Weekly Forecast: April 20 - 26, 2014
a message from Kelly M. Beard
Sunday, 20 April, 2014 (posted 21 April, 2014)
Weekly Forecast: April 20 - 26, 2014
4/20 ~ Jupiter (faith/belief) ~square~ Uranus (freedom/liberation):
(3 of 3: 8.21.2013 ~ 2/26 ~ 4/20)
Expansion & Liberation coming together can shock the system, no doubt, and this activation will push you out of your comfort zone, whether your life is changing for better or worse. It's time to gather all the knowledge & earned wisdom of the last 3-years and apply it to see what works and what doesn't. Experiment with new ideas, expand on anything solid and explore new realms of possibility, on every level ~ physical, emotional, spiritual & mental. That said, the hallmarks of this activation initially are: impatience, restlessness & opposition from those who were once supportive (when YOU change, the people around you have to change or go away, if only temporarily to evolve on their own). If you have postponed major decisions, this could be the Universe cracking the whip, as it were, when change becomes your ONLY option and stepping in to the Unknown is the only "open pathway". Generally, when Uranus is involved there is a "sudden awakening", the human challenge is that once the crisis is past or the initial shock has worn off, people tend to fall back 'asleep'. The key is to use the square to help do some of the heavy lifting for you, since change is being facilitated regardless (through varying degrees of friction & discomfort). Whatever you want to change, add it to the energetic mix of *now* and recognize what used to be true is no longer true or, conversely, what was NOT true in recent/long past is suddenly true now. While this energy can feel very much like you just picked the Wheel of Fortune card in the Tarot, it doesn't have to be a negative thing necessarily, but an opportunity to shed the skin of an old belief so that a new YOU can emerge!
We get 3-chances to work this *Mojo* during 2013-14. First today (8/21) with Uranus Retrograde (liberation/breakthrough), then with Jupiter Retrograde, when we get to edit the current Story (2.26.2014) and finally, with both Direct and moving toward creating New Paths (4.20.2014) based on Higher Truth and 12-15 years of learning and experience (1997-now).
{Note} Jupiter is a 12-year Cycle that moves at 3-year increments. The last Cycle was activated in 1997, in Aquarius. The current Cycle was activated in 2010 on the Cusp of Pisces/Aries and the next one in 2024 will be in Taurus. Any square is a test to grow, out of comfort zone, in to new territory. Presently, the test is between Cancer (what we contain, nurture & protect) and Aries (independence, courage & noble cause); between what we believe and what needs to change; between the past and the future. Another thing to consider or frame of reference would be 2000 as the first test of the New Truth & Story activated in 1997. Similarly, we initiated a New Truth & Story during 2010-2011 which is now being tested, in some major way, to evolve. Squares bring challenges, choices and generally, crossroads that take you in new directions, learning all the way. Keep in mind that cycles repeat, however, YOU and the support around you, changes with the seasons.
4/20 ~ Jupiter (expansion) ~oppose~ Pluto (power):
(3 of 3: 8.7.2013 ~ 1/31 & 4/20.2014)
These two Gods, Jupiter & Pluto, are potent indeed! This is about recognizing the inherent power of your perceptions and what you believe or claim as Truth. How much of it is consciously co-created and grows & expands with you ... and how much is influenced by the depths of your subconscious? Jupiter moves the Story of your life along and contact with Pluto indicates an utter transformation, no half-way. If you've been integrity about the Story you're telling, then this is a mid-point of sorts that allows you to see what is completely done and where you can course-correct around any deep revelations. Because Jupiter indicates success and luck, it can bring rewards for deep dedication and with that, more power that you will need to consciously ground (repeatedly) or it could overwhelm you completely. Keeping in mind any push-pull energies around power in general. If you are making self-centered choices, things could back-fire in unpleasant ways. However, if you are making choices that take in to consideration the relative Truth to others or larger Story, then much progress can be made because it enlarges the Circle, which brings in resources and energy from those who share a common vision. Think Higher and Dig Deeper! Reconsider your definitions of wealth & power.
{Note} This activation happens every 12-years, however, the Sign Energy & Lesson changes. The last one in 2000-2001 was in Gemini/Sag, but during 2013-14, it is Cancer/Capricorn. In any opposition, the goal is to find, maintain & strengthen the center-point. However, that usually entails first swinging from one extreme to another and lots of practice calibrating a natural balance that you can sustain long enough to be effective. In this case, the energetic theme is the Masculine/Feminine ~ Mother/Father ~ Home/Work ~ Public/Private ~ Personal/Global ~ which is ALL up for a recalibration within and around us. What is the Truth & Story? How must we completely change where the fundamentals are concerned?
4/21 ~ Uranus (radical change) ~square~ Pluto (death, rebirth & transformation):
These two may need a little qualifying first. Uranus has an 84-year cycle, comprised of 7-year increments (each Sign), breaking in to social cycles of 21 years (square) and 42 years (opposition) as well. Pluto has a 248-year cycle, and spends 11-33 years in each Sign, which comes in waves apparently, but reminds us that "Transformation takes as long as it takes!" Uranus is considered the *Change Agent* ~ while Pluto represents the ultimate (and permanent) transformation. However, they operate considerably differently. Pluto works very slowly, over long periods of time and behind the scenes, exerting its strongest influence from the hidden realms. Uranus works with lightning speed, change in an instant, sudden illumination and life is never the same again. They are getting together in a 90-degree angle (square), which will ultimately build something, but not before the complete destruction of that which is not worthy (ending the old way), the clearing and purifying of space for new growth (preparation) and restructuring from the ground UP (rebirthing/rebuilding). Squares push us *out of comfort zone, in to new territory* ~ they help us *build* something stable and useful through the trials and adjustments, processes and sacrifices made, especially when they are actively engaged like this ... which is rare. (Uranus Squares Pluto every 50-80 years.)
On a personal level, this is a revolutionary time to be alive and all life is affected one way or another when these Collective shifts happen. Even though both of these planets are considered Collective planets, they will affect individuals with planets active in these Signs. So this go-round is primarily affecting Cancer/Capricorn and Aries/Libra energies, though no one is exempt. (You can look to the Signs for the themes and lessons.) There is a tremendous pressure from the Social and Collective realms to adjust on personal and Individual levels. This activation forces change, seemingly from outer, uncontrollable influences, but it should not be a surprise. It usually changes something you've known needed changing, but resisted and postponed. Essentially, Pluto reveals that which is already dead, done and over but very often we avoid these deeper, darker realms. "Suddenly" (Uranus) there is a catalyst (activation) for change and there is no going back! We *LIVE* during the current *Activation* which means we can set an intention to co-create. We can set an intention for ourselves and 7 Generations to come, if we like. Allow the old paradigms to drift in to your memory and focus on the incoming, new paradigm. Connect with the new life and new structures rising from the ashes, like the Phoenix reborn, of all that's gone before. It is not necessarily "good" or "bad" but it's definitely "over" so don't waste precious resources looking back.
4/21 ~ Uranus (radical change) ~square~ Pluto (death, rebirth & transformation): (cont'd)
Connect to your Aries Instincts (independence) and Libra Circle (community) and anchor your fundamentals, how you provide for your Self and your family (Cancer) as well as, how you contribute to Society (Capricorn). If you do that to the best of your ability, you should come out of this 4+ year *PROCESS* on completely new ground, stabilized in the outer realms and more secure in your Center to navigate, come what may. There will be two Activations in 2012, 2013 and 2014 with the 7th and final one in 2015.
NOTE: The last time Uranus Squared Pluto was 1932-1934 with Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Cancer. The next time Uranus Squares Pluto will be 2073-2074 with Uranus in Capricorn and Pluto in Aries, the exact opposite of what we are experiencing *NOW*!
June 24, 2012 ~ 8° ~ Uranus in Aries/Pluto in Capricorn
September 19, 2012 ~ 6° ~ Uranus in Aries/Pluto in Capricorn
May 20, 2013 ~ 11° ~ Uranus in Aries/Pluto in Capricorn
November 1, 2013 ~ 9° ~ Uranus in Aries/Pluto in Capricorn
April 21, 2014 ~ 13° ~ Uranus in Aries/Pluto in Capricorn
December 15, 2014 ~ 12° ~ Uranus in Aries/Pluto in Capricorn
March 17, 2015 ~ 15° ~ Uranus in Aries/Pluto in Capricorn
4/22 ~ Mars (passion) ~square~ Jupiter (enthusiasm):
This energy can be expressed one of two ways (like most) - you can over-extend your Self and your resources being overly optimistic without actually doing any planning or work, relying on luck alone and unfortunately, this expression will basically make you pay double (in more ways than one) sooner or later. The better way to express this energy is to think of what you are DOING today as the benefit to you in the future. You have access to foresight, so use it to foresee what your ultimate goal is and what steps you can take today to make that happen. Focus on what can be, rather than what is right now. You also have access to increased energy and optimism, which can be built on but not if you overdo it, then you defeat the whole purpose. Calculated risk is okay - impulsive reactions - NOT. This is also the energy of when things are good - they are very good but when they are bad, they are terrible! So keep it positive, stay focused and balance your input with your output - mentally and physically.
4/23 ~ Mars (energy) ~oppose~ Uranus (radical shift):
This is a mixed blessing. On one hand, this energy can bring on impulsive reactionary behavior. You can have sudden outbursts of anger or frustration with a strong need to be ‘free' from whatever you are perceiving as holding you back (person or circumstance). The best use of this energy is really consciously directing your energy to free yourself from any restrictions - self-imposed or otherwise. This is a time when you will be extremely motivated to do whatever it takes to live freely (by your own definition). Do not suppress this energy as that will only make it blow up in your face at a most inconvenient time. Use this activation to check yourself and determine what you deeply desire, what your definition of freedom is and what you are willing to do to live a more authentic life.
4/23 ~ Mars (lower will) ~square~ Pluto (Higher will):
This is a test of what you are made of on the deepest core level and will require surrender as well as focus. This energy challenges you to evolve and will make you want to push through all obstacles but you must be careful not to be so aggressive that you are stepping on anyone to get where you're going. This is a potent energy that can facilitate major transformation in your life if you know who you are, what you want and what you are willing to sacrifice to get there - that includes parts of your Self that need to shift to be more effective. This energy brings power struggles, either within or without, so be mindful because this energy is affecting everyone at this time. This is the time to tie up any loose ends if you are close to beginning anew. If you do not finish what you already have in the works, it may get in the way of things you want to do in the future.
4/25 ~ Venus (love & money) ~trine~ Saturn (stability):
This energy tends to make you very realistic about your relationships and is, therefore, a good time to talk about any recent challenges or future plans. Venus is the energy of love and money, so you will also be objective and somewhat conservative where both your relationships and finances are concerned. With this interaction with Saturn, I would suggest outlining a reasonable financial goals for the next 3 - 6 - 12 months. Relationships started under this influence should be fairly stable and more practical than passionate, but solid nonetheless.
4/25 ~ Mercury (expression) ~conjunct~ Sun (core-Self):
This energy will compel you to express yourself on many levels. Communication will be a focus, just make sure it is reciprocated. You will have access to some powerful energy that can (and probably will) make quite an impression on others (if you need to). This is a good time to travel if possible too. However, if not physically, than mentally and certainly within your own area, you will take in more information per square inch than usual. Pay attention! You may even gain the much deserved recognition from others you have worked so hard for.
4/26 ~ Mercury (expression) ~sextile~ Neptune (dreams):
This is a great energy for being imaginative and intuitive. This is not an intellectual energy, you will have to rely on other senses, like feeling (intuition). You may be very perceptive as to what others are thinking or feeling. Try to avoid work that requires any attention to detail. Allow your creativity to flow freely without censoring what comes through you at this time. You can organize it later. This is the energy to CREATE!
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Thanks for your courtesy. Kelly M Beard Kelly@KarmicTools.com ~ www.KarmicTools.com Published by GypsyChild Publishing Copyright © 2000-2013 Kelly M Beard All Rights Reserved
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