Sunday, March 17, 2019

Tania Gabrielle: 15:15 Code of Alchemy, Magic and Positivity!

We’ve reached mid-March... and March 15 echoes the Universal Month number for March which this year is also a 15!
So the magical double 15:15 code is now opening the gateway to Optimism, Alchemy and Positive Outcomes.
15 is the Spiritual Alchemist - uplifting through joy, love and abundance.
Today’s 15:15 activation means a magical energy surge will inspire you through the rest of March!
  • Action fueled by Love and Passion translates quickly into prosperous outcomes.
  • Romance, kindness and nurturing are magnified.
  • You feel lighter, optimistic, delightful and HAPPY.
The world is so blessed for having YOU play your part.
You impact people positively every day, enhancing the energy of rooms you enter, conversations you have with others and situations you infuse with natural calmness and compassion.
Every step you take leaves behind a better place...
Also supporting you at this time:
Mercury (currently retrograde) is square to Jupiter - helping you internalize what truly makes you happy.
Listen closely – there tremendous wealth revealed by your thoughts, words, ideas.
Then on Saturday Mercury retrograde sextiles Pluto. This is followed by a sextile to Mars on Sunday – making three consecutive highly positive contacts!
  • A perfect invitation to direct your energy and focus inwards towards expressing your highest goals.
  • A classic call to fire up the implementation of what truly MATTERS.
Inspired Leadership creates Spiritual Alchemy…
Your passion fuels confidence, inspiring and lighting you up with joy which spiritualizes and heals everything on your path…
That is true leadership – and creates powerful heart-centered momentum.
Spiritual Alchemy is created by your commitment to invite Love and Light into your daily life.
And this triple transit of retrograde Mercury to joyful Jupiter, fiery Mars and empowering Pluto stimulates joy while unleashing your inner courage.
What you EXPRESS now leaves a powerful impact.
Magnify the positive flow of energy in your life by ensuring that your current name resonates to a FORTUNATE vibration.
You see, your current name spelling emits a powerful and highly specific vibration that has a huge impact on the Quality of your life…
Your current name either supports and uplifts you and your goals with effortless flow and opportunities – or it resonates to a negative vibration which attracts challenging situations, difficult people and a lack of support holding you back and slowing down your progress…
Don't risk attracting more delays and difficulties with a challenging name!
Especially now!
Embrace the undeniable shift in play now and manifest a life of effortless flow by making sure that your current name is fortunate.
Love and Blessings,
Tania Gabrielle
PS. If your current name (or business name) resonates to a challenging number, I’ll give you two highly fortunate alternate spellings.

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