NorthPoint Astrology Journal by Pam Younghans
August 18 to 24, 2014
Highlighted Aspects:
MON: Neptune opposite Mercury; TUE: Pluto sesquisquare Sun; THU: Pluto quincunx Venus, Pluto trine Mercury; FRI: Sun enters Virgo, Uranus quincunx Mars; SAT: Chiron trine Mars; SUN: Uranus sesquisquare Sun, Chiron opposite Mercury, Uranus quincunx Mercury
MY LACK of discipline this morning in getting started on this week's journal suddenly makes sense as I review last week's issue -- today (Sunday, August 17) is the Jupiter-Venus alignment. You may recall that I recommended taking a holiday today, specifically because when Jupiter and Venus align in Leo, we mostly just want to play and not do anything that takes concerted effort.
Not that I don't enjoy writing the journal. I consider Sunday mornings one of my favorite times of the week, specifically because I get to sit down and chat with you about what's going on astrologically. I am usually rejuvenated by this process of sitting with the energies of the planets and finding ways to convey those energies in words.
But it's also true that there are days when it's easier to get into the flow than others...
I COULD ALSO blame tomorrow's Neptune-Mercury opposition for a certain lack of focus. Mercury represents our rational, thinking mind. Having just entered Virgo last week, Mercury is determined that we concentrate on the task at hand and do every job RIGHT.
But Neptune, sailing along in dreamy Pisces, has other ideas. Neptune rules the imagination, meditation, fantasy, and daydreaming. When Neptune opposes Mercury, our train of thought is easily derailed, and we can find it hard to concentrate on any one idea for very long.
So if today's journal feels a bit disjointed, let's just call it the Neptune Effect. And be aware that this influence will be even stronger on Monday -- so if you can, make it a two-day holiday and start your work week on Tuesday.
PLUTO AND MERCURY work together on Thursday to help us bring our thinking back into focus. This influence can be very productive, especially given the fact that both planets are in practical earth signs. If you need to do a task this week and actually get it done, Thursday is likely to be the most supportive day in that regard.
It is true that the Sun enters Virgo on Friday, and so will also be supporting practical activity and productivity for the next four weeks -- but we also have some distractions on Friday and again on Sunday that are not conducive to playing by the rules or putting forth consistent effort.
THE ASPECTS on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are an interesting mix in general -- both Uranus and Chiron will be working with Mars and Mercury. From the sequence of aspects, the unfolding looks a bit like this:
Friday: An emotional adjustment is needed as we consider the disparity between what we WANT to do and what our commitments are. (Uranus quincunx Mars)
Saturday: We are supported in letting go of needing to control every detail, and find that our faith in the Universe is strengthened as a result. (Chiron trine Mars)
Sunday: We find ourselves dealing with the polarities of being in control vs. surrendering to the flow. (Chiron opposite Mercury) At the same time, we are restless, wishing we could be free of all responsibilities, and need to make a mental adjustment to stay in a positive frame of mind. (Uranus quincunx Mercury)
WE CAN ALSO keep in mind that this week is the completion of the lunar cycle that began with the New Moon on July 26 and reached a crescendo with the SuperMoon on August 10. In this stage of every lunar cycle, we are supported in reflecting on what we have learned and in reviewing the situations that have come into our awareness since the cycle began.
The Moon's balsamic (final) phase begins this Wednesday, August 21, at 4:17am PDT. The Astrodienst website defines the balsamic phase as "the dissolution of old structures, personal sacrifice, and preparation for new phase of development."
In this last week of the lunar month, as the light from the physical Moon gradually diminishes, may we find sustenance in turning inward, accessing the greater light that guides us from within.
Photo: Last week's super Full Moon as seen from Melbourne, Australia (credit: Ying Ying Kong, posted on
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