Jamye Price: Forgetting the Self - Weekly Lightblast

There is great potential of change to the human mind, yet it’s fuller function requires the opening of the heart. An open heart belongs to a courageous being that understands their capability.
This capability is an understanding of limitation, not from insecurity or immobilizing fear, but from the wisdom of the season of growth. You do not berate the fruit for not ripening faster, you honor the limitation and support growth with care.
Your understanding of your capability creates a moving beyond of previous limitations. All experience, both enjoyable and challenging, is supporting you to rise above previous limitations. Each season brings a new potential of expansion.
You are now in an unprecedented time of your potential.Throughout your recent millennia, humanity has been growing into a collective adulthood. It is the natural progression and not unexpected in any way. It is not always an easy path as humanity learns to deal with earth conditions and each other.
Your history is fraught with war, domination and greed. Indeed your present experience offers that to many. They are steeped in the survival struggle of your seasons past, and it is you reading and hearing this that are bearing the fruit of the future in the now moment.
Part of the result of the survival struggle has been a forgetting of the Self as the influence of domination has attempted to separate you from your most powerful flow of creativity–Self Love. As you Love yourself, you are allowing the flow of Love to anchor here on earth. You are also anchoring Love when you Love others, for all forms of Love are effective.
However, your flow is limited as you destroy the Self with lack, fear, depleting sacrifice and shame. Shaman, remember your power to merge the invisible and visible as you have new availability to Love a problem into new solution.

You are powerful. Your biomechanism is wholly functional with the creative power of Love. As you find the courage within to choose to Love yourself, you are choosing to allow Love to flow to you, through you and from you. This changes you. It changes your life. It changes your world.
The fruits of your labor of Love are a gift indeed. You give it to All Life. You receive it infinitely as well. The flow continues.
As we sit to Blast Forgetting the Self, we are releasing the fear of survival and opening our hearts and minds to the beauty within that changes the world. We are remembering the power of Love to transform fear into understanding. We are blazing a trail of triumph as we gaze into every eye (I) we meet, beaming the Truth of Love with laser precision and unwavering determination.
We are the fruit of the future, seeding Love’s power in every heart that we meet. We are becoming the dominant force in our lives, choosing Love’s courageous new solution that survival fear has previously suppressed. We are creating change by being changed; Loving the Self so fully that the waters of our Love overflow and nourish Life. Blast on!
Price is an author, energy healer, channel, and teacher. Her unique
energy healing modality, Crystalline Soul Healing, along with Light
Language—are a powerful transformational experience. She also channels
Areon, the Lyran Council of Time, with information focused on the mental
and emotional balance of Ascension. Jamye’s work is practical and
profound; she mixes highly esoteric subjects into applicable usage for
empowered living.
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