Getting more rest seems to help….
A short update on the energies | aisha north
By now you have all become adjusted to being constantly adjusted, and
as such, this feeling of discombobulation that you will experience from
time to time will become more familiar as you start to settle in to
this state of being constantly un-settled.
You see, the flux that we have discussed so many times earlier is not
about to calm down, but that is for a very good reason indeed, namely to
keep you moving ever forwards. We are aware that for some, what you
experience as being unsettled will feel unsettled in ways that you might
think of as negative but it is in fact the other way around. For you
are being helped to get free from anything that may stand in your way,
and in order to set you free from any limitations, you must literally be
shaken loose in every way. So expect this sense…
as such, this feeling of discombobulation that you will experience from
time to time will become more familiar as you start to settle in to
this state of being constantly un-settled.
You see, the flux that we have discussed so many times earlier is not
about to calm down, but that is for a very good reason indeed, namely to
keep you moving ever forwards. We are aware that for some, what you
experience as being unsettled will feel unsettled in ways that you might
think of as negative but it is in fact the other way around. For you
are being helped to get free from anything that may stand in your way,
and in order to set you free from any limitations, you must literally be
shaken loose in every way. So expect this sense…
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