Saturday, January 31 - Sunday, February 1, 2015
Gibbous Moon Phase: trust in a higher power and order
Moon in Cancer
Ruling Wisdom Goddesses: Matangi (Goddess of the Margins) and Shodashi (Goddess of Beauty)
Skill: reflect and contemplate, envision the future
Negative Imprint: evasive, social status and political correctness, fear of change, a slave to fashion and fads, misplaced loyalties, sacrifice, prideful, nervousness and worry, overly-critical and fixated on finding a fix
Positive Imprint: looking forward to something, subtle perceptions, changes in the air, refreshed perspective, loyalty, pride, dedication, relaxation, taking measure of something without being critical
Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: "an old adobe mission" (projecting into the future, inner spiritual retreat)
On Saturday, Mars will make conjunction with Chiron. This dynamic can bring strong impulses to lash out at others or ourselves (in the form of self-sabotage). But energetics are in place instead to push this dynamic toward a massive offensive to clear out old energetic fields of ourselves and the collective of humanity. Old imprints (the past) are severely disempowered, and space is cleared for the insertion of new imprints (the future).
Ground is not only cleared out, but it is fertilized due to the conjunction of Venus and Neptune on Sunday. Venus and Neptune bring things to new heights - exaltations. It is energy that is deeply concerned with beauty and creating beauty, art, music, spirituality, and expression. We are all dreaming the dream, and Venus-Neptune takes our dream to a whole new level.
To fully experience the beauty of the Venus-Neptune dynamic and the spiritual heights it can take you to, play. Engage a playful attitude as much as possible given your circumstances this weekend. We have to disengage ourselves as much as we can from "the matrix" in order to maximize the spiritual connection and inspiration that is possible right now. Play music to help get there. If you are a musician, higher forces of the divine feminine and the divine masculine ask you to play this weekend. Just play and send your sounds out into the air. If you have a drum, you are asked to take it up. We are clearing the way for the music of the spheres, the energetic for the upcoming astrological year (which begins April 18, 2015).
The danger zone with these energetics can produce feelings that we are not enough - attractive enough, creative enough, good enough - for whatever and start a downward spiral. Mars and Chiron are both warriors. They can strike and wound. Venus and Neptune try to take the superficial to the sublime, but it can get mired in over-valuing appearances and stuck in social status and judgments. That's a waste.
It's also a waste to take the perspective that anything you've put a lot of yourself into has been for nothing. Energy that has been expended can be molded into anything as part the next stage in its evolution.
Most definitely the energetics encourage us to go within this weekend. Contemplation and reflection bring inspiration and wisdom. The inspiration and wisdom helps us see the subtle, first light of the daybreak of the future. Perceptions of the light change.
Speaking of light, Sabaoth (name of the divine being that is the Sun, according to the Gnostics) is showing signs of potential activity for the first time in a couple of weeks. A few lower-level M-class flare have erupted, but none with coronal mass ejections. M-flares look to be strengthening now. Perhaps Sabaoth will send us a message.
Let's step aside and let higher forces clear the field. Let the music play. Please keep those captured moments of beauty coming as you find them and take a photo! Enjoy, everyone!
Laura Walker
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