~ Stand in Your Light ~

This is Ashtar Sheran and I have a message for all lightworkers.
These are heady times indeed. The dark ones are being removed from your planet, their illuminati minions are being arrested and tried, and their heinous deeds are being revealed to the people of your planet, even on the main stream news. The truth is coming out for all to see. To change all upon your planet to find their light.
This was foretold and anticipated for eons. The plan to put lightworkers or starseeds, if you prefer, upon this planet to create change was divised at the highest levels. This is a divine plan and you are part of it. You volunteered to come here, to help take this planet back to create an Eden of it again. To liberate the people of this planet whose collective energy was too low to help themselves from the trap they were caught in.
You are the powerful ones. You are the powerful beings. Yet I see so many are ensnared in dark programming as well.
We are so close now to the Event, we are so close to breaking free of the dark’s grasp on the minds of your people. We galactics are doing all that we can to free your world of dark influence, arresting, removing from the planet those who hold its vibration down. Those who require your energy as their food. We are taking them off planet where they can no longer influence you.
This is the time. This is the peak time. This is the time for lightworkers to focus on raising your own energetic vibration. Your light quotient. Aligning with soul, not with your ego. Now is the time because it’s easier than it ever has been to let go of lower dimensional thinking.
Learn to use your energy. Learn to draw in white light through the crown. Bring it in, and project it to a desired location, or a desired person, principle or thing. You can use your energy to re-create your world right now. It’s very simple.
Another tip. Ask how you can serve today. Ask how you can make this world a better place, even in a small way right now. That small deed is like a rock thrown into a pond – the ripples of energy that are broadcast from that small deed reverberate around your planet. You don’t know the influence you have. Everything you think, say and do carries so much weight. Don’t misuse it.
Focus on being of the higher light right now. Focus on your divine mission. Focus on carrying higher energies today. It’s so important.
The dark ones have manipulated you for years, and you continue to be the focus of their exploitatious trickery because you are the powerful ones. Not the earthlings. The dark ones can’t focus on us because we’re too powerful for them. Know that you are one of us, and you are as powerful as we are. Your bodies tell you otherwise. Your lives hold you back. But this is the truth. You are one of us and you are a powerful being of Light.
You need to see beyond the smallness of your current lives. Your long day at work, pizza dinner and a night before the television set – these patterns must be broken in order to find your real pattern. Yes, we realize you still require money.
This will change soon but don’t wait for the RV because it’s your higher energy we need to release the RV. You are the Light holders. I’ve said this before – the quantum computer that holds the funding that will help liberate your planet even further holds a 5D vibration. And the 5D vibration is your password to receiving your funds. It has to be so, otherwise the dark will steal the money if the vibration is any lower. You have to reach 5D.
It’s not that hard. Be of service. Help others. Don’t focus on your own problems – focus on helping others. Focusing on your own problems only grows them. If you must, focus on solutions to these problems, but don’t dwell on them otherwise.
To reach 5D, the next step is to wish for good for all. For everyone. Be unconditionally loving. Don’t let yourself be walked on, don’t be taken advantage of – these are all lower vibrational frequencies – but learn to forgive those who harmed you. Your perception of being harmed can be changed with love. All is love. Understand that. Wish everyone the highest good.
When you love even your enemy, you’ll have no enemies anymore. Look at the countries that fought so savagely during your second world war. Are their people enemies now? You can do this as well.
When you serve all, you serve yourself as well.
When you wish all the highest good, that includes you as well.
When you help others to rise up, you raise yourself as well.
Everyone wins. We would love you to focus on creating a winning situation for all in your lives. Your lives are not just about you – they’re about everyone on this planet. You came here to carry out that level of responsibility – because you can.
Know your truth. Know who you are. You can do it. Just start today.
I love you and I remain here for you always,
This was foretold and anticipated for eons. The plan to put lightworkers or starseeds, if you prefer, upon this planet to create change was divised at the highest levels. This is a divine plan and you are part of it. You volunteered to come here, to help take this planet back to create an Eden of it again. To liberate the people of this planet whose collective energy was too low to help themselves from the trap they were caught in.
You are the powerful ones. You are the powerful beings. Yet I see so many are ensnared in dark programming as well.
We are so close now to the Event, we are so close to breaking free of the dark’s grasp on the minds of your people. We galactics are doing all that we can to free your world of dark influence, arresting, removing from the planet those who hold its vibration down. Those who require your energy as their food. We are taking them off planet where they can no longer influence you.
This is the time. This is the peak time. This is the time for lightworkers to focus on raising your own energetic vibration. Your light quotient. Aligning with soul, not with your ego. Now is the time because it’s easier than it ever has been to let go of lower dimensional thinking.
Learn to use your energy. Learn to draw in white light through the crown. Bring it in, and project it to a desired location, or a desired person, principle or thing. You can use your energy to re-create your world right now. It’s very simple.
Another tip. Ask how you can serve today. Ask how you can make this world a better place, even in a small way right now. That small deed is like a rock thrown into a pond – the ripples of energy that are broadcast from that small deed reverberate around your planet. You don’t know the influence you have. Everything you think, say and do carries so much weight. Don’t misuse it.
Focus on being of the higher light right now. Focus on your divine mission. Focus on carrying higher energies today. It’s so important.
The dark ones have manipulated you for years, and you continue to be the focus of their exploitatious trickery because you are the powerful ones. Not the earthlings. The dark ones can’t focus on us because we’re too powerful for them. Know that you are one of us, and you are as powerful as we are. Your bodies tell you otherwise. Your lives hold you back. But this is the truth. You are one of us and you are a powerful being of Light.
You need to see beyond the smallness of your current lives. Your long day at work, pizza dinner and a night before the television set – these patterns must be broken in order to find your real pattern. Yes, we realize you still require money.
This will change soon but don’t wait for the RV because it’s your higher energy we need to release the RV. You are the Light holders. I’ve said this before – the quantum computer that holds the funding that will help liberate your planet even further holds a 5D vibration. And the 5D vibration is your password to receiving your funds. It has to be so, otherwise the dark will steal the money if the vibration is any lower. You have to reach 5D.
It’s not that hard. Be of service. Help others. Don’t focus on your own problems – focus on helping others. Focusing on your own problems only grows them. If you must, focus on solutions to these problems, but don’t dwell on them otherwise.
To reach 5D, the next step is to wish for good for all. For everyone. Be unconditionally loving. Don’t let yourself be walked on, don’t be taken advantage of – these are all lower vibrational frequencies – but learn to forgive those who harmed you. Your perception of being harmed can be changed with love. All is love. Understand that. Wish everyone the highest good.
When you love even your enemy, you’ll have no enemies anymore. Look at the countries that fought so savagely during your second world war. Are their people enemies now? You can do this as well.
When you serve all, you serve yourself as well.
When you wish all the highest good, that includes you as well.
When you help others to rise up, you raise yourself as well.
Everyone wins. We would love you to focus on creating a winning situation for all in your lives. Your lives are not just about you – they’re about everyone on this planet. You came here to carry out that level of responsibility – because you can.
Know your truth. Know who you are. You can do it. Just start today.
I love you and I remain here for you always,
Source: http://sharonandivo.weebly.com
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