Getting Familiar With The 2018 Next-Level Energies
“We know why the December 21, 2017 Solstice through March 20, 2018 Equinox quarter was extra difficult and isolating for many of us; we’re about to get energetically blasted like never before, so an intense preparation period was required beforehand to be able to Embody and seed what’s coming. We (specifically the Forerunners of the Forerunners, the Forerunners, the First Ascenders, First Embodiers etc.) have completed another flight of Ascension / Embodiment Process energy Stair-steps and reached a totally NEW higher frequency Landing and are about to start ascending a NEW flight of Stairs. Because of this, most of us have found ourselves confined over these winter months (in the Northern Hemisphere, summer in the Southern) forcing us to deal with whatever issues each of us needed to be consciously aware of, see, feel, resolve, release.I’ve never felt any previous winter quarter keep me as isolated and housebound as this one has, and not because of bad winter weather, but because I had some more things, issues, old 3D focus and emotions to go through before they were released. This mandatory personal inner focus time finally released for me at the end of the second week of March. It still amazes me every time I find more stuff and junk I have remaining in those tiny unlit blind corners of my inner self after three-plus decades of continuous serious Inner Work! Packed to the Crown chakra we’ve all been with stupid dense unaware tidbits, old 3D habits, beliefs and limited expectations that cannot go one more step with us on our Embodiment Process. Every time we reach another higher Landing, we’re confronted with whatever remaining stuff and junk is in us that has to be acknowledged, transmuted and released so we can ascend to higher frequency ground minus any remaining old dense 3D travel souvenirs we were still hauling along with us…”
This quote is from my March 14, 2018 article, NEW Embodiment Level Incoming Now. I’m
linking to it here because it feels like it was written ten lifetimes
ago when it’s actually only been three months ago! Linear time and
consciousness continues disappearing and being replaced by Now Moment quantum consciousness. Just roll with it and be glad you’re functioning from each Now Moment. We’re
all re-learning this one now too, along with all the other new NEW
stuff, abilities, AP and EP side effects and profoundly higher frequency
next-level energies. how Saturn was hit by seven solar flares in April 2017? Remember how I repeatedly mentioned it (still am) and how excited I was about it having happened? I knew at the time that everyone didn’t understand what I was saying in relation to Saturn being freed from old Team Dark encodments via seven solar flares and why I was so excited about it. Point is that you’re feeling it, living it, dealing with it and Embodying it throughout 2018 and beyond but at these next-level, higher frequency, energetic Stair-step level(s). The old reality codes and magnetic glue that assisted in holding it all in place within old 3D Earth physicality is no more, and the Forerunners, First Embodiers, Pathpavers etc. have been feeling all this in new-to-us ways ever since. This is us heading up a totally NEW and much higher flight of energy Stair-steps and it’s why most of us have experienced some super amplified AP and EP symptoms or side effects.
The more habituated I become to existing within Now Moment quantum
consciousness, the more difficult it is for me to locate myself within
linear time and space etc. The old familiar AP side effect commonly
called ‘brain fog’ was mandatory to help us,
help humanity expand beyond the limitations and narrow consciousness
blinders of old lower frequency 3D physicality on Earth. All those old
constraints to our consciousness, perceptions, linear thinking,
awareness and sole egoic self focus and consciousness had to be
incrementally undone to free us from the old lower codes and templates,
grids and magnetic glue, hardcore linear left-brain patriarchal
consciousness and more. Was it fun or pleasant not knowing which end was
up due to your old wiring being Rewired to embody tremendously higher
frequency Light energies and NEW codes? Of course not, but it was
necessary, just like all the other AP side effects were and continue to
be today.
All of the now familiar Ascension Process (AP) symptoms or side effects happened to us, in us and through many of us at much lower frequency Stair-step levels of the AP. This
is important to keep in heartmind now because you/me/we are not
existing at, functioning from, Working within or Consciously creation
from the same level or levels that we have since 1998–1999. What I’m
saying is that experiencing ‘brain fog’ today is nothing like
it was a decade or more ago. Neither is experiencing another bout of
inner Kundalini heat in 2018, or dreams and dreaming, empathically
feeling and effected by humanity’s fears and/or anger over just about
everything now, and living through other AP and Embodiment Process (EP)
side effects.
When my AP started on the physical level with the start of 1999, not only did I have severe brain fog much
of the time but I also suddenly couldn’t accurately interpret some of
the physical objects I’d see. A piece of black plastic trash-bag hooked
to a barbed-wire fence looked and felt to me like a dead rhinoceros on
the side of the road. “Reality” was suddenly not clearly discernible and
glued and locked in place for me when the AP started back then. It was
and continues today to be an ongoing incremental process of dismantling
the old and all our tools of perception etc. that went with it, while
simultaneously Embodying more and more NEW levels and layers of New
Earth and all the NEW tools of perception etc. that go with it. On the
best of days that is an absolute mind blower!
Unless I make a notation on my calendar
about when I experienced something, it’s become really difficult for me
to remember when it or much of anything happened. For this reason I’m
going to say that it was sometime during the first half of 2018 that
this old familiar ‘brain fog’ side effect returned for me, but, it did so at this vastly higher frequency level and space of being we’re in now. How brain fog affected
me nearly twenty years ago is nothing like it is today, which is the
case with most all other AP and EP symptoms or side effects, including
the also recently returned inner Kundalini heat I’m feeling in the
bottoms of my feet again. I recognize these old AP symptoms yet they’re
very different now because I’m very different now due to having lived
and Embodied since 1999. Pull way back and up for better perspective
when in doubt.
A couple of months ago or so the old ‘brain fog’ thing
returned, but it’s been a very different experience from what it was a
decade or two ago. Now it encompasses both a continued dismantling and
freeing of Denise self and familiar identity with ongoing Embodiment of
greater and higher Self/Selves, some consciously known and remembered
and many not. In 2018, ‘brain fog’ is happening on a vastly
larger scale and with far more players involved than previously
consciously known or capable of. What’s scrambled now is our own sense
of self and Self and SELF as they continue merging and melding one into
another like a grand spiritual Family Reunion. It’s glorious, it’s
disturbing, it’s indescribable, plus I know there’s much more to all
this coming. Brain fog used to be not being able to remember the correct
word or name for things; now it’s not being able to clearly define
one’s current sense of Self and Selves “identity” while the NEW
continues being created and the old continues being un-created. Is it
any wonder…
Another normal side effect of our 2018
next-level AP and EP processes is one I think many need to be reminded
of now, and, with ZERO guilt or shaming or insulting or anything else
like that over it. It is the business of one being in an evolutionary
Ascension phase, Process and Stair-step level where one cannot get one’s
backside extricated from where one is at that time no matter how hard
one tries. Said another way, I can suddenly find myself once again in an
unpleasant place emotionally, psychologically etc. and be very
consciously aware of this fact and yet I’m not able to lift, push,
insult, threaten or hug myself out of it. I’ve learned, repeatedly over
these many long hard evolutionary years that when one is in the muck,
whatever the muck is for each of us, that it is profoundly important and
each of us needs to utilize our being in the muck once again to… Master the muck. Yes,
this is about each of us Mastering our personal muck, and also
Mastering most of humanities muck too, which is in my opinion the
highest thing anyone could do to help themselves and All others as well.
It just is what it is, which in this case is the AP.
When I find myself deep in the muck yet
again in 2018 mind you, and cannot get myself out of it, it’s an
important situation for each of us experiencing it now. There’s so much
more going on than what we might think at first, like is this my muck or
is it someone else’s or is it mass humanities muck that’s currently
flying all over the place due to the accelerated dismantling of the old
everything? Does it even matter at this point whose muck it actually is?
That question was directed to the Forerunners. My answer is yes and no;
yes if it’s my muck because I can learn more from it, and no if it’s
humanities muck because I’ve been clearing their mass muck across time
on Earth and the Astral and higher since 1999. This too just is what it
is which is part of the Great Cosmic Janitorial Work that some of us
excel at. 😉
The point to this is that it’s one hell
of a place to find oneself in, this squeezed out of the old lower
patriarchal world with its escalating insanity and collapse, and
simultaneously not yet fully anchored into the NEW ascended 5D Earth
world and matching reality. Not pleasant at all in fact being in this
transitional weirdness of not all there and not all here yet either.
After almost twenty years I’ve gotten used to lingering in this
transitional place and state of evolutionary shift and have made myself a
temporary “home” in this not-here not-there ascension zone. What pisses
me off however is when the old lower patriarchal world demands that I
jump through some more of their corrupt, dysfunctional failing hoops and
pay top dollar for it. For me the gap between myself and them has
become so great that it’s physically painful and profoundly insulting to
me and I do not want to ever have to jump through patriarchal hoops for
any reason whatsoever anymore. I’m so, so done with it and them.
How do I and you reading this that can
honestly relate change all this? We Embody more, we Work more, we evolve
more, we dive in fully into these much higher frequency
next-level energies of the AP and EP processes because there is nothing
else for us to do but this. Yes it all feels slightly different from
what we’ve already been through but at least you’ve got that to use as a
comparison. Most people don’t have a clue about what’s going on now and
why and continue to drink deeply from the patriarchal Orange Kool-Aid
being pushed at them constantly. So the bottoms of our feet are on fire
again, it’s because we’re building the Pathway to NEW ascended Earth!
🙂 So our perceptions occasionally get scrambled and we can’t extricate
ourselves from another Shit Pit layer for a short period. It’s because
we’re Divine transmuters clearing out more lowly crap that has to be
removed from ourselves if that’s the case, and/or from the negative
leftovers created by mass humanity. It’s AP and EP business as usual in
other words, just at this MUCH higher, much more complex, higher
frequency next-level than what we’ve become used to. Just do it and
don’t judge self or others for anything. We are renowned throughout the
Universe for being Mighty Muck Masters so don’t beat yourself up—or let anyone else do so to you—for having this much-needed higher ability.
Briefly because I’m tired, since June 24,
2018 the physical pain level of these different next-level AP and EP
things have been record-breaking for me and many of you. And then
yesterday, July 2nd happened, which was an epic culmination pain-wise
since June 24th. Yesterday, all day and even after the sun set, was one
of those lay there and don’t move or think days and
just open and do your best to survive what’s happening energetically
inside and through your body and being. But as is always the case, when
I/we get through one of these next-level levels, we instantly gain more,
know more, are more and Create more. And repeat as usual too. Thank you
for your ongoing Higher Services. ❤
DeniseJuly 3, 2018
Donations can be made here and Thank You for the energy exchange.
© Denise Le Fay & HighHeartLife, 2018. All rights reserved. You may
copy and distribute this article so long as you don’t alter it in any
way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and
this URL and Copyright Notice is included.
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