Monday, July 30, 2018

Welcome to Noos-letter 104 2018 Magnetic Bat Moon Edition | Foundation for the Law of Time

Welcome to Noos-letter 104

2018 Magnetic Bat Moon Edition

Welcome to the Magnetic Moon of Purpose, the first moon of the Planetary Service Wavespell.  We have now entered the powerful year of the Red Cosmic Moon. This is the Year of the Great Purification.

The affirmation of this year is:
I endure in order to purify
Transcending flow

I seal the matrix of universal water
With the cosmic tone of presence
I am guided by the power of space
In this first moon we set our intention for the next 13 moons. How can we best serve humanity and our planet during this time of tremendous change?  
The Red Cosmic Moon opens the Sixth Light Gate that activates the interdimensional bridge of Timeship Earth and enters us into New Sirius Cycle 31 (1.31).
Moon energy corresponds with galactic/karmic Mercury with the qualities of purification and love. Purification is defined by “the removal of contaminants from something”, and the process of making something “spiritually or ceremonially clean.” 
The kin number for Red Cosmic Moon is 169 (13 x 13), and this year is guided by Kin 13: Red Cosmic Moon, which also codes the Day out of Time 2019.  Thirteen is of key significance this year and corresponds to the return of the feminine power with its nurturing and receptive powers.
The Dog or Compassionate One is our supporting energy of this year infusing the purification process with love. The guiding mechanism of a pure heart operating by synchronicity and telepathy attunes us to the magnetic core of Earth. 
Everything that grows, appears, moves and transforms within the Earth’s biosphere does so by attunement to the Earth’s core. Fear and clinging to the third dimension cuts us off from accessing this core. 
According to the Law of Time all human difficulty and environmental degradation is rooted in the unnatural 12:60 timing frequency. Everything in nature is based on a timing frequency. Timing frequencies predate and actually govern the rise of human culture and civilization. 
This 12:60 frequency is based on a 12 month calendar, 60 minute hour. Following this 12:60 frequency humans have created an artificial civilization with materialism and war at the forefront. Just because technology is advancing doesn’t mean consciousness is. 
“The 12:60 timing frequency has hardly been questioned much less thought about. Following 12:60 so religiously has led to a world of total entropic materialism, of endless growth and proliferating problems with no solutions. The 12:60 has covered up as much as it has created. Everything covered up leaks through, whether it is telepathy and synchronicity or galactic beams and inexplicable cosmic or subatomic phenomena.” —Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan
Pay special attention to events leading up to and after the following dates: Resonant Moon 12, Yellow Planetary Star (21 January 2019), which is the full lunar eclipse and Supermoon on the eve of the 11th spin since Valum Votan's passing. Cosmic Moon 6, Red Lunar Serpent (2 July 2019), the only full solar eclipse of the Cosmic Moon year.
This year offers us the opportunity to purify aeons of ignorance, inertia and toxins in order to allow new streams of pure water (of consciousness) to flow. The archetype this year is the Cosmic Healer with the symbol of Universal Water. 
I am the Healer
Coded by the Red Moon
My number is nine
The power of time, destiny and the cycles of life
From within the living waters
I merge with the universal flow
Purifying all within my sacred stream
And lifting the vibration in every nature kingdom
I am the harmony of wholeness
And the regeneration of life
I am fluid and flowing
At one with the phases of the Moon
I am the queen of life-nurturing water
I am the rain and the stream as it flows
Feeding the plants and the flowering herbs
In my sacred stream lies the kinship of all
I am crowned by the restorative splendor of leaves, roots, seeds and flowers
The supremacy of divine mind
To know me and my endless powers of healing
Is to cast aside all doubt and enter the stream of the faithful ones

See the rest here:

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