Monday, July 9, 2018

Tania Gabrielle: Astro-Numerology Insights: Jupiter Moves Direct – Magnificent Momentum!

Tania Gabrielle: Astro-Numerology Insights:  Jupiter Moves Direct – Magnificent Momentum!

There is so much good news in the stars right now!
Our next celebration lifts off on Tuesday, July 10 as Jupiter ENDS its current retrograde cycle and stations direct (forward) again.
Anytime Jupiter (or Venus) change direction – Positivity increases.
And when the direction is forward momentum speeds up and implementation flows more easily.
Jupiter’s positive, expansive impact is especially strong now, so you’ll definitely be feeling good vibes this week - and next!
July 10 (10 = 1+0 = 1) signifies new beginnings – a totally fresh start.
A change of Jupiter’s direction at 13° in Scorpio means sweeping transformation is possible now… and by embracing changes fully, your confidence is guaranteed to soar.
Some new journey ultimately inspires you to OWN your happiness...
  • Jupiter direct makes you feel like there’s PLENTY more to go around.
  • You are blessed, lucky to be alive, and optimistic.
  • You know there are plenty of possibilities!
  • In fact, you expect opportunities – and are not surprised when they APPEAR!
  • You are grateful for how every part of your life is evolving...
  • You are tolerant and respectful of others, no matter what they believe.
Jupiter also governs law and justice – which is felt in present time.
Jupiter’s justice is lived, it is a way of being. Justice comes alive through the words you choose… what you decide to ACT on.
Jupiter’s focus on presence, wisdom and joy means that justice is not something you seek after a moment has transpired. Justice is being and doing what is honorable and of the highest vibration – in present time.
Jupiter is teaching us to focus on Divine Law – to love, forgive, embrace, live wisely and joyfully.
And with the imminent Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse on July 13 (Universal Time), we are experiencing a positive “homecoming”.
Coming home to yourself is the happiest experience there is!
Jupiter and the New Moon Eclipse create a super fortunate double "Grand Trine" that carries tremendously positive energy into your life.
So focus on what works. And always align yourself to activities and people who resonate to you.
If you follow positive resonance, all the wealth / well-being in the world is yours.
NOTHING can stop you from being abundant and blessed.
Look for the signs.
Jupiter plays a very special role in your life:
Jupiter signifies your personal prosperity zones.
Your astrology birth chart unlocks your unique Jupiter Wealth Code.
Discover yours here.
Blessings and Love,
Tania Gabrielle
PS. It's the PERFECT time to discover your Jupiter Wealth Code! (Do so NOW and you'll receive your blueprint in 5-7 days – while Jupiter starts its forward momentum again!

9:48 AM (2 hours ago)

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