Tuesday, September 10, 2019




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The new phase of energetics we encountered in August will continue to play out as we go through September, October and November with the main themes for this month being:



One of the big overarching themes for September is POWER. That word can be a little triggering for some because it can also refer to power abuse and misuse of power, however, power is going to show up in different ways over the next few months:

  • Really resting in your AUTHENTIC POWER and bringing that to the surface of your life.
  • Healing power abuse - healing yourself wherever power abuses have taken place. 
  • Becoming conscious of where a power dynamic in your life is out of balance. 

Revealing your own authentic power will be a strong force in September. You may have gifts or talents that you are beginning to own and want to express in the world, that perhaps you previously felt too afraid to express or your life circumstances weren’t supporting you to express. Expression is such an important part of our wellbeing. It’s not so much the outcome of what we express - whether someone receives it well or whether we get an accolade for something that we’ve expressed - it’s actually just the
very human spiritual act of letting what needs to express, move through us and out into the world.

Many of you are going to be coming into power in a new way in this coming month. If this line resonates with you, recognise it will also bring with it a certain life-force energy for you. A powerful feeling of energy surging through you at times as you embrace your next level of expression in life and in the world. And that’s important given how strong grief has been in recent months - and continues to be so as we go through these tricky transformational times.

When you look at the Earth, you can still see the beauty and wonder and transformation that we are used to seeing and may wish to see even more of. But you’ll also really feel this extraordinary period we are going through where things are tough, difficult, gritty and quite edgy in the outer world (and our inner selves) as a result.

So levels of vulnerability and emotion and other people’s needs are higher than ever as we go through this shift on Earth. But on the other side of the shift is the necessary TRANSFORMATION. The underlying crisis energy has been with us for a long time - it’s just that now it’s rising to the surface in a very apparent way which can be triggering to our emotions and sense of certainty as a collective.

For those of you who are very sensitive and very empathic, remember that this is a time where we ride the waves. This means that although it’s wonderful to vision for your future, to want to help people, to want to bring transformation, it’s just as vital to allow ourselves the space and time to feel what we are feeling as we go through this. Transformation energy is intense and so if we don’t integrate and catch up with what we’re feeling, we can become off-centre, lose our balance and we don’t access the personal transformation we are here to experience inside ourselves. This is vital as it is only through our own shifts that we get to be a part of the transformation of the world. The two are completely in sync.

This is a very important one for healers who perhaps have been very focused on others. Healers don’t necessarily label themselves as such - parents and teachers are also healers, for example.

If you are a little more outwardly focused on others or your work, you might be finding that unless you give yourself enough time to breathe, catch up with how you’re feeling and have quiet moments, things in your life might be getting stuck and stopped. You might run into roadblocks because you’re being asked to stop and let yourself breathe and feel how you are feeling. There are times in our life where we’re asked to be ‘big’ in the world and have big conversations, big doings, big activity and then there are times in our life where we need to make everything very ‘small’. Time to integrate. For you, that might be meditation or sitting quietly a few times a day to just allow you to catch up with yourself.

So if you’re feeling, “Oh, I like the sound of that but I’m too busy to stop”, remember this: You won’t be able to be too busy for very long before you lose your balance and fall over!

So start to understand that the integration we all need right now is being able to take a breath and catch up with how fast everything is changing, inside and outside of us. It can be very overwhelming with everything that you’re seeing and if you are overwhelmed, you are not going to be productive for you or for your life. This is a REALLY IMPORTANT SELF-CARE TIME and, unfortunately, because we‘re very anti self-care in the way that we have been trained as a society, this isn’t always an easy thing to adopt into our daily habits.

But more and more of us are going to be asked to go deeper in the way that we look after ourselves, our bodies, our psyches and our consciousness so that we can THEN show up in a bigger, more present and more loving way in the world. You can’t do one without the other.


If you’re running yourself ragged right now and you feel like you’re trying to get little bits of oxygen - it’s going to be really important in this next month or two for you to start to develop a practise of saying, “It’s ok, I can step out of the room for a few minutes and just catch my breath.” And the more you start to practise this, the more it becomes natural and normal and the more you HAVE to have that oxygen. This is important because when you’re processing feelings of grief over what you’re seeing going on in the world (or in your own life), GRIEF IS A TRANSFORMATION process. It takes a lot of energy to grieve. Grief is often seen or described only as
loss but actually, there is a lot of birth energy in grief too. So as you let go of something, somebody or a situation (even if loss, pain, grief, suffering is the dominant focus for a while) you will then come out the other side and have a rebirth in some way. There will be a new experience for you to have. So we all need to honor the parts of us that are grieving things we see in the world or things that are going on around us, in order to let the grief transform through the body - to let it integrate, rise and bring us back into the next steps we will take and specifically, our authentic power.


Authentic power is really what we are trying to tap into as a society right now. And it isn’t always easy because we haven’t necessarily lived in a world where power has been demonstrated to us in an authentic way. So, as you go through this process in yourself of, “What is my power?” For many of us, power is presence, love in action and connection. But for others who are very mission-focussed - there is a part of you that feels you have a power or something to bring into the world.

One thing that came to me very strongly is the need for us all to run a check on our expectations of our mission. Many years ago, my guides explained something that completely resonated for me which was this:

“You can be the person who affects millions or you can be the person who affects two people.” 
There really isn’t a difference. Of course in terms of numbers, it looks like there is a difference and they are very different roles - somebody who is built to affect millions is going to look and behave differently to the person who is built to affect two people. But we’re all one unit and we’re all connected. Often in our goal, status, achievement-based society, there is an end goal idea around the fact that more, bigger and better is actually more effective - but that simply isn’t true (certainly not on a spiritual level and not on a level of consciousness). We’re all here affecting each other and the butterfly effect is strong on the planet - especially right now.

So the one stranger that you briefly smile at today - you don’t know how that’s going to affect them, how they are going to take that into their day or what they’re going to do next. We are a big chain of connection. And the reason I bring this up to those of you who are very mission-focussed, who are perhaps creating external things or activities or companies or creativity that you want to affect the world with - remember that timing is everything. Remember that you might be right that your missions are to do certain things but this isn’t necessarily the right time to force or push those missions. So if things aren’t working for you right now - notice whether you are trying to force and push things and then come back to yourself and come back into your own presence in the world. And whatever it is that you want your mission to achieve (perhaps it’s helping people be more loving or be more educated about their bodies), you’ll find that if you go deeper with yourself in your desired mission, you will see that your actual mission in the world will become stronger. It has to be both - that’s the new paradigm of what we are moving into - the OUTER WORLD AND THE INNER WORLD coming more into balance on the planet with less of a gap between those extremes.

That’s why so many of us can experience burn-out or exhaustion - pushing ourselves to create something outside ourselves - when really what we are looking for is a connection and a creation inside ourselves. So if you’re pushing hard on your mission and you’re tired - rest, stop pushing and pull back. Don’t worry, the mission is taken care of - even the fact that you’re thinking about it is on some level putting it into the Universe. There are many of us here doing what we can to bring transformation but you also have to remember that we’re here to experience our own personal transformation. And at the moment, there are quite a few of you feeling like you’re on your knees and you don’t know what to do next. If that’s you - rest, stop, slow down, pause. What normally happens when we do that is we cry a bit, we let the gas out as we release the pressure that has built up and then everything starts to flow again.


This is a time where integration is really important - letting yourself catch up with the things that you’re going through. And that is very much the map of this time. If you imagine a zig-zag pattern - we go into a peak or an epiphany and then we drop down again, we adjust and we get used to it. Then we go into a visionary moment or a new high around connection and then we drop down, adjust and get used to it. This is how we have to work at the moment - we have an EXPANSION and then we INTEGRATE. So if you’re trying to force expansion - trying to force living in the ‘high’ all the time - you’re going to find that this isn’t an easy time to do that if you’re not dropping back down into your body.

For some of you, grounding, being peaceful and being present is going to be the very superpower that you feel like you’re missing. The more connected to being present we are able to be right now, the more that everything we’re doing in the outer world is going to be well powered.

That is the paradigm shift that we are moving into now - authentic and present power. It’s not always something that you’ll feel comfortable with at first, or that you’ll always recognise in every situation, but that’s the way of living that all of us are being invited into. Living from our authentic power - where the power inside us is in balance with the power that we’re putting out into the world. Most of us would agree that if there was a little more heart and integrated emotion behind the actions we see in the world today, we wouldn’t see some of the inhumanities that we’re seeing playing out in the world right now.


It has become a little trickier doing Energy Updates in the last few years because the months blend more into each other. As a result, we have more over-arching themes than we did in earlier years where there was more of a striking difference between each month. The energy has just ratcheted up to such a level of intensity now, that it tends to be subtleties that we are all working with.

But HEART RESONANCE AND HEART ENERGY, which are on the rise in general, are going to be your lighthouses this month. So if you are trying to make a decision about where to go or which friend to phone - think from the heart. Think about where it is you want to go, or which friend you want to phone and notice which one your heart responds to. Place your focus there when you ask the question and see which feels better.

Our heart energy is becoming more present everyday as a deeply intuitive force in us. We are learning to listen to our hearts, our bodies and our senses. Again, this is very new for us and it isn’t how most of us were trained but it’s beginning to become the norm. So when you ask your heart how you’re doing and what you should do next, it’s often going to invite you to rest, to pause, to have a moment of presence and to remind you that it’s all ok.

I had a moment the other day where there were a few things that I was ‘supposed’ to do and that people were expecting from me. But when I realised that my body didn’t want to ‘do’ those things that day, it just wanted to ‘be’ and integrate, I changed my mind. I told myself, “Well, no one’s going to die if I do these things one day later” And of course, no one did die because I didn’t meet my agreed targets.

This is the difference between mind and heart - my mind wanted me to keep going on the schedule that was pre-agreed but my heart (which is far wiser) was saying, “No, no - you just need to stop.” 
So it’s good to catch moments like that where you can practise listening to your heart over your mind. And the more we practise that, the more we actually change who we are and how we operate. 

This is the new level of operating system that so many of us are beginning to enter into. So try and remember to ask yourself:

“How does my heart feel?”

This reinforces the importance of creating in the outside world from a complete and present inner self. As opposed to the old paradigm of, “Oh I’ll feel great if I create this thing in my outer world.” 
Because what often happens is you create it in your outer world, but then you don’t feel great because when you were creating it, you weren’t feeling great inside yourself. Or you were buying into an idea of what this outer circumstance would bring to you.

So in the new operating system, there is a real alignment between what’s going on in your inner body and how that is playing out in your outer creations in the world. This is balanced creation at it’s best and it is what many are now walking into for the first time at an all new level. It’s definitely a paradigm shift for our society. Which is why it needs integration time.


The last piece to look out for this month (which also relates to heart energy) is that you might find you’ve been healing some old power abuses or reactions to power in recent weeks. Because as we enter this
new phase of authentic power, we look at power from all sides - the lighter and brighter sides and the shadow sides. We look at the power fears and wounds in ourselves too and get to see again how we have ‘hired’ others to play that energy for us outside ourselves or how we’ve been those figures to others outside ourselves. This is a good month to take a fresh look, heal, and recover.
There’s a lot going on in September - Integration, Power and Heart - are the main triad of energies we’ll be surrounded by. And the inclusion of power as a theme always ramps up the energy.

That is why this Energy Update started by reminding you to go slow, take rest, take pause and remember that no one's going to die if you stop or if you pause!

That message is especially for those of you who are extreme caretakers - it’s very important that you put your oxygen mask on first and regularly so that you can be there to put it on the person that needs you to put it on them at the right time.

Have a great September everyone.

Big love,



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