Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Message to the US Military [video] by Starship Earth: The Big Picture

Message to the US Military [video] by Starship Earth: The Big Picture

"Mark Passio communicated this missive directly to the US Military. It's a strong message and the images in his video drive home his point like a dart to the heart.

I agree it's time many of us looked at the same old things very differently, through a new lens, to sharpen the details and bring the REAL subject into focus so we can then ascertain exactly what it is staring us in the face, what we need to do differently---and then DO that.

LIFE is different now. These are desperate times, and we must see our world for what it IS, rather than what the establishment TELLS us it is. There's a dramatic and vile difference.

Belief systems and a lifetime of conditioning are powerful constraints to free will and critical thinking. We must get beyond those blinders.

Members of the military are relentlessly indoctrinated into the mores and discipline of the ranks; encouraged NOT to think, or question---simply follow orders. They are military first, individuals second---if at all.

As human beings we must gather knowledge, recognize truth, and act upon our innate knowing of what is right, ethical, and appropriate under these newly-revealed circumstances in our world.

At what point does it become acceptable to take innocent human lives? Civilians... women... children... babies?

Oh, there's a war going on alright; a war for our MINDS. At what point does war free us to murder human beings?

It MUST dawn on our men and women in uniform that something is desperately wrong with our world.

Our true and rightful duty is first to self, and then to Humanity. Blindly following the orders of a corrupt body like the federal government's military industrial complex who only hold contempt for us is a betrayal of self and Humanity.

I hope a significant number of the military will take Mark's message to heart... and soul---and ACT accordingly. Even a dog will refuse to obey its master and jump off a cliff.  ~ BP


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