Friday, April 25, 2014

The Vibe Report – April 23, 2014 By Nancy Leilah Ward


In the midst of intense energies, self care on every level is so important. Some of us are experiencing a purge right now and it is affecting our energy bodies – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. And the purge may also be manifesting in our outer lives, which are but a reflection of our inner lives.


The last few months have been all about Ho’oponopono, which is a Hawaiian practice for clearing of disharmony within human relationships. It’s about forgiveness and reconciliation and there is a kind of prayer that flows along with this: “I love you, I love myself, I’m sorry, please forgive me, I forgive you, I forgive myself, thank you.” I’ve added a few elements to this prayer, specifically about loving and forgiving myself, which, I feel, is essential to healing of the wound of self hatred that Humanity has been carrying for thousands of years.

This energy of forgiveness of self and others is something we’ve been playing with for a long time and it is continuing on ever-deeper levels. Our clearing process moves us into deeper harmony with ourselves and places us in right relationship with our environment and one another. Memories from the past have been coming to the surface. I feel I have been writing about this for years, but so it goes, as we experience deeper levels of clearing. Memories that seem like “minor” incidents have popped into my head for forgiveness and clearing and I have realized that if I’m still regretting something, however small, it will come up for reconciliation.

The Eclipse Sandwich

The current planetary alignments, Grand Cross and eclipses that we are journeying through at this time are influencing volatile circumstances in our lives or in the lives of those around us. Had any meltdowns lately? Remember the expression: “Breakdown to Breakthrough” and be gentle with yourselves. Practice ho’oponopono when necessary.

We can get stuck in feeling that we’re being “wronged” in situations and when we can shift out of the habit of feeling like a victim into a broader view of the bigger picture – which has to do with taking responsibility as co-creators in whatever drama is playing out in our lives – the feelings that surround the situation will dissolve. (Another part of the deep-clearing process.)

We may also be experiencing sudden issues or circumstances that come out of nowhere and put pressure on us. I had a little meltdown last week regarding an unexpected circumstance I had to deal with and after the storm passed, I realized that I don’t want to be buffeted around by unexpected energy that comes my way. So I made an intention: “I intend to remain calm and in the moment of NOW when confronted with unexpected, possibly annoying situations. To meet what is in front of me with grace, seeing it as the new possibility that it represents, fully focused and ready for action. Moving through the situation alert and present.”

Let it Go

What isn’t our truth that we have been holding onto is becoming too hot to hold anymore. That is the blessing of the energetics of change that we are in at this time. We need to acknowledge that which we have been ignoring or hiding from and open to receive the gift of honoring ourselves. That is the breath of fresh air, the expansion, the moment when we fill ourselves with our own pure energetic vibration, unencumbered by false beliefs and patterns that we have gathered to us throughout our lives in order to comply with the cultural circumstance we were born into.

Doom and Gloom

It seems that each time we go through a period of change that has been hyped up (think December 21, 2012), and the Big Disaster doesn’t happen, there is another possible disaster that replaces it. I recall a few months ago (I think it was in November 2013) there was a big flutter of concern going through Facebook that the US government was going to shut down the power throughout the country for four days as a kind of “fire drill” to see how people and municipalities would respond. There was a building concern that the US would be left vulnerable to attack and take-over by a certain country. For about 4 weeks this “OMG the sky is falling” possible disaster was hyped up and of course on the big day…nothing happened. And yet there always seems to be something else – some other theory or “possibility” that comes up that generates fear and vulnerability and helplessness. The latest one I’ve heard about is the Yellowstone Caldera – a huge volcano that could blow and the result would be a nuclear winter for the entire planet.

Why do we keep doing this? I see two possible answers – ONE is that we want change, big change… we want to be free from the fear and monetary enslavement that we are under and maybe we feel that a big disaster is the only way to create that change.

The SECOND thing is fear of death – or unacceptance of death. Basically, like Jim Morrison said, “Nobody gets out of here alive.” We are going to leave these bodies we are in at some point – that is part of our journey of consciousness. It could happen by the Yellowstone Caldera blowing up or by stepping on a rake! The thing is, we are so much more than these bodies we are in – our energy and consciousness is so vast and … we don’t really die. WE DON’T REALLY DIE.

We Are the Golden Wave

When we allow our own pure energy to flow and follow our truth…follow our bliss… we are free and having fun. And we are radiating that expansive energy. By living our truth and exuding love and fun (joy), we are changing our world. So have fun, dance, create…be outrageous – be yourselves…

We are the Creators. The life force energy from Creator Source (wherever, whatever that is) flows indiscriminately through the All of the All. It simply is. And we are that Divine Is-ness. We are given the gift of this creative life force energy – through the life and the body we are in right now. When we forgive and soften to ourselves and one another, and we come to know ourselves as Divinely connected in Spirit to one another, the energy generated from that knowing moves out from each of us like a wave of joy… the Golden Wave is our co-creation flowing through the Collective Consciousness, calling all to rise up and BE in the fullness of our truth..

Just Add Love

It’s like we are standing surrounded by gifts and we don’t even see them – because we have had our own hands over our eyes, believing in the shadow instead of the light that shines through us as we create the shadow play.

We can create anything. And so that Golden Wave of love and joy that flows through us – through the Consciousness of Humanity when we are simply BEing ourselves – that is what changes our world.

The indiscriminate life force energy that flows through all is a gift for us to play with. Our gift to the world is to add love to that energy, creating the Love-force energy and witnessing that energy expanding into joy, bliss, ecstasy, as we live and create from our hearts. We are on the threshold of something so wondrous and amazing. We can shake off the fear and dance in the surprise and wonder of this miracle we are co-creating.

Know, too, that anything that comes up for release – whether it be a “minor memory” or a relationship or job or way of living – is actually creating a new pathway that is paved with our heart-truth and leads to our joy and bliss.

Much love and joy to all.


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Copyright © 2014 by Nancy Wallace Ward and Smote Hill Press. All rights reserved for IMAGES and written material. Permission is granted to freely redistribute this article as long as the author’s name and website are included.

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