Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Shanta Gabriel: The Ability to Gain Balance

The Ability to Gain Balance
A Message from Archangel Gabriel

Dear Ones, 

Gaining Balance is a deep intention
that can rearrange the focus of energy in every area of your life. You have all worked at creating Balance as a deeply desired goal for expansion and empowerment. The Light Field of Balance however, has not been available vibrationally in the world.  The timing is right now and you are together in a unified field with the frequencies of the planet ready for creation. The power of group energy can activate this foundation of Balance within your life and on the Earth now. Dedicating your spiritual practice to creating Balance within and on the Earth is very important while the Earth is in the portal for Equinox.

You are all familiar with the need for balance in your life. Some have called it the Middle Way. It is is a balanced state that creates no excess. And indeed this is very important.

Another important aspect of Balance is training in your physical body that allows the perfect levels of strength, coordination, and connection to your core energy to work for your Wellbeing. The world is being activated with new frequencies which can empower a foundation of Balance to be achieved. This foundation is not only a vision for new life, this foundation allows each person to feel in harmony with the expansive Presence of Abundance that creates freedom and fulfills a basic requirement for life.

In your spiritual practice you are creating a field of Balance which becomes the basis for your new foundation of support. There are transmissions from the Archangels working through you establishing a deep connection with the heart of Mother Earth.

For Earth to be in Balance there needs to be more people who live in Balance upon her. The core teachings for Balance indicate a need for deeper connection to the nourishing presence of Mother Earth – one of Love and Respect.

This allows you also to receive more deeply of the nourishment the Earth offers. Nature in its most divine template exists in perfect Balance. Part of the purpose of spiritual practice is to re-establish that template. You can then reflect it in your own body.

Allow yourself to remember this nourishing feminine presence is in the base of your spine active as a deep conduit for creating a foundation of Balance for the world. Align with this principle and establish Balance in every area of your life. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel
September 17, 2019

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