Join Sonja as she shares about several upcoming astrological events: * Powerful New Moon/Solar Eclipse in 10.5ΒΊ of Cancer (exact on July 2nd, 2019 at 3:16pm EDT)
* North Node Eclipse in Cancer 1:58 * Cancer 9:09 * Solar Eclipse Aspects 15:08 * Neptune and Chiron are exalted 15:36 * Solar Eclipse trines 16:41 * Solar Eclipse squares Chiron in Aries 17:56 * Personal Healing Journey: Healing with Astrology: click here 23:20 * Solar Eclipse opposes Saturn-South Node in Capricorn 24:02 * Solar Eclipse sextiles Uranus in Taurus 30:59 * Mercury Retrograde starts on July 8th in Leo -- also exalted 34:11 * To sum it all up for this New Moon/Solar Eclipse 37:05 * Between now and July 31st 46:56 * Best and most potent time for setting Solar Eclipse Intentions 49:42
Do you have an Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 5-16 degrees of Cancer, Capricorn, Aries or Libra? 47:50
*Get Sonja's 95 min. webinar about the Chiron Station phase in Aries, and the upcoming Mercury Retrograde phase in Leo/Cancer to see what’s coming up for you in July: click here:
***To get the Chiron-workshop: "Healing with Astrology" either join my online community and get FREE access:, or purchase it here:
48:44 Sonja’s next MONTHLY FORECASTING FORUM — which is a 90-minute webinar — will be on Thursday, July 11th at 12pm PDT/3pm EDT/8pm BST (London-time). PLEASE NOTE that we will look directly at our own birth charts to see how the upcoming ECLIPSES, will impact each of us.
If you want to know how these powerful Lunations are going to impact you personally, SIGN UP to join the webinar LIVE, or register to receive an mp4/video presentation within 24 hours of the live event.
Other than booking a reading with Sonja, this is the maximum level of support she offers — and it’s only $37 for the 90+ minute webinar.
TO JOIN FOR FREE every month, become a Star or SuperStar Member on Sonja's site:
TO REGISTER for this month's Forum only, click here: (this also includes access to the next Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse video)
To APPLY Sonja’s forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch her recent class on “How to Read Your Birth Chart”, click here: 48:21
To join her mailing list: email and write: “NEWSLETTER” in the subject line
To book a READING with Sonja, click here: -- all readings are done via skype, FaceTime, zoom, or phone (only US & Canada).
This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters,
Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known
as the Collective
Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you today.
And we see that many of you are coming into a time of Integration,
which our writer was speaking about with someone today—a time of
integrating your higher self, your soul’s presence, and your most
authentic life intentions, into your spirit, mind, and body.
Several things may occur to you as you think of doing this: “It’s too difficult—I might fail at it,” or “I don’t know howto be my higher self!” or even, “Am I allowed to be that insightful, Joyful, and empowered?”
And we would say, you are more than allowed.
With these energies pouring in now to your planet and solar
system, integration with your higher self is actually now a requirement
of your daily life.
We would encourage you to open up and to welcome the process—to
welcome the process of releasing feelings of stress and worry, of
sadness and disempowerment, of smallness and powerlessness.
Are these pleasant experiences, to feel any of those? Of course not. You don’t need them!
A great part of your life path now is engaged in moving out of those
feelings and experiences, and breathing fully into your power, realizing
Who you truly are.
Consider for a moment what this means for you, on a daily basis.
As you integrate with your higher self and merge more often with your
soul and its incredibly wealth of resilience, Joy, wisdom, and
self-assurance, you begin to relax into Knowing that All Is Well, even
when outer situations challenge you.
Santa Fe Sky – Photo by Jennifer Scalia
You begin to see that you are not on the Earth only to wrangle with
challenges and pain (past or present), but to reign over the
circumstances of your life as being only an outer projection of what you
have chosen to experience—a choice made either in this life or before
coming into it.
You begin to grasp that in this great holographic projection that you
call everyday life, you are the Creator and the Originator, the
Experiencer and the Reformer, all in one.
You are not at the mercy of what feel or look to be “outer realities.”
You are in fact their author, and can revise anything you wish,
beginning first with how you feel about those situations—how you view
them, what you believe them to be, and whether or not you see them as
having power over you (and they have none, unless you allow that).
Is this a simple transition to make? Does it happen quickly?
Some of it, yes—as soon as you determine to stay in your body and
your heart-space as you view everyday life, releasing the impulse to
allow your mind to determine and interpret what is happening, letting it
tell you how endangering, annoying, or Wrong that situation or person
As soon as you decide that your focus now comes from a higher
place—from your calm and Peaceful higher aspect, not your confused
lower, smaller self—you begin processing experiences and ideas from that
higher perspective.
And that perspective is a miracle, compared to how you have been taught to view life.
That perspective lives in a place of ongoing unconditional Love for yourself and all others.
Does that mean that everything that happens to you or others is OK and wonderful?
no, as you still live in many paradigms of duality in which the denser
“realities” of life will strike you as unfair and unjust many days.
But remaining in your body, not trying to heal or fix or change the
situation or person immediately, and staying responsible for your own
well-being before you take up responsibility for another—this will free
you from entering absorbing the density, sadness, and destruction of a
painful situation.
In that moment, you end the practice of giving up your power.
You begin to transform the situation by holding space for its healing, from a place of detachment.
Photo by Lynne Newman
The detachment and release of dense, third dimensional Earth systems and circumstances does not come to you from without.
only way to free yourself, and to empower others to free themselves
from all the illusion, is to know that no matter how seemingly difficult
a situation may be—yes, even when children are kept in cages and cement
block cells, away from loved ones and denied proper food and medical
care—no matter how dreadful that may feel to be, there is still the
chance to know inwardly that their souls are more powerful than any
outer situation they encounter.
You may be wondering now about those souls that have been fractured
and impaired by life experiences that were too traumatic for them to
bear, and we are aware of this.
We would say that your Universe has made a decision, in moving into a
new Sat Yuga of Peace and Healing, to bring in the higher Light that
can heal the souls that have suffered more than they could bear.
And that reintegration and healing on a soul level is being offered more Earth souls now than ever before.
If you have a hard time believing this, it will be harder for you to
co-Create your own soul healing, reintegration, and empowerment, and
therefore, your own Earth life empowerment.
Is that where you desire to be?
Will you allow the ego-mind
and the personality, and the brainwashing of religion over your many
Earth lives to run you to the degree that you surrender all choice, all
power, all renewal over to them, as if those influences were your lord
and master?
Is that why you came?
We would say, you came for the opposite of that.
You came for the liberation not only of a planet’s
population, as dramatic and powerful as that is, but for your own
freedom, re-formation, and enlightenment.
That is your path, and no one can take it from you.
Photo by Lynne Newman
You may begin today—right now—to look at a situation in your life
that has been causing you pain or consternation, and put your hand over
some symbol of it, or your own heart, and tell it, “I bless and release
you to your higher good.”
Then hand it over to your guides and higher self, and as your higher self stands before you, step into his or her energies.
Stand up and do this now if you like, living out the
visualization fully by walking right into your higher self’s presence as
they stand before you.
Know that as you daily hold the intention to BE your higher self, not
only to be guided by them, that you are indeed achieving this, in
beautiful ways.
And that in this, as in all moments as you Ascend on your path, dear ones, you are never alone.
Namaste, friends!
We welcome you to your new Earth life, and
celebrate with you all that that holds, as you create ever higher forms
of Earth life.
For this you came.
Copyright 2019, Caroline Oceana Ryan
If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.
Oceana Ryan is an author, speaker, and channneler, and host of "The
Empowered Lightworker." She currently channels the higher wisdom and
guidance of the Collective, a group of higher beings assisting humanity
as we Ascend into fifth dimensional life.
**I mentioned in the community tab post days ago, there would be astral currents hitting around 6/28... this energy is still playing out. It is not the Sun Rays, even though it is similar to Cosmic Rays.. I'm being told this is Quantum Light released from the "channels" and "looping system" of the biosphere & comes thru Sun. We are all also seeing, feeling & connecting with different Suns- 3D Sun, 4D Sun & 5D Sun depening on the individuals consciousness & stage of evolution. There will be another Quantum Light stream, astral currents with Cosmic Rays coming I've been told around:
I was told to go to a specific location on these days.
The New Moon Total Solar Eclipse is taking place in Cancer on July 2nd/3rd 2019 during the 13th moon cycle- wrapping up the year of Red Cosmic Moon. This New Moon Total Solar Eclipse is square Chiron in Aries, sextile Uranus in Taurus. This Total Solar Eclipse is activating the two great gates of the zodiac- Cancer and Capricorn in mass consciousness. Many of you know that Cancer rules the 4th house. The Moon & Neptune (with how I do astrology) rule Cancer. So Neptune retrograde in Pisces is also being activated with this eclipse and the astral body (How I see this.)There is so much that Cancer represents that I wouldn't be able to put it all into one video- Cancer is connected to the Thymus or Higher Heart Chakra which connects the Higher Self to the Lower Self by the etheric strands known as the Rainbow Bridge. The Thymus is also connected to spiritual initiation, which I feel this eclipse is activating for many- the next stage of initiation. I see the energy of Cancer as the Divine Mother & the nourishment/compassion of the collective and is connected to our true reality which is beyond the physical & veil of the Moon. Cancer energy reminds me of White Tara & Kuan Yin- Mother of The World, the Divine Mother. Some may call her Kali, Durga, Mother Mary, Shakti, etc.. The Mother Force. The signs of Cancer & Capricorn are highly active right now & have been for some time. I feel like the Divine Mother/Father or Divine Feminine/Divine Masculine principle within mass consciousness connected to Cancer & Capricorn will be changing due to integration, causing us to feel a huge relief and push forward very soon, following the beginning of this New Galactic Year. More & more will feel the connection to the Divine Mother, the true spirit of the Earth. This creates a deeper connection as a whole.
The work that you are doing spiritually WILL pay off and IS paying off in so many ways. Please trust, have faith & continue on your Soul path/Soul work no matter what.
I know these energies have been extremely intense for some. Hang in there, do the right thing, follow your Heart & what you know to be true and right for you. Release Yourself from any Karma entanglements with others by not infringing on another's Free Will or not allowing another to infringe on your Free Will by bringing it to the light of conscious awareness, forgive. And just allow yourself move forward. Work through what you feel you need to & leave behind what you feel you need to. Trust your inner guidance. A huge part of ascension is about balancing karma to uplift.
Thymus meditations can be very powerful during the eclipse, here is one:
We can do an eclipse livestream group activation/meditation as well π€
Mercury retrograde July 7th (I personally love Mercury retrogrades, so its not a neg thing unless you believe it- it's all perception, vibration, consciousness)
Cosmic wave coming around July 11th
GAP Days Galactic Activation Portals- 7/12 &7/13
New Galactic Spin/Cosmic Reset July 13th.
Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn 7/16
End of Galactic Year Purification (5 day Vayeb) starts July 21st
End of this Galactic Year July 24th!
Day out of time July 25th
New Galactic Year July 26th- WHITE MAGNETIC WIZARD!
More eclipses will be activating the Cancer/Capricorn axis in Dec 2019, Jan 2020, June 2020, July 2020.
I feel like for most people this is connected to mass Consciousness and what we've been playing out together as a collective rather than individual. There can be some things that come up individually of course, but for many I feel like the energy overall is connected to mass consciousness.
For many, they are traveling in their Soul consciousness in the higher planes of the etheric realms/etheric retreats to train in dream state. So if you need to rest more, listen to that. We are anchoring the grid, if you can see with etheric sight- it looks like a luminous web and crystalline structures which some may see as "ships"... many of these- are etheric structures anchoring.
Sorry for signing off so fast at the end πmy battery was dying, had to be fast!!
*I spoke about the eclipse on Patreon the other week as well.
A highly sought after spiritual intuitive and personal growth leader, Tania Gabrielle inspires legions of praise from her clients and followers. Tania introduced the merging of two ancient divination arts – Astrology and Numerology – to the Western World, unlocking the codes in the stars, names and numbers to facilitate wealth and well-being with a primary focus on teaching spiritual principles that manifest practical, real-life results.
We do have a busy week in front of us but it is not as harsh as the week that held June 19th and the Mercury/Mars opposition to Saturn/Pluto. That one felt rough and fearful for most everyone I know. But what is fear? What is faith? Fear and Faith require the same thing from us, a belief in something unseen. If you are feeling fearful go inside yourself and ask what is it, ask if it is true for you?
I want you to remember this as we move through eclipse season and in the weeks to come with all the other energies that are present.
And, if you feel you need some input around the eclipses in your own life, don’t hesitate to make an appointment. If you just want eclipse info a half hour or 45 minutes will do.
We are all here at this moment in time for a reason, I do believe that. So take your steps toward trusting yourself above all else, trust in what you know is the truth.
Dorothy Morgan is an experienced Professional Astrologer - Personal Consultant – Astrology Mentor and teacher to many. She has been studying Astrology since 1988 and it has been her profession since 2003.
She is also a skilled intuitive and Angel Healing Practitioner.
She currently runs a Boston based Astrology meetup group and is the current President of The Seacoast Astrological Association in Southern New Hampshire. This group has been around since the 1990’s and they meet once a month, 8 months in the year.
Visit her website for more information & join her email newsletter list for a chance at a free 15 minute session; chosen once a month.
Consultations are easy to understand and practical, keeping the astrology jargon to a minimum, allowing you to gain a better understanding.
Q warned us today to be ready. I believe it's a warning about the coming declassification of Spygate documents and a warning about increasing censorship.
I was shown how we are refining the light Body to take in the Cosmic Rays coming in- there will be changes with the Rays coming. These are connecting to the inner realms, Shamballa energy, governing the entity we are within.
One group within the awakened servers has reached a certain point in their "training" where now they will be able to access more guidance/info/gifts from higher realms to share and serve others. "The New Earth and New World will be governed by the group of awakened servers of AND to humanity"
More and more will be able to see the changes as we are anchoring more rainbow light. WE (humanity) are the Rainbow Bridge- the connection between the Heart/earth and the mind/third eye & crown or the Being we are existing within. Humanity is acting as the throat chakra for a being.
More and more will see their reality look brighter/more colorful as the Earth's aura brightens and refines- and the Earth/Heart chakra of the entity- activates more. There is a large group of already awakened "servers" that are being lighted to higher realms while remaining physical. Almost like the next stage in initiation.
**the dark suited beings could have been shorter- im just really short so they seemed extra tall to me. I'd say atleast 6 feet. Very cold, no expression at all other than trying to intimidate me and almost like probe me for information. This took place last week, and has happened many times in the past.. then a couple nights ago the group connected to Shamballa visited & somewhat told me why the dark tall beings stopped by prior.
Ive dealt w the dark suited beings my whole life & gang stalking but this was def different.
Theses interdimensional beings are always watching and they always know, their timing just may be off. Im not sure if they visited me before the GW group did on purpose- or was seeing if I was already coded with the information.
That astral pull that I was speaking about happens to me all the time.. my entire life. But lately I've been noticing when I get that astral pull now it's for contact, codes, downloads/upgrades and information. And im complete "awake" and conscious of the whole experience. I even watch my physical body as I have the experience... like I'm seeing all sides of something at once. I usually do not "work" in the astral anymore as I have refined that part of myself- but I am still able to observe the astral but from a different plane. If i need to have an "astral" like experience, I will, but I will be fully conscious & awake. Its more of the astral sight, then needing to be actually in it anymore. When our frequency changes, we no longer resonate w the astral plane & its harder to be in the realm except from higher planes observing. So i was observing them, observing me, while observing my physical body from beyond the astral even though these dark suit beings were in the astral.
**alot of this training is taking place in inner realms, allow yourself to rest when needed, dont fight it. Let emotions be release, the sun squaring chiron then the moon joining for the total solar eclipse square chiron- is meant to do that. Deep soul healing to purge the emotional body. Since the eclipse is sextile Uranus, connected to the higher mind of the system- we have clearing emotion to connect the heart with the mind...humanty's job as the throat chakra of the being we are within. And I'll talk more about this in a separate video
Thanks to LBRY there is finally a free-speech guaranteed, de-centralized, monetized and optimized viable alternative to YouTube and place where everyone can view and download ALL of my content including banned interviews, documentaries and music. Please consider downloading the LBRY app or bookmarking the following links for access and updates to all my latest content:
"After having learned my lesson the hard way, I have one piece of advice for creators posting content online: Own Your Data Don't put yourself at the mercy of YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, SoundCloud, Snapchat, Tumblr, Vine, Google+, MySpace, or any of these other third parties!
Unlike the more established content sharing platforms, LBRY is free, open and decentralized. This has several benefits over the traditional closed and centralized platforms: Content creators on LBRY remain in ownership of their content. It’s a peer-to-peer platform with no middle man standing between the creator and their audience, and no single entity controls the entire network. It’s a fairer platform, there is no arbitrary algorithm that decides who gets exposure and who doesn’t. There are no ads which means subpar content will not get rewarded just because of clickbait titles and thumbnails. Instead, content is rewarded by the community through tips and purchases." ~Michael Hebo
massive resistance from the physicals & non-physicals (yes, I did
get attacked by a physical weapon, as some of you did, near the start of
the 144k Meditation) … the 144k Mass Meditation was a success.
hours after our meditation, Trump called off the strike against Iran
(which in no doubt would’ve made Pelosi & Schumer stop dancing),
after seeing that it was the Cabal who shot down the drone (or
deliberately flew it into Iranian airspace to provoke them)
The wind really picked up in my part of the world, even before we finished.
Number synchronicities.
one more sign our meditation ‘lifted the planet to a higher timeline
& much closer to the Event’ … I’ll reveal on the show.
also be reading out some of your feedback from this 144k Solstice Mass
Meditation. Once again, there have been people seeing the same thing I
was seeing ‘in the heat of the action’ … just before I spoke it.
others ... have seen and done things that, simply put, have been
absolutely inspirational (and highly motivating as it relates to
planetary liberation).
partly because this means we’re seeing the actual early stages of
originally ordained way back in early Atlantis.
I’m also going to give an important & empowering ‘wake-up’ lesson on SMALLNESS.
particular … how to spot a person who treats themselves as small. The
exact symptom. And if you happen to have this symptom … Good. I’ll tell
you how to say goodbye to it, and embrace your BIGNESS.
is crucial … because it’s a ‘wee bit hard’ to dissipate fear …
frustration … or any form of pain if you’re still locked into the false
incarnational persona / false 3D incarnational identity with all it’s
‘crap’ from the past (as in … thousands of past lives).
it's going to be very important to be in your BIGNESS for the two
Eclipse Meditations coming up in July....the first one being next
TUESDAY, July 2nd. Check the Member's area for details!
What To Shine The Transmutational Light of Your Consciousness On, This Week!
Tune in to this week’s show to learn about:
Ben Fulford may have it wrong about Trump following orders … and the
kind of game he has to play when dealing with the Cabal so 144k Members
don’t get confused when incorrect things are written about him.
Pentagon continues to hunt for Cabal/Israeli submarines in the Persian Gulf
White Hats/Gnostic Illuminati continue to “disappear” non-public Cabal members …
… as we all march on to freedom, here on Ground Crew Command - (live, every Wed night 9pm EDT) ...
central support network; and your weekly dose of empowering clarity,
inspiration & motivation to get you through the Archon invented
"work week":
( … Ground Crew Command is now hosted on the 144k Member's Area. Just scroll down to the radio section.)
Call in #: (310) 807-5232.
Or connect from your browser with the link above.
If you haven't joined the 144,000 Army of Light that's being built ...
and you feel the calling or desire, watch the short video at this link
& click to join! Let's take charge & Liberate This Planet!
(no need to join if you're receiving this newsletter)
See you there!
Yours In Service ...
The Unknown Lightwarrior
host of Ground Crew Command Radio & organizer of the 144,000
Activation Campaign is The Unknown Lightwarrior: a member of a powerful
team of Lightwarriors & Lightworkers who either remotely or in
person, clear & restore to the Light; natural and man made power
centers, vortexes, portals, ley-lines, control rooms, sacred geometry
and all darkness obstacles on the etheric, astral, and plasma planes… to
put you, me and the whole planet on the fastest timeline to the Event.
To learn about the Global Leylines Tachyon Chamber Project, and/or the
Activation of the 144,000 Campaign, or to access powerful healing (down
to soul level) ... clearing ... energy surgery ... DNA Activation &
psychic help, with Macro Level Light Beings to return to your power ...
go to:
This reading is for water signs cancer scorpio Pisces for the first half of July 2019.
This song:
** if some of you have been dealing with a relationship or a connecting with someone specific I do feel like there's a change coming with the connection, its evolving in some way that is very much felt/known.
Finally, after a year and a half of buildup, the team behind Q Anon appears to be on the verge of unsealing thousands of indictments and declassifying a wealth of contentious information.
Our latest briefings indicate that there is a “hard deadline” of mid-September 2019 for what they are calling DECLAS. By then, a huge wealth of world-changing intel should have been released.
It has been quite a long and arduous journey to reach this point, but the proof of a coming Major Event is utterly undeniable once we survey the landscape.
This is a 51,000-word, completely free Ebook. Not one word of it has been wasted.
It took nine days of non-stop effort and a 258-page document of nothing but select links, from last August to the present, to make this a reality.
We needed to put this data all together in one place so the overall message could not be suppressed, blocked or marginalized.
The Deep State has made a series of critical mistakes in this battle, now including the mass betrayal of ALL YouTube content creators in favor of “Approved” mainstream media sources.
In case you haven’t noticed, it has become nearly impossible to find any alternative news on YouTube now. It has become a wasteland of check-marked trash.
We will include unbiased statistics that make this plainly obvious. Then as we go on, you will see compelling new evidence that the all-important DECLAS is finally upon us.
We will review a stunning new insider disclosure that is one of the most significant testimonials we have ever seen… truly. It is an absolute must-read.
Additionally, we will discuss the all-important Quote 2700, what it means for disclosure, and why UFOs and Atlantis are now going mainstream.
This is our first write-up on current events since last October, and we hope you enjoy it! Every current events piece we have written since Christmas 2017 has had nearly 4 million views or more.
Disclosure and DECLAS is finally happening now. Everything we have been working towards throughout our entire online existence is finally coming to fruition.
It is scary and amazing all at the same time. Release the Kraken!
This is a VERY significant and timely update. Do not miss it!