Tuesday, June 24, 2014

What's Happening in the Stars? June 23-29 2014 ~Contributed by Hillory Skott

What's Happening in the Stars?  June 23-29 2014 ~Contributed by Hillory Skott

Fair Venus is shifting into curious Gemini- Uranus and Mars oppose
each other and the moon will be New in sensitive Cancer. We are
going to be busy expressing ourselves in more authentic ways- If
you can't do that for some reason you can expect the unexpected.
It's best to harness the energy of this powerful time-lean into it.
Be courageous and honest and enjoy the expansion of your own
personal power.

Monday Venus will move into Gemini until mid July.  Venus relates
to how we relate in the world. In Cancer we were likely more concerned
with family and home.  Now with a Gemini Venus you may want to get
out there in the world.  Also, there is an opportunity to come face-to- face
with your dark side- or your own best friend. Look for the world to reflect
what you hide from yourself.  View everything as if it is a screen projecting
your inner life out into reality. It's best to be conscious of what is going on
inside. Often we push it down and repress it. Now we can see that we are
seeing in the mirror.  As always, take full responsibility to claim your power.

Wednesday June 25, 2014 PST, we have a Fiery willful Mars opposing
rebel change maker Uranus.  This is a powerful combination that can
trigger unexpected situations. You won't tolerate injustice and may finally
explode if things have seemed unfair.  Short tempers and irrational action s
are not uncommon with this combination of energy.  I actually know someone
who was physically blown out of a camping trailer with this combination
transiting his chart, he went to light a cigarette and there was a leak in
the propane tank and ka-boom!  The trailer was incinerated; he was
lucky enough to have been blown out the door and survived. Sudden,
shocking, and violent are used to describe this energy.

But if you have your ducks in a row and are clear about what you are
storing in your baggage there is no need to be shocked.  You can use
this powerful combination instead for swift and radical reformulation. 
Your energy will be high, you may feel heat in your body that you are
not used to feeling. Especially in the face and head. Get your feet on
the Earth to keep the energy grounded. Grounding yourself will actually
help your body handle the electrical nature of this fiery time. You have
access to courage- use it to do what scares you, but in a gentle carefully
directed way.  Which is really the opposite of how you might be feeling.
Don't race cars, or skydive now.  Slow and steady stays alive! But you
could start a revolutionary movement or work with electronics in a highly
productive way. Be pro-active! Not blindly rushing around in an angry
frustrated huff kind of active.

Friday the 27th at 1:08 am PST the moon will be New in Cancer, ruler
of the roost.  Illumined Neptune, resurrecting Pluto, Humanitarian Uranus
and foundation laying Saturn are all adding energy to make for an interesting
and powerful New Moon in Cancer.  This is where we go for the home we
should have always had.  We are supported spiritually, in other worldly ways
with Neptune trine the fused together Moon and Sun. Magical capacities for
creating comfort are awakened. Pluto is pushing for deep and clear under-
standings of personal motive and underlying issues. Uranus is adding the
push to change-If you don't take the nudge you are going to get the shove.
And Saturn has a game plan; Saturn knows how to father-chances are
yours didn't. We all need to be our own inner parents to fully grow up and
be happy-Saturn constantly encourages us to learn through trial and error
guided by our innate sense of honor and responsibility.

With all this mixed together we have some real opportunity for very thorough
and liberating change in the part of our lives that helps us feel secure, and
safe, loved and nurtured.  It might feel like a trip into the underworld to face
our fears-but while we are there standing in the shadow of all we fear, we
gain strength and courage, a new lease on life and clarified focus and direction.
When you face your fear it falls away. Ne ptune makes sure we are understanding
the karmic connections and higher purpose to all we are experiencing. Consider
this a liberating New moon.  Create a fortress of peace and love around you now.
Be both wise and loving father and nurturing supportive mother to yourself.
This week holds much potential: May you create the very fluffiest of nests to
rest- for now and always, in All Ways!

~Contributed by Hillory Skott

Enjoy this wonderful week!

Many Blessings,

Karen & Salma

Be more...Love more....Live more
and Never Settle for Less
Go Beyond!

Unbounded Potential Empowerment Group Inc.

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