Tuesday, March 10, 2015

What's Happening in the Stars? March 9-15, 2015 ~ Contributed by Hillory Skott

One of the best things about transitioning into spring is the
change to daylight savings time. We get brighter days that feel like
pleasantly longer ones just begging to be put to good use.
Because this extra daylight makes it appear as if we had
more time in the day (wish we actually did!!), it can be an
incredibly inspiring season for getting things done....or
enjoying the beauty of the outdoors.

Karen took a photo on a walk yesterday of our Canadian
Geese enjoying our spring thaw happening right now.

Just like these geese preaming their feathers, enjoying the sun.....
This week’s forecast also asks you to take care of you now.
It's really the simple things that keep us strong and healthy for
all this evolution we are up to. Eat healthy, stay warm, get sun
and keep your bare feet on the ground (weather permitting.)
Aim for longevity, such exciting times to be alive... Be You!
Beam Love!

 March 9-15, 2015 
~ Contributed by Hillory Skott

Starts off with a great big happy hug between impulsive Mars and
generous Jupiter -the stuff of luck. By mid week we could be entering
power struggle territory. Mars is kind of pushy in the first place and
Uranus likes sweeping sudden change. By late afternoon PST Mars
will also tangle with Pluto. Yikes. Pluto is simply not afraid to "go there,"
and can be vindictive in its lesser incarnation. And Mars is not one for
being slow or considerate. All kinds of stuff could get yelled. And,
accidents are likely here too if the energy has been bottled up. Go slowly,
be mindful. By Thursday busy Mercury will settle into sweet sensitive
Pisces, tuning your mind to the higher more delightful realms of Peace,
Love and Inspiration.

Late Monday evening Mars and Jupiter join forces in a big boisterous way.
It could be a wonderful obvious connection with someone who inspires you
 to action. Inspirational people in your life are like gold, if you come across
one, invest. It may also be a brilliant idea, a new way to believe that occurs
now. If you can change a limiting belief you can change everything.

Wednesday morning PST things can get tricky- possibly in an angry
explosive way when rebel Uranus and Warrior mars cross paths.
Makes me think of a head butt. A sudden shocking wake up call.
Later that day Mars will also cross paths Pluto. The square is a change
forcing energy, but it is often not reconcilable. The two energies don’t
get each other. Pluto is in serious business fearful Capricorn and Mars
is in Viking minded warrior Aries, hell bent on Valhalla. It’s not really
energy that allows for negotiation. Think forced liberation from crumbling
structures. Also, you might want to kick and scream be terribly rude and
inappropriate if something gets in your way today. If there is an opportunity
to think twice, please do. You will be grateful you did. It might be smart to
wear a helmet and knee protective leather gear on Wednesday too.
Just in case.

Thursday, Mercury moves over to Pisces- What a difference from an
electric Aquarian Pisces. You might detect your mind slow down. Pisces
is ruled by shimmery Neptune. Neptune is ruler of all things hard to explain.
It's a deeply feeling sensitive energy that transforms through dissolving.
Be careful with boundaries now as lines can get blurry. If you have creative
work to do. Now is the time. Music, dance, art of any kind will be truly inspired,
magical even. The Mystic you will love to float around in this dreamy energy.
It's not a go-getting type of vibe, but an open your mind to receive energy.

More change up for next week when Pluto and Uranus have their last
square off of seven. Take care of you now. It's really the simply things
that keep us strong and healthy for all this evolution we are up to. Eat
healthy, stay warm, get sun and keep your bare feet on the ground
(weather permitting.) Aim for longevity, such exciting times to be alive.
The world needs your contribution. That is why you are here.
Be You! Beam Love!

~Contributed by Hillory Skott

Enjoy a wonderful week and Create Amazement!

Karen & Salma

Be more...Love more...Live more and
Never Settle for Less
Go Beyond!

Unbounded Potential Empowerment Group Inc.

49 Canyon Blvd West
Lethbridge, AB
T1K 6X6

Hours Monday-Thursday 10AM-4PM Mountain

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