Montague Keen Message 8-17-14…Posted on 2014/08/17 by kauilapele
Montague’s Message for Sunday 17 August 2014
"There is a war raging on Earth that is unseen by those who are still locked into 3D thinking. Those of you who are awake and aware are going through very difficult times. Look again at how Atlantis was destroyed: the frequency of key individuals was stolen thus rendering them powerless and compliant. This is exactly what is happening in your world now. Are you going to allow humanity to be wiped out? For this is indeed the plan which the Cabal is working towards.
Right now, the Cabal is holding one whose work on Earth is of great importance. Your help is required to release this person so that his mission can be completed. Please include him in your ley line meditations. Include all others who are having their frequency stolen at this time. You are being given all the information necessary to prevent the takeover of your planet. It is up to all of you to get involved in protecting humanity from the Cabal.
You are many, they are few. Never forget that. Protect the vulnerable amongst you. You are up against pure evil that is prepared to go to any lengths to achieve its goal. So do not be fooled by outward appearances. They may look like you, but rest assured, their main aim is the destruction of the human race. They will be defeated, but how quickly this will happen depends on you.
Wake up, take control, and open your eyes to the truth. It is being revealed to you every day. Your ley line work has released so much that cannot be kept hidden any longer. You see what happens when you come together. Work together for the good of humanity and the protection of your planet.
Again, I ask that you use some of this energy to ensure the release of this young man.
Many obstacles are being put in the way in an effort to try to prevent our Centres being established. We hope to have the one in Ireland by the end of September if enough money comes in for it. Please help us to help you to learn a new way of living life, ready for when all that is now in place falls apart, as it will in the near future. You must be prepared to go into survival mode at first. Then start to restructure life on Earth by learning new ways to live. You must remove all that is toxic from your lives. By 2016, everything will have changed. The downfall of the Cabal will result in the disappearance of the “food chain” as you know, for they own and control everything you now depend on. When they pull the plug on everything, where will you be, if you are not prepared? Use this time to learn, and decide how you will cope.
Many times I have told you that you are the architects of the future. You must ensure that it is a future where wholesome food is available. It is time to prepare. So plans need to be made so that everything proceeds without problems. The scientists who have been making plans for the future will work with Veronica at the Centres. All information will be shared. Please help make this happen. It is for the good of all, not the few.
Many of you are distressed by the revelations regarding the ritual killing of children that happen in many parts of your world. These rituals are carried out by those you were taught to respect. You were blinded to who they really are, and to the roles they play on Earth. You were shocked to learn what they were prepared to do to you in order to remove humanity from the planet. You are victims of the greatest hoax ever played on your planet. Now that the truth has been presented to you, are you prepared to open your eyes to it, or do you want to continue to close your eyes to it? You cannot hide from it. Facts must be faced. It is time to prepare for all eventualities. Spirit is there for you, to assist you in creating a better future for all humanity.
Having to accept that all you had learned is untrue will create problems. Doctors who blindly accepted all the information given to them as flawless, will be shocked and upset to learn that instead of helping patients, they were in fact hastening their demise. The medical profession has been used as facilitators of the eugenics programme. Death by prescription as designed by the Cabal. Research your health problems and treat yourselves whenever possible, as nature has all the answers. It is time to withdraw from all that is false and unwise. You owe it to yourselves and all who depend on you, to become responsible for your decisions. Do not leave them for others to decide. The Nanny State will disappear without trace. It was designed to entrap you, and it has done so, very successfully.
Look to your future now; the future that together you will create. Many are leaving your planet. They have accepted that their days in control are fast coming to an end, and they could not face humanity because of the terrible crimes they have committed against you. Some will brazen it out in an effort to hold on to what they have. Decisions need to be made calmly as to how to deal with such people. Their crimes against humanity are difficult for many of you to comprehend. Humanity has been hated and plotted against for a long time but you were blinded to it. Now, you have to take control and be responsible for your planet and all the life upon it.
We in spirit will be with you every step of the way. Our worlds will come together when all obstructions are removed. Together, we will create a world without borders, and without conflict of any sort, with freedom to explore and to learn about your fellow man. The universe will open up to you, and life will be a joy once more. The struggle you have endured will be quickly forgotten.
My dear, it is tough dealing with the problems facing you. But they will not last. You will overcome them.
My love is yours forever. Your adoring, Monty."
My tags: Montague Keen, Cabals & Conspiracies, Crimes Against Humanity, Wake Up Call, Awakening Change, Power in Numbers, Medical Big Pharma Military Industrial Complex, Deeper Truth,
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