiral, if you measure it top to bottom it is time; if you measure it side to side it is space. So the two are tied together in a very intrinsic way. You have a perception of time space in your physical body. You are not aware of it because you do not have any words to describe it. The easiest way we can tell you about this is you have senses of feeling energy that you have not actually described before. If you are standing up in a room and someone comes up behind you and you cannot see them you are looking the other way and suddenly they hold their hands up, they send energy or perhaps they are looking at you either lovingly or hatefully—either way does not make any difference. Suddenly, you feel something and turn around to look and see somebody standing behind you. That is a sense of time/space that is going to be evolving greatly over the next three to four years. And yes, you are going to see challenges because people are not accustomed to having that level of sensitivity. Even the empaths will have increases on your planet of which you are many. We tell you that you are not accustomed to quite having those senses honed that sharply to where you can feel things around you happening in time space. As this evolves, it would be entirely possible for you to be in a house all by yourself and suddenly you could turn around and tune in to find out if anybody else was in the house even in a different room. You now can really bring these senses to the next level.

There are going to be three to four senses that will be worked on this year. Now the one we just talked about, a sense of time space, is going to be evolving over several years. But you are going to start seeing new things take place. Now you have all the dimensions of time around you. You are not alone. There are 11 of you having different experiences, making different choices, having different energies worked through it and learning different things and you have been separated all this time. That is part of the game. You wanted to evolve your spirit, evolve your core personality the best way that you could. So, you hid a little bit of your perfection in each one of those dimensions of time and space.

Individual Dimensionality

Now for each of these, this is the individual dimensionality we talk about when we speak about multidimensionality—not the third fourth and fifth dimensions that are collective dimensions, but the individual dimensionality that splits you into 11 different you’s. The walls between that dimensionality are starting to thin greatly, much more than you ever thought possible. Now you have been able to feel emotions go through those walls. Emotions are magnetic. If you see the electromagnetic wave as a spiral, if you measure it vertically, it is electrical. If you measure it horizontally, it is magnetic. Electrical relates to your head and magnetic relates to your heart. So, you have been feeling things from your other dimensions of time and space because those magnetic portions of the wave go through those walls fairly easily right now. So, if you have one of your dimensional beings that is having a difficulty, suddenly had a challenge, suddenly had a life interaction that has brought them into fear, you are liable to suddenly feel that and even though nothing in your own reality would lead you to do that, you are suddenly able to pick this up. That can be very challenging because it makes you doubt yourself.  Please dear ones, that is one of the biggest challenges on your planet. You are becoming conscious creators. So, what happens when a conscious creator doubts themselves? They go into a spiral down. They literally create what they are thinking about so be careful what you put into this creation machine and what you believe in here because those two are now making a new reality for you which moves very quickly.

Now your dimensional walls have been bringing through your magnetic waves and what we tell you now is fairly soon you will start also receiving the electrical waves through those walls. This is new. This has not happened before. So, what does that mean? That means you can get ideas. That means you can put out your problems and just let them go and suddenly you can draw an idea from one of your other multidimensional experiences. That is important because that gives you access to your perfection. We tell you dear ones, on planet Earth, everything must be imperfect; that is part of the game. Perfection cannot exist here and in fact, your slight imperfections are at the base of what you call beauty. We will get back to that another time but let us give you the illustration here.

Access to the Experiences of all your Dimensions in Time and Space

Suppose you are working on a problem that can be all the fun problems you experience with being a human. It can be one of your money problems. Oh yes, that is a favorite one. People ask about money challenges or relationship challenges which are a lot of different parts and suddenly you just keep hitting this brick wall, this brick wall. What if you could set it into motion?  We are going to show you with entrainment how to do that—how to set it into motion and then let go of it. Within just a couple of days suddenly you will get a thought, you will get an idea you get something you had not thought about before because you are sending out that call into all your dimensions of time and space.

And now, because of the elevation of humanity, because of everything that is taking place in the fifth dimension, that portion of the wall is also diminishing. Keep in mind we talked about this spiral before—one magnetic, one electrical. Well it is almost as if the walls had little slits in them that were sideways and they would only let through the magnetic waves. Now they are starting to thin altogether and let through the higher frequency electrical portions of the wave as well. That means when you are thinking about something and reaching a dead end, you can put it out to the other parts of you and within 72 hours you are going to get an answer; you are going to get an idea, a thought, a new way of looking at things, a new brain pathway as you build your snaps in a different way.  Suddenly you will start to see possibilities. That is new.

Now in the beginning, there will be much of this. There will be people coming up with their great ideas and everybody will be bringing them out. But your ideas will be for you first. Some of them will absolutely be applicable to everybody on planet Earth and some will not. That is up to you to discern which is which. But we tell you, when you come to Earth you are a perfect being but you must split up that perfection since nothing perfect can be here. You hide a little bit of your perfection in one experience, and a little bit more of it in another. You seem to be not very good at this. What do you call it? You call it sucking at something. Well over here, you are terrible at this. But that usually means that you hit that perfection and that other part of you in another dimension of your own experience. So even though you have got these 11 beings all walking around, some of them in exactly the same space on your planet you will never see each other. It is magnetically impossible for you to meet these people. However, you can now start to access ideas. You can now start to access some of the process around the electrical portion of the brain that you have not been able to get before. The walls between your dimensional realities are thinning and this is new—brand new. We look forward to how you work with this, how you bring this in. We also tell you that there are ways that you can send out the energy very comfortably and we will cover some of those. Some of those are coming up in what we call Entraining Light to show you the entrainment process of light and how to create the perfect call to the universe to bring your answers. But now we tell you, it is not just the universe, it is your other selves and the full perfection of who you are that you can now access in every single part of your dimensional reality and that is new.  And we cannot wait to see what you are going to do with that.

We love you, dear ones. We watch everything that you struggle with and work with. We are here to open doors for you and help remind you who you are and we leave you with three simple reminders: To treat each other with respect, nurture one another whenever possible and play well together.
I am the Scientist of the Heart.


~ Cosmic Winks ~

NEW Audible Light  in Steve’s voice

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Your Signature Vibration

Greetings dear ones.

I am eM.  I join you this day to bring a message of hope to help you understand what is taking place in your own physical body, because changes are at hand. You are moving, literally elevating yourself, not only vibrationally but physically as well. You are moving to a point where you can start to carry more light in your body.

These are critical times upon Earth, dear ones. You have placed yourselves here at this time because you carry something very important for these energies you are moving through. You carry a key element and are part of all that is, these changes that are taking place on Earth right now. Let us address what is going on in the physical body. If you look to your news and the events that are taking place globally on your Earth, you will see that there is a massive balancing of masculine and feminine. This is the reason that I, as a balanced entity, can share with you this message of hope and joy. Yes, truly it is for you; as you lift the veil you are beginning to see beyond the limitations of the illusions of planet Earth and of a timeframe in humanity. You are starting to understand more about it as you go forward and become more familiar with the fifth dimensional reality and the new attributes that come with that. The Scientist of the Heart also spoke about how the physical body is changing and I wish to continue that process, by telling you a little bit about what is possible.

Light Seeds

Dear ones, you have been here before. You knew you were coming to Earth and you planted seeds along the way. Now, what does it take to nurture those seeds? Sometimes it is simply an activation and other times it is something that happens that reminds you who you truly are. You may be driving down the highway and will see a sign on the side of the road that reminds you of something, because of how the words are used together or perhaps some symbol that that triggered a deep memory. Those are exactly the types of things you placed in your own path before you arrived here. Those are the seeds planted deeply within your spirit that can help with activation. Your job is to look for those synchronicities, to discover what we call the cosmic winks that verify your true self. It may be words you read or a tone you hear, that suddenly strikes your heart as truth. We ask that when this happens, close the book for just a moment and really breathe that into your being. Allow the energy to really settle into who you are and emanate from you. Why? Because it opens your metamorphic shell and allows in more light than you probably ever thought possible. You are all moving into light body, if you so choose. That is the process that is slowly taking place on Earth and there are many aspects of this that have opened. Dear ones, the synchronicities are all around if you start looking.

Now, there is an interesting part about this. Once you find one of these cosmic winks and it shows up in your life, you are more likely to look in another place and see another one. It is as if you are attuning yourself to see these things that you have planted and recognize the triggers, which will allow you to step into the next level of your own energy and light. These are magical and literally everywhere on planet Earth. So, watch for these cosmic winks and place them in yourself. Know that you can also place them for the people around you. Although you will not necessarily know what may trigger them, but can encourage them to find these for themselves.

A Synchronistic Lifestyle

You know, dear ones, it was not long ago that many of you started noticing master numbers. Sometimes you saw 10 10 10 or 11 11, or maybe you looked at the clock and saw 9 11 or 9 9 9. Those are triggers. Now what does that mean? Well, perhaps it was always there but you simply didn’t notice it before. If you consider the way time is kept, especially in the United States, those numbers appear on your clock twice a day so is not necessarily synchronistic. However, consider what makes you look at the clock exactly at that precise moment. It is your spirit attuning to the synchronicities around you; that is living a synchronistic lifestyle. You are learning to live in an entirely different way, which is possible for each one of you because you are in the light. You have learned how to do this repeatedly. Dear ones, we tell you that the magic is coming and you will learn to be magical with these cosmic winks. You will learn how to interpret spirit and trust your channel in a different way. Yes, some of these validations will be everywhere for you to see.

Over the next several of months you see a lot of these synchronicities and cosmic winks. Know that they are here to re-affirm that you are on the right path. And if you are not seeing them, keep your eyes open and watch. The moment you see the first one, you have a choice whether or not to doubt it. You can say, “Oh, this is just my imagination. I’m making something up, again.” Or you can take it as a tap from Spirit on the other side of the veil, a re-minder for you to pay attention, because that is how we talk to you dear ones. We do not always tell you in so many words exactly what is coming next. Many times, we simply plant the seeds of an idea with you and we ask you to let it grow. Then we watch as you nurture it, as you evolve it into something very magical far beyond what you could have done any other way. The light seeds are with you now and your spirit has many of these that you are re-membering. From a physical level, as the Scientist of the Heart has said, there is much happening on planet Earth right now with a tremendous amount of clearing of the physical levels.

You are almost to the other side of that and you will see much more of this process continue. But let us explain one piece of this that might be helpful to know as you step forward, especially as you start looking for these synchronicities and these cosmic winks in your life.

Signature Vibration

Each part of your physical body has a vibration. You can see that very clearly if you look at your hands. The front of your finger has a different vibration than the fingernail, which is much denser. Yes, the vibration is much higher on your nail than it is on the front of your finger.  Yet your whole hand has a collective vibration. In truth, your entire body has a collective vibration that we call your signature vibration. Your signature vibration can be triggered in many ways. It can be triggered by seeing or hearing something. It can often be triggered by reading or experiencing something that reminds you of a time when you had that signature vibration flowing freely from every part of your being. That takes you Home again into vibrant health; that is possible now more than ever before. It is part of what we will be doing with the signature seed, the spirit seed vibrations and activations. All of you can benefit from this in different ways, because now your body is ready to receive these again. We encourage you to develop the habit of seeking and reaching for these synchronicities, writing them down or grounding them in some way. Even as you tell your friends about something that happened today, you begin a synchronistic lifestyle that allows you to find the path of least resistance through almost any difficulty that you can imagine.

These are times of great change on your planet and you are absolutely a part of this. So, with this knowing, find your own energy. Discover the songs that resonate with you, those with an energy tone that really means something to you. Read the things that bring your heart to the surface, and allow yourself to see the synchronicities in the road signs as you drive down the highway.  When you feel something triggered, close the book for a moment and fully digest the meaning of the words. Develop a habit of looking for synchronicities, for we will speak to each one of you through these moments. Many of these seeds you have planted yourself. Before you ever came into this body, you placed crystals on your path to find at the perfect time of your evolution. The other crystals simply allow us to communicate with you and to tell you the easiest path. We share with you your highest vibration, to help bring you back into joy whenever possible through the process of what you are doing.

Keep Your Eyes Open

You have reached a new level on planet Earth, dear ones, and you are grounding in a new way. These are magical times for each one of you, and we salute you. Yes, you are doing very well. However, we know that there is much difficulty and strife at this time. There is a tremendous wave of separation on your planet now; everyone seems to be taking care of only themselves and not worrying about the unity consciousness at all. That will change and shift, for you are literally at the level of opening up these doors and possibilities, but it is going to take every single one of you to accomplish this. That is why we share with you what this information and what you are starting to go through. It can influence your body, emotions, and your own energies. It also impacts the way you work with life and experience joy, which is the piece that we want to see returned to each one of you. Yes, that light in your eyes when you get excited. We can show that to you through the cosmic winks which are now all around you. All you need to do, dear ones, is keep your eyes open.

We will be speaking to you through these cosmic winks, so recognize and celebrate that. You will hear much from the other side of the veil as time goes forward, for it is actually a thinning of the veil that you are experiencing. You have earned it, dear ones. You have reached a level where you can start listening in a new way.

It is with the greatest of honor that I share this with you. Celebrate humanity reaching these beautiful levels of light and being able to change all the history that you have had on the planet. You now have the opportunity to step into a more empowered society for each and every one of you.

We leave you with three simple reminders: to treat each other with respect, nurture one another and play well together. I am eM. 


~ Amor Learns Healthy Boundaries ~

NEW Audible Light in Steve’s voice

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Greetings dear ones. I am the Keeper of Time.

I have come to you today to share another episode of the young boy growing up in the days of Lemuria. There are so many similarities to what is happening now on Earth. So, I will step aside and bring in what we call the collective to take you on a journey of time and space, back to the days of Mu. Let us take you, dear ones, to the new energies that Amor is experiencing.

Amor is starting to work in his own energy and starting to love what he does. Amor is a healer. He is becoming very much aware that he is a healer, understanding that people heal in different ways. Amor is a healer who heals with his words. He has an incredible and profound ability to reflect other people in very unique ways. He works at the Temple of Rejuvenation, in one of the many that existed in the days of Mu. Lemuria is a very large place and although the populations are spread out to many different areas, he focused in one of the most populated areas at a very busy time. Roughly every three years or so, people would come to these rejuvenation temples, which is part of what allowed people to live up to 300 years. Lemurians had a different perspective on life, a different sense of urgency about every second of every day. You would think because they live to be 300 years old they would have less respect for life, but that is was not the case. Every day had to be something very special. Everyone spent their energy trying to bring in the most effective “now” moment that they could carry in their lives.

Today we find Amor doing what you would call intake. When people came to the temples there were certain things that they needed to know about it. Even though most of them had been there many times, they had to be reminded of some of the things to watch for. When they stepped into this true fifth dimensional space, whatever they held in their heart and head manifested very quickly in their lives. Amor was one of the people who would sit down with them beforehand to remind them, “Please, if you have anything of fear, do not take it into this very special place. Because just like anything else, you can create fear in this magical space.”

The entire temples were lined with these beautiful crystals that reflected energy. The crystals took your heart and your head energy, mixed it together and reflected it back to you. And that is part of what helped to reset the physical body so it could raise to another level. At the same time, they also reset the emotional body, which is much more difficult to deal with because everyone had a different aspect of it they worked with in different ways. Basically, this process cleared the remains of the old ways.  Many times, people hang on to their old ways and Amor’s job was to remind them that they were walking into this place of perfect reflection, so they must be careful which thoughts and feelings they took into this space. It was critically important.

Amor would work with them and he found himself doing quite a bit of this. Sometimes when he would start his talk, people would see who he truly was. He had worked with transparency over many lifetimes, developing the transparency of a very important teacher and a healer. That is simply where you allow people to see who you are, for you have full control over your metamorphic shell. Because of that, people could see his motivations. They could see his heart and it allowed people to trust him very quickly. Now he also found that sometimes he would take a lot longer to intake somebody than many of his peers doing a similar job. Amor was both worried and curious about that, so he asked what you would call his boss or his superior for guidance. Well, in those days they did not actually consider it to be superior in any way. There were some people in charge of scheduling and aligning jobs. Amor asked them if he was doing something wrong, because it took him so much more time to bring these people in than it did his peers. They laughed and said, “Amor, you do not understand.

People are reflecting against you because they trust you. That is something that must be earned over many lifetimes, so we highly encourage you to use it.  You have to be careful because otherwise people will put their lives in your hands. That is not appropriate, because without realizing it they will want you to take their power. That is one of the customs of Mu that goes against all else:  Do not take someone else’s power, even if they offer it freely. It is important that each person hold their own power firmly within themselves at all times. If they wish to reflect against you and get ideas or energies you must be careful, dear one, because people will fall in love with you.  It is very simple. They see your heart as wide open, and because of that they will end up leaning against you which causes a problem.”

So, Amor took that energy and he stopped worrying about how many people he could process or talk to in a day. He started communicating with people and allowing them to see him. Sometimes he would even share his own experiences and people loved it. They would get the most out of their session at the Rejuvenation Temple many times over, because of the preparation that Amor gave them. He shared the ideas of being able to open their hearts and not walking in with any negative energies, setting them aside for the time being. Amor was a great person for being able to set this up so beautifully. Walking in expecting a miracle gave people the freedom so that they could heal themselves.

Amor kept that in mind.  Often, they would reach across the table, take his hand and say, “Amor, just tell me what to do here. I am so perplexed; I am so confused. I have this problem.” He would sit back and say, “Well, you have brought the problem on for a reason.  There is something you are going to gain from this in some way, so take your time. Find what it is and allow that energy to reflect back from you through the Rejuvenation Temples.” Amor quickly learned to keep his distance comfortably. He could be of the highest use to the universe by being of energy and working with his words to help other people to heal themselves.  He turned out to be quite good at this, so much so that those who worked above him started sending people Amor’s sessions. They wanted him to use his gifts to train other people and help show them how to prepare them for receiving the highest possible experience. Trainees would often sit in on Amor’s sessions with people and they were able to learn a great deal from him.

Once there was a gentleman by the name of eM who was a little bit older than Amor. You see, when you have very long lifespans like we did in the days of Lemuria, you do not worry that much about one being older than the other. In your short lifespans here on planet Earth, the oldest is always expected to know more to a certain degree, especially when you are children. One day eM was sitting in on Amor’s session when a young lady came in and looked adoringly at Amor as he started working with her. Amor told her how to release her daily thoughts and clear her energy to get achieve the highest potential of the reflection of all the crystals in the grand Temple of Rejuvenation. He worked with her very clearly and did quite well, for he was a very magical person. Yes, eM was very impressed and asked Amor, “How do you keep your distance?  How do you hold people responsible like that?” Amor said, “eM, the most important part about this is simply to create the space for them to create their own miracles, because that is how a person holds their own power and heals. If I create the miracle for them it doesn’t work, because they will have to come back to me every three years. They will have to look me up again to help them get the same energy out of the Rejuvenation Temples. But if I can teach them how to release what they need to for reaching the highest potential, every time they come back they will be bringing their own energy. They will be able to work with this on their own, and that is when I am truly successful.”

Young Amor was quite wise for his age. He understood how to follow the path, how to work with the customs of Mu, and especially how to work with empowerment. He had been given a wonderful word to bring back into his society by a dear friend of his who passed away. He was his transition team person. His name was Etu and he was a grand linguist studying the earliest languages in the evolution of Mu. Upon his deathbed, Etu gave a wonderful word to Amor to try and bring back: espavo. Simply translated it means, “Thank you for taking your own power.” It was a word that Amor tried to use whenever he greeted somebody. Whenever he said hello or goodbye he said “espavo,” but sometimes people were confused by that. They would ask, “What does that mean? What did you just say to me? What was that supposed to be?” And Amor would take just that moment to work with them and help them understand: “you are here, I am here. We are separate from each other but we are of the same heart and we can share much. But it is important that you hold your power to be the highest potential and I will hold mine.” That separation became lost with many who worked in Amor’s job, although it stayed true for many.

Most people could only work for three years at a time, then they would have to leave and never return to that job. This was because they would become what you call “burnt out,” which is very common when you take someone’s power from them. Know that this is one of the beautiful things that Amor learned this very early in his life. He learned how to keep people in their own power while still empowering them the best that he could. This gives them the best and highest reflection of themselves, and the ability to release negative energy without judgment. Everyone carries both positive and negative energy and Amor never judged that as good or bad. He simply told them they would achieve the highest potential, if they could place it on the shelf for a while and work in a different area. That worked quite well and Amor shared it with eM, who stayed with him for almost two months working with him through that process until eM began his own work helping to prepare people for the highest potential.  And it was not long before eM started receiving feedback from people, generally day, weeks, or months after they left the temple. These people probably had one of the best rejuvenation periods that they could possibly have, and it was because of the words that eM shared with them. And eM actually became quite well known because he followed the course of Amor. Even though there was no competition to speak of in those days, that was simply not how things ran.

One of the greatest joys that Amor could have was that he was able to plant seeds in someone, who took those seeds even further than he did and created something magical. That is a level of empowerment, dear ones, that was prevalent in the days of Mu and is now starting to return to Earth even today. It was the greatest potential as a teacher if you could share something with someone who could take it further than you did. Yes, that is evolution and what Amor did during these days.

Especially as he was going to sleep, Amor gave thanks. Whatever you focus on returns; he knew that secret. And he worked with it every night before he would lay down to enter his restful periods. He would give thanks for the wonderful things that happened during that day, or anything else that he could find that was beautiful that he could give thanks for. He was grateful that he could pass on something magical and every time he would say espavo, he would remind himself of that experience.

We leave you with those beautiful times, as Amor gave thanks that day.  Everything was good in Mu.

I am the Keeper of Time.


The group

The word Espavo is an early Lemurian greeting : “Thank You for Taking Your Power”

~Connecting the Heart~

Love Is All There Is

By Barbara Rother

February is the month of love. I have found myself saying this throughout this month. Valentine’s Day is the official day of love where we celebrate the love in our lives. I am sentimental so I like to make a big deal on this day. I enjoyed decorating our home with Valentine decor. This year I told Steve to not bother to buy me flowers. I especially told him not to buy me chocolates since I am still trying to diet away the calories from Christmas!  I wanted for us to simply spend the day together. I softened and ended up buying him a card and a heart shape box of chocolates. Was this for him or did I give into temptations of the holiday treats? Yes, he did share. I sensed that he felt somewhat deprived that I said not to get me anything. I felt now I was robbing him of that joy of giving. Next year I will say “Give me anything your heart desires!”  This day of love I feel should be extended throughout the year toward your special loved ones and toward everyone.

 Actually the words “Love is all there is” came to me very strongly last month during the 5 Words in Time seminar we presented in January.  Steve and the group first presented this information in Sedona last October. Then the group spoke about this during the VirtualLight Broadcast. It is all about planting 5 Words into the past, then watching for the proof of them in our present moment. I took these words to heart and its message has carried through to me today.

Change is ongoing. I try to stand with my courage and expect the highest good in every change I experience, even when the change is disruptive to my existence. It is a challenge when problems occur causing us feelings less than love. Resentment, anger and the violence in this world can poison our perspectives. We are humans and should not judge ourselves with our feelings or others with theirs. Without knowing it we may feel closed to love. Life experiences may have shut our hearts. Love is a freeing power. Holding onto the negatives can keep our spirits from being the bright light. Unless love exists in our own experiences it only remains an inspiring idea that we strive for but somehow find beyond our reach.

Self-love is an important element in our spiritual breakthroughs. We cannot open our hearts to love another without loving ourselves first. Love can allow us to forgive human inadequacies of ourselves and of others.

I ask you to take this saying into your heart. Love is all there is.

With love and light,

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