Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Rest in Peace, Mike [Michael C. Ruppert, CollapseNet's Founder, Has Committed Suicide ]

<3 Rest in Peace, Mike <3
My thoughts on his life and passing,
and links to news articles, his websites, and video interviews.
[image from Mike Rupport'sfb page: Mike in Napa with his dog, 3.16.14]

This makes me very sad... I have tremendous respect and admiration for Mike Ruppert, his tireless efforts and his body of work from when he was an LAPD Narcotics Investigator (who broke the Iran-Contra scandal) to his groundbreaking efforts at From the Wildnerness, to which I subscribed.  http://www.fromthewilderness.com/ From Mike I learned the details about Peak Oil, and found a fellow Truther willing to expose 9/11 and other corruption that erodes our quality of life.

We all can appreciate that he wrote CROSSING THE RUBICON: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil and Confronting Collapse: The Crisis of Energy and Money in a Post Peak Oil World, books that were a Wake Up Call to many of us.  Thus, he became an advocate for sustainable living and self-sufficiency within community.

Mike Ruppert, with his innate intelligence and inside knowledge, was one of the original Conspiracy "Theorists", and like me, a Lightworker, but not the New Age kind by any means. He was strictly about exposing lies and uncovering facts, and facing the harsh realities of a ruthlessly rigged global geo-political system, while addressing the limitations of the increasingly fragile ecosystem that sustains all of life on the planet.

Though I didn't know him personally, the man had heart, and clearly cared about people, the fate of humanity, and all of life, and about what is right and just. Mike fought the good fight for all of us. The burden of the fight seems to have gotten to him, just when we are so close to a paradigm breakthrough and shift of power back to the people, alas.
Crossing the Rubicon, indeed.

So long, Mike. <3 Rest in Peace. You are one of my heroes, and you will be missed. ~PB

(p.s.) The tributes to Mike on his fb page are incredible and endearing.
Those of us who didn't befriend him on fb cannot post, but we are are able to comment on his profile images, like the one above.

CollapseNet's Founder, Michael C. Ruppert, Has Committed Suicide

Mike Ruppert, RIP

From the Wilderness

Who is Michael C. Ruppert?

About Us

Collapse (Full Movie)

Mike Ruppert - The Truth And Lies Of 911 -(Full length)

Mike Ruppert & Max Keiser on SOPA-PIPA, NDAA, U.S Dollar, Iranian Oil, World Debt


Some of Mike's YouTube videos:

Speeches, town meetings, interviews and other public appearances.
Mike was pretty controversial in his day, as he was one of the original whistleblowers. He paid a high price for his integrity, suffering health issues and depression all his life, which sadly (and ironically) ended last Sunday by his own hand. The man who fought to out the bastards and give us information to help us prepare for the collapse of civilization, so that we could survive, left us too soon.

Michael Ruppert speaks out on Chris Dorner and the LAPD


Former LA Police Officer Mike Ruppert Confronts CIA Director John Deutch on Drug Trafficking


Mike Ruppert - CIA and Drug Running (1997)

How Gov./C.I.A./Organized crime sells drugs to your children to pay for Wall Street/Gov


An Interview with Michael Ruppert (extended)


9/11 - Mike Ruppert - The Truth And Lies Of 911 -(Full length)

Mike Ruppert 2004 "9/11 - No Air Force Fighter Response"

9/11 Fighter Jet Circling WTC

Collapse - The End Of The Age Of Oil

Alex Jones is a liar says Michael Ruppert, subject of the Documentary 'Collapse' - YouTube


The 100th Monkey Theory (Collapse-Michael Ruppert) | 0:10:40

Peak oil & the end of our industrial civilization with Max Keiser

Collapse of the Industrial Civilization | Interview with Michael Ruppert

Mike Ruppert & Max Keiser on SOPA-PIPA, NDAA, U.S Dollar, Iranian Oil, World Debt


Michael Ruppert - Three Guarantors of Near-Term Human Extinction

Michael Ruppert on The Zeitgeist Movement (2014)


1 comment:

  1. 4/16/14 Mike's longtime friend and supporter Jenna Orkin made a fb post on Mike's wall regarding his suicidal tendencies:

    Jenna Orkin posted to Michael C. Ruppert
    43 minutes ago

    Mike's Suicidal Tendencies

    Jenna Orkin

    In response to the internet sages who have concluded - in the face of all known evidence from the people who were most intimately familiar with him as well as with the admittedly real dangers that had faced him over the course of his life as an investigative journalist - that Mike did not kill himself but was in fact murdered, his suicidal ideation goes back at least eight years. As a small example, below are excerpts from a few of his emails sent from Venezuela in 2006. In addition, he would call at any and all hours to be talked out of jumping from the roof or offing himself in some other way.

    A foray into the seedier barrios of Caracas during a protest was one part journalistic adventure but one bigger part, courting danger. For a hero's death was devoutly to be wished. Failing that, he'd settle - as happened in the end - for death by any means available. On one occasion, he confessed to having tied his necktie around his neck as part of an effort to hang himself - and you can be sure I would not put forth such an implausible notion if it were not true - from the shower fixture. He said that he didn't go through with it because he wished to spare his roommate at the time, Carlos Ruiz, the trauma of finding him the next morning.

    He finally left Venezuela in November, ending up, after a detour to Canada, at my apartment. But his reprieve from the alien environment that had not welcomed him the way he had dreamed brought only brief respite. For the next fourteen months, he contemplated suicide on an almost daily basis so that whenever I went to work or the grocery store, I made him promise not to kill himself before I came back. His word - his "honor" - mattered to him more than anything so we took it one day at a time, a notion that was familiar to him from AA.

    More on this period in due course.

    To Jenna Orkin, 9-24-2006

    ...Every day I long for death because I just don´t see how this current limbo is ever going to end. I just keep waking up and going through motions. I wrote a new article today and start another tomorrow. I do miss the US and especially my loved ones but I know I can´t ever go home. That would betray my moral decision and put my life at greater risk than I feel it is here.
    I may wind up being the writer that no country wants. Then what?
    Sigh. I´ve been doing the anger thing, especially at those close to me who betrayed me so deeply. That´s what´s really taken the heart out of me...

    To colleagues at Fromthewilderness.com, 9-26-2006

    ...I am flat out of energy, spirit and hope now...
    I am ready to die and the only thing I want to know is that I am totally clean with all the people who are FTW.
    I saw a great documentary on Socrates last night. They made him drink hemlock because he kept throwing peoplés [sic] bullshit and sloppy thinking in their faces.
    Sounds a little familiar. I am not trying to torment or worry any of those who love me and care for me. I am hanging by a thread here. best, Mike

    To colleagues regarding plans for dissolution of Fromthewilderness.com and Mike's possible return to the US, 10-19-2006 :

    ...anythng I do now will be out of the public eye. Guidance yes, but I need to get offstage for a good long while. That is both a pressure and a drug I need to detox from...

    With the push of a button [referring to the 'send' key] the world leaves my shoulders.

    Recipients unrecorded, 10-19-2006 21:32
    ...The bridge is still calling. I say that not to threaten or pressure. I share it just to get it out of my head. I have had two close suicides and the breakup of an engagement in less than three years. Only now am I coming to grips with all of that and much more..."


    <3 RIP MIke <3
