Friday, July 13, 2018

#WalkAway - Brandon Straka, "Why I left the Democratic Party"

Apparently, this guy started a movement! Funny thing is, I chose to #WalkAway last year and re-registered as an Independent, because both parties turned me long ago, that I was already called for Jury Duty in December! Just because one doesn't parrot the mainstream rhetoric doesn't mean one has gone to the opposite extreme. I just came more to the middle, and have friends I love on all "sides", because I am on the side of Love, Truth and Beauty.  Just as I don't require my Atheist friends to be on board with my spiritual interests, I don't -expect- or -require-  anyone to believe what I believe politically. But I will not be shamed or shut down for having a different perspective! Sure, I might have esoteric interests and unconventional beliefs, but it's not to be different, it's me just being unafraid to be who I AM, even if it is oft-misunderstood and unfairly judged. ~PB

#WalkAway - Brandon Straka, "Why I left the Democratic Party"

Brandon Straka -

"I am kicking off the #WalkAway campaign by releasing my video about why I am walking away from liberalism and the Democratic Party."

"It is my sincere hope that you will join me in this campaign and that we may start a movement in this country - which not only encourages others to walk away from the divisive left, but also takes back the narrative from the liberal media about what it means to be a conservative in America. It is up to all of us to make our voices heard and reclaim the truth."

"The Democratic Party has taken for granted that it owns racial, sexual, and religious minorities in America. It has encouraged groupthink, hypocrisy, division, stereotyping, resentment, and the acceptance of victimhood mentality. And all the while, they have discouraged minorities from having independent thought, open dialogue, measured and informed opinion, and a motivation to succeed." "Please like and share my video, and please post your own #WalkAway video!!"

"If you are a former liberal who has walked away from the left, please share your story, or your message, or your thoughts in a video on the Walk Away Campaign Facebook page:
Be sure to use the hashtag #WalkAway."

"If you are a lifelong conservative or non-Democrat, please share your story, message, or thoughts on what it truly means to be a conservative. Right now, the liberal media continues to perpetuate a false narrative about the “hateful” and “bigoted” right. Use your voice to let people know who conservatives really are. Be sure to use the hashtag #WalkAway."

Please like and follow me on Twitter: @usminority
Facebook: The Unsilent Minority
& subscribe to my YouTube channel:
The Unsilent Minority


  1. Scott Adams truth bombs the #WalkAway Movement
    #WalkAway Fansite
    Published on Jul 3, 2018
    Coffee with Scott Adams. On Periscope.
    Episode, "Scott Adams talks about civil war, #walkaway, The weed poison pill, Mike Lee, eliminating ICE"
    Join the movement:
    Post your own video on the #WalkAway Official Facebook page:
    Post your video on Twitter & link to the official #WalkAway Twitter handle:
    Subscribe to Brandon Straka's Unsilent Majority YouTube:

  2. (Don't be put off by the title, he's just speaking his truth as he sees it.)
    Democrats Hate Black People #walkaway
    Brandon Tatum
    Published on Jul 2, 2018
    It is time to walk away from the Democratic party's ideology. The democratic philosophy is filled with hate and fear mongering. They have no message. Actually, they never had a message. They only use the government to control people and to keep their People in power. All of the fake politicians use their position to make themselves rich and keep you weak and needing their philosophy. I tell you this, I will never accept their lies again. Period.
    Find all of my social media via my website.
    Sign Up for YBLS2018:
    Support the stream:

  3. Boom! Walk Away is Scaring Leftist Media
    Amazing Polly
    Published on Jul 10, 2018
    Instead of monetizing this channel and inviting advertisers to waste your time & warp your mind, I've set up a paypal account so if anyone wants to leave me a "Tip" please do so here:
    Brandon Straka's Walk Away Campaign has put out a call for more video testimonials - from conservatives too! YT channel for #Walkaway Fansite:
