Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Tania Gabrielle: Astrological Insights: Mystery of the triple 9:9:9 code [July 18, 2018]


On July 18, 2018 an incredible, rare code is activated.
Embedded in this sequence of numbers is a triple 9:9:9 sequence.
Anytime you see one number repeated three times, the impact is extraordinarily powerful.
  • July in 2018 adds up to an 18 Universal Month (7 + 2+0+1+8 = 18).
  • 2018 has the 18 embedded.
  • July 18 is an 18 Universal Day.
18:18:18 stands for total acceptance and surrender… giving access the highest Divine wisdom.
18 governs rest, rejuvenation and your dreams… so take more time to sleep, imagine, daydream and assimilate.
18 reduces to the “root number” 9.
9 is the final single digit, holding the wisdom of all the other digits from 1-8 in its “big head” at the top!
That circle symbolizes the zero-point - God-Mind, Divine Source.
9 embodies ultimate wisdom…
Coming off the circle at the top of 9 is a trail of Light – anchoring the 9 into our consciousness.
This anchor of light is the Life Force that propels the circle.
The mystery of this powerful number is represented mathematically as well:
Take any number and subtract the reversed position. The remainder will always be 9.
For example:
- 47
27 = 2+7 = 9
- 348
495 = 4+9+5 = 18 = 1+8 = 9

Another 9 mathematical mystery:
Add all the single digits from 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 through 9 – and the total is 45.
45 = 4+5 = 9.

There are many more!
As the number 9 triples on July 18, 2018 you’ll FEEL a total immersion into LOVE, Wisdom and Compassionate Leadership.
Epiphanies are likely.. as you let go… and let love.
Fortunately ALL of July is aligned to a double 18:18 and double 9:9 code, so Wednesday provides a fantastic opportunity to lift-off again through the REST of July!
Allow yourself to surrender to the changes and shifts...
  • It’s a wonderful opportunity to bring negativity to an end!
  • Getting more rest is important under the 18/9 energy so you assimilate and synchronize.
  • Notice what part of your life is Culminating for you!
Tune into your most tender feelings – and don't resist what the heart yearns for, no matter what comes into your conscious awareness.
Conscious attention on LETTING GO will absolutely attract fresh new opportunities.
July's 9:9:9 rebirth code happens during our 11 Gateway Universal Year - beginnings (11) and endings (9:9:9) awaken your inner Light... as all is made visible!
Take Delight in what you discover!
Many Blessings,
Tania Gabrielle

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