Sunday, March 17, 2019

A Common Sense Appraisal Of Q

Praying Medic tweeted a link to this...lengthy but worthwhile read...especially if you are not yet Q-literate! ~PB

A Common Sense Appraisal Of Q

One thing we can be sure of is that one of our nation’s top military intelligence veterans, General Michael Flynn, who served as the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, the highest ranking military intelligence officer in the United States, and also as National Security Advisor to the President of the United States, is not going to in any way, officially or unofficially, promote a vast online movement that is followed by tens and tens of millions of people, and which falsely purports to be a covert backchannel information sharing operation and which casts himself in a featured role. No way. Nor would he permit his family members to promote such a movement.

Cyber operations and ‘information warfare’ are a huge deal in the US military intelligence arena, garnering massive amounts of time and money, and primarily falling under the purview of PSYOPS, psychological operations, a specialty assigned to a number of distinct military corps with their own regimental insignias. ‘Information Operations’ also falls under the directive assigned to the NSA, the US agency which handles much of the surveillance capabilities upon which military operations depend. In short, great investments are made in developing our own cyber operations and information operations capabilities and also on studying those of nations considered adversaries or competitors. Knowing that, if you are a US Army general who has also served as the highest ranking military intelligence officer in the United States, you just don’t promote a vast movement which at its core looks a hell of a lot like a controlled operation (insofar as the ‘Q’ or ‘Q Anon’ movement is a massive mobilization of people all being captained by one anonymous online identity calling themself Q, who communicates on one internet board which Q controls and where Q’s communications are always secured by an impenetrable user ID tripcode), and which is promoting a specific narrative about yourself over which you have absolutely no control and which could potentially shift at any moment in any number of unforseen ways to cause great damage yourself and also to the presidential administration that you continue to express full support for. No way.

And now would be an opportune moment to describe just exactly what kinds of claims Q is making about General Flynn, which we will begin doing by describing what kind of claims Q is making about the nature and purpose of the Q operation itself. For starters, Q claims to be a small group of people which includes a number of military intelligence insiders and which is working, under the approval of and in partnership with the current president of the United States, to provide a backchannel of information (aka intel) to the American public (or to as many of a disposition to respond to and appreciate the service). Let’s take a few brief paragraphs to summarize the intel that Q claims to be providing.

The first topic of intel that I’ll mention helps to explain why the Q operation was necessitated in the first place, according to Q, and that is that the Q operation is communicating specific information about the widespread subversion of the American news media. The corruption is such that numerous news outlets are directly serving as propaganda conduits from a criminal syndicate, which has been flagged for treasonous activity against the United States of America, to the American public.

Consider for a moment how United States ‘information operations’ would occur in a foreign country; for example, Soviet-occupied East Germany during the Cold War. At the top of the US ‘information operations’ list would be the development of channels of communication to the East German people (and especially to those engaged in active resistance) in a way that gets around  and around hostile media outlets which exist to broadcast enemy propaganda. The Q operation claims to apply this same method to the American people, a necessary means due to the widespread subversion of the media by an entrenched and treasonous criminal syndicate.

And treason brings us to the next topic of intel that Q claims to be providing. Q communicates much specific information about an array of treasonous activities by an array of US politicians and government officials. One example is the Obama Administration policy of supplying of arms to Islamist jihadi groups, including branches of ISIS and Al Queda, as proxy armies in illegal regime change operations in the Middle East, most prominently in Libya and Syria. Note that a certain Republican named John McCain also participated in this policy. This policy was the literal aiding and abetting of enemy combatants against whom the United States is engaged in a state of war. This subject is of course known about outside of the Q communications. In fact, General Mike Flynn lost his job as Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency under Obama for standing up and calling out the insanity of this policy. But the Q communications provide supplemental information about this and a variety of other topics related to the misuse of the miltary capabilities of the United States. Regarding these and other matters, Q also often directs Q’s readers to specific lesser known reports and articles in order to conduct further research for themselves and ultimately acheive greater collective comprehension. As President Dwight Eisenhower said in his farewell address, “Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.”

Treason on the domestic front is another point of Q intel. The continuing saga known as FISA-gate or SpyGate is featured heavily in the Q communications, and the story slowly unfolding before the public is apparently that of an attempt to subvert the US electoral process, and thus the fundamental Constitutional rights of the American people, by a syndicate of corrupt politicians and intelligence agency employees. The conspirators colluded to sabotage a presidential campaign by knowingly laundering fictitious information through the FISA warrant process in order to gain and misuse government surveillance abilites against their opponent’s campaign. They also leaked the trove of fictitious information (with multiple fraudulently obtained FISA warrants as a seal of credibility) to American news outlets, which immediately began propagandistically pushing the ‘Trump colluded with Russia’ narrative with no regard for substantiation or objectivity, even long after the fraudulent origins of the FISA warrants were revealed. After Donald Trump won the 2016 election, the Director of the NSA, Admiral Mike Rogers, who had recently become aware of the rampant abuse of NSA ‘search queries’ and of FISA submission procedures, personally traveled to Trump Tower NYC to alert President-elect Trump of illegal surveillance and to recommend the vacating of Trump Tower immediately (which Trump immediately did). Of course, the story goes on and on and on from there, with further crimes being commited in the attempted cover-up after Trump won the election. The Q communications have provided much specific commentary about FISA-gate and about the ongoing investigations into the scandal, often predicting turns of events which proved correct months later, and often directing readers to specific articles and journalists who Q claims are reporting the facts accurately and with the assistance of inside sources. I should emphasize here that General Mike Flynn plays a featured role in the very specific narrative that Q is advancing about FISAgate. Q actually claims to be working in tandem with General Flynn and to know what General Flynn is involved in behind the scenes. One would think that, on that account, that if Q were a fake or a LARP, then General Flynn as well as several of his family members would take strong measures to alert the Q Anon movement that Q is not authentic, rather than to continually signal a loud and clear approval of the Q Anon movement. Note that I used the word ‘signal’. The Q communications claim that the maintaining of plausible deniability is by nature (as an unofficial backchannel) part and parcel of the Q operation. Odd indeed, then, how General Flynn and several of his family members always remain squarely within the realm of plausible deniability even as they ‘signal’ loud and clear approval of the Q Anon movement. More about this later.

Other points of intel which Q claims to be providing are about a broader scope of criminal activity by an entrenched deep state criminal syndicate. This includes the conducting of false flag operations, events of mass deception, both domestically and abroad. False flag attacks can be events of real violence or fake staged events, in either case the purpose is to advance an agenda and to script a narrative. I won’t get into details here, but Q has communicated about specific events being false flags and has also directed readers to specific avenues of research. Q has also communicated about ways in which the mainstream news media and also the entertainment industry are complicit in promoting narratives built on mass deception. For example, one Q post proposes (in a way that is less specific than many other Q posts) several questions along these lines (*note HW is Q’s abbreviation for Hollywood) :

And that’s also a sample of how Q posts are generally structured (the unusual use of abbreviations and partial sentences becomes easy to read over time). As a personal observation, in light of Q communications like the one featured above, I find the notion untenable that Q Anon may be an inside operation being conducted against the American people and with a hidden objective of advancing state authoritarianism. A house divided against itself cannot stand, and an operation intent on exposing the elaborately guarded deceptions of deep state criminals who have to sought to supplant Liberty with authoritarianism can only be an enemy of authoritarianism and a friend of Liberty.

Moving on, Q has also dropped intel about crimes involving human trafficking and sex trafficking operations, some of which involve the occult. Have you ever seen the photo of the creepy occult temple on the private island where billionaire Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficked young teenage girls and also hosted a slew of social and political ‘elites’ and foreign ‘dignitaries’? Well, if it isn’t prince Andrew in a photo with his arm around the waist of an adolescent sex slave, they probably spent the day discussing a cricket tournament. Have you heard of the sex trafficking cult NXIVM? It’s been in the news since the arrest of actress Allison Mack for her involvement in it, and now we’re learning that young adolescent and preteen girls were trafficked. I know it’s an awful topic, but I also know that it’s a problem that does exist, and there’s a number of scandals of this sort on the known record. According to Q, the Q operation intends to blow the lid off of existing cover-ups, a number of which involve politicians, and to bring the members of organized abuse rings to justice. I don’t stick my head in the sand, but it’s a subject about which I choose not to investigate the disturbing details of too deeply. Rather I pray for those law enforcement officials who have enlisted to take on jobs which require investigating disturbing details. Most people are good people.

Well, much like the topic of widespread media subversion, those last two topics of Q intel drops are also, according to Q, reasons why the Q operation was necessitated. Because the entrenched criminal syndicate has a long habit of cultivating and weaponizing public incredulity. One thing’s for certain, thanks to the Q operation, be it authentic or be it a LARP, tens and tens of millions of people are now far less incredulous. A vast number of formerly so-called ‘whitebread’ conservatives (as well as a number of Democrats) are now quite woke and are not being scared off by the weaponized ‘conspiracy theorist’ label, because they’ve taken the road of considering the evidence for themselves and of thinking for themselves. According to Q, this mass awakening is an essential part of ensuring that the guilty do not evade justice and that the rule of law be advanced. Public incredulity isn’t going to save the guilty. Scare tactics about ‘conspiracy theory’ aren’t going to save the guilty. An attempted “Trump is using lies and ‘deep fakes’ to round up enemies like a tin pot dictator” ruse isn’t going to save the guilty. It’s all going to be above board, all very painstakingly legal and constitutional, according to Q. Which seems to jibe with sentiments succinctly expressed, after a recent meeting with Attorney General William Barr, by US Prosecutor John Huber, whom former AG Jeff Sessions specifically tasked to investigate (with a 470 member staff) issues of concern including The Clinton Foundation and the Uranium One scandal, amongst other matters (we already know from FBI reports that any investigation into The Clinton Foundation ipso facto involves infamous Weiner Laptop), “we will hold offenders accountable and advance the rule of law”.

One thing we can be sure of is that the rule of law cannot be advanced without firmly establishing that no one is above the law.

Before continuing, I should not neglect to mention that the Q Anon movement isn’t all just about going after the bad guys. Many regard the Q Anon movement primarily as a fellowship which celebrates patriotism and freedom of thought and the spiritual values upon which our culture and our form of government are built.

Now, back to General Flynn.

Imagine that you are General Mike Flynn. Imagine you are General Mike Flynn in fight of your life. The FBI says that you lied about a perfectly legal conversation, you’ve been forced out of your job as National Security Advisor to the President of the United States, you’ve been scooped up by the Mueller Investigation and are now completely embroiled in it, you’ve been forced to sell your house to pay for mounting legal bills, and a squad of professional legal analysts are telling mainstream news outlets that you are about to be hauled off to prison. And now someone or someones called Q, the lone captain of a vast online movement which looks a heck of a lot like a controlled operation, is stirring up this vast movement with claims that you, General Flynn, have purposefully allowed yourself to be roped into the Mueller Investigation in order to force other investigations into criminal activity about which you plan testify, essentially turning the tables on the deep state. According to Q. And this ‘Q’ even goes so far as to confidently claim that “Flynn is Safe. We protect our Patriots”, as Q confidently claimed on December 5, 2017. And then exactly one year after that statement from Q, within a few hours to the the day, Robert Mueller revealed that he has no grounds to recommend prison time for you, General Flynn. Your sister then gives a celebratory shoutout to your supporters on twitter using the slogan of the Q Anon movement, WWG1WGA (“Where We Go One We Go All”). Q, in return, posts a shoutout to your sister on Q’s communication board. And imagine your astonishment when a few weeks later it is revealed that closure of your case in the Mueller Investigation is being delayed because you are providing information for several ongoing criminal investigations. Meanwhile, several of your siblings continue to signal shoutouts to the Q Anon movement and to retweet tweets with messages and links endorsing and promoting the Q Anon movement. By this time a number of progressive weenies have adopted the practice of breathlessly twitter-tattling about every Q Anon nod from a Trump affiliate. And so what do your siblings do then, General Flynn? They up their trolling game with direct shoutouts to Q, followed by ‘what? my phone was hacked!’, followed by an exchange of chuckles with Q Anon supporters and an indirect sharing in what has become by now a huge inside joke of sorts (not that the Q operation isn’t about serious business). As Michael Scott from The Office said, “I love inside jokes, I always wanted to be on the inside of one”.

Now, imagine that you are General Michael Flynn, and imagine your chagrin upon discovering that, as it turns out, you yourself, General Flynn, have for quite some time been signaling a number of indirect but loud and clear shoutouts to the Q Anon movement. Imagine that.

A picture tells a thousand words. But before we get to the pictures, let me clarify that General Flynn’s family members are private citizens and have done nothing to deserve any sort of harassment or unwanted attention. And nor, I should add, do any Q posts point to General Flynn’s family members as a go-to source for confirmations of Q’s authenticity. My intention in briefly highlighing the Flynn family is only to highlight the fact that normal decent patriotic Americans are associating themselves, to varying degrees, with the Q Anon movement, and by this I hope to dispel the false impressions promoted by a media misinformation frenzy about the Q Anon movement being full of mentally ill people with an inclination to violence. Furthermore, contrary to mainstream media reports, which largely consist in the knocking down of straw man attributions, there’s nothing in any Q posts about about lizard people or about JFK Jr. being still alive or about a Flat Earth. Fake news.

One last thing before the pictures, it’s necessary to briefly explain a few particular aspects of the Q communications. Among a variety of phrases and themes and other sorts of ‘communication signals’ used by Q are several that Q has expressly adopted from a movie called ‘White Squall’. This is the only instance of Q using a movie or a book in this way as far as I am aware. Q has posted the trailer of White Squall more than once and has made numerous further refences to aspects of White Squall over a range of posts. In fact, most mainstream articles about Q Anon have noted that the Q Anon movement has their own slogan, which is “WWG1WGA”, an acronym for “Where We Go One We Go All”, a motto that Q borrowed from White Squall. A twitter history search of the use of #WWG1WGA reveals that, from the day that twitter began in 2006 to the arrival of the Q phenomenon in late 2017, the acronym WWG1WGA was simply not used on twitter, excepting by one high school kid in Elmwood City PA who in a few tweets about rehearsals for his school play included #WWG1WGA, with, I should add, the hashtag preceded by an anchor emoji (meaning that either he or his drama teacher saw the sailing movie White Squall and appreciated it enough to use it as an analogy). Well, Q also appreciated the movie enough to borrow the general plot analogy and to also borrow several specific aspects of the film as communication signals, including most notably the motto WWG1WGA and the dramatic element of ‘The Storm’. There’s much more to be said about the way in which confirmations or proofs of Q’s authenticity are being continually provided, often through a synchronicity between specific Q posts and the subsequent communicating of specific words or tweets or images by President Trump and several others, but I’ve conveyed enough for our present purposes. So, onto some pictures.

Here we have a sample of a number of retweets, from January thru March 2019, by General Flynn’s sisters Mary and Barbara, of tweets specifically advocating and promoting the Q Anon movement. Do the math. But, anyhow, there’s no law against it. So buzz off.

On the left is a tweet from Feb 15 2019 from General Flynn’s brother Joseph Flynn. Note that after writing about a “Stormy afternoon” Joe makes use of the dramatic “…” and asks “has the STORM arrived?” with the word ‘storm’ in capital letters. Note that within the next hour his and General Flynn’s sister, Barbara, responded to Joe’s tweet, her message beginning “Yes Joe The Tip Of The Storm Has Arrived!” And note also that she included a ‘scales of justice’ emoji after her message. Do the math, and I don’t mean common core. In further regards, and the following is purely speculation on my part, Q has dropped several posts about the arrest of actress Allison Mack for her involvement with the human trafficking sex cult NXIVM. Amongst other things, Q wrote that “Mack is naming names. Big names in H-wood/Gov’t” and also”Mack. Snowball.” (hinting at an accumulating snowball effect). And so I wonder if the use of the word “Macking” to describe “The Storm” in General Flynn’s sister’s tweet here has multiple layers of meaning.

Mid-March 2019, here is General Flynn’s brother Joe giving a shoutout to Q and exchanging some jocularities with some Q Anon enthusiasts. Oh wait, actually he says that his phone was hacked, but it got better. Oh, actually he says that maybe it was hacked by the team (Q team?) and a then a crylaughing emoji. What the hell is so funny? Does The Daily Beast know about this? Does the General know about this?

On the left is a message of gratitude for support of General Flynn and the Flynn family, a tweet from General Flynn’s sister, Barbara, in which she also writes the Q Anon slogan #WWG1WGA. This message was sent on December 4 2018. General Flynn had at that time already been long embroiled in the Mueller Investigation, and on that date Mueller revealed that he had no grounds to recommend prison time for General Flynn. The following day, Dec 5, Q posted an American flag photo and linked to Barbara’s tweet. This Q post and this date is also significant in that exactly one year prior to this, on Dec 5 2017, Q had posted “FLYNN is safe. We protect our patriots.” And this also hearkens to two statements often repeated by Q, “future proves past” and “promises made, promises kept”. In further regards about the Mueller investigation, Flynn’s role in the Mueller investigation has seemingly shifted from to defense to offense, as Flynn has actually been kept on in the Mueller Investigation in order to continue providing testimony for several other investigations that have in part or in whole been forced by Flynn’s testimony.

On the left is a tweet from a Q Anon enthusiast in which he shares a twitter message reply from General Flynn in response to a message that he sent to General Flynn following the speech that the General gave at the Phyllis Schlafly Eagles Council award in September 2018. Flynn’s reply was “WWG1WGA”, which as we know is also the motto of the Q Anon movement. Perhaps General Flynn simply noticed that the man had a custom of using the acronym himself and so reciprocated the acronym as a gesture of acknowledgement of common shared values, and not necessarily of Q Anon specifically. But, again, September was late enough that General Flynn must’ve known what Q Anon was about, and he didn’t tell the guy to drop the Q shit. On the right is a tweet sent out by General Flynn’s brother, Joseph Flynn, in late January 2019. Notice he tweeted the Q Anon motto “WWG1WGA!!!” not as a message tagging any individual, but as a tweet below a link sharing words from a speech that General Flynn gave while campaigning for Republican congressional candidate Omar Navarro. By then the Flynn family of course knew that WWG1WGA is the slogan of the by then vastly popular Q Anon movement. But you can’t prove anything, but do the math.
At the top we see two copies of General Flynn’s book ‘The Field Of Fight’ which General Flynn signed during an event, the 47th annual Phyllis Schlafly Eagles Council, on September 15 2018, at which he was honored with an award and gave a speech. Note that General Flynn signed the books with the slogan “Where We Go 1 We Go All”, which also happens to be the Q Anon motto. Maybe the people asked General Flynn to write that slogan on the books, which prompts me to wonder, if so, did they also ask him to write the the number ‘1’ instead of the word ‘one’ in the phrase, like the way the Q Anon movement writes the acronym? In further regards, consider that by September 2018 General Flynn must’ve been well aware of the huge Q Anon movement and that Q was scripting him a featured role in a specific narrative that Q is transmitting. Would General Flynn risk appearing to endorse QAnon if General Flynn doesn’t who Q is and doesn’t have the slightest control over where Q might decide to take the narrative about him next? Back to the pictures above, on the bottom left we see a Q post from September 8 2018, a photo of an American flag, posted by Q just one week exactly prior to the event at which General Flynn’s received the award and gave a speech. One week later, when the respective award and speech event took place, many Q enthusiasts were quick to note that the exact same US flag photo that Q had posted one week prior was used at the event of General Flynn’s award and speech. The photo was projected onto a screen during event (note the photo in the middle, which shows General Flynn standing in front of the projector screen at the event, is taken from an angle but it is clearly the same flag photo). Now many would call this a very remarkable coincidence, and so would I. After all, there are certainly a vast variety of American flag photos that could have been used at the event at which General Flynn spoke, and Q has posted several different American flag photos and pictures over the course of the Q posts, and yet the flag photo used at the event was the exact same photo that Q had posted exactly one week prior and was also Q’s most recent post of a photo or image of an American flag at that time. All within plausible deniability, but do the math.

On the left is a tweet from August 3 2018 by a patriot named Sean who is also a prominent Q Anon enthusiast. (I’ve been following him on twitter for a while, and have a habit of calling him by his twitter handle @Cordicon). In this tweet, Cordicon posts a home video in which he filmed a bald eagle flying. Naturally, Cordicon found the event inspiring and so decided to dedicate the video to General Flynn and to President Trump in his tweet. Notice he writes in the tweet “thought of you bro @AsTheQTurns”. “AsTheQTurns” is of course a shoutout to fellow enthusiasts of the Q operation. Not long after Cordicon’s tweet, General Flynn changed the banner image of his own twitter page to a frame from Cordicon’s video, a glimpse of the bald eagle in majestic flight over an opening in a canopy of trees. While this appears to be a pretty direct endorsement of Q Anon by General Flynn, it’s definitely a grateful acknowledgement of Cordicon’s patriotism and his support for General Flynn, and no one can prove that it’s also an endorsement of Q. Don’t pet the eagle.

Alright, shifting gears now, below is a small sample of the kinds of Q confirmations or proofs, which originate directly from the Q posts and are instances in which specific Q posts are confirmed by highly improbable synchronicities or coincidences or by a foreknowledge of events on Q’s part becoming evident (which Q calls “future proves past”).

A regular part of the Q communications is the unusual use of capital letters in words as codes or signals. Now, if a Q researcher reading the Q posts on the night of Dec 10 2017 were to search Google for “BDT” (as I know some have reported doing), then at the top of the Google results would be a Wikipedia article on BDT as the currency code for the unit of Bangladeshi currency. So, Q’s BDT hint is far from cryptic. Q’s consecutive posts (3 mins apart) on the night of December 10 2017 specifically communicate the topic of Bangladesh and also specifically communicate the topics of a false flag attack and explosions. The following day a Bangladehsi man failed to explode a pipe bomb in NYC, which naturally became a big news story, and later that night Q posted that the attack was thwarted (which could be interpreted as thwarted by either members of the Q operation or by agents who have access to the same surveillance intel as the Q operation). This particular proof is confirmation of Q’s status as insiders of an operation with advanced capabilities to conduct surveillance on foreign and domestic enemies of the United States.

Now, this proof is one of many examples of how a Q post presents a ‘communication signal’ which is then subsequently confirmed by a tweet from President Trump. At first glance, the Q post (shown at the top left of the graphic), appears to be some kind of unknown code. But Q’s manner of posting in partial words and code words and abbreviations are very well known to Q Anon researchers and meanings of partial coded words are understood due to their consistent use. In fact, from the start of the Q communications, Q has repeatedly emphasized that Q Anon researchers must learn to decipher Q’s abbreviated and indirect method of communication (‘learn the comms’). As an explanation, Q wrote: “Our comms must be this way. Refer back – the ‘Why?’ NAT SEC laws.” National Security restrictions. For the same reason, Q’s posts are often phrased as questions that invite researchers to investigate and to come to conclusions or make interpretations for themselves (which is often a collective endeavor, and often correct conclusions or interpretations receive some sort of distinct nod from Q). In short, Q is careful to never violate any national security laws, even as Q provides an information backchannel unlike anything heretofore known in American history. Back to the graphic, there is nothing of import to National Security in the Q post or in the Trump tweet, the entire purpose of the Q post is just to give a communication signal to be subsequently confirmed and thus provide proof of Q’s authenticity as an inside operation of which President Trump is a member. In the graphic above we see that the Q post directs the Q post readers to the twitter account of President Trump for a confirmation, and we notice that after Q’s abbreviation for account, “act”, Q includes “small#”. A mere 5 minutes later, the very next tweet from President Trump is a message that included the word “#small.” Of course it could be argued that it was a lucky guess on Q’s part (lucky indeed because this was Trump’s first year in office and if Q were to have researched past presidential behaviour for that date, Q would have found that Obama did not observe an annual tradition of tweeting shoutouts to Small Business Saturday). And what are the odds that this improbably lucky guess of the ‘what’ was also an improbably lucky guess of the ‘when’, meaning of the very next tweet from president Trump, just a few minutes away. As mentioned, this above graphic is just one example of many Q confirmations of this sort. An interesting thing about statistics is that when an accumulation of related high improbabilities are taken together, the odds of mere chance being the cause becomes vanishing. In further regards, I’ll add about the above graphic that it looks to me that the inclusion of RED1_RED2_ as the lower part of Q’s post is indicating that in Trump’s forthcoming tweet, under the ‘small#’ confirmation will be another confirmation involving 2 things relating to red, and we see that illustriation under trump’s message has 2 red doors. But even without that, the obvious and already mentioned synchronicites are remarkable.

Some readers may be aware of mainstream media reports about Fusion GPS contractor (and CIA contractor) and FISA-gate conspirator Nellie Ohr acquiring a ham radio license, which adds significant credibility to Q’s claim that the FISA-gate conspirators were also using Xbot chat as a covert communication method. Note that Q’s post mentioning this use of Xbot chat occured shortly before 6 PM (US Eastern Time) of 08/15/18, and within the following hour Xbox suffered an exceptionally massive outage which included the disabling of all chat functions. On the following day, a brief Q post hinted that the mass Xbox outage happened as a result of the prior day’s Q post, which has been taken by many to mean that there was an effort on the part of deep state conspirators wipe the Xbox logs of evidence of their communications, in which case they were obviously too late if Q had just alerted them that Q knows what they’d been up to on the Xbot chats. In related regards, during the second week of March 2019, Q dropped an epic load of intel about Facebook’s involvement in illegal data collection, which culminated in Facebook experiencing on March 13 a major outage, or as CNN put it, an”epic outage”, about which Q then posted “the ‘cleaning crew’ is active.”

Alright, while the Q operation is serious business, Christmas is nonetheless a time of good cheer. In this spirit, Q provided several Christmas themed proofs in December 2018, beginning with a Q post on December 12 that linked to a tweet from Trump Hotels which included a video about the transformation of the elevator in Trump Hotel Chicago into the ‘Gingerbread Express’, featuring walls made of gingerbread bricks and candy and filled with Christmas decorations. Within 2 minutes, Q researchers (aka ‘anons’) had posted on 8chan that they noticed the unusual inclusion of a ‘Q’ stocking (how many names begin with Q?) which was hung next to the ‘T’ stocking (the consensus was that the T was to indicate Trump). Q and Trump working together. In the middle bottom Q post, we read Q confirming that observation from an anon. It’s certainly a coincidence, but the unusualness was exponentially heightened when anons observed (and Q confirmed) that the Q stocking was actually a stocking decorated with the letter O and that someone had turned the O into a Q (either with a piece of tape or magic marker I suppose), in a way that was quite obvious and not aesthetically complementary to the general attentiveness to pretty details elsewhere. Very unusual. Anyhow, Q’s “more to find” hint in the Q post on the right sent anons back to study the Gingerbread Express video closer. And as our next picture reveals, they found more.

They found more. The Gingerbread Express video shows in a few brief clips that there was a painting of Santa Claus over the mantle with the stockings in the Gingerbread elevator. Now, Santa Claus is known to be a builder of toys, but still it is a bit unusual that Santa would be shown holding a hammer, and that depiction was significant to Q Anon researchers because several Q posts have communicated that the Q operation will “drop the hammer” once the stage is set for the Justice phase (i.e. prosecution of criminals) of the Q operation. Also, it is highly unusual and coincidental that that the painting of Santa Clause is signed “QA” which can obviously be taken to mean Q Anon. I should add that there are many more very interesting and logical interpretations that Q researchers (anons) have made about the ‘Gingerbread Express’ video in relation to a number of Q posts, but I prefer to focus on the simple stuff for our purposes here.

This is not Q’s most ambitious confirmation, but it’s one in a series involving the movie White Squall as a central communications signal between Q and the anons. As shown in the graphic above, White Squall was produced by Scott Free Productions, and Trump gave a nod to ‘Scott Free’ in a twitter ‘typo’ which left many people scratching their heads. On the right is a picture of the bell on the sailing ship in White Squall upon which the sailing ship crew’s motto (and Q Anon motto) is engraved “WHERE WE GO ONE WE GO ALL”. Q has also posted a few times a link to the White Squall movie trailer- . Interesting tidbits from the trailer include the dialogue, “this ocean academy is not recognized as accredited”, which seems a fitting analogy for the unofficial nature of the Q Anon operation. There’s also a bit of dialogue in which a young crewmember describes himself “anonymous”, and we know that Q researchers have taken to calling themselves ‘anons’ (partly because an anonymous user ID is the nature of 8chan but also in honor of the chief ‘anon’ who is the anonymous Q). Also in the trailer the narrator dramatically states “it was only the calm before the storm”. As some readers may be aware, in early October 2017, just a few weeks prior to Q’s first post, President Trump famously made the cryptic remark to reporters at a a gathering with top US military officers, “Do you know what this represents? Maybe this is the calm before the storm.”- . And when Trump was pressed by reporters to eloborate, he said “we have the world’s great military leaders in this room, I will tell you that.” Back to the movie trailer, the narrator also says “a film about loyalty, discovery, and courage”, and central themes of the Q communications are patriotic loyalty and the value of having the courage to think independently and discover the facts for oneself. The narrator’s final words “based on a true story” hearkens to the Q operation revealing the true story, the true facts.

And that concludes the pictures section of our article. For those readers who are interested in further Q Anon research and reporting, here are a my personal recommendations. First, the brilliant Brazilian researcher Paul Serran, whose website is linked here: All Things Q, please be sure to read the ‘Who Is Q’ and ‘What Is Q’ articles under the ‘Stories’ tab. Also, the fastidious Q Anon detective who goes by Praying Medic, whose twitter is linked here: Praying Medic twitter page , plus he has a youtube channel. Also, the comprehensive and engaging Katie G, whose website is linked here: Citizens Investigative Report . Also, the sagacious Tracy Beanz, who keeps her in depth reporting independent of Q references, which I suppose is a good way to reach a certain demographic: Tracy Beanz YouTube. Also, I recently came across The Dilley Show, which provides both insightful and inspiring commentary (2 jalapenos on the spicy menu). I’m sure there’s many more great researchers, but I have a life and have settled on the above few to catch up with when I can.

Whether or not the reader decides to pursue further research, I should mention here that there are a number of topics about which Q communicates that I have not mentioned above. So, here is an incomplete list of further topics of the Q communications: The widespread illegal practice of user data collection by companies including facebook, google, twitter, and microsoft, amongst an odd dozen others. The ways in which the deep state criminal syndicate gains access to this data. Election fraud in the US and the future implementation voter ID laws. The political agenda behind promoting an unchecked flood of illegal immigration into the US. The ways in which the criminal syndicate makes use of disparate lawless groups like MS-13, ISIS, and Antifa. The Globalist agenda to end national sovereignty and to supplant individual liberty, and the popular pushback (yellow vests, deplorables, etc.). The use of ‘identity politics’ to slander vast multitudes of decent patriotic people as bigots and to divide people into hostile factions according to a hierarchy of victimhood. The hidden agenda behind massive spending and taxing proposals to fight so-called ‘climate change’. An inside perspective on Trump’s foreign policy strategies. And much more.

Also, the actual ‘Q communications’ or ‘Q posts’ themselves are posted by Q on a ‘board’ that Q owns on a forum hosting network called 8chan, and they are also compiled by some Q researchers onto their own websites, which are easier to navigate than 8chan, and so my recommendation for Q posts is:  I find this website particularly useful because there is a ‘Keys’ section which explains the communication abbreviations used by Q, and there is also a ‘Research’ section which links to a number of good Q researchers. is also good for Q posts.

In closing, I’d like to say that I consider myself a libertarian (aka old school liberal), and I’d often prefer to see a greater scope and speed to the rollback of big government, of the mountains of regulations and restrictions and intrusions and entitlements. But I do know that great reforms are being accomplished and that nothing happens very quickly when the Swamp is fighting back at every step. So here I’d like to share, for the reader’s continued edification, a continually updated list of President Trump’s accomplishments in office, from breaking all previous records on jobs numbers and economic success, to much needed criminal justice reform and prison reform, to unprecedented numbers of prosecutions of human traffickers and sex traffickers, to steadily securing our border and safeguarding our national sovereignty, to much more, it’s a long list: Wow, even I didn’t realize he did so much. Wish the fake news would report. Thank you, President Trump!
And thank you, General Flynn!

And now I’m going to hand the mic to Q. A quote from from March 12 2019:

“The Great Awakening (‘Freedom of Thought’), was designed and created not only as a backchannel to the public (away from the longstanding ‘mind’ control of the corrupt & heavily biased media) to endure future events through transparency and regeneration of individual thought (breaking the chains of ‘group-think’), but, more importantly, aid in the construction of a vehicle (a ‘ship’) that provides the scattered (‘free thinkers’) with a ‘starter’ new social-networking platform which allows for freedom of thought, expression, and patriotism or national pride (the feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment). When ‘non-dogmatic’ information becomes FREE & TRANSPARENT it becomes a threat to those who attempt to control the narrative and/or the stable. When you are awake, you stand on the outside of the stable (‘group-think’ collective), and have ‘free thought’. “Free thought” is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma. When you are awake, you are able to clearly see. The choice is yours, and yours alone. Trust and put faith in yourself. You are not alone and you are not in the minority. Difficult truths will soon see the light of day. WWG1WGA!!!” Q

A Common Sense Appraisal Of Q

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My tags: Common Sense, Q, QAnon, General Michael Flynn, Defense Intelligence Agency, National Security Advisor, POTUS, NSA, MSM Censorship Blockades, Treason, FISA, Criminal Syndicate, Rule of Law, WWG1WGA, The Storm, Globalist Agenda, Deep State, The Great Awakening

A Common Sense Appraisal Of Q

One thing we can be sure of is that one of our nation’s top military intelligence veterans, General Michael Flynn, who served as the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, the highest ranking military intelligence officer in the United States, and also as National Security Advisor to the President of the United States, is not going to in any way, officially or unofficially, promote a vast online movement that is followed by tens and tens of millions of people, and which falsely purports to be a covert backchannel information sharing operation and which casts himself in a featured role. No way. Nor would he permit his family members to promote such a movement.

Cyber operations and ‘information warfare’ are a huge deal in the US military intelligence arena, garnering massive amounts of time and money, and primarily falling under the purview of PSYOPS, psychological operations, a specialty assigned to a number of distinct military corps with their own regimental insignias. ‘Information Operations’ also falls under the directive assigned to the NSA, the US agency which handles much of the surveillance capabilities upon which military operations depend. In short, great investments are made in developing our own cyber operations and information operations capabilities and also on studying those of nations considered adversaries or competitors. Knowing that, if you are a US Army general who has also served as the highest ranking military intelligence officer in the United States, you just don’t promote a vast movement which at its core looks a hell of a lot like a controlled operation (insofar as the ‘Q’ or ‘Q Anon’ movement is a massive mobilization of people all being captained by one anonymous online identity calling themself Q, who communicates on one internet board which Q controls and where Q’s communications are always secured by an impenetrable user ID tripcode), and which is promoting a specific narrative about yourself over which you have absolutely no control and which could potentially shift at any moment in any number of unforseen ways to cause great damage yourself and also to the presidential administration that you continue to express full support for. No way.

And now would be an opportune moment to describe just exactly what kinds of claims Q is making about General Flynn, which we will begin doing by describing what kind of claims Q is making about the nature and purpose of the Q operation itself. For starters, Q claims to be a small group of people which includes a number of military intelligence insiders and which is working, under the approval of and in partnership with the current president of the United States, to provide a backchannel of information (aka intel) to the American public (or to as many of a disposition to respond to and appreciate the service). Let’s take a few brief paragraphs to summarize the intel that Q claims to be providing.

The first topic of intel that I’ll mention helps to explain why the Q operation was necessitated in the first place, according to Q, and that is that the Q operation is communicating specific information about the widespread subversion of the American news media. The corruption is such that numerous news outlets are directly serving as propaganda conduits from a criminal syndicate, which has been flagged for treasonous activity against the United States of America, to the American public.

Consider for a moment how United States ‘information operations’ would occur in a foreign country; for example, Soviet-occupied East Germany during the Cold War. At the top of the US ‘information operations’ list would be the development of channels of communication to the East German people (and especially to those engaged in active resistance) in a way that gets around  and around hostile media outlets which exist to broadcast enemy propaganda. The Q operation claims to apply this same method to the American people, a necessary means due to the widespread subversion of the media by an entrenched and treasonous criminal syndicate.

And treason brings us to the next topic of intel that Q claims to be providing. Q communicates much specific information about an array of treasonous activities by an array of US politicians and government officials. One example is the Obama Administration policy of supplying of arms to Islamist jihadi groups, including branches of ISIS and Al Queda, as proxy armies in illegal regime change operations in the Middle East, most prominently in Libya and Syria. Note that a certain Republican named John McCain also participated in this policy. This policy was the literal aiding and abetting of enemy combatants against whom the United States is engaged in a state of war. This subject is of course known about outside of the Q communications. In fact, General Mike Flynn lost his job as Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency under Obama for standing up and calling out the insanity of this policy. But the Q communications provide supplemental information about this and a variety of other topics related to the misuse of the miltary capabilities of the United States. Regarding these and other matters, Q also often directs Q’s readers to specific lesser known reports and articles in order to conduct further research for themselves and ultimately acheive greater collective comprehension. As President Dwight Eisenhower said in his farewell address, “Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.”

Treason on the domestic front is another point of Q intel. The continuing saga known as FISA-gate or SpyGate is featured heavily in the Q communications, and the story slowly unfolding before the public is apparently that of an attempt to subvert the US electoral process, and thus the fundamental Constitutional rights of the American people, by a syndicate of corrupt politicians and intelligence agency employees. The conspirators colluded to sabotage a presidential campaign by knowingly laundering fictitious information through the FISA warrant process in order to gain and misuse government surveillance abilites against their opponent’s campaign. They also leaked the trove of fictitious information (with multiple fraudulently obtained FISA warrants as a seal of credibility) to American news outlets, which immediately began propagandistically pushing the ‘Trump colluded with Russia’ narrative with no regard for substantiation or objectivity, even long after the fraudulent origins of the FISA warrants were revealed. After Donald Trump won the 2016 election, the Director of the NSA, Admiral Mike Rogers, who had recently become aware of the rampant abuse of NSA ‘search queries’ and of FISA submission procedures, personally traveled to Trump Tower NYC to alert President-elect Trump of illegal surveillance and to recommend the vacating of Trump Tower immediately (which Trump immediately did). Of course, the story goes on and on and on from there, with further crimes being commited in the attempted cover-up after Trump won the election. The Q communications have provided much specific commentary about FISA-gate and about the ongoing investigations into the scandal, often predicting turns of events which proved correct months later, and often directing readers to specific articles and journalists who Q claims are reporting the facts accurately and with the assistance of inside sources. I should emphasize here that General Mike Flynn plays a featured role in the very specific narrative that Q is advancing about FISAgate. Q actually claims to be working in tandem with General Flynn and to know what General Flynn is involved in behind the scenes. One would think that, on that account, that if Q were a fake or a LARP, then General Flynn as well as several of his family members would take strong measures to alert the Q Anon movement that Q is not authentic, rather than to continually signal a loud and clear approval of the Q Anon movement. Note that I used the word ‘signal’. The Q communications claim that the maintaining of plausible deniability is by nature (as an unofficial backchannel) part and parcel of the Q operation. Odd indeed, then, how General Flynn and several of his family members always remain squarely within the realm of plausible deniability even as they ‘signal’ loud and clear approval of the Q Anon movement. More about this later.

Other points of intel which Q claims to be providing are about a broader scope of criminal activity by an entrenched deep state criminal syndicate. This includes the conducting of false flag operations, events of mass deception, both domestically and abroad. False flag attacks can be events of real violence or fake staged events, in either case the purpose is to advance an agenda and to script a narrative. I won’t get into details here, but Q has communicated about specific events being false flags and has also directed readers to specific avenues of research. Q has also communicated about ways in which the mainstream news media and also the entertainment industry are complicit in promoting narratives built on mass deception. For example, one Q post proposes (in a way that is less specific than many other Q posts) several questions along these lines (*note HW is Q’s abbreviation for Hollywood) :

And that’s also a sample of how Q posts are generally structured (the unusual use of abbreviations and partial sentences becomes easy to read over time). As a personal observation, in light of Q communications like the one featured above, I find the notion untenable that Q Anon may be an inside operation being conducted against the American people and with a hidden objective of advancing state authoritarianism. A house divided against itself cannot stand, and an operation intent on exposing the elaborately guarded deceptions of deep state criminals who have to sought to supplant Liberty with authoritarianism can only be an enemy of authoritarianism and a friend of Liberty.

Moving on, Q has also dropped intel about crimes involving human trafficking and sex trafficking operations, some of which involve the occult. Have you ever seen the photo of the creepy occult temple on the private island where billionaire Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficked young teenage girls and also hosted a slew of social and political ‘elites’ and foreign ‘dignitaries’? Well, if it isn’t prince Andrew in a photo with his arm around the waist of an adolescent sex slave, they probably spent the day discussing a cricket tournament. Have you heard of the sex trafficking cult NXIVM? It’s been in the news since the arrest of actress Allison Mack for her involvement in it, and now we’re learning that young adolescent and preteen girls were trafficked. I know it’s an awful topic, but I also know that it’s a problem that does exist, and there’s a number of scandals of this sort on the known record. According to Q, the Q operation intends to blow the lid off of existing cover-ups, a number of which involve politicians, and to bring the members of organized abuse rings to justice. I don’t stick my head in the sand, but it’s a subject about which I choose not to investigate the disturbing details of too deeply. Rather I pray for those law enforcement officials who have enlisted to take on jobs which require investigating disturbing details. Most people are good people.

Well, much like the topic of widespread media subversion, those last two topics of Q intel drops are also, according to Q, reasons why the Q operation was necessitated. Because the entrenched criminal syndicate has a long habit of cultivating and weaponizing public incredulity. One thing’s for certain, thanks to the Q operation, be it authentic or be it a LARP, tens and tens of millions of people are now far less incredulous. A vast number of formerly so-called ‘whitebread’ conservatives (as well as a number of Democrats) are now quite woke and are not being scared off by the weaponized ‘conspiracy theorist’ label, because they’ve taken the road of considering the evidence for themselves and of thinking for themselves. According to Q, this mass awakening is an essential part of ensuring that the guilty do not evade justice and that the rule of law be advanced. Public incredulity isn’t going to save the guilty. Scare tactics about ‘conspiracy theory’ aren’t going to save the guilty. An attempted “Trump is using lies and ‘deep fakes’ to round up enemies like a tin pot dictator” ruse isn’t going to save the guilty. It’s all going to be above board, all very painstakingly legal and constitutional, according to Q. Which seems to jibe with sentiments succinctly expressed, after a recent meeting with Attorney General William Barr, by US Prosecutor John Huber, whom former AG Jeff Sessions specifically tasked to investigate (with a 470 member staff) issues of concern including The Clinton Foundation and the Uranium One scandal, amongst other matters (we already know from FBI reports that any investigation into The Clinton Foundation ipso facto involves infamous Weiner Laptop), “we will hold offenders accountable and advance the rule of law”.

One thing we can be sure of is that the rule of law cannot be advanced without firmly establishing that no one is above the law.

Before continuing, I should not neglect to mention that the Q Anon movement isn’t all just about going after the bad guys. Many regard the Q Anon movement primarily as a fellowship which celebrates patriotism and freedom of thought and the spiritual values upon which our culture and our form of government are built.

Now, back to General Flynn.

Imagine that you are General Mike Flynn. Imagine you are General Mike Flynn in fight of your life. The FBI says that you lied about a perfectly legal conversation, you’ve been forced out of your job as National Security Advisor to the President of the United States, you’ve been scooped up by the Mueller Investigation and are now completely embroiled in it, you’ve been forced to sell your house to pay for mounting legal bills, and a squad of professional legal analysts are telling mainstream news outlets that you are about to be hauled off to prison. And now someone or someones called Q, the lone captain of a vast online movement which looks a heck of a lot like a controlled operation, is stirring up this vast movement with claims that you, General Flynn, have purposefully allowed yourself to be roped into the Mueller Investigation in order to force other investigations into criminal activity about which you plan testify, essentially turning the tables on the deep state. According to Q. And this ‘Q’ even goes so far as to confidently claim that “Flynn is Safe. We protect our Patriots”, as Q confidently claimed on December 5, 2017. And then exactly one year after that statement from Q, within a few hours to the the day, Robert Mueller revealed that he has no grounds to recommend prison time for you, General Flynn. Your sister then gives a celebratory shoutout to your supporters on twitter using the slogan of the Q Anon movement, WWG1WGA (“Where We Go One We Go All”). Q, in return, posts a shoutout to your sister on Q’s communication board. And imagine your astonishment when a few weeks later it is revealed that closure of your case in the Mueller Investigation is being delayed because you are providing information for several ongoing criminal investigations. Meanwhile, several of your siblings continue to signal shoutouts to the Q Anon movement and to retweet tweets with messages and links endorsing and promoting the Q Anon movement. By this time a number of progressive weenies have adopted the practice of breathlessly twitter-tattling about every Q Anon nod from a Trump affiliate. And so what do your siblings do then, General Flynn? They up their trolling game with direct shoutouts to Q, followed by ‘what? my phone was hacked!’, followed by an exchange of chuckles with Q Anon supporters and an indirect sharing in what has become by now a huge inside joke of sorts (not that the Q operation isn’t about serious business). As Michael Scott from The Office said, “I love inside jokes, I always wanted to be on the inside of one”.

Now, imagine that you are General Michael Flynn, and imagine your chagrin upon discovering that, as it turns out, you yourself, General Flynn, have for quite some time been signaling a number of indirect but loud and clear shoutouts to the Q Anon movement. Imagine that.

A picture tells a thousand words. But before we get to the pictures, let me clarify that General Flynn’s family members are private citizens and have done nothing to deserve any sort of harassment or unwanted attention. And nor, I should add, do any Q posts point to General Flynn’s family members as a go-to source for confirmations of Q’s authenticity. My intention in briefly highlighing the Flynn family is only to highlight the fact that normal decent patriotic Americans are associating themselves, to varying degrees, with the Q Anon movement, and by this I hope to dispel the false impressions promoted by a media misinformation frenzy about the Q Anon movement being full of mentally ill people with an inclination to violence. Furthermore, contrary to mainstream media reports, which largely consist in the knocking down of straw man attributions, there’s nothing in any Q posts about about lizard people or about JFK Jr. being still alive or about a Flat Earth. Fake news.

One last thing before the pictures, it’s necessary to briefly explain a few particular aspects of the Q communications. Among a variety of phrases and themes and other sorts of ‘communication signals’ used by Q are several that Q has expressly adopted from a movie called ‘White Squall’. This is the only instance of Q using a movie or a book in this way as far as I am aware. Q has posted the trailer of White Squall more than once and has made numerous further refences to aspects of White Squall over a range of posts. In fact, most mainstream articles about Q Anon have noted that the Q Anon movement has their own slogan, which is “WWG1WGA”, an acronym for “Where We Go One We Go All”, a motto that Q borrowed from White Squall. A twitter history search of the use of #WWG1WGA reveals that, from the day that twitter began in 2006 to the arrival of the Q phenomenon in late 2017, the acronym WWG1WGA was simply not used on twitter, excepting by one high school kid in Elmwood City PA who in a few tweets about rehearsals for his school play included #WWG1WGA, with, I should add, the hashtag preceded by an anchor emoji (meaning that either he or his drama teacher saw the sailing movie White Squall and appreciated it enough to use it as an analogy). Well, Q also appreciated the movie enough to borrow the general plot analogy and to also borrow several specific aspects of the film as communication signals, including most notably the motto WWG1WGA and the dramatic element of ‘The Storm’. There’s much more to be said about the way in which confirmations or proofs of Q’s authenticity are being continually provided, often through a synchronicity between specific Q posts and the subsequent communicating of specific words or tweets or images by President Trump and several others, but I’ve conveyed enough for our present purposes. So, onto some pictures.

Here we have a sample of a number of retweets, from January thru March 2019, by General Flynn’s sisters Mary and Barbara, of tweets specifically advocating and promoting the Q Anon movement. Do the math. But, anyhow, there’s no law against it. So buzz off.

On the left is a tweet from Feb 15 2019 from General Flynn’s brother Joseph Flynn. Note that after writing about a “Stormy afternoon” Joe makes use of the dramatic “…” and asks “has the STORM arrived?” with the word ‘storm’ in capital letters. Note that within the next hour his and General Flynn’s sister, Barbara, responded to Joe’s tweet, her message beginning “Yes Joe The Tip Of The Storm Has Arrived!” And note also that she included a ‘scales of justice’ emoji after her message. Do the math, and I don’t mean common core. In further regards, and the following is purely speculation on my part, Q has dropped several posts about the arrest of actress Allison Mack for her involvement with the human trafficking sex cult NXIVM. Amongst other things, Q wrote that “Mack is naming names. Big names in H-wood/Gov’t” and also”Mack. Snowball.” (hinting at an accumulating snowball effect). And so I wonder if the use of the word “Macking” to describe “The Storm” in General Flynn’s sister’s tweet here has multiple layers of meaning.

Mid-March 2019, here is General Flynn’s brother Joe giving a shoutout to Q and exchanging some jocularities with some Q Anon enthusiasts. Oh wait, actually he says that his phone was hacked, but it got better. Oh, actually he says that maybe it was hacked by the team (Q team?) and a then a crylaughing emoji. What the hell is so funny? Does The Daily Beast know about this? Does the General know about this?

On the left is a message of gratitude for support of General Flynn and the Flynn family, a tweet from General Flynn’s sister, Barbara, in which she also writes the Q Anon slogan #WWG1WGA. This message was sent on December 4 2018. General Flynn had at that time already been long embroiled in the Mueller Investigation, and on that date Mueller revealed that he had no grounds to recommend prison time for General Flynn. The following day, Dec 5, Q posted an American flag photo and linked to Barbara’s tweet. This Q post and this date is also significant in that exactly one year prior to this, on Dec 5 2017, Q had posted “FLYNN is safe. We protect our patriots.” And this also hearkens to two statements often repeated by Q, “future proves past” and “promises made, promises kept”. In further regards about the Mueller investigation, Flynn’s role in the Mueller investigation has seemingly shifted from to defense to offense, as Flynn has actually been kept on in the Mueller Investigation in order to continue providing testimony for several other investigations that have in part or in whole been forced by Flynn’s testimony.

On the left is a tweet from a Q Anon enthusiast in which he shares a twitter message reply from General Flynn in response to a message that he sent to General Flynn following the speech that the General gave at the Phyllis Schlafly Eagles Council award in September 2018. Flynn’s reply was “WWG1WGA”, which as we know is also the motto of the Q Anon movement. Perhaps General Flynn simply noticed that the man had a custom of using the acronym himself and so reciprocated the acronym as a gesture of acknowledgement of common shared values, and not necessarily of Q Anon specifically. But, again, September was late enough that General Flynn must’ve known what Q Anon was about, and he didn’t tell the guy to drop the Q shit. On the right is a tweet sent out by General Flynn’s brother, Joseph Flynn, in late January 2019. Notice he tweeted the Q Anon motto “WWG1WGA!!!” not as a message tagging any individual, but as a tweet below a link sharing words from a speech that General Flynn gave while campaigning for Republican congressional candidate Omar Navarro. By then the Flynn family of course knew that WWG1WGA is the slogan of the by then vastly popular Q Anon movement. But you can’t prove anything, but do the math.
At the top we see two copies of General Flynn’s book ‘The Field Of Fight’ which General Flynn signed during an event, the 47th annual Phyllis Schlafly Eagles Council, on September 15 2018, at which he was honored with an award and gave a speech. Note that General Flynn signed the books with the slogan “Where We Go 1 We Go All”, which also happens to be the Q Anon motto. Maybe the people asked General Flynn to write that slogan on the books, which prompts me to wonder, if so, did they also ask him to write the the number ‘1’ instead of the word ‘one’ in the phrase, like the way the Q Anon movement writes the acronym? In further regards, consider that by September 2018 General Flynn must’ve been well aware of the huge Q Anon movement and that Q was scripting him a featured role in a specific narrative that Q is transmitting. Would General Flynn risk appearing to endorse QAnon if General Flynn doesn’t who Q is and doesn’t have the slightest control over where Q might decide to take the narrative about him next? Back to the pictures above, on the bottom left we see a Q post from September 8 2018, a photo of an American flag, posted by Q just one week exactly prior to the event at which General Flynn’s received the award and gave a speech. One week later, when the respective award and speech event took place, many Q enthusiasts were quick to note that the exact same US flag photo that Q had posted one week prior was used at the event of General Flynn’s award and speech. The photo was projected onto a screen during event (note the photo in the middle, which shows General Flynn standing in front of the projector screen at the event, is taken from an angle but it is clearly the same flag photo). Now many would call this a very remarkable coincidence, and so would I. After all, there are certainly a vast variety of American flag photos that could have been used at the event at which General Flynn spoke, and Q has posted several different American flag photos and pictures over the course of the Q posts, and yet the flag photo used at the event was the exact same photo that Q had posted exactly one week prior and was also Q’s most recent post of a photo or image of an American flag at that time. All within plausible deniability, but do the math.

On the left is a tweet from August 3 2018 by a patriot named Sean who is also a prominent Q Anon enthusiast. (I’ve been following him on twitter for a while, and have a habit of calling him by his twitter handle @Cordicon). In this tweet, Cordicon posts a home video in which he filmed a bald eagle flying. Naturally, Cordicon found the event inspiring and so decided to dedicate the video to General Flynn and to President Trump in his tweet. Notice he writes in the tweet “thought of you bro @AsTheQTurns”. “AsTheQTurns” is of course a shoutout to fellow enthusiasts of the Q operation. Not long after Cordicon’s tweet, General Flynn changed the banner image of his own twitter page to a frame from Cordicon’s video, a glimpse of the bald eagle in majestic flight over an opening in a canopy of trees. While this appears to be a pretty direct endorsement of Q Anon by General Flynn, it’s definitely a grateful acknowledgement of Cordicon’s patriotism and his support for General Flynn, and no one can prove that it’s also an endorsement of Q. Don’t pet the eagle.

Alright, shifting gears now, below is a small sample of the kinds of Q confirmations or proofs, which originate directly from the Q posts and are instances in which specific Q posts are confirmed by highly improbable synchronicities or coincidences or by a foreknowledge of events on Q’s part becoming evident (which Q calls “future proves past”).

A regular part of the Q communications is the unusual use of capital letters in words as codes or signals. Now, if a Q researcher reading the Q posts on the night of Dec 10 2017 were to search Google for “BDT” (as I know some have reported doing), then at the top of the Google results would be a Wikipedia article on BDT as the currency code for the unit of Bangladeshi currency. So, Q’s BDT hint is far from cryptic. Q’s consecutive posts (3 mins apart) on the night of December 10 2017 specifically communicate the topic of Bangladesh and also specifically communicate the topics of a false flag attack and explosions. The following day a Bangladehsi man failed to explode a pipe bomb in NYC, which naturally became a big news story, and later that night Q posted that the attack was thwarted (which could be interpreted as thwarted by either members of the Q operation or by agents who have access to the same surveillance intel as the Q operation). This particular proof is confirmation of Q’s status as insiders of an operation with advanced capabilities to conduct surveillance on foreign and domestic enemies of the United States.

Now, this proof is one of many examples of how a Q post presents a ‘communication signal’ which is then subsequently confirmed by a tweet from President Trump. At first glance, the Q post (shown at the top left of the graphic), appears to be some kind of unknown code. But Q’s manner of posting in partial words and code words and abbreviations are very well known to Q Anon researchers and meanings of partial coded words are understood due to their consistent use. In fact, from the start of the Q communications, Q has repeatedly emphasized that Q Anon researchers must learn to decipher Q’s abbreviated and indirect method of communication (‘learn the comms’). As an explanation, Q wrote: “Our comms must be this way. Refer back – the ‘Why?’ NAT SEC laws.” National Security restrictions. For the same reason, Q’s posts are often phrased as questions that invite researchers to investigate and to come to conclusions or make interpretations for themselves (which is often a collective endeavor, and often correct conclusions or interpretations receive some sort of distinct nod from Q). In short, Q is careful to never violate any national security laws, even as Q provides an information backchannel unlike anything heretofore known in American history. Back to the graphic, there is nothing of import to National Security in the Q post or in the Trump tweet, the entire purpose of the Q post is just to give a communication signal to be subsequently confirmed and thus provide proof of Q’s authenticity as an inside operation of which President Trump is a member. In the graphic above we see that the Q post directs the Q post readers to the twitter account of President Trump for a confirmation, and we notice that after Q’s abbreviation for account, “act”, Q includes “small#”. A mere 5 minutes later, the very next tweet from President Trump is a message that included the word “#small.” Of course it could be argued that it was a lucky guess on Q’s part (lucky indeed because this was Trump’s first year in office and if Q were to have researched past presidential behaviour for that date, Q would have found that Obama did not observe an annual tradition of tweeting shoutouts to Small Business Saturday). And what are the odds that this improbably lucky guess of the ‘what’ was also an improbably lucky guess of the ‘when’, meaning of the very next tweet from president Trump, just a few minutes away. As mentioned, this above graphic is just one example of many Q confirmations of this sort. An interesting thing about statistics is that when an accumulation of related high improbabilities are taken together, the odds of mere chance being the cause becomes vanishing. In further regards, I’ll add about the above graphic that it looks to me that the inclusion of RED1_RED2_ as the lower part of Q’s post is indicating that in Trump’s forthcoming tweet, under the ‘small#’ confirmation will be another confirmation involving 2 things relating to red, and we see that illustriation under trump’s message has 2 red doors. But even without that, the obvious and already mentioned synchronicites are remarkable.

Some readers may be aware of mainstream media reports about Fusion GPS contractor (and CIA contractor) and FISA-gate conspirator Nellie Ohr acquiring a ham radio license, which adds significant credibility to Q’s claim that the FISA-gate conspirators were also using Xbot chat as a covert communication method. Note that Q’s post mentioning this use of Xbot chat occured shortly before 6 PM (US Eastern Time) of 08/15/18, and within the following hour Xbox suffered an exceptionally massive outage which included the disabling of all chat functions. On the following day, a brief Q post hinted that the mass Xbox outage happened as a result of the prior day’s Q post, which has been taken by many to mean that there was an effort on the part of deep state conspirators wipe the Xbox logs of evidence of their communications, in which case they were obviously too late if Q had just alerted them that Q knows what they’d been up to on the Xbot chats. In related regards, during the second week of March 2019, Q dropped an epic load of intel about Facebook’s involvement in illegal data collection, which culminated in Facebook experiencing on March 13 a major outage, or as CNN put it, an”epic outage”, about which Q then posted “the ‘cleaning crew’ is active.”

Alright, while the Q operation is serious business, Christmas is nonetheless a time of good cheer. In this spirit, Q provided several Christmas themed proofs in December 2018, beginning with a Q post on December 12 that linked to a tweet from Trump Hotels which included a video about the transformation of the elevator in Trump Hotel Chicago into the ‘Gingerbread Express’, featuring walls made of gingerbread bricks and candy and filled with Christmas decorations. Within 2 minutes, Q researchers (aka ‘anons’) had posted on 8chan that they noticed the unusual inclusion of a ‘Q’ stocking (how many names begin with Q?) which was hung next to the ‘T’ stocking (the consensus was that the T was to indicate Trump). Q and Trump working together. In the middle bottom Q post, we read Q confirming that observation from an anon. It’s certainly a coincidence, but the unusualness was exponentially heightened when anons observed (and Q confirmed) that the Q stocking was actually a stocking decorated with the letter O and that someone had turned the O into a Q (either with a piece of tape or magic marker I suppose), in a way that was quite obvious and not aesthetically complementary to the general attentiveness to pretty details elsewhere. Very unusual. Anyhow, Q’s “more to find” hint in the Q post on the right sent anons back to study the Gingerbread Express video closer. And as our next picture reveals, they found more.

They found more. The Gingerbread Express video shows in a few brief clips that there was a painting of Santa Claus over the mantle with the stockings in the Gingerbread elevator. Now, Santa Claus is known to be a builder of toys, but still it is a bit unusual that Santa would be shown holding a hammer, and that depiction was significant to Q Anon researchers because several Q posts have communicated that the Q operation will “drop the hammer” once the stage is set for the Justice phase (i.e. prosecution of criminals) of the Q operation. Also, it is highly unusual and coincidental that that the painting of Santa Clause is signed “QA” which can obviously be taken to mean Q Anon. I should add that there are many more very interesting and logical interpretations that Q researchers (anons) have made about the ‘Gingerbread Express’ video in relation to a number of Q posts, but I prefer to focus on the simple stuff for our purposes here.

This is not Q’s most ambitious confirmation, but it’s one in a series involving the movie White Squall as a central communications signal between Q and the anons. As shown in the graphic above, White Squall was produced by Scott Free Productions, and Trump gave a nod to ‘Scott Free’ in a twitter ‘typo’ which left many people scratching their heads. On the right is a picture of the bell on the sailing ship in White Squall upon which the sailing ship crew’s motto (and Q Anon motto) is engraved “WHERE WE GO ONE WE GO ALL”. Q has also posted a few times a link to the White Squall movie trailer- . Interesting tidbits from the trailer include the dialogue, “this ocean academy is not recognized as accredited”, which seems a fitting analogy for the unofficial nature of the Q Anon operation. There’s also a bit of dialogue in which a young crewmember describes himself “anonymous”, and we know that Q researchers have taken to calling themselves ‘anons’ (partly because an anonymous user ID is the nature of 8chan but also in honor of the chief ‘anon’ who is the anonymous Q). Also in the trailer the narrator dramatically states “it was only the calm before the storm”. As some readers may be aware, in early October 2017, just a few weeks prior to Q’s first post, President Trump famously made the cryptic remark to reporters at a a gathering with top US military officers, “Do you know what this represents? Maybe this is the calm before the storm.”- . And when Trump was pressed by reporters to eloborate, he said “we have the world’s great military leaders in this room, I will tell you that.” Back to the movie trailer, the narrator also says “a film about loyalty, discovery, and courage”, and central themes of the Q communications are patriotic loyalty and the value of having the courage to think independently and discover the facts for oneself. The narrator’s final words “based on a true story” hearkens to the Q operation revealing the true story, the true facts.

And that concludes the pictures section of our article. For those readers who are interested in further Q Anon research and reporting, here are a my personal recommendations. First, the brilliant Brazilian researcher Paul Serran, whose website is linked here: All Things Q, please be sure to read the ‘Who Is Q’ and ‘What Is Q’ articles under the ‘Stories’ tab. Also, the fastidious Q Anon detective who goes by Praying Medic, whose twitter is linked here: Praying Medic twitter page , plus he has a youtube channel. Also, the comprehensive and engaging Katie G, whose website is linked here: Citizens Investigative Report . Also, the sagacious Tracy Beanz, who keeps her in depth reporting independent of Q references, which I suppose is a good way to reach a certain demographic: Tracy Beanz YouTube. Also, I recently came across The Dilley Show, which provides both insightful and inspiring commentary (2 jalapenos on the spicy menu). I’m sure there’s many more great researchers, but I have a life and have settled on the above few to catch up with when I can.

Whether or not the reader decides to pursue further research, I should mention here that there are a number of topics about which Q communicates that I have not mentioned above. So, here is an incomplete list of further topics of the Q communications: The widespread illegal practice of user data collection by companies including facebook, google, twitter, and microsoft, amongst an odd dozen others. The ways in which the deep state criminal syndicate gains access to this data. Election fraud in the US and the future implementation voter ID laws. The political agenda behind promoting an unchecked flood of illegal immigration into the US. The ways in which the criminal syndicate makes use of disparate lawless groups like MS-13, ISIS, and Antifa. The Globalist agenda to end national sovereignty and to supplant individual liberty, and the popular pushback (yellow vests, deplorables, etc.). The use of ‘identity politics’ to slander vast multitudes of decent patriotic people as bigots and to divide people into hostile factions according to a hierarchy of victimhood. The hidden agenda behind massive spending and taxing proposals to fight so-called ‘climate change’. An inside perspective on Trump’s foreign policy strategies. And much more.

Also, the actual ‘Q communications’ or ‘Q posts’ themselves are posted by Q on a ‘board’ that Q owns on a forum hosting network called 8chan, and they are also compiled by some Q researchers onto their own websites, which are easier to navigate than 8chan, and so my recommendation for Q posts is:  I find this website particularly useful because there is a ‘Keys’ section which explains the communication abbreviations used by Q, and there is also a ‘Research’ section which links to a number of good Q researchers. is also good for Q posts.

In closing, I’d like to say that I consider myself a libertarian (aka old school liberal), and I’d often prefer to see a greater scope and speed to the rollback of big government, of the mountains of regulations and restrictions and intrusions and entitlements. But I do know that great reforms are being accomplished and that nothing happens very quickly when the Swamp is fighting back at every step. So here I’d like to share, for the reader’s continued edification, a continually updated list of President Trump’s accomplishments in office, from breaking all previous records on jobs numbers and economic success, to much needed criminal justice reform and prison reform, to unprecedented numbers of prosecutions of human traffickers and sex traffickers, to steadily securing our border and safeguarding our national sovereignty, to much more, it’s a long list: Wow, even I didn’t realize he did so much. Wish the fake news would report. Thank you, President Trump!
And thank you, General Flynn!

And now I’m going to hand the mic to Q. A quote from from March 12 2019:

“The Great Awakening (‘Freedom of Thought’), was designed and created not only as a backchannel to the public (away from the longstanding ‘mind’ control of the corrupt & heavily biased media) to endure future events through transparency and regeneration of individual thought (breaking the chains of ‘group-think’), but, more importantly, aid in the construction of a vehicle (a ‘ship’) that provides the scattered (‘free thinkers’) with a ‘starter’ new social-networking platform which allows for freedom of thought, expression, and patriotism or national pride (the feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment). When ‘non-dogmatic’ information becomes FREE & TRANSPARENT it becomes a threat to those who attempt to control the narrative and/or the stable. When you are awake, you stand on the outside of the stable (‘group-think’ collective), and have ‘free thought’. “Free thought” is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma. When you are awake, you are able to clearly see. The choice is yours, and yours alone. Trust and put faith in yourself. You are not alone and you are not in the minority. Difficult truths will soon see the light of day. WWG1WGA!!!” Q

A Common Sense Appraisal Of Q

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