Thursday, June 19, 2014

Earth’s Shift is as Unique as Yours a message from Brenda Hoffman

Dear Ones,

You have traveled long and deep to release the last pieces of your 3D fears. You are now ready to fly into your new role. Even though you may believe there are yet hidden 3D fear pieces, such is not the case. Those of you at the forefront of this transition have cleansed all that held you to earth.

You continue to care for many – unlike your fears that you would be isolated, that no one of your 3D life would be part of your new world.

As you were transitioning, so were those you once believed would never grasp or even want to grasp the brass ring of transition. Perhaps they are not at the same place as you – but then, no one is. Just as there are thousands of 3D humans with the title of actor – each with different abilities and interests. Some prefer Shakespearean roles, others comedy and still others different types of media. Yet, all are actors.

So it is for you. Those of you at the forefront are not in the same place and time as others. Those you love are transitioning – just differently than you.

So it is happening throughout earth – including earth itself. Some parts of earth are adapting to this shift with belches of anger or breaths of rage, others are merely shining more brightly. Do not expect all earth to shift in a similar way or at the same time. Each rock, each cell of soil is a unique being.

Perhaps certain parts of earth have felt pain or shame. Perhaps parts were loved through the eons. Just as is true for you, earth is cleansing itself of pain and fear in the form that pain and fear has taken over the eons.

Could you transition if earth did not? The answer is a resounding NO for earth contained so many pain/fear cells that you would have been surrounded by pain and thus, could not have fully tapped into your inner-being of love.

You, earth and all entities of earth are transitioning in a similar, but not the same time frame. Perhaps you note other entities acting differently – bumping into windows, following you about or indicating their wish to be free – all parts of their transition. Allow them to be – as is true for you and earth.

Maybe you wish to know what parts of earth are expelling fear and anger so you can move elsewhere, so you are not part of earth’s cleansing. Such is not possible. Your inner-being directs you to your place and allows you to experience what you wish to experience.

This transition is all-encompassing – earth, earth entities and the Universes.

You will experience what you need to experience.

At the same time, those of you newly emerging from your cocoon will have a sense of freedom and joy you have not before experienced on earth. You will fly above fear, exploring new worlds – including new earth - and creating what you have dreamed of within your being.

Those of you at the forefront have cleansed and are no longer of earth – you are Universal beings.

Perhaps you believe you have always been a Universal being. Such is true with limitations. You have not been allowed to contaminant other dimensions or places with your fears. Now that you have cleansed yourself, you are fully ready to accept your mantle of Universal being.

So it is that you will feel differently in a few days. You will feel refreshed, awake and fully alive for the first time on earth in this lifetime – or any other. You are going to soar like an eagle and yet feel like a dove of peace and joy carrying your message to all who wish to listen, see, feel or sense. Perhaps your message will merely mean flitting from place to place. Perhaps it will be more stable and solid within the mists of the Universes. Only you know – as directed by your inner-being.

Are you a god/goddess? Yes. Are you a loving human being? Yes. Are you a beautiful butterfly of joy? Yes. You are all and the same discovering your role for now and preparing for your new role tomorrow. So be it. Amen.

Copyright © 2009-2014, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved: Please feel free to share this content with others - post it on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. - but keep the integrity of this article by including the author/channeler: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

This message was originally posted here

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