Sunday, August 31, 2014

NorthPoint Astrology Journal by Pam Youghans September 1 to 7, 2014

NorthPoint Astrology Journal by Pam Youghans
September 1 to 7, 2014

Highlighted Aspects:
MON: Mercury enters Libra; TUE: Pluto sesquisquare Venus; WED: Pluto trine Sun; THU: Saturn semisquare Mercury; FRI: Pluto quincunx Jupiter, Venus enters Virgo, Uranus sesquisquare Venus; SAT: Neptune quincunx Mercury; SUN: Pluto semisquare Mars, Chiron opposite Sun

WE START to breathe a little more easily now, with the Saturn-Mars alignment behind us. While it's true that this alignment represents focused effort and a renewed commitment to creating a life of purpose and passion, it's also a heavy energy to work with.

When Saturn and Mars are joined, we usually are aware of a greater seriousness of purpose. But we can also feel lonely, overwhelmed, or even depressed with the burden of knowing we are ultimately in charge of our progress or lack of it.

IN THE WEEKS AHEAD, as Saturn continues to move forward in Scorpio and picks up speed, many will start to see movement in areas where we have felt stalled, perhaps since the beginning of the calendar year.

Due to being retrograde (moving backward) from March 2 to July 20, Saturn is now revisiting terrain it first crossed in early December 2013. Plans and goals that were first conceived around that time, that have been slow to get started, will now either find their sea legs and gain strength, or be found inadequate and discarded for new, improved versions.

PLUTO appears several times in our list of highlighted aspects for the week. While some of these aspects represent challenges, the strongest is a helpful Pluto-Sun trine, exact on Wednesday.

Pluto is known as the Great Transformer, always assisting us in a process of metamorphosis, moving us from one state of being to another. Like the butterfly who must leave the cocoon, we are urged by Pluto to leave behind old definitions of self, as well as old habits and methods that were born from beliefs in limitation and lack of power.

THESE TYPES OF CHANGE always involve adjustments and alterations in how we have created life to this point, and especially in how we perceive our position in that life. Pluto ultimately encourages us to gain new levels of empowerment, and if structures in our life have been built on foundations of seeing ourselves as "less than," those structures necessarily must change as the butterfly emerges.

Those changes and adjustments are represented by the other Pluto aspects this week. On Tuesday, the Pluto-Venus aspect provides evidence of how relationships must shift going forward, and we become aware of what resources -- personal and financial -- are really available and supporting us.

The Pluto-Jupiter aspect on Friday helps us see that we must let go of our need for permanence and consistency if we are to allow the new joy we've been seeking to manifest. And, Sunday's Pluto-Mars aspect reveals the remnants of old power struggles that are based in purposes and desires that are no longer valid in our life experience.

WE'LL BE STARTING to work with the energies of another SuperMoon by the end of this week. Chiron is exactly opposite the Sun on Sunday, and then becomes a major player in the Full Moon on Monday (September 8).

Chiron, known in astrology as the Wounded Healer, provides both the awareness of a wound or fear, and the opportunity to heal the issues related to that wound or fear. Chiron is currently in Pisces, presenting faith and surrender as antidote to the fear of the unknown.

Barbara Hand Clow writes that Chiron in Pisces requires "the deliberate bringing down into body of the higher will and higher self." It is this process of merging the human personality self with expanded higher self / inner being / soul that Chiron offers as healing for the symptoms of disillusionment and separation.



Photo: Auroras over South Canol Road, Yukon, Canada on August 28, 2014 (credit: Joseph Bradley, posted on

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