Friday, August 29, 2014

What energy and experiences can we expect during this month? September 2014 Message | Akashic Transformations - Jen Eramith

September 2014 Message | Akashic Transformations - Jen Eramith
From the Akashic Records: An Excerpt from the Message of September 2014

~*Special Audio Links Included in Message*~

What energy and experiences can we expect during this month?
Are there particular activities we can use this month in order to engage the energy?

"What energy and experiences can we expect during this month?

The energy in September 2014 is very fresh and new.  It is like springtime.  There is a light energy, and a sense of clarity.  You will find new information coming into view, and truth coming to the surface.  This can sometimes be challenging, but this month it is likely to be in ways that are fun rather than difficult.  Of course, there will be challenges because that is part of life, but overall the energy is fun, light, and hopeful. 

This is a good time to engage life with optimism and goodwill.  Strive to take things lightly, use humor, and to move things along.  Strive to be kind and thoughtful, but do not take things too seriously this month.  The energy this month feels like a clear blue-sky day.  Look for feelings of lightness and possibility.  This is a good time to start new things; it is a good time to change what you have done before to make it lighter or easier.  This is a good time to let go of whatever does not work. 

Overall, this month will seem to pass quickly because the energy is so light and so much is moving.  Be willing to adapt along the way.  It will not serve you to hold onto things this month.  It will not serve you to hold onto resentment or to try to maintain control over everything that is happening.  It is better to go with the flow and move with the changes.

Are there particular activities we can use this month in order to engage the energy?

One simple thing that will help you engage the energy this month is to smile.  :D Smile easily and smile often.  :-)  :D  :-)  Look people in the eye (   0) (   0) --->> ( 0 ) ( 0 ) and let them know that you like them. :-)  Demonstrate that you are willing to work with people in a cooperative way.  There is a sense that there is goodwill among all members of humanity.  It is not that everyone will get along, it is not that it is a perfect peacefulness -- but overall there is a sense that people could get along where they did not before.  Conflict resolution will go better this month than it may have gone earlier in the summer. You may find it easier to work with your enemies or with people who have misunderstood you.  You will find things go a little bit better than usual with conflict this month. 

This is a good time to reengage conversations that may have been stuck before, or to heal in places where you may have felt hurt before.  The important shift that must occur is to give up hope that the other person will make you feel better.  Instead, approach the conversation with the hope that you will understand them better, and they will understand you better.  How you feel may vary depending on your situation, but understanding is possible in a new way this month. 

The energy that supports conflict resolution this month is not about feeling better. (!) The energy holds potential for seeing things more clearly and letting them go.  It is about finding a sense of freedom and lightness and joy, rather than being stuck.  Whether you feel good or not is secondary.  Let understanding be your motivation as you engage with conflicts or try to move forward with projects and relationships..."

For additional information about this month, including specific information about what to avoid and watch out for this month, and a special message from the Keepers about the potent energy of this month, consider joining Akashic Transformations as a member. Compare the benefits of membership to public access before joining! You can receive an excerpt from the Monthly Message, updated channelings, and additional insights from the Akashic Records by signing up for our free newsletter. This Message was channeled from the Akashic Records by  Jen Eramith MA through Akashic Transformations. It may be shared with individuals provided that the content is complete; all credit is given to the author; and it is distributed for no financial or other compensation to anyone other than Jen Eramith and Akashic Transformations.  Please include this message with all redistribution. For official distribution rights, please contact Jen. 
You can receive an excerpt of the Monthly Message by email each month by signing up for our free newsletter. If you would like to consult the Records about your life or any other personal question, please schedule a Personal Consultation from Jen. 

Welcome to a magical conversation with Spirit

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