Tuesday, August 26, 2014

New Structures Emerging | Meredith Murphy - news from the ideafrontier

New Structures Emerging |  Meredith Murphy - news from the ideafrontier

25 August 2014
by Meredith Murphy

Happy New Beginning,

The moon is new and in Virgo today. With this, we will notice greater order coming forth in our experience. This could take the form of having a clearer sense of how different parts of your life fit together. You might get ideas for a way to create a big change by taking incremental steps. It could show up as more clarity as you shift out of the Lion's Gate Energies and integrate more fully. Each of us will manifest this uniquely and be conscious of some of the order emerging. Know that some of this is happening energetically and unseen. In all ways it will helps us feel stronger, more stable and more capable of resuming creative activities.

We completed the Unconditional Love Soar Fest today and the final message inspired me. Michael and the Council spoke about how important it is to follow our hearts and our inspiration, explaining that when we do so, we expand our alignment. Inspiration is guiding us toward more and more alignment with all that we are. The part of all this that caught my attention was realizing that alignment is the goal, rather than certain results. So we can follow inspiration knowing it's helping us generate greater embodied alignment with our essence, or our soul. Leaving the expectations about the results from following our inspiration, to the Divine.

This time from now until the December Solstice will find us feeling more capable, more confident, more consciously multidimensional and reinventing new ways of integrating ancient threads of our being, in the here and now.

I am noticing a strong remembering/resonance with dragons, the elemental energies such as tree spirits and fairies, a renewed valuing of Druid traditions and a strong draw to crystals. The point in each of our lives, is to have a dogma/baggage-free, current integration of more and more of the fullness we are. These are demonstrations of the ongoing reunion we hear about, taking place in our lives.

The elemental energies are being acknowledged more and more, and when we do so, they come forth more. A further, expanded bridging of heaven and Earth. It's embracing the vast dimensionality not just of the other-than-Earth-spheres of Creation, but also embracing the layers of dimensionality present here on Earth.

This greater wholeness is coming forth now because of the vibrational expansion, concentration and ascension we've already accomplished.

It's sure to be an interesting experience full of immense creativity to transpose these ancient ways of relating to the divine within and in our world, to our modern experience and awareness.

This fall I'll be creating some new ways to explore the leading edge of awareness, what I like to call, "The Ideafrontier," and at some point there will be a new, online site for Expect Wonderful.

Please note: as part of this, I am changing my email provider from Constant Contact to A-Weber. You'll probably get an email this week, asking you to confirm that you wish to hear from me -Please be sure to click to confirm.

Lastly, as the New Moon energies begin to build, consider what you'd like to create. We can use these kinds of momentums and alignments as an opportunity to focus, chose, and create in our lives.

Each New Moon I make a list of experiences I want to create. Some of them are feelings. Experiences I want to have in essence, more often. Some are very specific, like unpacking my studio. Writing down our intended creations takes them another step further into form. Reading them daily, continues to energize them. It's a practice I like and find very simple, practical and effective. Perhaps you might enjoy it too. You can also include intentions for our community and our world. It's a nice reminder of how influential your continually uplifting frequency and presence, truly is!

Here's to inspired visions, increased alignment and clarity, and a wonderful week.


This update is also posted online here:
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